The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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What probably happened.

Zimmerman saw another "****** punk" who always gets away walking with arrogance (in his mind) down the street in a "white" neighborhood.

So he started following the kid imagining every thing his psychologist was afraid he would imagine. Then, when the kid ran off, to Zimmerman, that was "proof" and got out of his car to chase down the imagined perpetrator.

At this point, Trayvon is walking home with his Skittles and Ice Tea with a bounce in his step knowing he would be watching the "game" he had been waiting for. Then he notices a big ugly older white (to him) guy following him. He wonders if it's a perv or a policeman. Since the guy doesn't call out or yell stop, he thinks it's a perv so he takes off running.

Thinking he's safe, he begins talking with his "friend" girl telling her about the perv who was following him when he hears Zimmerman saying something like, "Where do you think you're going ******?" So Trayvon tells him, "Stay away from me" and starts to walk off. At this point, Zimmerman pulls out his gun and takes off the safety. He grabs Trayvon and says, "You punks always get away. Well not this time". Because he was so close, Trayvon grabs the gun and jumps on Zimmerman and they both go down with Trayvon screaming for help.

They fall back and Zimmerman hits his head on the sidewalk with the uneven surface which is why he has only a couple of slight scrapes. That's when Zimmerman shoots the kid who falls forward and his forehead hits Zimmerman in the mouth. Trayvon doesn't show bruising because he is already dead. Zimmerman pushes Trayvon off to the side which is why they found Trayvon face down with his hands under his chest.

Zimmerman was able to shoot so quickly because he had already disengaged the safety. He wasn't letting "this one" get away. Too many others already had.

By the time the police showed up, Zimmerman was walking around the body like a game hunter proud of what he bagged. He didn't feel remorse, but he didn't want to boast either. After leaving the police station, he went out and celebrated.

I suspect that was pretty close to what actually happened.

Right wingers are hoping this incident gives them license to hunt down any black man or child they want and have no fear of repercussion. They feel they are teaching "uppity" blacks to not get above their station. In their minds, they are actually hurting Obama somehow.

On a Scale from 10 (very intelligent) down to 0 (imbecilic to the point of tragedy), rderp's above quoted post rates his usual -5.

He's so uninterested in truth, his post are painfully stupid.

Just connecting the dots. Things we know for sure.

That is not what we know unless you have a couple of bats inside your head.

Let me run down what the state prosecutor knows.

Zimmerman never made a racial remark in the hearing of anyone they could find, Martin made on on the phone to his girlfriend.

The girlfriend testified that Martin confronted Zimmerman.

When the police told Zimmerman that Martin was dead he was surprised and upset, when they told him there was video of the shooting he was elated.

Rdean is so divorced from reality that he thinks Martin's girlfriend, who cannot read the letter she allegedly wrote because it is in cursive, is the start witness for the prosecution.

That last is actually an exaggeration, the state prosecutor doesn't know this, the only people that know this are the people that know rdean.
Why do you feel the need to continue fabricating evidence?

Not true. hoodie stain A was Trevon's, stain B was a negative result for blood, stain C positive result for blood but he was unable to obtain dna results.

Swabbed for foreign to Treyvon for blood on cuffs, elbow to cuff, negative for right cuff.

Left cuff, negative for blood. For the hooded jacket, no Zimmerman blood, DNA. That means, he didn't beat poor old Zimmerman up but he was murdered anyway.

One small stain on the grey sweatshirt at the waist hem.

No Zimmerman DNA???????? That means Zimmerman wasn't there and didn't shoot Martin.

There was all kinds of dna just not the kind the defense was looking for. The dna guy was excellent. Friday autopsy testimony and Treyvon's mother. Then we get to poke holes in the defense theories.

The DNA guy was excellent in that he speaks of science and not guilt and innocence.
You have this misconception that the prosecution calls witnesses that ALL believe Zimmerman is guilty and that their testimony is all in support of their belief that Zimmerman is guilty.
The DNA evidence is ALL CIRCUMSTANTIAL evidence. What does that mean?
That BOTH SIDES can give their take on that evidence and the individual offering that evidence, the man that testified that looked like he was an actor from Star Trek, IS NEUTRAL on guilt or innocence.
Additionally, let us look at what most ALL murder cases are that involve DNA evidence:
They are 90%+ WHO DONE IT cases where the defendant DENIES they killed the victim. So when the DNA examiner testifies the jury is on pins and needles for that testimony as the identity of the killer is in question and POSSIBLY that identity can be determined by the DNA evidence.
What happened today is light years away from that and most of the testimony the jury was asleep mentally.
Because of the fact that once the defense crossed this witness they immediately went with the possibility that the fact that Martin had NO DNA under his fingernails could be for other reasons. Maybe he had his fists clenched in a ball, maybe his fingernails never hit anything because of that and maybe this and that. ALL of the claims the prosecution makes on the DNA evidence is based on circumstantial evidence and what ifs so the defense threw in their what ifs and with the identity of the killer KNOWN and DNA plays no part in that THE DNA EVIDENCE IS A WASH.
Because Zimmerman's blood was found on Martin's clothing.
Yawn. Nothing gained today for the state on the DNA.
Reality becoming interesting to you?
Actually they haven't.

