The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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(2) The unlawful killing of a human being, when perpetrated by any act imminently dangerous to another and evincing a depraved mind regardless of human life, although without any premeditated design to effect the death of any particular individual, is murder in the second degree and constitutes a felony of the first degree, punishable by imprisonment for a term of years not exceeding life or as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

^ that is the STATUTORY provision. Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

As AyeCan'tSeeYou just demonstrated in his above [ ] (his second second link), the charge from the prosecutor tracks that statutory language with a few minor differences.

So the charge is PLAINLY seen to be a charge of something OTHER than "intentional" murder.

That being so, the lesser of manslaughter is available.
Lesser Included Offenses

See the instructions under 782.04(2) at Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes :->2012->Chapter 782 : Online Sunshine

And, as to the charge of manslaughter, the defense of "justification" IS available.
782.02 Justifiable use of deadly force.—The use of deadly force is justifiable when a person is resisting any attempt to murder such person or to commit any felony upon him or her or upon or in any dwelling house in which such person shall be.
Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

To further pursue that thought, and contrary to the ignorance of Gatsby, the manslaughter section of the law provides:

782.07 Manslaughter; aggravated manslaughter of an elderly person or disabled adult; aggravated manslaughter of a child; aggravated manslaughter of an officer, a firefighter, an emergency medical technician, or a paramedic.—
(1) The killing of a human being by the act, procurement, or culpable negligence of another, without lawful justification according to the provisions of chapter 776 and in cases in which such killing shall not be excusable homicide or murder, according to the provisions of this chapter, is manslaughter, a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
(2) A person who causes the death of any elderly person or disabled adult by culpable negligence under s. 825.102(3) commits aggravated manslaughter of an elderly person or disabled adult, a felony of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
(3) A person who causes the death of any person under the age of 18 by culpable negligence under s. 827.03(2)(b) commits aggravated manslaughter of a child, a felony of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
* * * *

Wow. How about that. If you HAVE justification, it aint manslaughter, either. SO, manslaughter is an available defense.

Subdivision (3) upon which Gatsby rests his hat is inapplicable to Zimmerman because Zimmerman is not alleged to have acted with culpable negligence under 827.03(2)(b) which says:
(b) A person who willfully or by culpable negligence neglects a child and in so doing causes great bodily harm, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement to the child commits a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
-- Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

I don't think Zimmerman was a babysitter and nobdy said he neglected Trayvon Martin.
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Since the stand your ground law was implemented...self defense claims stay out of florida as long as you are dead the shooter could claim George did...he saw my gun...told me I was gonna die tonight...then grabbed my gun...luckily I was able to wrestle it away from his grasp and shoot him in the heart.

~his best friend, Mark Osterman.

dI hope some day that they make a lie detector that works.

I wonder why George never offered to take one.

Maybe because he had already taken one:

George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer charged with murder in the death of Trayvon Martin, passed a lie detector test the day after the shooting — a fact some experts say may make it hard to get an unbiased jury and still leaves details of the incident unclear

Zimmerman passed lie detector test ?

It awas not a lie detector test but a stress analysis test which is not as reliable. He was asked two questions that could have been construed in more than one way.

He was asked did he confront TM. Confront could be construed different ways. Were you in fear of your life? Yes said Z.

I am not surprised at that. He's a freaking coward pussy.
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dI hope some day that they make a lie detector that works.

I wonder why George never offered to take one.

Maybe because he had already taken one:

George Zimmerman, the neighborhood watch volunteer charged with murder in the death of Trayvon Martin, passed a lie detector test the day after the shooting — a fact some experts say may make it hard to get an unbiased jury and still leaves details of the incident unclear

Zimmerman passed lie detector test ?

It awas not a lie detector test but a stress anllines test which is not as reliable. He was asked two questions that could have been construed in more than one way.

[MENTION=21954]Sunshine[/MENTION]....I have to ask. Did you know you were telling a lie or are you just ignorant and honestly didnt know about the lie detector?

"The report says that when the dispatcher asked him if he was following Trayvon, Zimmerman said, "Yes."

But he gave a different answer in his first recorded statement, he said he told the dispatcher, "I don't know. I don't know where he went."

