The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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What is being ignored is that Martin had every right to be walking back from the store, every right to be where he was.

Incorrect, TM had no "right" to trespass on private property.

Though I do agree that TM trespassing through private property is being ignored.

You see blacks within the leftist mind can trespass and asking them questions is racist.

The fact that we're even talking about "race" in this case shows the double standard. Crack of shit.
I'm glad you agree you look stupid.
Again, you are stuck on someone is either telling the exact same thing or he's lying. This black and white thinking marks you as having inferior intelligence. I already explained the dynamic here. That you ignore it and double down on stupid is your problem.

Blah blah...get off my leg.

Translation: I'm getting my ass kicked here. Stop it please.

Well not really.

All you keep doing is your modus operandi.

Calling people stupid and declaring victory.
Teen convicted in videotaped beating death in West Rogers Park -

A Chicago teen who allegedly took part in a vicious game known as "Pick 'Em Out and Knock 'Em Out" was found guilty Monday of murder and robbery charges in connection with the killing of a father of 12.

After a bench trial, Cook County Circuit Judge Joseph Claps convicted Anthony Malcolm, 19, saying he videotaped the attack on Delfino Mora, who was collecting cans in a West Rogers Park alley last July.

One of the teens, Malik Jones, now 17, announced, "I think I'm gonna knock out this (expletive)," and then started the video recorder on his cellphone. The phone ended up in Malcolm's hands, prosecutors said, before Jones punched Mora once in the jaw. Mora fell and struck his head on concrete.

Jones then removed $60 from Mora's wallet, prosecutors allege.

Mora, 62, was unconscious for about three hours before a passer-by found him. He died the next day of blunt trauma. A video of the attack was posted on Facebook, where it was shared by others until it was seen by a co-worker of the victim's son.

I don't see Trayvon Martin's name or Florida in your completely unrelated and rather idiotic link.

This is why I don't usually fool with these threads. After Page three, the nutters are so desperate, they'll post anything as "fact" and then they're stuck with nothing but name calling.

Have a nice day and be careful not to blow your, ahem, balls off.

Good idea, I'll join you.

Point being that when you claim a 16 year old that just turned 17 can't cause lethal injuries with their fists you are incorrect. You don't see Trayvon Martin's name or Florida because unlike Chicago, GZ can carry a gun in order to defend themselves. What you are content to ignore is that the people getting upset because GZ defended himself with a gun, could very easily end up like the man in Chicago. When the facts and evidence that I produce discount your speculation and clinging to "white guilt" you call us morons and take your ball and go home. Perhaps TM should have gone home as well.
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He hasn't even testified yet and you believe he is lying.
You have no credibility as your mind is already made up.
Made up by the liars that put up a 6th grade photo of Zimmerman, conned you into believing Zimmerman ran down Martin and shot him and conned by the people that claimed Zimmerman was commanded and ordered by police to not follow Martin.
Those are the only lies exposed to date.

Those are the only lies exposed to date.

no, you are wrong ... we know, its now time for the idiot - TemplarKormac

George Zimmerman bond revoked: A judge today revoked George Zimmerman's bond in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin - Orlando Sentinel

George Zimmerman's bond revoked in shooting of Trayvon Martin

"Defendant has intentionally deceived the court with the assistance of his wife," the motion says. "During the jail phone calls both of them spoke in code to hide what they were doing."

During the jail phone calls both of them spoke in code to hide what they were doing.

he is a proven liar ... nothing more nothing less.

Lmao. You can't call a man a liar when he has been proven correct in court where it matters. All you have left is the "credibility" defense. You are desperate, nothing more, nothing less.

And um, did you just post that last night?

George Zimmerman's bond revoked as judge rules he 'deceived' court | World news |

In phone conversations recorded by prison authorities, de la Rionda alleged, the couple discussed a second, valid US passport hidden in a safe deposit box. Zimmerman, he said, had earlier handed authorities a passport due to expire in May, claiming it was his only one.

... claiming it was his only one.

Z is not just a liar, he is a pathological liar ...

to bad for Justice, the prosecution has been succumbed by style over substance ...
Those are the only lies exposed to date.

no, you are wrong ... we know, its now time for the idiot - TemplarKormac

George Zimmerman bond revoked: A judge today revoked George Zimmerman's bond in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin - Orlando Sentinel

George Zimmerman's bond revoked in shooting of Trayvon Martin

"Defendant has intentionally deceived the court with the assistance of his wife," the motion says. "During the jail phone calls both of them spoke in code to hide what they were doing."

During the jail phone calls both of them spoke in code to hide what they were doing.

he is a proven liar ... nothing more nothing less.

Lmao. You can't call a man a liar when he has been proven correct in court where it matters. All you have left is the "credibility" defense. You are desperate, nothing more, nothing less.

And um, did you just post that last night?

George Zimmerman's bond revoked as judge rules he 'deceived' court | World news |

In phone conversations recorded by prison authorities, de la Rionda alleged, the couple discussed a second, valid US passport hidden in a safe deposit box. Zimmerman, he said, had earlier handed authorities a passport due to expire in May, claiming it was his only one.

