The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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How well did OJ's "If I did it" book do?


My admittedly feeble research affirms that manslaughter is auto included in FL. The matter will be further litigated before jury instructions.

The defense will fight tooth-and-nail to keep it out. I don't see a conflict from the prosecution POV. Both charges include elements of culpability, M2 obviously much more so. But manslaughter charges culpable negligence and the prosecution evidence so far could be construed to prove that charge.

Unfortunately the jury may see a manslaughter conviction as a compromise verdict. I disagree. In essence, a manslaughter conviction would fly in the face of the evidence presented thus far and be a complete dismissal of the self-defense assertion. The jurors, however, may feel that this murder could have been avoided but for GZ's actions and, if so, then they will convict on manslaughter.

Do I have this correct?
My admittedly feeble research affirms that manslaughter is auto included in FL. The matter will be further litigated before jury instructions.

The defense will fight tooth-and-nail to keep it out. I don't see a conflict from the prosecution POV. Both charges include elements of culpability, M2 obviously much more so. But manslaughter charges culpable negligence and the prosecution evidence so far could be construed to prove that charge.

Unfortunately the jury may see a manslaughter conviction as a compromise verdict. I disagree. In essence, a manslaughter conviction would fly in the face of the evidence presented thus far and be a complete dismissal of the self-defense assertion. The jurors, however, may feel that this murder could have been avoided but for GZ's actions and, if so, then they will convict on manslaughter.

Do I have this correct?

If Z has to spend any time in prison he will be shanked before he gets out.

I'll bet the little sissy coward is scared shitless right now.

If they don't shank him then he will wind up as some one's bunk punk. Although George would probably like that,.:evil:
My admittedly feeble research affirms that manslaughter is auto included in FL. The matter will be further litigated before jury instructions.

The defense will fight tooth-and-nail to keep it out. I don't see a conflict from the prosecution POV. Both charges include elements of culpability, M2 obviously much more so. But manslaughter charges culpable negligence and the prosecution evidence so far could be construed to prove that charge.

Unfortunately the jury may see a manslaughter conviction as a compromise verdict. I disagree. In essence, a manslaughter conviction would fly in the face of the evidence presented thus far and be a complete dismissal of the self-defense assertion. The jurors, however, may feel that this murder could have been avoided but for GZ's actions and, if so, then they will convict on manslaughter.

Do I have this correct?

If I was on the jury, from what has been presented so far... that's how I see it. Guilty of negligence leading to the homicide.
OJ denied being the killer. DNA evidence is very helpful when the killer is unknown or the defendant denies being the killer. That is not the case here where the killer is known and admitted.

The killer is known but he is telling stories that just don't add up. DNA is good evidence regardless, so is the autopsy report coming soon.. Tomorrow.

The idiot keeps getting caught in his own lies. Bet Sean Hannity is sorry for asking GZ if he had ever heard of "stand your ground" before he murdered Martin. And, GZ said he had to fight Martin for the his gun AND that Martin had beat him severely and yet, no Martin DNA on his gun or him. No GZ DNA on Martin's hands (that GZ says hit him repeatedly).

And, he should be charged with stalking because that's what he did. Martin tried to run away from him but GZ stalked and hunted him down.

The head investigator (don't remember his name) stated he wanted to charge GZ.

Anybody who says race doesn't enter into this is naive or stupid. If it were the other way around, the black guy would already be in jail.

:lol: Yeah but Sean Hannity never shys away from the camera. To him, there's no such thing as bad press.

He did stalk the kid and killed him. Only very deranged individuals would deny that.

Ha! Well then of GZ writes a book perhaps someone will profit from it :lol:

Alas, I believe in the case of OJ, all profits were awarded to the families of the dead.

Only to Ron Goldman's family. Nicole's family didn't file a wrongful death suit.

I wonder how many folks were saying the Ron Goldman "started" the fight that ended his life and that his killer, killed him in self defense.
OK. Testarosa's post explained it. And I accept her hunch that Judge Nelson will give the manslaughter instruction because the prosecution would be more stupid than they've shown to be already to not ask for it.

"Imperfect self-defense" as explained above is a definite possibility here. Unfortch.
My admittedly feeble research affirms that manslaughter is auto included in FL. The matter will be further litigated before jury instructions.

The defense will fight tooth-and-nail to keep it out. I don't see a conflict from the prosecution POV. Both charges include elements of culpability, M2 obviously much more so. But manslaughter charges culpable negligence and the prosecution evidence so far could be construed to prove that charge.

Unfortunately the jury may see a manslaughter conviction as a compromise verdict. I disagree. In essence, a manslaughter conviction would fly in the face of the evidence presented thus far and be a complete dismissal of the self-defense assertion. The jurors, however, may feel that this murder could have been avoided but for GZ's actions and, if so, then they will convict on manslaughter.

