The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I wouldn't expect for the state to put up people who were recanting previous statements or proven perjurers, but that happened. You make as much sense as a full grown adult liberal.

They were telling the truth when first questioned, then when they realized that their party was for the opposition, and their comments were actually going to help the "black kid" - what do you expect them to do? It was already a known fact that Sanford was racist by the way they handled the shooting to begin with, that they had time to go over their "vocal" mistakes is not a surprise.

The only eye witness I guess is a racist too? Wow. If they aren't libs or non-white they are racist. That is your claim. Wear that little tag around your neck.

Why would they change their story? Are they liars? You tell me.
So you claim GZ as a liberal to put TemplarKormac in his place, but then state that a liberal is not on trial. Nothing like having your cake and eating it too.
Read my post again. You were saying that it was going bad for "Liberals" - I just reminded you that we, the "liberals" on this Forum are not the ones on trial. And also, remind you that GZ is a Liberal, so you wouldn't make a fool of yourself even more.

Seems to me that righties are the ones playing the "race" card - wanting to make sure that everyone realizes that GZ is not "white". What the hell does it matter what color he is?

All people on trial are innocent (until proven guilty) - so your comment is as inane as most of your posts.

His comments proved that he was racist. His actions proved that he was on a hunt for a burglar, that TM happened to be at the wrong place at the right time for GZ is a tragedy.

Even before he was tried, liberals were convinced he would be put in jail. Now it appears that he will be acquitted. So now, they are about to shift gears, into possible OWS style riot mode.
I've never said that he would go to prison. He should, if he actually did it on purpose, but that has yet to be determined, so don't be putting words in people's mouth unless you have the proof to back up your rhetoric.

Very good choice of words!
They were telling the truth when first questioned, then when they realized that their party was for the opposition, and their comments were actually going to help the "black kid" - what do you expect them to do? It was already a known fact that Sanford was racist by the way they handled the shooting to begin with, that they had time to go over their "vocal" mistakes is not a surprise.

The only eye witness I guess is a racist too? Wow. If they aren't libs or non-white they are racist. That is your claim. Wear that little tag around your neck.

Why would they change their story? Are they liars? You tell me.

The only eye witness' story has never changed. He was interview within an hour of the incident that it was a ground and pound attack by TM. Think that creepy ass cracker was telling the truth!
If trayvon is kicking a guys butt that is trying to pull a gun on him then I would call that self defense in an honorable way.

He would say I punched him because i thought he was going for a weapon and then I continued to punch him because he kept going for it on his hip when he was on the ground.

In all my years of fighting I have never seen someone pound the head of a person going for their gun. You always grab the gun, never hit their head while he shoots you in the chest. The gun at your chest is closer & easier to deflect & grab than their head that will not stop the gun shot. :cuckoo:

I have had guns drawn on me about 10 times. 6 of those were not by police & 5 of those times were by 7 people & 7 guns who intended to shoot me. 1 actually pulled the trigger & I am still here. Never did I ever think to pound their head. I was totally focused on the gun.

In psyche class this moment causes a Fight of Flight complex. They got that wrong & may have recently changed it to add Freeze. The first time a gun is pulled most people Freeze in fear or flight. Subsequent times they may fight or flight. If GZ threatened with a gun then this was not TM's first rodeo with a gun or he would have froze in fear. Since TM had experience he would have ran or disarmed him instead of pounding his head.

It is a dark, rainy night and the gun was concealed. According to Zimmerman's account, Martin saw the gun DURING the altercation, and not before it. And he and Zimmerman went for the gun at approximately the same time. As it turned out, Zimmerman got there first.

Was that the way it happened? I don't know. Neither do you or anybody else.
I have a suspicion that the legal side-show today (which will be happening at the end of the lunch break) may get testy.

I have a hunch (and I am not alone) that the prosecutor is bent about the one witness talking outside the parameters of his deposition.
I wouldn't expect for the state to put up people who were recanting previous statements or proven perjurers, but that happened. You make as much sense as a full grown adult liberal.

They were telling the truth when first questioned, then when they realized that their party was for the opposition, and their comments were actually going to help the "black kid" - what do you expect them to do? It was already a known fact that Sanford was racist by the way they handled the shooting to begin with, that they had time to go over their "vocal" mistakes is not a surprise.

And Dee Dee, Diamond Eugene, Rachel Jeantel was against the "black kid" when she perjured herself? TM's brother was against the "black kid" when he said I didn't think it was my brother at first?
It's hard to tell who is the one yelling for help - anyone that has said that it was GZ should be tested. They should have GZ and several other men do a tape where they are yelling for help, and then ask the defendants who are so sure they recognize GZ's voice to identify it. It also doesn't make sense that a person who is doing the stalking, and is armed would be yelling for help. Just my opinion.

Sanford PD so racist that they promoted a "black man" to police chief?
I guess you've never heard the term "token"?
So racist that the lead investigator wrote a letter to the FBI that he was being pressured to bring unwarranted charges?
Is this the same lead investigator that now claims he "believed" what GZ was saying? Why would he want to bring charges if he believed GZ's story? Please answer that.
Oh yeah. I forgot...

Bernie made a game out of how many times he can get away with saying "fucking punks" without having one of the older female witnesses call HIM one.

Thanks, Ilar
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They were telling the truth when first questioned, then when they realized that their party was for the opposition, and their comments were actually going to help the "black kid" - what do you expect them to do? It was already a known fact that Sanford was racist by the way they handled the shooting to begin with, that they had time to go over their "vocal" mistakes is not a surprise.