His story is just full of shit. All of it.

It was not a lie detector test but a stress anllines test which is not as reliable. He was asked two questions that could have been construed in more than one way.

[MENTION=21954]Sunshine[/MENTION]....I have to ask. Did you know you were telling a lie or are you just ignorant and honestly didnt know about the lie detector?

ddIt was not a lie detector, like I said. Can't you read, or are you stupid?
Grab a basketball and look at how your fingers are splayed on the round surface. Take particular notice of how the fingertips are placed. Also, look at the position of the thumbs. If Martin had grabbed and pounded GZ's head into the ground multiple time as claimed, Martin's thumbs would have been in GZ's eyes, corners of the mouth or around his neck!. So where are the thumb marks on GZ's facial or neck area? And surely, if there was a head slamming at all, Martin would have GZ's DNA all over his fingers and thumbs not to mention under his fingernails. Sallow was right.. the evidence does NOT back Zimmerman's story!

Zimmerman said Martin had his hand over his mouth, want to rewrite your post?

It doesn't make any sense. GZ is supposed to be screaming for help, but Trayvon has his mouth covered? Can only be one or the other. Also, no DNA on Trayvon's hands. ALSO the screaming stopped the instant the gun was fired. GZ couldn't have been screaming for help and at the same time have his mouth covered, his head being pounded and being hit in the face, in such fear he was going to die he had to shoot someone. None of GZ's story makes sense. Hiow can Trayvon be simultaneously covering GZ's mouth, beating him to a pulp, and slamming his head to the ground? How many arms and hands did Trayvon have? Why was there no DNA on Trayvon's hands??? GZ is a lying muruderer.

Ever been in a fight? Confusion about events is perfectly natural even if you didn't kill someone, which is why police routinely wait 48 hours to question other police about shootings they are involved in, and why they routinely demand answers from everyone else immediately. They do not want to use any inconsistencies that are the product of confusion against fellow police officers, but are quite happy to do so when it comes to civilians.
and here we are 100@some years since slavery was abolished and still the hard left is making us pay for it. always an excuse for the horrific crimes they commit. the 1860's and 1950's,1960's are long gone, yet they still bring up slavery/civil rights whenever they need to start a new battle. and remember that singer/actress who didn't pay her taxes? and her excuse was that her grandfather was a slave?
Another reason the GZ studied SYG law & intended / planned to murder TM theory makes no sense is that GZ only shot once near center of mass. GZ could not be certain that would kill him, or do it fast enough that TM would not talk to the police he had called & were almost there.

In CCW training class people talk about scenarios like this. The 2 instructors I talked with always stressed shoot 2 in the center of mass because it is easier target in the heat of battle & then 1 in the head to kill fast making sure they can't further harm you or talk because "dead men tell no tails".

We have a wonderful education system in this country when they teach you that kind of shit.

Hell they never even taught me that in the army.

One shot center of mass with a 9mm make absolutely no sense as a method of murder for anyone who has CCW, SYG training or studied killing with a handgun. The prosecution is grasping at straws going down this road.

The "Center Mass" Myth and Ending a Gunfight - By Jim Higginbotham: "Shoot Until The Target Changes Shape Or Catches Fire... Lots of people stay in the fight after "center mass" hits, and some even win it... confirmed incidents in which people have been shot “center mass” up to 55 times with 9mm JHP ammunition (the subject was hit 106 times, but 55 of those hits were ruled by the coroner to be each lethal in and of themselves) before he went down... During training at the FBI Academy we were told of a case in which agents shot a bank robber 65 times with 9mm, .223 and 00 buckshot – he survived!"
Seventhtiger the fact that's a reality tells me WHO THE REAL RACIST ARE. This is why I feel the way I do about them....

What's justice to these idiots? One sided on their side period.

In 2011 in St Louis (48% black, 43% white) there was 100 murder suspects arrested for 114 murders. 92 of the 100 were black.

Sarah G must have been busy trying to lynch the 5 men and 3 women who were white that were arrested of murder in St. Louis.

48% population yet 92% murder arrests.

Sarah G, please explain in your white guilt version why this is the fault of a gun toting white man.
Frankly, it is silly to expect to find Zimmerman's skin or DNA under Trayvon's fingernails.