... claiming it was his only one.

Z is not just a liar, he is a pathological liar ...

to bad for Justice, the prosecution has been succumbed by style over substance ...

Will you please stop trolling? I wonder how many of you I'll wind up placing on my ignore list before the month is over.....
Those are the only lies exposed to date.

no, you are wrong ... we know, its now time for the idiot - TemplarKormac

George Zimmerman bond revoked: A judge today revoked George Zimmerman's bond in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin - Orlando Sentinel

George Zimmerman's bond revoked in shooting of Trayvon Martin

"Defendant has intentionally deceived the court with the assistance of his wife," the motion says. "During the jail phone calls both of them spoke in code to hide what they were doing."

During the jail phone calls both of them spoke in code to hide what they were doing.

he is a proven liar ... nothing more nothing less.

Lmao. You can't call a man a liar when he has been proven correct in court where it matters. All you have left is the "credibility" defense. You are desperate, nothing more, nothing less.

And um, did you just post that last night?

George Zimmerman's bond revoked as judge rules he 'deceived' court | World news |

In phone conversations recorded by prison authorities, de la Rionda alleged, the couple discussed a second, valid US passport hidden in a safe deposit box. Zimmerman, he said, had earlier handed authorities a passport due to expire in May, claiming it was his only one.

... claiming it was his only one.

Z is not just a liar, he is a pathological liar ...

to bad for Justice, the prosecution has been succumbed by style over substance ...

You're a dishonest person and a liar. You my friend are a complete fucking joke. You think TRAYDICKMARTINS side hasn't lied it's ass off? The most important things have been supported by the evidence.

Innocent until proven guilty. Grow up and think for once in your fucking life. Moron.
That's almost the shootin' match.

There's little evidence now that Martin "grabbed" Zimmerman head and slammed it into the concrete.

Hence the dispelling of one of the major Zimmerman's lies.


Trayvon was punching not scratching...

Grab a basketball and look at how your fingers are splayed on the round surface. Take particular notice of how the fingertips are placed. Also, look at the position of the thumbs. If Martin had grabbed and pounded GZ's head into the ground multiple time as claimed, Martin's thumbs would have been in GZ's eyes, corners of the mouth or around his neck!. So where are the thumb marks on GZ's facial or neck area? And surely, if there was a head slamming at all, Martin would have GZ's DNA all over his fingers and thumbs not to mention under his fingernails. Sallow was right.. the evidence does NOT back Zimmerman's story!

Zimmerman said Martin had his hand over his mouth, want to rewrite your post?
I'm not deranged, and I disagree. Martin was not a "kid," but was a young man bigger and stronger than Zimmerman. Zimmerman acted in self defense to an aggressive racist Martin who had a history of crime.

Zimmerman will be acquitted, and rightfully so.

His 17th birthday was 21 days before he died. He was a 16 yr. old kid. See, this kind of excusing the murderer that's going on here makes you all seem foolhardy. It's redneck speak, like you have no sense.

He was a 16-year-old 17-year-old?
Teen convicted in videotaped beating death in West Rogers Park -

A Chicago teen who allegedly took part in a vicious game known as "Pick 'Em Out and Knock 'Em Out" was found guilty Monday of murder and robbery charges in connection with the killing of a father of 12.

After a bench trial, Cook County Circuit Judge Joseph Claps convicted Anthony Malcolm, 19, saying he videotaped the attack on Delfino Mora, who was collecting cans in a West Rogers Park alley last July.

One of the teens, Malik Jones, now 17, announced, "I think I'm gonna knock out this (expletive)," and then started the video recorder on his cellphone. The phone ended up in Malcolm's hands, prosecutors said, before Jones punched Mora once in the jaw. Mora fell and struck his head on concrete.

Jones then removed $60 from Mora's wallet, prosecutors allege.

Mora, 62, was unconscious for about three hours before a passer-by found him. He died the next day of blunt trauma. A video of the attack was posted on Facebook, where it was shared by others until it was seen by a co-worker of the victim's son.

I don't see Trayvon Martin's name or Florida in your completely unrelated and rather idiotic link.

This is why I don't usually fool with these threads. After Page three, the nutters are so desperate, they'll post anything as "fact" and then they're stuck with nothing but name calling.

Have a nice day and be careful not to blow your, ahem, balls off.

Good idea, I'll join you.

Every piece of physical and direct evidence supports GZ's claim. This evidence was present prior to trial. He should have never been brought up on charges. At this date and time the state has failed to make any case other than GZ didn't say the same things in every interview after the justified homicide. Tracy Martin hasn't said the same thing every time since the justified homicide. Rachel Jeantel, Dee Dee, Diamond Eugene, has not said the same thing in any of her statements. Along with these discrepancies the physical evidence and direct evidence do not support their claims. How in the world is this a even close to a murder 2 or manslaughter conviction?

You feel bad that a teenager got shot. Nobody likes it. However, you can't say that the person that lawfully shot the teenager deserves to die, spend the rest of his life in prison, or rot in hell because of it. That is not justice. That is street justice. If that is all that satisfies you then relocate to a country that supports such a justice system.

