The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I'll be a zillion they won't bring charges again though.

So hung is good enough.

Zimmerman would still be having to tread on water and would not be as candid for fear of anything he says being used in a retrial. I'd prefer a verdict.

He's going to have to change his name and move to Timbuktu no matter what.

So anything is marginal justice at best.

Yep. If he is indeed innocent, the race baiters and haters will still have excised a huge measure of blood in destroying his peace and life for a very long time. And if he is indeed innocent of any act of malice, that will be a huge injustice. They don't have to convict in order to destroy.
Racist, anyone?

That is so lame. Libs don't have an issue with his race, we're just pointing out to the uninformed that GZ is "white" and "Hispanic" at the same time - they seem to have a problem digesting that.

Libs aren't the ones that want to deport all the Hispanics - so you are really stretching that one.

Libs want to keep the Hispanics so they can vote, but the also don't want them killing other potential lib voters, even if in self defense.

And conservatives are so worried about a Lib voter going to prison because they don' want to minimize the Lib vote? Bwahahaha - you make as much sense as a 3 yr. old.

No. Conservatives want to see justice regardless of one's political preferences. And it's not just to send someone to jail for killing someone in self defense.
Libs want to keep the Hispanics so they can vote, but the also don't want them killing other potential lib voters, even if in self defense.

And conservatives are so worried about a Lib voter going to prison because they don' want to minimize the Lib vote? Bwahahaha - you make as much sense as a 3 yr. old.

After this persecution I am guessing he won't be voting lib anytime soon.

he still might, but that is not an issue for conservatives, just shows that for libtards everything is about power grab.
Racist, anyone?

That is so lame. Libs don't have an issue with his race, we're just pointing out to the uninformed that GZ is "white" and "Hispanic" at the same time - they seem to have a problem digesting that.

Libs aren't the ones that want to deport all the Hispanics - so you are really stretching that one.

"Lame"? Is that it? Cons aren't the ones wanting to grant amnesty to 11 million plus illegals, so your point is what exactly? I see I've already gotten you to play the race card, while trying to justify your party's animosity towards George Zimmerman. And I'm not racist, for it was you liberals who screamed "RACIST!" when this news first broke.
You just proved my point. You are calling every Hispanic an "illegal" with your sarcastic innuendo, and then you claim that you are not racist? And, who exactly brought up the "race" issue? I don't have a race issue, all I have been doing is enlightening those that are uninformed that there is such a term as "white Hispanic" - so tell me how that is being racist?

Don't try this crap with me Mert.
You're trapping yourself, so don't blame me, Temp!

Where did Templar call every Hispanic an illegal? I missed that.
Daily Mail UK. The media have no shame.

And conservatives are so worried about a Lib voter going to prison because they don' want to minimize the Lib vote? Bwahahaha - you make as much sense as a 3 yr. old.

After this persecution I am guessing he won't be voting lib anytime soon.

Aha! So you are just trying to proselytize votes for the Republican party? :lol:

Yep, Republicans are against people having their right to due process infringed upon. Think we now have a convert, since GZ has been shown that libs don't share that value.
Funny how liberals draw other people off the main topic of discussion when it looks bad for them. It's also ironic, how this is irrelevant.

When it looks "bad" for them? GZ is a Democrat, i.e. a Liberal, so you are saying that it looks bad for him? Bwahahaha, that is too funny.

It's not Liberals that are on trial, FYI.

So you claim GZ as a liberal to put TemplarKormac in his place, but then state that a liberal is not on trial. Nothing like having your cake and eating it too.

Mert is going to have to do a lot more than play the race card to put me in my place. Liberals are the ones putting an innocent man on trial. Convicted him as a racist wannabe cop murderer vigilante. (did I get it all?) Even before he was tried, liberals were convinced he would be put in jail. Now it appears that he will be acquitted. So now, they are about to shift gears, into possible OWS style riot mode.
Haven't heard anyone call the state's attorney a retard either. No racial slurs either. The state's witnesses supported GZ account, and now defense witnesses support GZ account too. Usually when witnesses say the defendant is telling the truth there is no trial.