They were able to get some pretty good testimony out of some pretty hostile witnesses (Rachel and the Police) and use forensics to reconstruct what happened that night.

Additionally they've landed a devastating blow to Zimmerman's credibility to point out he lied on national tv when he said he never heard of "Stand your ground."

And did so in a very cool and calm demeanor.

You really don't get it, do you? The police are never hostile to the state, the fact that the state is treating their own witnesses, called to make their case, like they are cross examining defense witnesses proves how stupid their case is.

Um..Bill Lee resigned for a bit.

And the Sanford police were treated, and rightly so, like keystone cops.

They can't be happy with that.

Bill Lee was fired, did he testify at the trial?
The big mistake the prosecution is making is that they aren't explaining how the crime occurred and why Zimmerman isn't entitled to self defense. No one is found guilty because of reasonable doubt if the doubt is that they maybe weren't entitled to defend themselves. The prosecutor should have come up with some kind of answer on how Zimmerman got those injuries. Unless the prosecutor is going to make some last ditch effort to say Zimmerman broke his own nose and slammed his own head into the ground he should have had an expert create that theory by now. It's not likely that a jury will fabricate it out of thin air.
The big mistake the prosecution is making is that they aren't explaining how the crime occurred and why Zimmerman isn't entitled to self defense. No one is found guilty because of reasonable doubt if the doubt is that they maybe weren't entitled to defend themselves. The prosecutor should have come up with some kind of answer on how Zimmerman got those injuries. Unless the prosecutor is going to make some last ditch effort to say Zimmerman broke his own nose and slammed his own head into the ground he should have had an expert create that theory by now. It's not likely that a jury will fabricate it out of thin air.

There is no answer other than Martin gave him those injuries and the prosecutor knows that.
But I see your point and agree. However, no expert would testify to that type of a hypothetical.
We have many here that would believe that kind of a crazy bull shit story but no jury would.
Maybe he had his fists clenched in a ball, maybe his fingernails never hit anything because of that and maybe this and that. ?

it would be prohibitive to slam someones head repeatedly into concrete with a clinched fist or by never touching his head, this and that - TM's DNA not on the weapon .... Zimmerman is lying
Maybe he had his fists clenched in a ball, maybe his fingernails never hit anything because of that and maybe this and that. ?

it would be prohibitive to slam someones head repeatedly into concrete with a clinched fist or by never touching his head, this and that - TM's DNA not on the weapon .... Zimmerman is lying

GZ's DNA was not on the trigger. What does that prove? DNA inconclusive.
Maybe he had his fists clenched in a ball, maybe his fingernails never hit anything because of that and maybe this and that. ?

it would be prohibitive to slam someones head repeatedly into concrete with a clinched fist or by never touching his head, this and that - TM's DNA not on the weapon .... Zimmerman is lying

When did Zimmerman say TM touched the weapon?

I only heard "reached for", which Zimmerman prevented by taking it himself and shooting the man who wanted to harm him.
Maybe he had his fists clenched in a ball, maybe his fingernails never hit anything because of that and maybe this and that. ?

it would be prohibitive to slam someones head repeatedly into concrete with a clinched fist or by never touching his head, this and that - TM's DNA not on the weapon .... Zimmerman is lying

GZ's DNA was not on the trigger. What does that prove? DNA inconclusive.

Sounds like!
Has anyone examined the possibility that GZ's misremembering of certain details could me a symptom of a medical condition? After all, problems with the memory is a symptom of traumatic brain injury.
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Maybe he had his fists clenched in a ball, maybe his fingernails never hit anything because of that and maybe this and that. ?

it would be prohibitive to slam someones head repeatedly into concrete with a clinched fist or by never touching his head, this and that - TM's DNA not on the weapon .... Zimmerman is lying

When did Zimmerman say TM touched the weapon?

I only heard "reached for", which Zimmerman prevented by taking it himself and shooting the man who wanted to harm him.

Zimmerman’s friend: Trayvon grabbed gun

A new book written by George Zimmerman’s best friend offers a sharply different account of the night Trayvon Martin died.

Trayvon Martin grabbed his killer’s gun just moments before he died and uttered a profanity-laced threat. In a desperate life-or-death struggle, George Zimmerman clutched Trayvon’s wrist, broke his grip on the semi-automatic firearm and shot him once in the chest.

have you forgotten Zimmerman's bond was revoked, for lying to the court ?
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