The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Good morning, everyone.

Last night, my much better half and I were watching the Nancy Grapes scream-a-thon after we came home from her birthday dinner. We ended up having a question we couldn't answer, so I thought I would throw it out to the group and see what you thought.

When George gets acquitted, and walks out of court a free man, will the screeching Howler Monkey...

A) Take an extended vacation until another trial come along that she can work her idiot lawyer friends into a frenzy over?

B) Quit her job in disgust that CNN couldn't manufacture enough evidence to get George executed live on national TV?

C) Perform a very short act of oral sex with a Kel-Tec PF-9 pistol?

TIA for your thoughts.

Sent frum muh stolen sail foam usin ignore the morons 2

Great article at MEDIAite.

Headline sums it up nicely.

As George Zimmerman Prosecution Implodes, A Media Invested In His Guilt Grows More Shrill

I just loved this part...:lol: Jeantel was not discredited. She was speaking from her "cultural lens as a PHD."


It was then that the media commentators invested in Zimmerman’s guilt went on the defense. MSNBC contributor Goldie Taylor – one of the first media commentators to don a hooded sweatshirt to protest Martin’s unnecessary murder — told MSNBC host Karen Finney on Tuesday of last week that Jeantel was not only not discredited, but she has as much credibility, “speaking from her cultural lens,” as a “Ph. D.”

As George Zimmerman Prosecution Implodes, A Media Invested In His Guilt Grows More Shrill | Mediaite


I just got to read this and agree totally.

This excerpt especially...

“When some future PhD candidate is doing his dissertation on the total collapse of American news gathering and journalism in the twenty-first century, they’ll cite the coverage of this murder a lot,” National Review’s Jim Geraghty wrote Tuesday.

I don't know about embellishing or not, but there's no question it was a completely traumatizing event. I don't assume someone is lying if there's no evidence of it and I just personally haven't seen any evidence GZ is a dishonest person. Nothing in his story causes me to find it far-fetched or implausible. It seems logical, at least to me.
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She can not testify to who was calling for help, the Judge ruled no expert witness on that matter so he can not now allow her to claim it was her son. if she blurts it out it will be a mistrial.
Not damning. Not even really troubeling as the expert testified under cross that weather conditions of the day could account for same.

More troubeling, but not damning was the absence of Zimmerman DNA from under Martin's finger nails.

The dna thing proves Zimmermans story is bullshit, but sadly he will get away with killing an unarmed innocent kid.

Sad but true.

The DNA "thing" does not prove ANYTHING.

Sad. For you. But true.

Excellent retort. :eusa_whistle:
No amount of evidence supporting Zimmerman is enough. The black community is so full of hate that they can't see. Sad.

Yet some people wonder why most whites don't want to be around these people. lol

"these people" could possibly being saying, fuck you. Most whites? Really? Only certain ones dude. You included. Now go back to n mania.

God bless.
Why the hell would Martin be screaming for help when it's been demonstrated that he was the aggressor until shot? I've been in MANY fights and I've never myself cried for help when I was whipping someones ass.

It's obvious who was crying out.

I agree...the prosecution is trying to make the case that Trayvon started yelling for help when he saw the gun and that GZ shot him anyway...execution style. This is such a contradiction of their entire case...number one being: that would be murder one in my book...thats premeditation...even if only for a few seconds.
I thought I heard today from a commentator that the State can ask for a lesser charge after they present their case but the Defense must agree to it. If the Defense does not agree to it, then the jury can only convict or acquit on the only charge filed. If the defendant is acquitted, the state can not refile again with lesser charges.
From what I've been told, with this particular gun, if the slide is even a millimeter out of place or "out of battery" it will not fire a bullet. So if it was pressed against a chest it can not fire a bullet.

It was a Kel Tec PF9. I've sold a bunch of them. I have never tried to fire one out of battery. I suspect it will fire just fine.

It is my understanding that the defense has a forensic expert that will testify that they will not fire properly if out of battery.

It will depend on how far out of battery it is. I'm not sure why this is important at all. The GSR should show how far away the shot was.
I just heard Martins mother is going to be allowed to take the stand. WTF kind 9f circus rules are they going by? She didn't see shit so what's she going to say that isn't completely skewed?

With a conviction this will be grounds for an automatic retrial or appeal.

