The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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The time span from when Zimmerman spotted Martin to the time he shot him is seven minutes.

This wasn't a long chase. Half of that time was spent on a well lit street where Zimmerman spots Martin, Zimmerman says Martin circles the car and then Zimmerman says Martin is getting away.

It's not consistent that Zimmerman, who "fears" Martin is armed, follows him into a dark courtyard to "get an address" and that within that timeframe Martin secrets a location to "lie in wait" and attack Zimmerman.

It doesn't make sense from Zimmerman's statement that Martin is running away nor does it make any sense given the time that Martin had to "plot" this attack.

And it doesn't make any sense to "get an address" in an area with no lights.

Zimmerman admits to both following Martin and then changes the story that he kept going to find the address across the courtyard.

And that doesn't make sense.

Well, considering the fact that the first impulse when someone is doing something they aren't supposed to be doing is the run, I figure that makes sense. But since TM had drugs in his system it's possible he wasn't acting normal.

One could speculate that he at first started running then said "Fuck this, I'm gonna kick somebody's butt". So he decided after talking to his GF on the phone to be a bad-ass and go back and confront that creepy assed Cracker.

Thats it. spread that hyperbole around. BTW are U any kin to Muddy Waters? You sing a lot like him.

I'm merely speculating here. Like you are I might add. Course the evidence presented supports this speculation and absent any eye witnesses to this fact it seems it's downto the grass stains on Zimmerman's back and the injuries on both of them. Trayvan only had skinned knuckles and a bullet hole. Zimmerman had various head injuries, some of which his detractors said weren't serious. Course a witness said that it was getting serious so it's clear Zimmerman didn't wait until it became fatal.

Funny, nobody but a oriental guy actually examined the body and he couldn't relate anything without reading it from a log book. A log book he attempted to keep to himself and had to be ordered to enter as evidence during his testimony.
The best the prosecution can hope for is a hung jury.

I'll be a zillion they won't bring charges again though.

So hung is good enough.

Zimmerman would still be having to tread on water and would not be as candid for fear of anything he says being used in a retrial. I'd prefer a verdict.

He's going to have to change his name and move to Timbuktu no matter what.

So anything is marginal justice at best.
Really? And you know this how? Cause you are a female? I too happen to be a female

No, because they are listening to the trial and not talking points from some extremist mag or message boards.

You know he's going to get off, correct?...

It's Obvious how you FEEL about this Case, but you Realize what is going on and that he is not Guilty of what he's been Charged with?



She thinks Travon was still 12.
Your discoveries are bogus.

State v. Zimmerman: Evidence released by prosecutor

Start on page 150, HOA news. Page 155 and continue reading the email correspondence between the police dept and the HOA/Zimmerman in regards to setting up a Neighborhood watch program.

Bear in mind that this document dump is from the prosecutors.


Username JQPubic.1 is hostile to facts, and posting honestly is an alien concept to the dope.

He won't do it.

You can't MAKE him do it.

I am hostile to distortions that PASS for facts such as your ilk find comfort in spreading all across the INTERNET. BTW I 'm surprised that you managed to put a few lines together without any profanity laced diatribes. You might make it to heaven after all... but I doubt you would be happy there.... There is no INTERNET or profanity there!

I answered MeBelle 60's post and answered it. Nice try but you have to get up pretty early in the morning to score a "gotcha" on me!

You remain quite dishonest.

For proof, just look at your last post. I quoted it for you, you dope.

Try to smarten up.

And, for once, give HONESTY a chance.
If there is a hung juror on the jury, then the jury selection process must have gone askew.

"That's not a skirt! It's a KILT!" :eek:

They'll all go to the ladies room together, have a powwow, a good cry and that will be that.
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The best the prosecution can hope for is a hung jury.

I'll be a zillion they won't bring charges again though.

So hung is good enough.

Zimmerman would still be having to tread on water and would not be as candid for fear of anything he says being used in a retrial. I'd prefer a verdict.

The "justice system" has already put Zimmerman in a situation where he will have to tread water for the rest of his life anyway but I agree--a verdict would be nice.
I remember when I was in HS I was attacked by a punk kid younger than Trayvan. I had to go to the hospital to make sure I was alright. I reported this incident to the Vice Principle and his parents tried to claim I was the instigator. I was minding my own business walking home from school with a bicycle tire in one hand and an inner-tube in the other when this kid comes up to me and starts grabbing me and telling me he's gonna kill me. Then he knees me in the nuts. My only defense was that I threw up on him because the pain was so intense. The punks parents swore up and down that their rotten kid was an angel. I believe Trayvan's parents are the same type.

I'm lucky the parents didn't try to sue me for the Landry bill.
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Really? And you know this how? Cause you are a female? I too happen to be a female

No, because they are listening to the trial and not talking points from some extremist mag or message boards.

You know he's going to get off, correct?...

It's Obvious how you FEEL about this Case, but you Realize what is going on and that he is not Guilty of what he's been Charged with?



Sarah is hoping like our president wants us to do
I'll be a zillion they won't bring charges again though.

So hung is good enough.

Zimmerman would still be having to tread on water and would not be as candid for fear of anything he says being used in a retrial. I'd prefer a verdict.

The "justice system" has already put Zimmerman in a situation where he will have to tread water for the rest of his life anyway but I agree--a verdict would be nice.

The media did all the heavy lifting. The injustice system is merely an accomplice that went along for the ride.
The more I listen to this non-emergency call I wonder why someone would call and report them self for stalking and hunting someone they were planning on killing? Wonder if that has crossed any of the juror's minds?

same here, along with the fact he had called in suspicious people up to 50 times before, where he never once used his gun. That says alot to me.

non-emergency call ... where he never once used his gun

how many of those 50 did he follow on foot in the rain - without cause, carrying a loaded revolver ?
Well it's not ridiculous at all.

In any case, people who own guns and like to carry them around should be a bit nervous because this will shed light on exactly how dangerous that is, in Florida.

If Zimmerman walks it will mean at any time and any place an unarmed person can be shot for almost any reason at all.

And so long as they are killed, the killer will get away with it.

What you're saying is if Zimmerman gets convicted regardless of what the law says anyone who wants to beat the crap out of someone can do so as long as the person they beat the crap out of is carrying a gun.

What your saying is that if we have a trial for murder and the murderer gets convicted that excuses all other crimes committed by the guy the murder killed. New flash: George was not judge, jury, and executioner of TM.

More significant newsflash. GZ WAS allowed to defend himself. And it does not matter if TM was a sinner in the past or a saint. What matters is whether, on the night in question, TM had assaulted GZ, putting GZ in reasonable fear for his life or in fear of serious physical injury.
Zimmerman would still be having to tread on water and would not be as candid for fear of anything he says being used in a retrial. I'd prefer a verdict.

The "justice system" has already put Zimmerman in a situation where he will have to tread water for the rest of his life anyway but I agree--a verdict would be nice.

The media did all the heavy lifting. The injustice system is merely an accomplice that went along for the ride.

When the justice system starts to take it's cues from the media we're screwed---:eek:
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