Just silly.

Thus, the fact that it is not found there comes as no surprise and has no significance at all in this case.
KMa is struggling, but he can ask defense to call him as a defense witness for his opinion on the use of a 9mm. GZ panicked.
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and here we are 100@some years since slavery was abolished and still the hard left is making us pay for it. always an excuse for the horrific crimes they commit. the 1860's and 1950's,1960's are long gone, yet they still bring up slavery/civil rights whenever they need to start a new battle. and remember that singer/actress who didn't pay her taxes? and her excuse was that her grandfather was a slave?

Detroit is nearly 90% black. The city has been run by a black liberal since 1974. They are $20 Billion in debt. There have been 153 murders in Detroit from 1.1.13 to 6.30.13. That is one less murder than New York City (which has 12 times the population). How is this the fault of a white person, republican, NRA or slavery. Through 77 city blocks, only one person paid taxes last year. This is the Black and Liberal city!!! Lest not you forget, before the black and liberal population took control of the city, Detroit was referred to as the Paris of the west.
A voice stress analysis IS a lie detector test and one preferred by thousands of law enforcement groups across the country because of its alleged increased accuracy with modern technology.

Voice Stress Analysis (VSA) used to be a controversial lie detection technology. It was described as pseudoscientific, although there is a wealth of scientific basis for the underlying theory of "microtremors".[4] Federally funded research via the American Polygraph Association in the United States showed "little validity" in the technique.[5]
Air Force Research Laboratory[6] conducted validation studies into VSA concluded that mainstream VSA[7] were as reliable as polygraph when used by expertly trained examiner-operators.
Voice Stress Analysis

Voice stress tests are the new polygraph. The technology records a suspect's voice when he answers easy questions ("What's your name?) and hard questions ("Did you do it?").

It then compares the two, looking for voice pattern changes that are thought to be indicative of psychological stress or lying.

Over 1,800 law enforcement agencies nationwide use at least some form of the technology. . . .
Are Voice Stress Tests Admissible at Trial? - FindLaw Blotter

• Polygraph test have a lot of known and easy counter measures, where Voice stress only have one counter measure – Keep quiet!
• Polygraph test have a lot of “inconclusive” results, that is very problematic to our clients,
and Voice stress tests can NOT produce a inconclusive result.
• Polygraph test WILL be influenced by various different factors and drugs, where a Voice stress
test will NOT be influenced by any of these factors.
Voice stress analysis vs polygraph test

As with the old fashioned polygraph, the voice stress accuracy of course is dependent on the skill of the person administering the test, but it is not a given any more that the results of such tests are no longer admissable in court. It is often left to the discretion of the court.
Seventhtiger the fact that's a reality tells me WHO THE REAL RACIST ARE. This is why I feel the way I do about them....

What's justice to these idiots? One sided on their side period.

In 2011 in St Louis (48% black, 43% white) there was 100 murder suspects arrested for 114 murders. 92 of the 100 were black.

Sarah G must have been busy trying to lynch the 5 men and 3 women who were white that were arrested of murder in St. Louis.

48% population yet 92% murder arrests.

Sarah G, please explain in your white guilt version why this is the fault of a gun toting white man.

It's the fault of a gun-toting stupid man.

Sure, guns don't kill people, people kill people. And those who do are either vicious, crazy or stupid. So since they can't control themselves, we have to make them as least dangerous as possible to the rest of us, ergo gun control.

Zimmerman disqualified himself from gun ownership from his previous records:

Last edited Sat Mar 24, 2012, 09:48 AM USA/ET – Edit history (2)
From the Orange County, FL Circuit Court Clerk of the Court Records page: [link to]
Record Count: 4
Search By: Party Exact Name: on Party Search Mode:

Name Last Name: Zimmerman First Name: George

Case Status: Closed Date Filed On or After: 01/01/2005 Date Filed On or Before: 01/01/2006 Sort By: Filed Date
Case Number Citation Number Style/Defendant Info Filed/Location/Judicial Officer Type/Status Charge(s)

Div 10
OKane, Julie H

Criminal Felony



Miller, W Michael




Div 44
44, TBA

Domestic Violence
Closed – SRS



Div 46
White, Keith F

Domestic Violence
Closed – SRS
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You have to wonder if Obama became too personally involved and he had Holder pressure the prosecutor to file charges.
Foxfyre is right on with the advanced technology of the polygraph.

