The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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I did not compare TM to a rapist. I used an analogy to explain why your rush to judgment is in error. You seem to draw a lot of conclusions about people however you need to twist words or add elements that don't apply. For instance your assertion that Zimmerman bragged about killing Martin. Evidence of that? Any illustration you can show for that? And you accuse ME of playing on emotions?

But okay, ditch the rapist illustration. Make it any person for whatever reason isbreaking in your door and you are convinced he will do whatver violence to you, so you shoot. And you shoot your husband or neighbor who is actually coming to rescue you. THAT is when a person feels remorse. But you don't feel remorse for defending yourself against an assailant you believe is determined to kill you or do you severe bodily harm.

You accuse Zimmerman of bragging and I don't think any honest person on the planet would say there is any evidence from anybody that he has ever bragged about that night.

But you won't accept the emotional argument that he feared for his life and and therefore shot in self defense? There is at least logical room for that argument.

If Zimmerman had told Hannity that he did feel remorse for shooting Martin, you would likely say that is proof that he knew he was in the wrong.

>>> I did not compare TM to a rapist.

Yes you did, your analogy was a comparison.

>>> I used an analogy to explain why your rush to judgment is in error.

Now your deflecting.

>>> You accuse Zimmerman of bragging and I don't think any honest person on the planet would say there is any evidence from anybody that he has ever bragged about that night.

My evidence is the video taped interrogation the morning after and the Hannity video. I saw no remorse. I call what I saw bragging. It's my opinion. Put your feet in the shoes of the victim's mom, then watch those two videos and tell me you don't see someone who is without remorse bragging about his deed.

Hint, claiming you have consensus opinion on your side does not make you correct. The world was flat at one point, by consensus opinion.

>>> But you won't accept the emotional argument that he feared for his life and and therefore shot in self defense? There is at least logical room for that argument.

Not true, I have on several occasions accepted the argument that GZ may have had an irrational fear for his life. As a matter of fact, I'm 99% convinced that Zimmerman was scared shirtless that if he didn't kill the teen the teen was gonna punch him in the nose again and maybe knock him out, maybe even find his gun and shoot him.

>>> If Zimmerman had told Hannity that he did feel remorse for shooting Martin, you would likely say that is proof that he knew he was in the wrong.

He was in the wrong. The teen was not a suspect. The teen was not guilty. The teen was walking home from the 7-eleven. GZ should have announced who he was and talked to the teen when the teen approached his truck.

Well since appeal to consensus is permitted outside of formal debate, I'll take comfort in whatever consensus I can get here that I am making a better argument than you are. Most especially in what is a coparison and what is an illustration. :)

How do you KNOW the teen was not a suspect? It is unreasonable to see a hooded figure--a hooded figure sauntering along on a dark night in the rain intentionally looking at the buildings in a neighborhood that has experienced a number of recent burglaries--as a suspect? I have myself reported such behavior as 'suspicious' to the police. I myself have followed person engaged in such behavior until I was convinced my suspicions were unfounded.

Who are you to determine what looks suspicious to another person?
Martin's not on trial.

Exactly. If Martin had shot GZ, then they could use the texts, but all we have are GZ's angry comments about blacks getting away all the time!

You're so mad that Zimmerman is going to walk that now you're making shit up. :rofl:
Is that why you are making shit up about TM, because you are so mad that GZ is on trial?:badgrin:

Are you going to use his acquittal as an excuse to go steal a new pair of Nikes?
I don't need a new pair of Nikes, I don't steal, and you're being so childish it isn't even funny.
Are you related to GZ? Is he going to send you some of that money that dumb supporters have been sending him? What's your stake in this trial? Bwahahaha!
I mean, this is the states that can't find Dexter or even knows what Dexter is doing, they have no clue that Dexter is out there so what makes you think the state is going to convict Zimmerman. Seriously, I watch the Dexter Documentary every week and the state has no clue. Although they were close when Dexters dumping ground, or water, was found, but the dumbasses fingered a fellow cop, lol.
You make some points. But, you avoided really answering the scenario.

Its a good question. But, imo, its a loaded question. It cannot be proven that he didn't stalk and follow...hes on tape with 911 doing it and the perception was clearly there from the followee.

That said....No I would not convict him, not of M2....he was overcharged from the get go. At the moment, the worst the jury could find is Involuntary Manslaughter and that may be pushing it with the way the prosecution has handled this case, IMO.

The defense still has their case to present and they may present evidence that gets a quick verdict of not guilty. I'm anxious to see it.

Time will tell, but more O'Mara is better, imo...less of West...although Wests exchange with DD is the best comic relief I have seen in a trial in awhile. An older white guy trying to understand the language of ebonics from a less than cooperative witness had me spitting water more than

Actually, I don't recall anything from the 911 tape, that told of GZ following TM after the 911 tape. It's the media who constantly told us that GZ followed TM. But O'Mara made the case that the prosecution had not shown that GZ followed TM. So, people have been arguing this case on that major parameter that seems just assumed.

Are you following him? Yeah. We dont need you to do that.

This just after GZ describes Trayvon as running or getting away and then exits his truck sounding on tape as though at least initially he is running after him to keep an eye on him.

After the 911 call, he begins walking back down the path, but the damage is done he has already went up the same path in the dark shining a flashlight. To Trayvon he appears to be creeping around looking for him in the dark, imo.
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Martin's not on trial.

Exactly. If Martin had shot GZ, then they could use the texts, but all we have are GZ's angry comments about blacks getting away all the time!

By the definition most blacks use.....Zimmerman is black........ he never said that blacks get away all the time........

Ha,ha, I thought most cons have been arguing that Zimmerman is Hispanic? And he did say it, you're little deflection doesn't mean anything.
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