The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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No, because they are listening to the trial and not talking points from some extremist mag or message boards.

You know he's going to get off, correct?...

It's Obvious how you FEEL about this Case, but you Realize what is going on and that he is not Guilty of what he's been Charged with?



She thinks Travon was still 12.

She probably reads the New York Times...

They are still doing this:

Trayvon Martin - The New York Times


Dishonesty from our "Free Press"?... I can't believe it.

They do know that this was actually the Young Man who Assaulted Zimmerman?...


Crippin'... ^That's @nolimitnigga... Fact.


Does everybody remember the last two weeks when you had a hard time telling if they were state or defense witnesses? Not happening this week.

Yeah, they are all marching to the same tune this week - :lol:

Haven't heard anyone call the state's attorney a retard either. No racial slurs either. The state's witnesses supported GZ account, and now defense witnesses support GZ account too. Usually when witnesses say the defendant is telling the truth there is no trial.
George Zimmerman may be gulty of murder. But grasping at emotional straws to convict him is not constructive. I do not believe the prosecution has made a case that George Zimmerman acted either negligently or intended to kill anybody that fateful night.

Remembering the difference btwn murder and killing.
Depends on how you define "fight." Are you so sure that Zimmerman feels he won the fight? What if he feels regret that he had to resort to using deadly force? Maybe he feels he lost the fight.

You are looking at this as a fight. Maybe Zimmerman never had any intention of fighting at all. Did that ever occur to you?
Yes. Then GZ dispelled that by bragging about it, showing no remorse, swearing that he would do nothing different, explaining that it was gods plan, etc..

If you are defending yourself in what you believe is an attempt on your life, and you kill your assailant, would you feel remorse? Or would you feel justified in what you thought you had to do at the time?

You feel remorse for killing the non guilty by accident; i.e. the woman who believes the rapist is breaking in her door so she shoots. . . .and kills her husband or a neighbor. THAT is when you feel remorse. Not for shooting a rapist who is coming after you.

George Zimmerman may be gulty of murder. But grasping at emotional straws to convict him is not constructive. I do not believe the prosecution has made a case that George Zimmerman acted either negligently or intended to kill anybody that fateful night.

Zimmerman did not murder anyone.
If I recall correctly, the media (NYT one of them) stated in their first reporting Zimmerman was white, then when they realized he was hispanic, rather than drop the white they started calling him white hispanic. And that term has not been largely used by the press, ever.

one of their own in MSM even admitted that the term is an invention by the media - the link to Ruben Navarette's of CNN article exactly on invention of the term by the media was written in February 2012 and was posted here several times.

However, our dense racist friends here a.k.a. Mertex et al pretend not to to see it

Your personal attacks just show your shallowness. Check out the US Census information on the internet, if you are able to do so and quit posting nonsense.

Funny how liberals draw other people off the main topic of discussion when it looks bad for them. It's also ironic, how this talk of Zimmerman's supposed whiteness is irrelevant.
Hispanics are caucasians? Hispanics can be of any race. Those I believe most of them are considered mongoloid and not caucasian.

Also, Caucasians are white? I'd love you to ask the millions of people living in India what color they are. Because they are very much caucasians.

Actually the majority of Hispanics in the US listed themselves as white for a race.

To avoid being reported to Immigration Control and Enforcement. /sarcasm.
Racist, anyone?

Look, this has nothing to do with the actual case. His race should be a minutial issue. Only liberals with agendas and political vendettas have an issue with his race. Its like all the pent up racial hatred is suddenly focused on one person for defending himself... "he has to be a racist, my liberal mind can't encompass any other possibility!"
That is so lame. Libs don't have an issue with his race, we're just pointing out to the uninformed that GZ is "white" and "Hispanic" at the same time - they seem to have a problem digesting that.

Libs aren't the ones that want to deport all the Hispanics - so you are really stretching that one.
one of their own in MSM even admitted that the term is an invention by the media - the link to Ruben Navarette's of CNN article exactly on invention of the term by the media was written in February 2012 and was posted here several times.

However, our dense racist friends here a.k.a. Mertex et al pretend not to to see it

Your personal attacks just show your shallowness. Check out the US Census information on the internet, if you are able to do so and quit posting nonsense.

Funny how liberals draw other people off the main topic of discussion when it looks bad for them. It's also ironic, how this is irrelevant.

When it looks "bad" for them? GZ is a Democrat, i.e. a Liberal, so you are saying that it looks bad for him? Bwahahaha, that is too funny.

It's not Liberals that are on trial, FYI.
You know he's going to get off, correct?...

It's Obvious how you FEEL about this Case, but you Realize what is going on and that he is not Guilty of what he's been Charged with?



She thinks Travon was still 12.

She probably reads the New York Times...

They are still doing this:

Trayvon Martin - The New York Times


Dishonesty from our "Free Press"?... I can't believe it.