All friends and business associates of GZ, of course they are going to support GZ's story. If you thought the defense was going to put someone on the stand that would speak against GZ or demean his background you are more naive than you appear by your posts.

I wouldn't expect for the state to put up people who were recanting previous statements or proven perjurers, but that happened. You make as much sense as a full grown adult liberal.

They were telling the truth when first questioned, then when they realized that their party was for the opposition, and their comments were actually going to help the "black kid" - what do you expect them to do? It was already a known fact that Sanford was racist by the way they handled the shooting to begin with, that they had time to go over their "vocal" mistakes is not a surprise.
"Lame"? Is that it? Cons aren't the ones wanting to grant amnesty to 11 million plus illegals, so your point is what exactly? I see I've already gotten you to play the race card, while trying to justify your party's animosity towards George Zimmerman. And I'm not racist, for it was you liberals who screamed "RACIST!" when this news first broke.
You just proved my point. You are calling every Hispanic an "illegal" with your sarcastic innuendo, and then you claim that you are not racist? And, who exactly brought up the "race" issue? I don't have a race issue, all I have been doing is enlightening those that are uninformed that there is such a term as "white Hispanic" - so tell me how that is being racist?

Don't try this crap with me Mert.
You're trapping yourself, so don't blame me, Temp!

Where did Templar call every Hispanic an illegal? I missed that.

Well, I'm convinced liberals give themselves dyslexia on purpose. They have a bad habit of twisting my words around.
Zimmerman defense: Texts show Trayvon Martin 'hostile' day of shooting -

Are they relevant? Should they be admissible?

I'm on the fence, I imagine setting up his state of mind that day could be relevant. However, I wonder if angry texts with a girlfriend hours before his death "set up a state of mind"? Especially with teenager boys, being angry one min. with one person and totally fine the next with someone else is pretty common.

Martin's not on trial.

Exactly. If Martin had shot GZ, then they could use the texts, but all we have are GZ's angry comments about blacks getting away all the time!

By the definition most blacks use.....Zimmerman is black........ he never said that blacks get away all the time........
Racist, anyone?

That is so lame. Libs don't have an issue with his race, we're just pointing out to the uninformed that GZ is "white" and "Hispanic" at the same time - they seem to have a problem digesting that.

Libs aren't the ones that want to deport all the Hispanics - so you are really stretching that one.

"Lame"? Is that it? Cons aren't the ones wanting to grant amnesty to 11 million plus illegals, so your point is what exactly? I see I've already gotten you to play the race card, while trying to justify your party's animosity towards George Zimmerman. And I'm not racist, for it was you liberals who screamed "RACIST!" when this news first broke.

You just proved my point. You are calling every Hispanic an "illegal" with your sarcastic innuendo, and then you claim that you are not racist? And, who exactly brought up the "race" issue? I don't have a race issue, all I have been doing is enlightening those that are uninformed that there is such a term as "white Hispanic" - so tell me how that is being racist?

Don't try this crap with me Mert.
You're trapping yourself, so don't blame me, Temp!

Say what? You haven't even come close to trapping me mert! How can I help you prove a point you never made? That's the problem, people disagree with you, so they are "uninformed." Puh-leeez.
All friends and business associates of GZ, of course they are going to support GZ's story. If you thought the defense was going to put someone on the stand that would speak against GZ or demean his background you are more naive than you appear by your posts.

I wouldn't expect for the state to put up people who were recanting previous statements or proven perjurers, but that happened. You make as much sense as a full grown adult liberal.

They were telling the truth when first questioned, then when they realized that their party was for the opposition, and their comments were actually going to help the "black kid" - what do you expect them to do? It was already a known fact that Sanford was racist by the way they handled the shooting to begin with, that they had time to go over their "vocal" mistakes is not a surprise.

