The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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According to the attorney I linked while ago though, involuntary manslaughter is not automatically included in Florida and if the judge does allow it despite defense objections, it will give the defense immediate grounds for appeal.

But I do not see how any jury could convict GZ on manslaughter purely by his presence in a public area unless they can prove that GZ intentionally threatened TM. There is zero evidence that GZ even approached Martin, much less provoked an altercation. To accuse GZ on those grounds would be akin to me walking in on a robbery in action, the robber panicking and pulling the trigger, and then the defense accuses me of instigating the shooting because if I had not walked in, the robber would not have shot.

If GZ had trespassed or otherwise been engaged in any unlawful activity, then the manslaughter charge could be valid.

It seems like it's easy to get away with murder the way the laws are.

If there is not a video then the killer walks.

The mafia used to do the same thing. Kill the witnesses and get acquired. It's the American way.

We need some laws for victim's rights.

Since the stand your ground law was implemented...self defense claims stay out of florida as long as you are dead the shooter could claim George did...he saw my gun...told me I was gonna die tonight...then grabbed my gun...luckily I was able to wrestle it away from his grasp and shoot him in the heart.

~his best friend, Mark Osterman.

dI hope some day that they make a lie detector that works.

I wonder why George never offered to take one.

It's funny how the media constantly called this dumb cow, Travis's 'girlfriend' before the trial. And now that she's in the public eye, she's just his 'friend.'
It seems like it's easy to get away with murder the way the laws are.

If there is not a video then the killer walks.

The mafia used to do the same thing. Kill the witnesses and get acquired. It's the American way.

We need some laws for victim's rights.

Since the stand your ground law was implemented...self defense claims stay out of florida as long as you are dead the shooter could claim George did...he saw my gun...told me I was gonna die tonight...then grabbed my gun...luckily I was able to wrestle it away from his grasp and shoot him in the heart.

~his best friend, Mark Osterman.

dI hope some day that they make a lie detector that works.

I wonder why George never offered to take one.

He actually did...3 of them...passed all 3. Mentions it in the Sean Hannity Interview.
Teen convicted in videotaped beating death in West Rogers Park -

A Chicago teen who allegedly took part in a vicious game known as "Pick 'Em Out and Knock 'Em Out" was found guilty Monday of murder and robbery charges in connection with the killing of a father of 12.

After a bench trial, Cook County Circuit Judge Joseph Claps convicted Anthony Malcolm, 19, saying he videotaped the attack on Delfino Mora, who was collecting cans in a West Rogers Park alley last July.

One of the teens, Malik Jones, now 17, announced, "I think I'm gonna knock out this (expletive)," and then started the video recorder on his cellphone. The phone ended up in Malcolm's hands, prosecutors said, before Jones punched Mora once in the jaw. Mora fell and struck his head on concrete.

Jones then removed $60 from Mora's wallet, prosecutors allege.

Mora, 62, was unconscious for about three hours before a passer-by found him. He died the next day of blunt trauma. A video of the attack was posted on Facebook, where it was shared by others until it was seen by a co-worker of the victim's son.

I don't see Trayvon Martin's name or Florida in your completely unrelated and rather idiotic link.

This is why I don't usually fool with these threads. After Page three, the nutters are so desperate, they'll post anything as "fact" and then they're stuck with nothing but name calling.

Have a nice day and be careful not to blow your, ahem, balls off.
Yes we do need laws for victims rights but that includes those who are accused of crimes they didn't commit and who are tried in the press and on message boards so that their reputations are permanently tarnished.

Again I do not know whether George Zimmerman is guilty of any crime. I do know the prosecution hasn't convinced me in any way that he is, and in fact has caused me to lean in the direction of Zimmerman's innocence when I was completely impartial when the trial started.

If a cop had done this the police force would be sued and would probably have to pay through the nose.

We have an armed 29 year old against a 17 year old unarmed kid.

George knew that the cops would be there any second before he shot him. He's either the biggest coward I have ever seen or a conniving cold blooded psychopath.

At least the punk did not get away.
Teen convicted in videotaped beating death in West Rogers Park -

A Chicago teen who allegedly took part in a vicious game known as "Pick 'Em Out and Knock 'Em Out" was found guilty Monday of murder and robbery charges in connection with the killing of a father of 12.