And Dee Dee, Diamond Eugene, Rachel Jeantel was against the "black kid" when she perjured herself? TM's brother was against the "black kid" when he said I didn't think it was my brother at first?
It's hard to tell who is the one yelling for help - anyone that has said that it was GZ should be tested. They should have GZ and several other men do a tape where they are yelling for help, and then ask the defendants who are so sure they recognize GZ's voice to identify it. It also doesn't make sense that a person who is doing the stalking, and is armed would be yelling for help. Just my opinion.

Sanford PD so racist that they promoted a "black man" to police chief?
I guess you've never heard the term "token"?
So racist that the lead investigator wrote a letter to the FBI that he was being pressured to bring unwarranted charges?
Is this the same lead investigator that now claims he "believed" what GZ was saying? Why would he want to bring charges if he believed GZ's story? Please answer that.

Token? Not sure I know what you mean. Please elaborate.

If the lead investigator believed GZ then why are we at trial? Please answer that.
If the lead investigator was black and believed GZ would we be at trial? Please answer that.
So, what happened this morning?

Anything worth mentioning?

I woke up, didn't really want to watch, so I loaded up WoW, did my dailies, a Raid and a few ICC Dungeons for Rep. Got bored with that, turned on the feed and they're at lunch.

GZ was the one screaming
GZ was the one screaming
GZ was the one screaming
GZ was the one screaming
GZ was the one screaming
GZ was the one screaming

The Bernster likes to say the word "asshole".
So you claim GZ as a liberal to put TemplarKormac in his place, but then state that a liberal is not on trial. Nothing like having your cake and eating it too.

Read my post again. You were saying that it was going bad for "Liberals" - I just reminded you that we, the "liberals" on this Forum are not the ones on trial. And also, remind you that GZ is a Liberal, so you wouldn't make a fool of yourself even more.

Seems to me that righties are the ones playing the "race" card - wanting to make sure that everyone realizes that GZ is not "white". What the hell does it matter what color he is?

All people on trial are innocent (until proven guilty) - so your comment is as inane as most of your posts.

His comments proved that he was racist. His actions proved that he was on a hunt for a burglar, that TM happened to be at the wrong place at the right time for GZ is a tragedy.

Even before he was tried, liberals were convinced he would be put in jail. Now it appears that he will be acquitted. So now, they are about to shift gears, into possible OWS style riot mode.

I've never said that he would go to prison. He should, if he actually did it on purpose, but that has yet to be determined, so don't be putting words in people's mouth unless you have the proof to back up your rhetoric.

See, I am flabbergasted how you can cover for yourselves. "He should, if he actually did it on purpose". Don't put words in my mouth, I'll wind up negging you for it.

I've given proof to many posters on this thread, first to Sarah G, MarcATL, now you. You can't seem to grasp it. So I will not bother wasting my time.
Come on...Trayvon Martin played middle linebacker on his high school football team. That's the position that you give to someone who LIKES to hit. You don't give it to guys like George Zimmerman! I mean the more you look at this...the more it's obvious that what REALLY happened in Sanford, Florida that night is NOT what the main stream media decided happened. Just saying...

Actually, he played cornerback from the tapes I saw...and was pretty good at it too. He was a good athlete...he played both ways in HS...was pretty good on the offensive end also. I would bet he was probably in line for a scholarship somewhere.

My guess is the "line" for scholarships would have been getting rather short after his suspension from school for theft and possession of pot. Not saying that some college program wouldn't have taken him despite his problems off the field (because as Aaron Hernandez shows college football programs WILL coddle problem players who excel on the field) but he was obviously screwing up his life with his actions.

Perhaps, but he had his senior year to straighten up. Some football players that have been given scholarships have had a lot more problems than him....alot more problems... like you stated. There are some that would make him look like a choir boy in comparison.
Yes. Then GZ dispelled that by bragging about it, showing no remorse, swearing that he would do nothing different, explaining that it was gods plan, etc..

If you are defending yourself in what you believe is an attempt on your life, and you kill your assailant, would you feel remorse? Or would you feel justified in what you thought you had to do at the time?

You feel remorse for killing the non guilty by accident; i.e. the woman who believes the rapist is breaking in her door so she shoots. . . .and kills her husband or a neighbor. THAT is when you feel remorse. Not for shooting a rapist who is coming after you.

George Zimmerman may be gulty of murder. But grasping at emotional straws to convict him is not constructive. I do not believe the prosecution has made a case that George Zimmerman acted either negligently or intended to kill anybody that fateful night.

Zimmerman did not murder anyone.

I can't say that with any certainty. But I can say that prosecution sure hasn't made any kind of case that he did. All chances for a fair trial for Zimmerman went out the window when President Obama got involved. That ensured a year-long media circus that has ensued. Zimmerman's life has been changed in a hellish way no matter what the verdict and no matter if he is completely innocent.
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So, what happened this morning?

Anything worth mentioning?

I woke up, didn't really want to watch, so I loaded up WoW, did my dailies, a Raid and a few ICC Dungeons for Rep. Got bored with that, turned on the feed and they're at lunch.

GZ was the one screaming
GZ was the one screaming
GZ was the one screaming
GZ was the one screaming
GZ was the one screaming
GZ was the one screaming

The Bernster likes to say the word "asshole".

He's said asshole so much that i wonder if he's going to stalk M O'M out of the courthouse and shoot him.
So, what happened this morning?

Anything worth mentioning?

I woke up, didn't really want to watch, so I loaded up WoW, did my dailies, a Raid and a few ICC Dungeons for Rep. Got bored with that, turned on the feed and they're at lunch.

GZ was the one screaming
GZ was the one screaming
GZ was the one screaming
GZ was the one screaming
GZ was the one screaming
GZ was the one screaming

The Bernster likes to say the word "asshole".

He's said asshole so much that i wonder if he's going to stalk M O'M out of the courthouse and shoot him.

Oh nozies! M. O'M is a "cracker." :eek:
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