And Dee Dee, Diamond Eugene, Rachel Jeantel was against the "black kid" when she perjured herself? TM's brother was against the "black kid" when he said I didn't think it was my brother at first? Sanford PD so racist that they promoted a "black man" to police chief? So racist that the lead investigator wrote a letter to the FBI that he was being pressured to bring unwarranted charges?
Yes. Then GZ dispelled that by bragging about it, showing no remorse, swearing that he would do nothing different, explaining that it was gods plan, etc..

If you are defending yourself in what you believe is an attempt on your life, and you kill your assailant, would you feel remorse? Or would you feel justified in what you thought you had to do at the time?

You feel remorse for killing the non guilty by accident; i.e. the woman who believes the rapist is breaking in her door so she shoots. . . .and kills her husband or a neighbor. THAT is when you feel remorse. Not for shooting a rapist who is coming after you.

George Zimmerman may be gulty of murder. But grasping at emotional straws to convict him is not constructive. I do not believe the prosecution has made a case that George Zimmerman acted either negligently or intended to kill anybody that fateful night.
>>> If you are defending yourself in what you believe is an attempt on your life, and you kill your assailant, would you feel remorse? Or would you feel justified in what you thought you had to do at the time?

I don't believe in the no win scenario. I don't believe in your kill or be killed scenario. This was not war. This was yard fight. I would not have shot this unarmed boy, period. If you are able to come up with a scenario where I would have had to kill this teen, which I doubt, then for argument sake, yes I would feel remorse that I failed to save this teen's life.

>>> You feel remorse for killing the non guilty by accident; i.e. the woman who believes the rapist is breaking in her door so she shoots. . . .and kills her husband or a neighbor. THAT is when you feel remorse. Not for shooting a rapist who is coming after you.

TM was not a rapist and GZ is not a woman. Your comparison is ludicrous. Reaching for your weapon to kill someone for "coming" at you to "question why are you chasing me?"

>>> George Zimmerman may be gulty of murder. But grasping at emotional straws to convict him is not constructive. I do not believe the prosecution has made a case that George Zimmerman acted either negligently or intended to kill anybody that fateful night.

You compare TM to a rapist coming after a girl, then make the argument against grasping at emotional straws?

I did not compare TM to a rapist. I used an analogy to explain why your rush to judgment is in error. You seem to draw a lot of conclusions about people however you need to twist words or add elements that don't apply. For instance your assertion that Zimmerman bragged about killing Martin. Evidence of that? Any illustration you can show for that? And you accuse ME of playing on emotions?

But okay, ditch the rapist illustration. Make it any person for whatever reason isbreaking in your door and you are convinced he will do whatver violence to you, so you shoot. And you shoot your husband or neighbor who is actually coming to rescue you. THAT is when a person feels remorse. But you don't feel remorse for defending yourself against an assailant you believe is determined to kill you or do you severe bodily harm.

You accuse Zimmerman of bragging and I don't think any honest person on the planet would say there is any evidence from anybody that he has ever bragged about that night.

But you won't accept the emotional argument that he feared for his life and and therefore shot in self defense? There is at least logical room for that argument.

If Zimmerman had told Hannity that he did feel remorse for shooting Martin, you would likely say that is proof that he knew he was in the wrong.
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So, what happened this morning?

Anything worth mentioning?

I woke up, didn't really want to watch, so I loaded up WoW, did my dailies, a Raid and a few ICC Dungeons for Rep. Got bored with that, turned on the feed and they're at lunch.
All friends and business associates of GZ, of course they are going to support GZ's story. If you thought the defense was going to put someone on the stand that would speak against GZ or demean his background you are more naive than you appear by your posts.

I wouldn't expect for the state to put up people who were recanting previous statements or proven perjurers, but that happened. You make as much sense as a full grown adult liberal.

