The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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The "justice system" has already put Zimmerman in a situation where he will have to tread water for the rest of his life anyway but I agree--a verdict would be nice.

The media did all the heavy lifting. The injustice system is merely an accomplice that went along for the ride.

When the justice system starts to take it's cues from the media we're screwed---:eek:

You're standing there with your mouth open and there may be some stray soap floating around in this place.
The more I listen to this non-emergency call I wonder why someone would call and report them self for stalking and hunting someone they were planning on killing? Wonder if that has crossed any of the juror's minds?

same here, along with the fact he had called in suspicious people up to 50 times before, where he never once used his gun. That says alot to me.

non-emergency call ... where he never once used his gun

how many of those 50 did he follow on foot in the rain - without cause, carrying a loaded revolver ?

How many times was he asked by non-emergency to "let me know if he does anything else"?
The "justice system" has already put Zimmerman in a situation where he will have to tread water for the rest of his life anyway but I agree--a verdict would be nice.

The media did all the heavy lifting. The injustice system is merely an accomplice that went along for the ride.

When the justice system starts to take it's cues from the media we're screwed---:eek:

Exactly. This kind thing needs to stop. If we have any hope of staying free and safe. But this has become the political trial for the decade.

This trial is a farce. We all have a vested interest in it's outcome.

Are we free to defend our own lives or not?
AYUP by the GZ sides own argument... TM should've killed GZ in self defense. To the winner goes the reward of absolution.

Certainly, if Mr. Martin wasn't the initial aggressor and had a reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury. Too bad the facts seem to indicate he was kicking the shit out of Mr. Zimmerman.

Who won the fight?

Oh now that's just stupid and unfair and you haven't been listening to the case and that hasn't been brought into evidence and.. and..

The more I listen to this non-emergency call I wonder why someone would call and report them self for stalking and hunting someone they were planning on killing? Wonder if that has crossed any of the juror's minds?

same here, along with the fact he had called in suspicious people up to 50 times before, where he never once used his gun. That says alot to me.

non-emergency call ... where he never once used his gun

how many of those 50 did he follow on foot in the rain - without cause, carrying a loaded revolver ?

A revolver, huh? :eusa_eh:
The media did all the heavy lifting. The injustice system is merely an accomplice that went along for the ride.

When the justice system starts to take it's cues from the media we're screwed---:eek:

Exactly. This kind thing needs to stop. If we have any hope of staying free and safe. But this has become the political trial for the decade.

This trial is a farce. We all have a vested interest in it's outcome.

Are we free to defend our own lives or not?

Only if there are no witnesses afterwards.
that is because there hasnt been any

That's because he never "grabbed" Zimmerman's head and slammed it into the concrete.

So why does DNA under his fingernails matter?

Are you moving the goalposts here?

It is the absence of DNA under Martin's fingernails that matters to his supporters. Our argument is that Blood or some other body fluid would be readily apparent on Martin's hands, fingernails included, if he was manually banging the head of GZ repeatedly against concrete as alleged! Now I know there will be a barrage of insults from IlarMeilyr saying that blood has no DNA. But the oaf is wrong! The RED blood cells do not contain DNA because they have no nuclei but white cells in the blood do.
My what big eagles you have Legal.

Legaleagle blushes and replies:

Size 12 to be exact and I also have large hands. (Wink, wink)

Strange but true facts:

1. Baldness in men is strongly correlated to high levels of testosterone.

2,) High levels of testosterone is strongly correlated with male virility and sex drive.


Legally Bald Eagle. :eusa_whistle:
Based on what I have read in both prejudicial and apparently unbiased sources:

If George Zimmerman had committed any serious crime in Florida, he never would have received a carry permit. There is no question that he was lawfully carrying the night of the shooting.

If George Zimmerman was the racist thug that some here want him to be, he would not have black friends which he does. He would not have recently mentored a black youth at his church. In the some 48 different reports of persons that Zimmerman has made to the Sanford Police since he got involved in neighborhood watch, black, white, and hispanic persons have been reported, some due to unlawful behavior, some due to suspicious appearance, and in none of those cases was Zimmerman reported to be beligerant or threatening in any way. His neighbors interviewed all reported him as a good citizen who cares and who has made a difference in their neighborhood.

So yes, if Trayvon Martin had been white, or if George Zimmerman had been black, this would almost certainly be nothing more than a mention in the Orlando Sentinenl and would already be forgotten except by those directly affected by a tragic situation.

As it is, I don't know whether George Zimmerman did or did not commit a crime that night. Neither does any one of us posting on this thread. And the prosecution sure as hell has not made any kind of a case that he did.
When the justice system starts to take it's cues from the media we're screwed---:eek:

Exactly. This kind thing needs to stop. If we have any hope of staying free and safe. But this has become the political trial for the decade.

This trial is a farce. We all have a vested interest in it's outcome.

Are we free to defend our own lives or not?

Only if there are no witnesses afterwards.

good thing this case had witnesses
Really? And you know this how? Cause you are a female? I too happen to be a female

No, because they are listening to the trial and not talking points from some extremist mag or message boards.

You know he's going to get off, correct?...

It's Obvious how you FEEL about this Case, but you Realize what is going on and that he is not Guilty of what he's been Charged with?



You have a Creepy Ass Cracker Trademark Sistah!
The "justice system" has already put Zimmerman in a situation where he will have to tread water for the rest of his life anyway but I agree--a verdict would be nice.

The media did all the heavy lifting. The injustice system is merely an accomplice that went along for the ride.

When the justice system starts to take it's cues from the media we're screwed---:eek:

They take their cues from the highest bidder; in this case the bid was political capital. The DA did not want the fallout of not ruthlessly chargin Zimmerman.
My what big eagles you have Legal.

Legaleagle blushes and replies:

Size 12 to be exact and I also have large hands. (Wink, wink)

Strange but true facts:

1. Baldness in men is strongly correlated to high levels of testosterone.

2,) High levels of testosterone is strongly correlated with male virility and sex drive.


Legally Bald Eagle. :eusa_whistle:


I have to go away for a second.

Geez, I can't believe there is still an argument over the fact that Zimmerman was listed as "white".

Hispanics are considered caucasians, and caucasians are "white" - so he is white.
Hispanic is an ethnicity, not a race, so he is Hispanic White.

And Obama is Black/White so he could list himself as either, but chooses black, looks more black than white, but he would not be wrong if he called himself "white".

On the US Census, there is no 1/2 white 1/2 black.

If he weren't white, he couldn't be racist, now could he? He would just be Hispanic, and nobody would be going apeshit over him killing a 17 year old teenager.

Listen to yourself.
If that is your reason for defending him "because he is white", then just admit it, but that doesn't change his classification.

Oh wow.

You just exposed the entire liberal animus towards Zimmerman. Thank you Mert. I can't believe I baited you into responding this way. Perfect.

"Doesn't change his classification"? Priceless!
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