The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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The more I listen to this non-emergency call I wonder why someone would call and report them self for stalking and hunting someone they were planning on killing? Wonder if that has crossed any of the juror's minds?

same here, along with the fact he had called in suspicious people up to 50 times before, where he never once used his gun. That says alot to me.

non-emergency call ... where he never once used his gun

how many of those 50 did he follow on foot in the rain - without cause, carrying a loaded revolver ?

It was a Kel Tec 9mm Luger Double Action pistol, genius


Does that look like a revolver to you?
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AYUP by the GZ sides own argument... TM should've killed GZ in self defense. To the winner goes the reward of absolution.

Certainly, if Mr. Martin wasn't the initial aggressor and had a reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury. Too bad the facts seem to indicate he was kicking the shit out of Mr. Zimmerman.

Who won the fight?

Depends on how you define "fight." Are you so sure that Zimmerman feels he won the fight? What if he feels regret that he had to resort to using deadly force? Maybe he feels he lost the fight.

You are looking at this as a fight. Maybe Zimmerman never had any intention of fighting at all. Did that ever occur to you?
The more I listen to this non-emergency call I wonder why someone would call and report them self for stalking and hunting someone they were planning on killing? Wonder if that has crossed any of the juror's minds?

same here, along with the fact he had called in suspicious people up to 50 times before, where he never once used his gun. That says alot to me.

non-emergency call ... where he never once used his gun

how many of those 50 did he follow on foot in the rain - without cause, carrying a loaded revolver ?

Well,none. Including this incident.
Here's the gun he carried.

But that's about as accurate as anything else reported on this incident.
Username JQPubic.1 is hostile to facts, and posting honestly is an alien concept to the dope.

He won't do it.

You can't MAKE him do it.

I am hostile to distortions that PASS for facts such as your ilk find comfort in spreading all across the INTERNET. BTW I 'm surprised that you managed to put a few lines together without any profanity laced diatribes. You might make it to heaven after all... but I doubt you would be happy there.... There is no INTERNET or profanity there!

I answered MeBelle 60's post and answered it. Nice try but you have to get up pretty early in the morning to score a "gotcha" on me!

You remain quite dishonest.

For proof, just look at your last post. I quoted it for you, you dope.

Try to smarten up.

And, for once, give HONESTY a chance.

You have yet to prove ANY dishonesty on my part! just saying it doe not make it so!
Stop being such a Rhesus!
Certainly, if Mr. Martin wasn't the initial aggressor and had a reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury. Too bad the facts seem to indicate he was kicking the shit out of Mr. Zimmerman.

Who won the fight?

Depends on how you define "fight." Are you so sure that Zimmerman feels he won the fight? What if he feels regret that he had to resort to using deadly force? Maybe he feels he lost the fight.

You are looking at this as a fight. Maybe Zimmerman never had any intention of fighting at all. Did that ever occur to you?
Yes. Then GZ dispelled that by bragging about it, showing no remorse, swearing that he would do nothing different, explaining that it was gods plan, etc..
Well it's not ridiculous at all.

In any case, people who own guns and like to carry them around should be a bit nervous because this will shed light on exactly how dangerous that is, in Florida.

If Zimmerman walks it will mean at any time and any place an unarmed person can be shot for almost any reason at all.

And so long as they are killed, the killer will get away with it.

What you're saying is if Zimmerman gets convicted regardless of what the law says anyone who wants to beat the crap out of someone can do so as long as the person they beat the crap out of is carrying a gun.

What your saying is that if we have a trial for murder and the murderer gets convicted that excuses all other crimes committed by the guy the murder killed. New flash: George was not judge, jury, and executioner of TM.

I don't think other crimes TM committed are worth death. Only this crime has bearing. Assault and Battery with intent to kill is worth a lethal response.

Trayvan never murdered anyone before but there's always a first time in ever murderer's history.

I went to school with a serial killer. You might have heard of Wayne Nance. He was in my HS class. Wayne was Trayvan's age when he started killing people.

Wayne Nathan Nance | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers
I remember when I was in HS I was attacked by a punk kid younger than Trayvan. I had to go to the hospital to make sure I was alright. I reported this incident to the Vice Principle and his parents tried to claim I was the instigator. I was minding my own business walking home from school with a bicycle tire in one hand and an inner-tube in the other when this kid comes up to me and starts grabbing me and telling me he's gonna kill me. Then he knees me in the nuts. My only defense was that I threw up on him because the pain was so intense. The punks parents swore up and down that their rotten kid was an angel. I believe Trayvan's parents are the same type.

I'm lucky the parents didn't try to sue me for the Landry bill.

Welll I dunno Mud, sounds like you are describing Zimmerman's parents to me! BTW his father has even authored a book in which he calls Blacks racists!
Who won the fight?

Depends on how you define "fight." Are you so sure that Zimmerman feels he won the fight? What if he feels regret that he had to resort to using deadly force? Maybe he feels he lost the fight.

You are looking at this as a fight. Maybe Zimmerman never had any intention of fighting at all. Did that ever occur to you?
Yes. Then GZ dispelled that by bragging about it, showing no remorse, swearing that he would do nothing different, explaining that it was gods plan, etc..