After a bench trial, Cook County Circuit Judge Joseph Claps convicted Anthony Malcolm, 19, saying he videotaped the attack on Delfino Mora, who was collecting cans in a West Rogers Park alley last July.

One of the teens, Malik Jones, now 17, announced, "I think I'm gonna knock out this (expletive)," and then started the video recorder on his cellphone. The phone ended up in Malcolm's hands, prosecutors said, before Jones punched Mora once in the jaw. Mora fell and struck his head on concrete.

Jones then removed $60 from Mora's wallet, prosecutors allege.

Mora, 62, was unconscious for about three hours before a passer-by found him. He died the next day of blunt trauma. A video of the attack was posted on Facebook, where it was shared by others until it was seen by a co-worker of the victim's son.

I don't see Trayvon Martin's name or Florida in your completely unrelated and rather idiotic link.

This is why I don't usually fool with these threads. After Page three, the nutters are so desperate, they'll post anything as "fact" and then they're stuck with nothing but name calling.

Have a nice day and be careful not to blow your, ahem, balls off.

Good idea, I'll join you.
Teen convicted in videotaped beating death in West Rogers Park -

A Chicago teen who allegedly took part in a vicious game known as "Pick 'Em Out and Knock 'Em Out" was found guilty Monday of murder and robbery charges in connection with the killing of a father of 12.

After a bench trial, Cook County Circuit Judge Joseph Claps convicted Anthony Malcolm, 19, saying he videotaped the attack on Delfino Mora, who was collecting cans in a West Rogers Park alley last July.

One of the teens, Malik Jones, now 17, announced, "I think I'm gonna knock out this (expletive)," and then started the video recorder on his cellphone. The phone ended up in Malcolm's hands, prosecutors said, before Jones punched Mora once in the jaw. Mora fell and struck his head on concrete.

Jones then removed $60 from Mora's wallet, prosecutors allege.

Mora, 62, was unconscious for about three hours before a passer-by found him. He died the next day of blunt trauma. A video of the attack was posted on Facebook, where it was shared by others until it was seen by a co-worker of the victim's son.

I don't see Trayvon Martin's name or Florida in your completely unrelated and rather idiotic link.

This is why I don't usually fool with these threads. After Page three, the nutters are so desperate, they'll post anything as "fact" and then they're stuck with nothing but name calling.

Have a nice day and be careful not to blow your, ahem, balls off.


It proves that a blow to the head on concrete is capable of killing someone. I mean all the kid did was punch the man in the jaw, he fell backwards and smacked his head on the concrete. This proves that Zimmerman could have suffered more serious injuries had the fight progressed. It has plenty of relevance, and more than enough to rebut your nonsense.

Have a nice Fourth. Please try not to play with the fireworks.
Another reason the GZ studied SYG law & intended / planned to murder TM theory makes no sense is that GZ only shot once near center of mass. GZ could not be certain that would kill him, or do it fast enough that TM would not talk to the police he had called & were almost there.

In CCW training class people talk about scenarios like this. The 2 instructors I talked with always stressed shoot 2 in the center of mass because it is easier target in the heat of battle & then 1 in the head to kill fast making sure they can't further harm you or talk because "dead men tell no tails".
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Video of George Zimmerman's interview with police at the station:
George Zimmerman's Lie Detector Test: Day After Trayvon Martin Shooting | Video - ABC News

A confidential report released Tuesday from Florida prosecutors shows that George Zimmerman passed a lie detector test the night he shot Trayvon Martin.

The Sanford, Fla., police report shows that the test involved his claim that he did not confront the unarmed 17-year-old on Feb. 26 and that he feared for his life when he shot Trayvon.

According to the police report, Zimmerman was asked nine questions, including two related to the shooting in the gated community.

According to the report, officials conducting the test asked Zimmerman these two questions:

Tester: "Did you confront the guy you shot?" Zimmerman: "No."

Tester: "Were you in fear for your life, when you shot the guy?" Zimmerman: "Yes."

Officials determined that the neighborhood watch volunteer "told substantially the complete truth in regards to this examination," the report said.
Zimmerman passed lie detector on night of Trayvon shooting
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The prevailing theory amongst the Trayvonites is: If you don't tell a consistent story, you are lying and, therefore, guilty; if you DO tell a consistent story, you are a pathological liar and are, therefore, guilty.
Another reason the GZ studied SYG law & intended / planned to murder TM theory makes no sense is that GZ only shot once near center of mass. GZ could not be certain that would kill him, or do it fast enough that TM would not talk to the police he had called & were almost there.