The fact that you don't see the relevance of that article indicates that you don't care when violence happens, you care when you perceive a racial or political motive. Either way I feel sorry for you ladies. These same laws that you hate, also protect you, me and everyone.

This case isn't going to go your way. You have several choices when that happens. Will you riot, protest, vote, run for office or just complain? At least rioters are taking some kind of action to what they perceive as injustice. You call people stupid and ignorant on a message board, then go back to your everyday life, completely unaffected by the issues that you rail against so vigorously on this board.
I'm not deranged, and I disagree. Martin was not a "kid," but was a young man bigger and stronger than Zimmerman. Zimmerman acted in self defense to an aggressive racist Martin who had a history of crime.

Zimmerman will be acquitted, and rightfully so.

His 17th birthday was 21 days before he died. He was a 16 yr. old kid. See, this kind of excusing the murderer that's going on here makes you all seem foolhardy. It's redneck speak, like you have no sense.

He was a 16-year-old 17-year-old?

He was a street thug that thought he could beat someone's ass. I've seen people just like him and they're asking for it.
That scenario shows that Martin was standing HIS ground and trying to neutralize the stalking menace who threatened him.

the "following" incident ended..... the moment zimmerman "lost him"

So, no.... the scenario does not show martin standing his ground at all. The re engaging of zimmerman in my opinion puts zimmerman in the position of stranding his ground.

These aren't two separate incidents.

And going by Zimmerman's recollection of events, that he left his car to walk off a well lit street into a very dark courtyard to get the name of a street in a three street community, just seems highly implausible.

It makes more sense that Zimmerman left his car to pursue Martin (Something he's admitted too), did not break off the chase as he said, caught up with Martin, and initiated the confrontation.

That is where you are wrong, legally they are. Unless the state can prove that Zimmerman never lost sight of Martin then the act of Martin confronting Zimmerman became a separate incident. Since even that useless female who calls herself the girlfriend claims that Martin confronted Zimmerman and then dropped the phone on the wet grass (How can you hear wet grass over a phone anyway?) the state has a problem.

However, you can't say that the person that lawfully shot the teenager deserves to die, spend the rest of his life in prison, or rot in hell because of it.


They can say it. And we can be glad that we have a judicial system which probably won't let that kind of sentiment win out at the end of the day.
Trayvon was punching not scratching...

Grab a basketball and look at how your fingers are splayed on the round surface. Take particular notice of how the fingertips are placed. Also, look at the position of the thumbs. If Martin had grabbed and pounded GZ's head into the ground multiple time as claimed, Martin's thumbs would have been in GZ's eyes, corners of the mouth or around his neck!. So where are the thumb marks on GZ's facial or neck area? And surely, if there was a head slamming at all, Martin would have GZ's DNA all over his fingers and thumbs not to mention under his fingernails. Sallow was right.. the evidence does NOT back Zimmerman's story!

Zimmerman said Martin had his hand over his mouth, want to rewrite your post?

It doesn't make any sense. GZ is supposed to be screaming for help, but Trayvon has his mouth covered? Can only be one or the other. Also, no DNA on Trayvon's hands. ALSO the screaming stopped the instant the gun was fired. GZ couldn't have been screaming for help and at the same time have his mouth covered, his head being pounded and being hit in the face, in such fear he was going to die he had to shoot someone. None of GZ's story makes sense. Hiow can Trayvon be simultaneously covering GZ's mouth, beating him to a pulp, and slamming his head to the ground? How many arms and hands did Trayvon have? Why was there no DNA on Trayvon's hands??? GZ is a lying muruderer.
as I mentioned in my thread version of the Zimmerman trial, this is a bad time to call a verdict, they should hold off on the decision until school starts, many black teens and thugs don't have much to do in the summer, if anything, many of them are just looking for trouble (like in Chicago). at least after school starts, most of them "Better Be In School" !
That's almost the shootin' match.

There's little evidence now that Martin "grabbed" Zimmerman head and slammed it into the concrete.

Hence the dispelling of one of the major Zimmerman's lies.


Simply grabbing someone's head will not necessarily deposit DNA under the aggressors fingernails :lol: ... But keep up the good work, your loony sympathizers depend on you.
I don't know.

'Reasonable doubt'---and 2nd degree murder is defined as 'depraved indifference' or something along those lines. The examples provided included those that shoot into crowds in public places and things like that.

Would the prosecutor want to consider manslaughter? From what I have read it doesn't seem likely.

Either way I suppose the verdict can/will be appealed.

How I wish these trials were not televised or more precisely that such trials weren't necessary.

eta: based on this--I could imagine a 'hung jury'.

With a 6 person jury--do they need a unanimous verdict? It is conceivable that 1 or 2 will find reasonable doubt. Then what? Another trial.

<Opening statements took place Monday and the trial is expected to last anywhere from two to four weeks, during which time the jury will be sequestered. The jury will have to reach a unanimous decision to convict Zimmerman. >

I just don't think this is possible.
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