The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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To avoid being reported to Immigration Control and Enforcement. /sarcasm.

Look, this has nothing to do with the actual case. His race should be a minutial issue. Only liberals with agendas and political vendettas have an issue with his race. Its like all the pent up racial hatred is suddenly focused on one person for defending himself... "he has to be a racist, my liberal mind can't encompass any other possibility!"

Then why are right wingers so worried about everyone knowing he is hispanic?
Why are right wingers so worried about him being called white hispanic?
Liberal mind set? How about the right wing mind set? Why do so many right wingers want to paint Martin has some thug criminal?
And why exactly did he look suspicious that night? It was raining, one usually wears a hood when it is raining.
My issue with the case has nothing to do with race, and everything to do with a man shooting a unarmed teenager who had committed no crime. One should be able to walk to the store without being followed. I also have a problem with a man playing wanna be cop.

And speaking of liberal mind set...I thought liberals loved to cater to Hispanics? Aren't we always trying get their votes? So which is it?

And your first sentence wasn't sarcasm.

It's a big deal that he's Hispanic only because the media initiatally painted a picture of a white man who was racist stalking a young teenaged black kid.
None of that was true. When it was discovered that Zimmerman was actually Hispanic they ginned up the term "white Hispanic"--something I've never seen reported in the media at all. It was purely CYA to continue their mistaken narrative.
The media sold a version of this story so at odds with reality it is a wonder no reporter was fired.

BIAS. You bastard.

You tried to help the accused.

You EVIL person!

Oh wait.

That's actually ok. Well ... errr ---

I mean, uhm.

Bernie should sit the fuck down. He's being too obvious of an asshole for the State's good.
You think you speak for a jury that hasn't ruled and you wonder why you're thought of as a dumbass twat?

Really? :lmao:

I have more in common with the jury than you all, I don't know, I believe in

Really? And you know this how? Cause you are a female? I too happen to be a female

No, because they are listening to the trial and not talking points from some extremist mag or message boards.
I have more in common with the jury than you all, I don't know, I believe in

Really? And you know this how? Cause you are a female? I too happen to be a female

No, because they are listening to the trial and not talking points from some extremist mag or message boards.

You're in for a rude awakening.

I hope you can handle it.

Well, actually I don't give a shit whether you can handle it or not. :lol:
Except that the jury and I don't believe he was merely defending himself.

So you think that Zimmerman essentially went hunting to murder a black youth, all the while in nearly constant communication with the police?

I do believe he followed the kid because he profiled him and in his mind, Trayvon was going to get away. At the actual event, things went terribly wrong and in his anger, he murdered him and then concocted a story where it came out several times that he had lied.

You use the word "murder." You are aware that word has a definition, and that one aspect of that definition requires a specific intent? I don't see that intent, even in your view of the facts.
I have more in common with the jury than you all, I don't know, I believe in

Really? And you know this how? Cause you are a female? I too happen to be a female

No, because they are listening to the trial and not talking points from some extremist mag or message boards.

Unlike you, there is a very good chance that they are actually being objective.

Almost all the stupid shit you are spewing sounds like the imbecility from some whacked out left wing site like DUh.
I have more in common with the jury than you all, I don't know, I believe in

Really? And you know this how? Cause you are a female? I too happen to be a female

No, because they are listening to the trial and not talking points from some extremist mag or message boards.

That would be funny if someone's life wasn't on the line.

I cannot believe how you willy nilly ignore evidence
Really? And you know this how? Cause you are a female? I too happen to be a female

No, because they are listening to the trial and not talking points from some extremist mag or message boards.

You're in for a rude awakening.

I hope you can handle it.

Well, actually I don't give a shit whether you can handle it or not. :lol:

Perhaps, I was hoping OJ and Casey Anthony would be found guilty too but they do get it wrong sometimes. As do you a lot of times.
According to Sarah, one must have large deep gashes and brain damage before they defend themselves
Women who have been raped, do not necessarily need a bandaid or stitches. But I'll be damned if they don't have a right to shoot their attacker while being terrorized.


BEFORE! Shoot them BEFORE!
AYUP by the GZ sides own argument... TM should've killed GZ in self defense. To the winner goes the reward of absolution.

Certainly, if Mr. Martin wasn't the initial aggressor and had a reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury. Too bad the facts seem to indicate he was kicking the shit out of Mr. Zimmerman.

2010 does not identify anybody as white hispanic race. it differs hispanics by ethnic origin and by race as it does all other Americans

people can be white race and hispanic ethnic origin, but not white hispanic race - this is oxymoronic term invented by MSM

and white race hispanic ethnic origin still DOES not apply to Zimmerman - he is more than one race and hispanic ethnic origin category

the ca

You are dense. Nobody said "White Hispanic" was a race, just that GZ was being called a "White Hispanic" - which he is. He is "white" because that is his race, and his ethnicity is "Hispanic"! Geez, it can't be dumbed down any further.

He isn't white though. He's half white. He's being called white Hispanic because someone first made the mistake of calling him white and the media ran with it and then they needed to cover their asses for jumping the gun with their story about how the horrible white guy killed the unarmed little black child.
Witness.."The voice on the tape is absolutely George Zimmerman"

Nuf said
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