In CCW training class people talk about scenarios like this. The 2 instructors I talked with always stressed shoot 2 in the center of mass because it is easier target in the heat of battle & then 1 in the head to kill fast making sure they can't further harm you or talk because "dead men tell no tails".

We have a wonderful education system in this country when they teach you that kind of shit.

Hell they never even taught me that in the army.
It seems like it's easy to get away with murder the way the laws are.

If there is not a video then the killer walks.

The mafia used to do the same thing. Kill the witnesses and get acquired. It's the American way.

We need some laws for victim's rights.

Since the stand your ground law was implemented...self defense claims stay out of florida as long as you are dead the shooter could claim George did...he saw my gun...told me I was gonna die tonight...then grabbed my gun...luckily I was able to wrestle it away from his grasp and shoot him in the heart.

~his best friend, Mark Osterman.

dI hope some day that they make a lie detector that works.

I wonder why George never offered to take one.

Maybe because he had already taken one:

George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer charged with murder in the death of Trayvon Martin, passed a lie detector test the day after the shooting — a fact some experts say may make it hard to get an unbiased jury and still leaves details of the incident unclear

Zimmerman passed lie detector test ?
Citizen grand juries are jokes. How well did they work for the Birthers and 9-11 people?

I looked up this story to see who was carrying it, I found it on a bunch of right wing blogs, stormfront and the like.... I did not find it on fox, msnbc, CNN, or any of the other major networks.

I'll take their claims seriously as soon as a legimate news site carries it or a legimate judicial body is found investigating it.
Video of George Zimmerman's interview with police at the station:
George Zimmerman's Lie Detector Test: Day After Trayvon Martin Shooting | Video - ABC News

A confidential report released Tuesday from Florida prosecutors shows that George Zimmerman passed a lie detector test the night he shot Trayvon Martin.

The Sanford, Fla., police report shows that the test involved his claim that he did not confront the unarmed 17-year-old on Feb. 26 and that he feared for his life when he shot Trayvon.

According to the police report, Zimmerman was asked nine questions, including two related to the shooting in the gated community.

According to the report, officials conducting the test asked Zimmerman these two questions:

Tester: "Did you confront the guy you shot?" Zimmerman: "No."

Tester: "Were you in fear for your life, when you shot the guy?" Zimmerman: "Yes."

Officials determined that the neighborhood watch volunteer "told substantially the complete truth in regards to this examination," the report said.
Zimmerman passed lie detector on night of Trayvon shooting

It is a moot point. I believe that polygraphs are still inadmissible from either side.
Yeah...I do...when the person is his best friend testifying under oath...are you saying that he would lie in his best friends murder trial. its the defenses job to refute it...they did not. I guess GZ could take the stand and deny it...then it will be up to the jury who they believe...but the best friend who was otherwise a great witness for GZ will be awfully credible to the jury. Its simple really...he gave two to his best friend and one to the cops. Its really not that hard to understand.

No I dont believe everything GZ says and if you do more power to you. You might as well take your vacation, because your job is done here...nothing more to see or look at it...GZs word is golden...go on vacation what more is there for you to do? I think your naive and simplistic and gullable.

I'm glad you agree you look stupid.
Again, you are stuck on someone is either telling the exact same thing or he's lying. This black and white thinking marks you as having inferior intelligence. I already explained the dynamic here. That you ignore it and double down on stupid is your problem.

Blah blah...get off my leg.

Translation: I'm getting my ass kicked here. Stop it please.
Citizen grand juries are jokes. How well did they work for the Birthers and 9-11 people?

I looked up this story to see who was carrying it, I found it on a bunch of right wing blogs, stormfront and the like.... I did not find it on fox, msnbc, CNN, or any of the other major networks.

I'll take their claims seriously as soon as a legimate news site carries it or a legimate judicial body is found investigating it.

You still don't get the point, and after reading your inane posts I seriously doubt you ever will.
What is being ignored is that Martin had every right to be walking back from the store, every right to be where he was.

Incorrect, TM had no "right" to trespass on private property.

Though I do agree that TM trespassing through private property is being ignored.
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