They were telling the truth when first questioned, then when they realized that their party was for the opposition, and their comments were actually going to help the "black kid" - what do you expect them to do? It was already a known fact that Sanford was racist by the way they handled the shooting to begin with, that they had time to go over their "vocal" mistakes is not a surprise.

The only eye witness I guess is a racist too? Wow. If they aren't libs or non-white they are racist. That is your claim. Wear that little tag around your neck.
Zimmerman defense: Texts show Trayvon Martin 'hostile' day of shooting -

Are they relevant? Should they be admissible?

I'm on the fence, I imagine setting up his state of mind that day could be relevant. However, I wonder if angry texts with a girlfriend hours before his death "set up a state of mind"? Especially with teenager boys, being angry one min. with one person and totally fine the next with someone else is pretty common.

Martin's not on trial.

He probably would be by now or shot by one of his homies, he was an asshole and heading to be a bigger asshole. He's just like the imbecile in Air Force One, trying to please his loser daddy is always ruling his feeble mind.
When it looks "bad" for them? GZ is a Democrat, i.e. a Liberal, so you are saying that it looks bad for him? Bwahahaha, that is too funny.

It's not Liberals that are on trial, FYI.

So you claim GZ as a liberal to put TemplarKormac in his place, but then state that a liberal is not on trial. Nothing like having your cake and eating it too.
Read my post again. You were saying that it was going bad for "Liberals" - I just reminded you that we, the "liberals" on this Forum are not the ones on trial. And also, remind you that GZ is a Liberal, so you wouldn't make a fool of yourself even more.

Mert is going to have to do a lot more than play the race card to put me in my place.
Seems to me that righties are the ones playing the "race" card - wanting to make sure that everyone realizes that GZ is not "white". What the hell does it matter what color he is?

Liberals are the ones putting an innocent man on trial.
All people on trial are innocent (until proven guilty) - so your comment is as inane as most of your posts.

Convicted him as a racist wannabe cop murderer vigilante. (did I get it all?)
His comments proved that he was racist. His actions proved that he was on a hunt for a burglar, that TM happened to be at the wrong place at the right time for GZ is a tragedy.

Even before he was tried, liberals were convinced he would be put in jail. Now it appears that he will be acquitted. So now, they are about to shift gears, into possible OWS style riot mode.
I've never said that he would go to prison. He should, if he actually did it on purpose, but that has yet to be determined, so don't be putting words in people's mouth unless you have the proof to back up your rhetoric.
If trayvon is kicking a guys butt that is trying to pull a gun on him then I would call that self defense in an honorable way.

He would say I punched him because i thought he was going for a weapon and then I continued to punch him because he kept going for it on his hip when he was on the ground.

In all my years of fighting I have never seen someone pound the head of a person going for their gun. You always grab the gun, never hit their head while he shoots you in the chest. The gun at your chest is closer & easier to deflect & grab than their head that will not stop the gun shot. :cuckoo:

I have had guns drawn on me about 10 times. 6 of those were not by police & 5 of those times were by 7 people & 7 guns who intended to shoot me. 1 actually pulled the trigger & I am still here. Never did I ever think to pound their head. I was totally focused on the gun.

In psyche class this moment causes a Fight of Flight complex. They got that wrong & may have recently changed it to add Freeze. The first time a gun is pulled most people Freeze in fear or flight. Subsequent times they may fight or flight. If GZ threatened with a gun then this was not TM's first rodeo with a gun or he would have froze in fear. Since TM had experience he would have ran or disarmed him instead of pounding his head.
So, what happened this morning?

Anything worth mentioning?

I woke up, didn't really want to watch, so I loaded up WoW, did my dailies, a Raid and a few ICC Dungeons for Rep. Got bored with that, turned on the feed and they're at lunch.

7 defense witnesses, mostly good friends of GZ, took the stand to say they are certain it was Zimmerman yelling in the background of the 911 call.

That's basically the meat of their testimony.
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