The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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She thinks Travon was still 12.

She probably reads the New York Times...

They are still doing this:

Trayvon Martin - The New York Times


Dishonesty from our "Free Press"?... I can't believe it.

They do know that this was actually the Young Man who Assaulted Zimmerman?...


Crippin'... ^That's @nolimitnigga... Fact.



Yes, and the sheep was and are outraged, the media is driving all of this

They did the same with King...

Later they found the Cops "Guilty" of 11 seconds too long regarding the "beating"...

Meaning the rest of the beating was Justified.

But at least that saved LA from more Riots.

The White Liberals with HEAPS of Misplaced Guilt LOVE these Stories.

They want Blacks to Riot. :thup:


The only eye witness I guess is a racist too? Wow. If they aren't libs or non-white they are racist. That is your claim. Wear that little tag around your neck.

Why would they change their story? Are they liars? You tell me.

The only eye witness' story has never changed. He was interview within an hour of the incident that it was a ground and pound attack by TM. Think that creepy ass cracker was telling the truth!

That's odd, there's only one witness who claims it was TM on top of GZ. All the other witnesses say the opposite. Also, why wouldn't O'Mara want these comments released?

The woman, identified as "Witness 9," is heard telling detectives, "They say a lot of bad things about black people."
On the tape, the witness claimed that Zimmerman's mother announced she was racist during a conversation about president Obama. She was asked whether she saw George Zimmerman himself disparage blacks or act as if he hated blacks, to which the witness replied, "no."

Witness 9 did claim that Zimmerman "only likes black people who act like white people."

Defense attorney Mark O'Mara made a last-minute attempt to block the release of Witness 9's statements, including allegations that Martin's killer molested her when she was between the ages of 6 and 16.

"Witness 9" in Trayvon Martin case claims George Zimmerman's family is racist - Crimesider - CBS News
She probably reads the New York Times...

They are still doing this:

Trayvon Martin - The New York Times


Dishonesty from our "Free Press"?... I can't believe it.

They do know that this was actually the Young Man who Assaulted Zimmerman?...


Crippin'... ^That's @nolimitnigga... Fact.



Yes, and the sheep was and are outraged, the media is driving all of this

They did the same with King...

Later they found the Cops "Guilty" of 11 seconds too long regarding the "beating"...

Meaning the rest of the beating was Justified.

But at least that saved LA from more Riots.

The White Liberals with HEAPS of Misplaced Guilt LOVE these Stories.

They want Blacks to Riot. :thup:



In 2013, all white guilt is misplaced kemosabe. ;)
She probably reads the New York Times...

They are still doing this:

Trayvon Martin - The New York Times


Dishonesty from our "Free Press"?... I can't believe it.

They do know that this was actually the Young Man who Assaulted Zimmerman?...


Crippin'... ^That's @nolimitnigga... Fact.



Yes, and the sheep was and are outraged, the media is driving all of this

They did the same with King...

Later they found the Cops "Guilty" of 11 seconds too long regarding the "beating"...

Meaning the rest of the beating was Justified.

But at least that saved LA from more Riots.

The White Liberals with HEAPS of Misplaced Guilt LOVE these Stories.

They want Blacks to Riot. :thup:



proxy rioting
Why does the Bernster get to approach all the time.

When it was his turn it was no no no no no.

Whatever, going to acquit on the evidence and not the bias.
I did not compare TM to a rapist. I used an analogy to explain why your rush to judgment is in error. You seem to draw a lot of conclusions about people however you need to twist words or add elements that don't apply. For instance your assertion that Zimmerman bragged about killing Martin. Evidence of that? Any illustration you can show for that? And you accuse ME of playing on emotions?

But okay, ditch the rapist illustration. Make it any person for whatever reason isbreaking in your door and you are convinced he will do whatver violence to you, so you shoot. And you shoot your husband or neighbor who is actually coming to rescue you. THAT is when a person feels remorse. But you don't feel remorse for defending yourself against an assailant you believe is determined to kill you or do you severe bodily harm.

You accuse Zimmerman of bragging and I don't think any honest person on the planet would say there is any evidence from anybody that he has ever bragged about that night.

But you won't accept the emotional argument that he feared for his life and and therefore shot in self defense? There is at least logical room for that argument.

If Zimmerman had told Hannity that he did feel remorse for shooting Martin, you would likely say that is proof that he knew he was in the wrong.

>>> I did not compare TM to a rapist.

Yes you did, your analogy was a comparison.

>>> I used an analogy to explain why your rush to judgment is in error.

Now your deflecting.

>>> You accuse Zimmerman of bragging and I don't think any honest person on the planet would say there is any evidence from anybody that he has ever bragged about that night.

My evidence is the video taped interrogation the morning after and the Hannity video. I saw no remorse. I call what I saw bragging. It's my opinion. Put your feet in the shoes of the victim's mom, then watch those two videos and tell me you don't see someone who is without remorse bragging about his deed.

Hint, claiming you have consensus opinion on your side does not make you correct. The world was flat at one point, by consensus opinion.

>>> But you won't accept the emotional argument that he feared for his life and and therefore shot in self defense? There is at least logical room for that argument.

Not true, I have on several occasions accepted the argument that GZ may have had an irrational fear for his life. As a matter of fact, I'm 99% convinced that Zimmerman was scared shirtless that if he didn't kill the teen the teen was gonna punch him in the nose again and maybe knock him out, maybe even find his gun and shoot him.