Just plain dumb for the judge to allow. Her testimony will be COMPLETELY tainted with grief and emotion NOT facts.
She's going to get on the stand so she can tell us that the recorded screams for help was her son. Wouldn't it be hilarious if Zimmermans mother went on the stand to say it was Zimmermann voice?

Experts can't figure it out, so why not ask a totally biased and unreliable source instead?
I hope the media cares as much about racism IF blacks start beating @ killing whites. How about it?

They care about racism. If blacks start rioting it will be proof that America is a racially divided society and blacks riot because they are discriminated against and disenfranchised.
I hope the media cares as much about racism IF blacks start beating @ killing whites. How about it?

They care about racism. If blacks start rioting it will be proof that America is a racially divided society and blacks riot because they are discriminated against and disenfranchised.

Really? A trial that rules that Zimmerman is innocent is somehow disenfranchising these people. You're a piece of shit for thinking innocent people should be killed.
It was a Kel Tec PF9. I've sold a bunch of them. I have never tried to fire one out of battery. I suspect it will fire just fine.

It is my understanding that the defense has a forensic expert that will testify that they will not fire properly if out of battery.

It will depend on how far out of battery it is. I'm not sure why this is important at all. The GSR should show how far away the shot was.

You are right. The ME's report says that it was an intermediate shot, anywhere from 6-18 inches away from the skin. I believe they are going to use the out of battery to add on to that point.
I don't know about embellishing or not, but there's no question it was a completely traumatizing event. I don't assume someone is lying if there's no evidence of it and I just personally haven't seen any evidence GZ is a dishonest person. Nothing in his story causes me to find it far-fetched or implausible. It seems logical, at least to me.

Fair enough. But consider this...he told Sean Hannity that he knew nothing about the "Stand Your Ground" law. However his professor testified that he taught it in the class GZ took and that GZ was one of his best students...

"Alexis Carter, the adjunct professor who taught Zimmerman’s criminal litigation at Seminole State College in 2010. In a key bit of testimony, Carter told the jury that he had covered Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law extensively for George Zimmerman’s class. He described George Zimmerman as “one of the better students,” and remembered giving him an “A” in the class."

He also took self defense classes and had a concealed weapons not sure Im buying fact, I'm NOT buying Where there is one inconsistent statement, there is bound to be others...I went looking and I think there is ;).

At first, in this trial I took the approach of finding every reason to believe GZ...mainly because Al and Jessie and the race card being pulled teed me off...but, for fun, I flipped, tossed everything aside and then looked for reasons where I wouldnt. In the end...I believe most of what he said, but not all of it.
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Why do you feel the need to continue fabricating evidence?

I did not, why do you need to lie about what I said?

Not true. hoodie stain A was Trevon's, stain B was a negative result for blood, stain C positive result for blood but he was unable to obtain dna results.

I did not say on the hoody, Sarah, I said on the shirt he was wearing UNDERNEATH the hoody... which is explained nicely in the Washington Post:

Florida Department of Law Enforcement DNA expert Anthony Gorgone also testified that Zimmerman’s DNA was found among blood on a shirt Martin was wearing under his hooded sweatshirt.

Expert testifies no Martin DNA on gun grip in Zimmerman trial - The Washington Post

So, do you think the Washington Post is lying as well? How about the LA Times:

Zimmerman’s DNA, however, was found on blood on a shirt that Martin wore underneath his sweatshirt.

Zimmerman murder trial: Trayvon Martin's DNA not on the gun, expert testifies -

So you must think that the LA Times is lying as well? Hmm seems alot of liberal media sources are lying about this Sarah... either that or you are.. sorry, I tend to believe them over you. Better luck next time

Is this bad news or good news? I've had enough bad news for one day.

Great news........... the toes are back!!!!!!

If I get that kind of reaction for toes, ain't no way in hell Snooks dress of the day av is ever going up ;-)

There's got to be a toe thread somewhere in this place - they've got everything else going on here.
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Watching the DVR'd trial on America Live today, I'm not so sure about the outcome.

The troubling part is where the scientific guy whose name I don't remember stated that there was no DNA of Trayvon Martin's on GZ's gun. How much weight does that carry? Is it damning?

Gadawg made clear that DNA is circumstantial evidence, it has not bearing on the verdict, and carries little to no weight.
If Zimmerman gets convicted GADawg's credibility is forever SHOT!!!

Oh look, another troll I need to ignore.
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