They do know that this was actually the Young Man who Assaulted Zimmerman?...


Crippin'... ^That's @nolimitnigga... Fact.



Yes, and the sheep was and are outraged, the media is driving all of this
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Does everybody remember the last two weeks when you had a hard time telling if they were state or defense witnesses? Not happening this week.

Yeah, they are all marching to the same tune this week - :lol:

Haven't heard anyone call the state's attorney a retard either. No racial slurs either. The state's witnesses supported GZ account, and now defense witnesses support GZ account too. Usually when witnesses say the defendant is telling the truth there is no trial.

The NY Slimes tried to use THIS image:


But some editor said no.

Musta been one of those conservative crackahs.

(As if there is such a thing as a conservative editor at The New York Slimes. :lol: )
Actually the majority of Hispanics in the US listed themselves as white for a race.

To avoid being reported to Immigration Control and Enforcement. /sarcasm.
Racist, anyone?

Look, this has nothing to do with the actual case. His race should be a minutial issue. Only liberals with agendas and political vendettas have an issue with his race. Its like all the pent up racial hatred is suddenly focused on one person for defending himself... "he has to be a racist, my liberal mind can't encompass any other possibility!"
That is so lame. Libs don't have an issue with his race, we're just pointing out to the uninformed that GZ is "white" and "Hispanic" at the same time - they seem to have a problem digesting that.

Libs aren't the ones that want to deport all the Hispanics - so you are really stretching that one.

Libs want to keep the Hispanics so they can vote, but the also don't want them killing other potential lib voters, even if in self defense.
Does everybody remember the last two weeks when you had a hard time telling if they were state or defense witnesses? Not happening this week.

Yeah, they are all marching to the same tune this week - :lol:

Haven't heard anyone call the state's attorney a retard either. No racial slurs either. The state's witnesses supported GZ account, and now defense witnesses support GZ account too. Usually when witnesses say the defendant is telling the truth there is no trial.

All friends and business associates of GZ, of course they are going to support GZ's story. If you thought the defense was going to put someone on the stand that would speak against GZ or demean his background you are more naive than you appear by your posts.
Actually the majority of Hispanics in the US listed themselves as white for a race.

To avoid being reported to Immigration Control and Enforcement. /sarcasm.
Racist, anyone?

Look, this has nothing to do with the actual case. His race should be a minutial issue. Only liberals with agendas and political vendettas have an issue with his race. Its like all the pent up racial hatred is suddenly focused on one person for defending himself... "he has to be a racist, my liberal mind can't encompass any other possibility!"
That is so lame. Libs don't have an issue with his race, we're just pointing out to the uninformed that GZ is "white" and "Hispanic" at the same time - they seem to have a problem digesting that.

Libs aren't the ones that want to deport all the Hispanics - so you are really stretching that one.

"Lame"? Is that it? Cons aren't the ones wanting to grant amnesty to 11 million plus illegals, so your point is what exactly? I see I've already gotten you to play the race card, while trying to justify your party's animosity towards George Zimmerman. And I'm not racist, for it was you liberals who screamed "RACIST!" when this news first broke.

Don't try this crap with me Mert.
To avoid being reported to Immigration Control and Enforcement. /sarcasm.
Racist, anyone?

Look, this has nothing to do with the actual case. His race should be a minutial issue. Only liberals with agendas and political vendettas have an issue with his race. Its like all the pent up racial hatred is suddenly focused on one person for defending himself... "he has to be a racist, my liberal mind can't encompass any other possibility!"
That is so lame. Libs don't have an issue with his race, we're just pointing out to the uninformed that GZ is "white" and "Hispanic" at the same time - they seem to have a problem digesting that.

Libs aren't the ones that want to deport all the Hispanics - so you are really stretching that one.

Libs want to keep the Hispanics so they can vote, but the also don't want them killing other potential lib voters, even if in self defense.

And conservatives are so worried about a Lib voter going to prison because they don' want to minimize the Lib vote? Bwahahaha - you make as much sense as a 3 yr. old.
Depends on how you define "fight." Are you so sure that Zimmerman feels he won the fight? What if he feels regret that he had to resort to using deadly force? Maybe he feels he lost the fight.

You are looking at this as a fight. Maybe Zimmerman never had any intention of fighting at all. Did that ever occur to you?
Yes. Then GZ dispelled that by bragging about it, showing no remorse, swearing that he would do nothing different, explaining that it was gods plan, etc..

If you are defending yourself in what you believe is an attempt on your life, and you kill your assailant, would you feel remorse? Or would you feel justified in what you thought you had to do at the time?

You feel remorse for killing the non guilty by accident; i.e. the woman who believes the rapist is breaking in her door so she shoots. . . .and kills her husband or a neighbor. THAT is when you feel remorse. Not for shooting a rapist who is coming after you.