I think your hat might be too tight
What you're saying is if Zimmerman gets convicted regardless of what the law says anyone who wants to beat the crap out of someone can do so as long as the person they beat the crap out of is carrying a gun.

What your saying is that if we have a trial for murder and the murderer gets convicted that excuses all other crimes committed by the guy the murder killed. New flash: George was not judge, jury, and executioner of TM.

I don't think other crimes TM committed are worth death. Only this crime has bearing. Assault and Battery with intent to kill is worth a lethal response.

Trayvan never murdered anyone before but there's always a first time in ever murderer's history.

I went to school with a serial killer. You might have heard of Wayne Nance. He was in my HS class. Wayne was Trayvan's age when he started killing people.

Wayne Nathan Nance | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers

Who killed who?
That's because he never "grabbed" Zimmerman's head and slammed it into the concrete.

So why does DNA under his fingernails matter?

Are you moving the goalposts here?

It is the absence of DNA under Martin's fingernails that matters to his supporters. Our argument is that Blood or some other body fluid would be readily apparent on Martin's hands, fingernails included, if he was manually banging the head of GZ repeatedly against concrete as alleged! Now I know there will be a barrage of insults from IlarMeilyr saying that blood has no DNA. But the oaf is wrong! The RED blood cells do not contain DNA because they have no nuclei but white cells in the blood do.

I think a clenched fist would make it harder to get DNA under the fingernails. The rain most likely washed any DNA off of his hands.
What your saying is that if we have a trial for murder and the murderer gets convicted that excuses all other crimes committed by the guy the murder killed. New flash: George was not judge, jury, and executioner of TM.

I don't think other crimes TM committed are worth death. Only this crime has bearing. Assault and Battery with intent to kill is worth a lethal response.

Trayvan never murdered anyone before but there's always a first time in ever murderer's history.

I went to school with a serial killer. You might have heard of Wayne Nance. He was in my HS class. Wayne was Trayvan's age when he started killing people.

Wayne Nathan Nance | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers

Who killed who?

You ignore the facts.......

I won't explain them because it's clear you're not rational.
Depends on how you define "fight." Are you so sure that Zimmerman feels he won the fight? What if he feels regret that he had to resort to using deadly force? Maybe he feels he lost the fight.

You are looking at this as a fight. Maybe Zimmerman never had any intention of fighting at all. Did that ever occur to you?
Yes. Then GZ dispelled that by bragging about it, showing no remorse, swearing that he would do nothing different, explaining that it was gods plan, etc..

I think your hat might be too tight

All that conjecture. He should be a lawyer for the prosecution.
I wonder if anyone in the state attorney's office has ever said fuck or asshole in their life and not wanted to kill someone? Seems hard to understand why you would try to use foul language as your soul premise for convicting a man of 2nd degree murder.
If I recall correctly, the media (NYT one of them) stated in their first reporting Zimmerman was white, then when they realized he was hispanic, rather than drop the white they started calling him white hispanic. And that term has not been largely used by the press, ever.

one of their own in MSM even admitted that the term is an invention by the media - the link to Ruben Navarette's of CNN article exactly on invention of the term by the media was written in February 2012 and was posted here several times.

However, our dense racist friends here a.k.a. Mertex et al pretend not to to see it

Your personal attacks just show your shallowness. Check out the US Census information on the internet, if you are able to do so and quit posting nonsense.
I don't think other crimes TM committed are worth death. Only this crime has bearing. Assault and Battery with intent to kill is worth a lethal response.

Trayvan never murdered anyone before but there's always a first time in ever murderer's history.

I went to school with a serial killer. You might have heard of Wayne Nance. He was in my HS class. Wayne was Trayvan's age when he started killing people.

Wayne Nathan Nance | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers

Who killed who?

You ignore the facts.......

I won't explain them because it's clear you're not rational.

You are comparing a dead teen with a serial killer. You are siding with a guy who's accused of serial sex offenses with one girl, fighting with another girl, and killed a teen. You are accusing this teen while ignoring GZ's own testimony that he was following the "fucking punk." The suspect that according to GZ probably has a gun. The suspect that GZ followed into the rain while armed.

And you are calling me irrational?
Who won the fight?

Depends on how you define "fight." Are you so sure that Zimmerman feels he won the fight? What if he feels regret that he had to resort to using deadly force? Maybe he feels he lost the fight.

You are looking at this as a fight. Maybe Zimmerman never had any intention of fighting at all. Did that ever occur to you?
Yes. Then GZ dispelled that by bragging about it, showing no remorse, swearing that he would do nothing different, explaining that it was gods plan, etc..

If you are defending yourself in what you believe is an attempt on your life, and you kill your assailant, would you feel remorse? Or would you feel justified in what you thought you had to do at the time?

You feel remorse for killing the non guilty by accident; i.e. the woman who believes the rapist is breaking in her door so she shoots. . . .and kills her husband or a neighbor. THAT is when you feel remorse. Not for shooting a rapist who is coming after you.

George Zimmerman may be gulty of murder. But grasping at emotional straws to convict him is not constructive. I do not believe the prosecution has made a case that George Zimmerman acted either negligently or intended to kill anybody that fateful night.
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