It is only a matter of a few years before leges start authorizing its use in court as an indicator of what the suspect believed was true.
Seventhtiger the fact that's a reality tells me WHO THE REAL RACIST ARE. This is why I feel the way I do about them....

What's justice to these idiots? One sided on their side period.

In 2011 in St Louis (48% black, 43% white) there was 100 murder suspects arrested for 114 murders. 92 of the 100 were black.

Sarah G must have been busy trying to lynch the 5 men and 3 women who were white that were arrested of murder in St. Louis.

48% population yet 92% murder arrests.

Sarah G, please explain in your white guilt version why this is the fault of a gun toting white man.

It's the fault of a gun-toting stupid man.

Sure, guns don't kill people, people kill people. And those who do are either vicious, crazy or stupid. So since they can't control themselves, we have to make them as least dangerous as possible, ergo gun control. Zimmerman disqualified himself from gun ownership from his previous record:

Last edited Sat Mar 24, 2012, 09:48 AM USA/ET – Edit history (2)
From the Orange County, FL Circuit Court Clerk of the Court Records page: [link to]
Record Count: 4
Search By: Party Exact Name: on Party Search Mode:

Name Last Name: Zimmerman First Name: George

Case Status: Closed Date Filed On or After: 01/01/2005 Date Filed On or Before: 01/01/2006 Sort By: Filed Date
Case Number Citation Number Style/Defendant Info Filed/Location/Judicial Officer Type/Status Charge(s)

Div 10
OKane, Julie H

Criminal Felony



Miller, W Michael




Div 44
44, TBA

Domestic Violence
Closed – SRS



Div 46
White, Keith F

Domestic Violence
Closed – SRS

Nice report. Show me felony convictions.
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No they aren't. The man has had a weight gain this past year consistent with hitting damage to the skull. People with that kind of an injury are candidates for early onset dementia, personality change, etc. The blood pattern is consistent with having his head being hit on concrete that has an edge to it, such as the edge of a sidewalk or curb, pebbles on the concrete, or whatever.

What happened to Zimmerman was horrific. His response was to save himself, because he thought he was being hit so hard he could die. Especially when the guy says something to the effect of the other person is going to die.

Don't think so, HaHa.. He's just a fatass. I read somewhere he isn't working out anymore, he is very depressed (probably because he murdered a kid) and he eats too much.

Glad he has enough to eat..

He is depressed because he is going to be spending a lot of time in prison, and there will be certain people there who are not going to want to be friendly toward someone who profiled, stalked and killed an innocent, unarmed black teenager. I think he is terrified in the extreme, and he should be. If he is found innocent, it will be open season on black teenagers from now on.


He'll spend no time in prison from this, the judge should direct a "not Guilty" Verdict because the Prosecution forgot to put on a case
Don't think so, HaHa.. He's just a fatass. I read somewhere he isn't working out anymore, he is very depressed (probably because he murdered a kid) and he eats too much.

Glad he has enough to eat..

He is depressed because he is going to be spending a lot of time in prison, and there will be certain people there who are not going to want to be friendly toward someone who profiled, stalked and killed an innocent, unarmed black teenager. I think he is terrified in the extreme, and he should be. If he is found innocent, it will be open season on black teenagers from now on.


He'll spend no time in prison from this, the judge should direct a "not Guilty" Verdict because the Prosecution forgot to put on a case

I think they DID put on a case.

The defense case.
He is depressed because he is going to be spending a lot of time in prison, and there will be certain people there who are not going to want to be friendly toward someone who profiled, stalked and killed an innocent, unarmed black teenager. I think he is terrified in the extreme, and he should be. If he is found innocent, it will be open season on black teenagers from now on.


He'll spend no time in prison from this, the judge should direct a "not Guilty" Verdict because the Prosecution forgot to put on a case

I think they DID put on a case.

The defense case.

Did they really present a witness who couldn't read what she wrote?
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