>>> If Zimmerman had told Hannity that he did feel remorse for shooting Martin, you would likely say that is proof that he knew he was in the wrong.

He was in the wrong. The teen was not a suspect. The teen was not guilty. The teen was walking home from the 7-eleven. GZ should have announced who he was and talked to the teen when the teen approached his truck.
I know what happened

After smoking a fatty at his pops girlfriends house and talking on the phone with Jeantel, Martin got the munchies. All they had in the house were plain rice cakes and diet Pepsi, and we all know rice cakes and cotton mouth just don't mix and he really wanted a box of those red zingers with the coconut on top. So he takes of walking up to the store.

Once at the store, he notices that he only has enough money for Skittles and a tea. He's a little pissed that a convienience store would charge so much for items that are cheaper in a grocery store. "oh well, I'm starting to lose my buzz, it's all good".

On Martins way home, it starts to rain. Now he's a little more pissed off and he's just trying to go home. Martins phone rings, "Cool, it's DD" he said. "This girls a trip" so he answers, "DD, WHAT'S UP BABY?".

Martin and Jeantel are talking about the All Star game when all of a sudden, Martin sees Zimmerman in his truck. He says, "Damn, I bet that's that dude pops told me about, that little wannabe cop. I'm going to scare him, I can take him and after I jump bad, I'll take off around the building and jump him. This creepy ass cracker is going to get his ass whooped".

Well, you know the rest of the story.
Why would they change their story? Are they liars? You tell me.

The only eye witness' story has never changed. He was interview within an hour of the incident that it was a ground and pound attack by TM. Think that creepy ass cracker was telling the truth!

That's odd, there's only one witness who claims it was TM on top of GZ. All the other witnesses say the opposite. Also, why wouldn't O'Mara want these comments released?

The woman, identified as "Witness 9," is heard telling detectives, "They say a lot of bad things about black people."
On the tape, the witness claimed that Zimmerman's mother announced she was racist during a conversation about president Obama. She was asked whether she saw George Zimmerman himself disparage blacks or act as if he hated blacks, to which the witness replied, "no."

Witness 9 did claim that Zimmerman "only likes black people who act like white people."

Defense attorney Mark O'Mara made a last-minute attempt to block the release of Witness 9's statements, including allegations that Martin's killer molested her when she was between the ages of 6 and 16.

"Witness 9" in Trayvon Martin case claims George Zimmerman's family is racist - Crimesider - CBS News

All other witnesses claim GZ was on top of TM, and that they saw that after the gunshot. This is exactly what GZ claims to have happened. Can't omit details that you don't like. Why do No_Limit_Nigga's parents not want weed, theft and fighting introduced into evidence or the public scoop? Why did the state only give binary code of Trayvon's texts to the defense? Did they not want all the things that were unflattering to TM made public?
Actually, he played cornerback from the tapes I saw...and was pretty good at it too. He was a good athlete...he played both ways in HS...was pretty good on the offensive end also. I would bet he was probably in line for a scholarship somewhere.

My guess is the "line" for scholarships would have been getting rather short after his suspension from school for theft and possession of pot. Not saying that some college program wouldn't have taken him despite his problems off the field (because as Aaron Hernandez shows college football programs WILL coddle problem players who excel on the field) but he was obviously screwing up his life with his actions.

Perhaps, but he had his senior year to straighten up. Some football players that have been given scholarships have had a lot more problems than him....alot more problems... like you stated. There are some that would make him look like a choir boy in comparison.

Granted, but I would make the case that in order to get that type of treatment, said player would have to be exceptional. I've never heard that about Trayvon. He seems to enjoy his "herb" too much to excel at sports. Given the general context of his social media postings do you really think this was a young man who was about to "straighten up"...or do you think he was a young man who was hanging with the wrong crowd and headed for trouble? You'll note that the Prosecution has chosen not to bring "friends" of Trayvon's forward to testify in any way. I wonder if that is because they don't want another debacle like they had with Rachel Jenteal? I'm thinking that the Prosecution wants nothing to do with giving the jury a better look at who Trayvon was hanging with and what they were into.
The defense liked the prosecution witnesses so much, they are going with the theory: "let's do it again!"

( from the poor remake: )

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Actually, he played cornerback from the tapes I saw...and was pretty good at it too. He was a good athlete...he played both ways in HS...was pretty good on the offensive end also. I would bet he was probably in line for a scholarship somewhere.

My guess is the "line" for scholarships would have been getting rather short after his suspension from school for theft and possession of pot. Not saying that some college program wouldn't have taken him despite his problems off the field (because as Aaron Hernandez shows college football programs WILL coddle problem players who excel on the field) but he was obviously screwing up his life with his actions.

Perhaps, but he had his senior year to straighten up. Some football players that have been given scholarships have had a lot more problems than him....alot more problems... like you stated. There are some that would make him look like a choir boy in comparison.

I bet you could easily imagine him straightening up and wanting to go to medical school to care for inner city children.
Singleton has been excused, subject to recall. Chris Serino has been called.

I believe that you are going to get to hear that Tracy Martin didn't think that was his son screaming for help. However, Serino is an apparent racist evil white man that is not capable of telling the truth, so take it with a grain of salt.
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