Do I have this correct?

Yep...the only things I have seen is that it is florida law and that the defense has a right to object...separate hearing near the end of trial. Not all states do it but florida law requires it be included as a lesser charge from what Ive seen.
Autopsy confirms that the shot was from intermediate range, which is 6-18 inches. This is consistent with GZ's account. It will also show that the clinical cause of death is pulmonary, which means that he died after 2 pints of blood were found in his lungs. Takes 3 pints of blood loss to bleed to death in a person of TM's size. Meaning that he didn't die right away after being shot, and in fact could have lived for up to 1 minute after the shot. Plenty of time to pull your hands back to where the pain is coming from.

DNA is proven inconclusive when the admitted shooter's DNA is not found on the trigger. The DNA evidence of the hooded sweatshirt was contaminated, as admitted by the DNA analyst yesterday.

For at least the 2nd time in the trial, the state produced a witness that said they believed GZ's account of the story. He also read the jury instructions on self-defense, and that injuries do not have to be present for that claim to be substantiated, but that the presence of any injuries goes to support that claim. To top it off for the racial bigots, he was a black man that started testimony with a big hey George. He then had every person in the room laugh with him when he stated, "I suggest you do not wait for life threatening injuries before you defend yourself."

Beyond a reasonable doubt on what planet?
My admittedly feeble research affirms that manslaughter is auto included in FL. The matter will be further litigated before jury instructions.

The defense will fight tooth-and-nail to keep it out. I don't see a conflict from the prosecution POV. Both charges include elements of culpability, M2 obviously much more so. But manslaughter charges culpable negligence and the prosecution evidence so far could be construed to prove that charge.

Unfortunately the jury may see a manslaughter conviction as a compromise verdict. I disagree. In essence, a manslaughter conviction would fly in the face of the evidence presented thus far and be a complete dismissal of the self-defense assertion. The jurors, however, may feel that this murder could have been avoided but for GZ's actions and, if so, then they will convict on manslaughter.

Do I have this correct?

Yep...the only things I have seen is that it is florida law and that the defense has a right to object...separate hearing near the end of trial. Not all states do it but florida law requires it be included as a lesser charge from what Ive seen.

I don't think they did it during the casey anthony trial, did they?
He did stalk the kid and killed him. Only very deranged individuals would deny that.[/QUOTE said:

I'm not deranged, and I disagree. Martin was not a "kid," but was a young man bigger and stronger than Zimmerman. Zimmerman acted in self defense to an aggressive racist Martin who had a history of crime.

Zimmerman will be acquitted, and rightfully so.
Citizen Grand Jury? :rofl:

I seem to remember citizen grand juries of siding with Birthers and accusing Bush in the 9-11 attacks too.

All they are good for is riling the conspiracy nutters.

Well, it got this publicized. That prosecutor can be disbarred for hiding exculpatory evidence.
My admittedly feeble research affirms that manslaughter is auto included in FL. The matter will be further litigated before jury instructions.

The defense will fight tooth-and-nail to keep it out. I don't see a conflict from the prosecution POV. Both charges include elements of culpability, M2 obviously much more so. But manslaughter charges culpable negligence and the prosecution evidence so far could be construed to prove that charge.

Unfortunately the jury may see a manslaughter conviction as a compromise verdict. I disagree. In essence, a manslaughter conviction would fly in the face of the evidence presented thus far and be a complete dismissal of the self-defense assertion. The jurors, however, may feel that this murder could have been avoided but for GZ's actions and, if so, then they will convict on manslaughter.

Do I have this correct?

Yep...the only things I have seen is that it is florida law and that the defense has a right to object...separate hearing near the end of trial. Not all states do it but florida law requires it be included as a lesser charge from what Ive seen.

I don't think they did it during the casey anthony trial, did they?

Not sure...i thought it was...she was cleared of everything...

Just found it:
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No they aren't. The man has had a weight gain this past year consistent with hitting damage to the skull. People with that kind of an injury are candidates for early onset dementia, personality change, etc. The blood pattern is consistent with having his head being hit on concrete that has an edge to it, such as the edge of a sidewalk or curb, pebbles on the concrete, or whatever.

What happened to Zimmerman was horrific. His response was to save himself, because he thought he was being hit so hard he could die. Especially when the guy says something to the effect of the other person is going to die.

Don't think so, HaHa.. He's just a fatass. I read somewhere he isn't working out anymore, he is very depressed (probably because he murdered a kid) and he eats too much.

Glad he has enough to eat..

He is depressed because he is going to be spending a lot of time in prison, and there will be certain people there who are not going to want to be friendly toward someone who profiled, stalked and killed an innocent, unarmed black teenager. I think he is terrified in the extreme, and he should be. If he is found innocent, it will be open season on black teenagers from now on.

And essentially?

That's what happened.
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