George Zimmerman may be gulty of murder. But grasping at emotional straws to convict him is not constructive. I do not believe the prosecution has made a case that George Zimmerman acted either negligently or intended to kill anybody that fateful night.
>>> If you are defending yourself in what you believe is an attempt on your life, and you kill your assailant, would you feel remorse? Or would you feel justified in what you thought you had to do at the time?

I don't believe in the no win scenario. I don't believe in your kill or be killed scenario. This was not war. This was yard fight. I would not have shot this unarmed boy, period. If you are able to come up with a scenario where I would have had to kill this teen, which I doubt, then for argument sake, yes I would feel remorse that I failed to save this teen's life.

>>> You feel remorse for killing the non guilty by accident; i.e. the woman who believes the rapist is breaking in her door so she shoots. . . .and kills her husband or a neighbor. THAT is when you feel remorse. Not for shooting a rapist who is coming after you.

TM was not a rapist and GZ is not a woman. Your comparison is ludicrous. Reaching for your weapon to kill someone for "coming" at you to "question why are you chasing me?"

>>> George Zimmerman may be gulty of murder. But grasping at emotional straws to convict him is not constructive. I do not believe the prosecution has made a case that George Zimmerman acted either negligently or intended to kill anybody that fateful night.

You compare TM to a rapist coming after a girl, then make the argument against grasping at emotional straws?
Your personal attacks just show your shallowness. Check out the US Census information on the internet, if you are able to do so and quit posting nonsense.

Funny how liberals draw other people off the main topic of discussion when it looks bad for them. It's also ironic, how this is irrelevant.

When it looks "bad" for them? GZ is a Democrat, i.e. a Liberal, so you are saying that it looks bad for him? Bwahahaha, that is too funny.

It's not Liberals that are on trial, FYI.

So you claim GZ as a liberal to put TemlarKormac in his place, but then state that a liberal is not on trial. Nothing like having your cake and eating it too.
Racist, anyone?

That is so lame. Libs don't have an issue with his race, we're just pointing out to the uninformed that GZ is "white" and "Hispanic" at the same time - they seem to have a problem digesting that.

Libs aren't the ones that want to deport all the Hispanics - so you are really stretching that one.

Libs want to keep the Hispanics so they can vote, but the also don't want them killing other potential lib voters, even if in self defense.

And conservatives are so worried about a Lib voter going to prison because they don' want to minimize the Lib vote? Bwahahaha - you make as much sense as a 3 yr. old.

After this persecution I am guessing he won't be voting lib anytime soon.
To avoid being reported to Immigration Control and Enforcement. /sarcasm.
Racist, anyone?

Look, this has nothing to do with the actual case. His race should be a minutial issue. Only liberals with agendas and political vendettas have an issue with his race. Its like all the pent up racial hatred is suddenly focused on one person for defending himself... "he has to be a racist, my liberal mind can't encompass any other possibility!"
That is so lame. Libs don't have an issue with his race, we're just pointing out to the uninformed that GZ is "white" and "Hispanic" at the same time - they seem to have a problem digesting that.

Libs aren't the ones that want to deport all the Hispanics - so you are really stretching that one.

"Lame"? Is that it? Cons aren't the ones wanting to grant amnesty to 11 million plus illegals, so your point is what exactly? I see I've already gotten you to play the race card, while trying to justify your party's animosity towards George Zimmerman. And I'm not racist, for it was you liberals who screamed "RACIST!" when this news first broke.
You just proved my point. You are calling every Hispanic an "illegal" with your sarcastic innuendo, and then you claim that you are not racist? And, who exactly brought up the "race" issue? I don't have a race issue, all I have been doing is enlightening those that are uninformed that there is such a term as "white Hispanic" - so tell me how that is being racist?

Don't try this crap with me Mert.
You're trapping yourself, so don't blame me, Temp!
Yeah, they are all marching to the same tune this week - :lol:

Haven't heard anyone call the state's attorney a retard either. No racial slurs either. The state's witnesses supported GZ account, and now defense witnesses support GZ account too. Usually when witnesses say the defendant is telling the truth there is no trial.

All friends and business associates of GZ, of course they are going to support GZ's story. If you thought the defense was going to put someone on the stand that would speak against GZ or demean his background you are more naive than you appear by your posts.

I wouldn't expect for the state to put up people who were recanting previous statements or proven perjurers, but that happened. You make as much sense as a full grown adult liberal.
Libs want to keep the Hispanics so they can vote, but the also don't want them killing other potential lib voters, even if in self defense.

And conservatives are so worried about a Lib voter going to prison because they don' want to minimize the Lib vote? Bwahahaha - you make as much sense as a 3 yr. old.

After this persecution I am guessing he won't be voting lib anytime soon.

Aha! So you are just trying to proselytize votes for the Republican party? :lol:
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