The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Ok, you see neggs as a tool to express mere disagreement. Thanks, Sunshine.

Let us know when you and Natalie have rewritten the rules!

Who's Natalie?

Why would I want the rules changed? Not my board. Not my rules.

I figured neg was disapproval and pos was approval. Now from reading the rules and the general view of it... Neggs are really just some petty way for petty people to goad petty folks into getting themselves banned. All and all it seems to be neggs are just petty.

Your mere disagreement of some vague term of some small unspecified portion of a small post where I'm proposing reasons to agree with you? lol

Anyhow, back to the thread. What does your disagreement with my post have to do with this OP, GZ's trial?

Ignore rep--it's silly
I don't know about all of that other crap. All we're talking about is this case. Once again, unless the perp seems threatening I don't see what harm following him would be. If you want everyone to just hide in their closets every time some strange hooded teenager walks through the neighborhood maybe you could suggest it where you live. I'm sure the criminals will love you folks. Easy pickings.

Needs to be some happy medium between shooting each other in the yard cause we suspect each other. How about talking?

No use talking to a close-minded person.

Especially if they are packing and just surprised you from behind.
It wasn't "his ground" however, in this case!

If GZ never got out of his truck, knowing the police are in route (as he was instructed and also per the regs of his "neighborhood watch" group) a senseless death would have been avoided.

What law did GZ break by getting out of his truck?

The gal who trained him for the neighborhood watch program had the booklet that said not to follow suspicious people, you can't ask them what they're doing here, stuff like that.

She testified. He was even calling Trayvon a suspect.

Not to mention if he had stayed in the truck, the kid would be alive.

He wasn't on duty. So he could follow anyone he wanted to follow.
It is not illegal to get out of your vehicle and follow someone. It IS illegal to pounce on someone and beat their head in the sidewalk....then wind up getting killed themselves.
Yeah yeah..if Z would have stayed in the truck can equal if M would have gone home. It goes both ways.
Now I am sure that Zimmerman is innocent, after watching this factual movie.

Well the jury followed all the instructions and had no problems with the law so......

No they didn't. Opening/closing statements are not evidence or testimony to be considered. There were many many lesser charges, they assumed the large crowds were in favor of her....completely against legal boundaries.

There is just nothing to be done if the judge accepts the ruling.

I was referring to OJ

The opinion of the linked article was it was proven he killed them but it was Black people's payback to whites for years of experiencing a racist criminal justice system

The point is it happens, a lot

Back to your regularly scheduled program :)
RKM, some go actively looking for pos rep, too, ya know. Ignore everyone, pounce down here, go play nice nice in coffee shop and tavern to get rep, then head back to their cave while leaving a trail of poo. Not all, mind you, but some. So neg and pos go both ways. And I don't consider either petty.
I neg when someone lies about me. I also neg in paybacks if neg'd first. That might be petty to you, but alas...that is what I do and I don't plan to change it. I pos rep those that say what I agree with...regardless of who it is.

So there are pros and cons on how the rep system works.

Ok. Done.

Carry on with the trial and the horrible Jane screaming from my tv. I think I will turn her off.

>>> some go actively looking for pos rep

Ick :) sounds like a mosh pit

>>> And I don't consider either petty.

Agreed not petty. Just... ick.

>>> I neg when someone lies about me. I also neg in paybacks if neg'd first.

Yeah that's what I was thinking too.. lies about you, vile disgusting rants attacking you personally outside the flame zone, ... Paybacks seems to me to be paying them some level of respect to their chosen means for loosing an argument :)

Yeah I figured pos rep is a high five and neg rep is a down low punch he he. Ok bad fight joke in a thread about a fight gone wrong.

Yeah petty was the wrong term. Hey I'm a noob here just learning the ropes.
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that is because there hasnt been any

That's because he never "grabbed" Zimmerman's head and slammed it into the concrete.

So why does DNA under his fingernails matter?

Are you moving the goalposts here?

[ame=]George Zimmerman Reenactment Of Trayvon Martin Shooting (Part 2) - YouTube[/ame]


Go to 4:21.

He distinctly shows that Martin grabbed him from both sides of his head.

Zimmerman's bald. So either he clawed him..or grabbed his ears.
It wasn't "his ground" however, in this case!

If GZ never got out of his truck, knowing the police are in route (as he was instructed and also per the regs of his "neighborhood watch" group) a senseless death would have been avoided.

What law did GZ break by getting out of his truck?


And why did George decide to get out of his truck and follow the suspicious acting person that night?

Because earlier that month...Zimmerman went out of his way not to follow...


On February 2, 2012, Zimmerman placed a call to Sanford police after spotting a young black man he recognized peering into the windows of a neighbor's empty home, according to several friends and neighbors.

"I don't know what he's doing. I don't want to approach him, personally," Zimmerman said in the call, which was recorded. The dispatcher advised him that a patrol car was on the way. By the time police arrived, according to the dispatch report, the suspect had fled.

On February 6, the home of another Twin Lakes resident, Tatiana Demeacis, was burglarized. Two roofers working directly across the street said they saw two African-American men lingering in the yard at the time of the break-in. A new laptop and some gold jewelry were stolen. One of the roofers called police the next day after spotting one of the suspects among a group of male teenagers, three black and one white, on bicycles.

Police found Demeacis's laptop in the backpack of 18-year-old Emmanuel Burgess, police reports show, and charged him with dealing in stolen property. Burgess was the same man Zimmerman had spotted on February 2.

Burgess had committed a series of burglaries on the other side of town in 2008 and 2009, pleaded guilty to several, and spent all of 2010 incarcerated in a juvenile facility, his attorney said. He is now in jail on parole violations.

(Burgess got five years.)

George Zimmerman: Prelude to a shooting | Reuters

Burgess was the punk who got away.

Zimmerman saw him, correctly identified him, but because he did not continue to observe him, the police never located him.

[Informed speculation] Zimmerman felt responsible...he saw the guy, correctly identified he was up to no good, but because he didn't keep an eye on Burgess, he was not confronted by police, and later he burglarized a house in the neighborhood.

If Burgess had been intercepted by police on the second, even if he had committed no crime that night, he would have known folks were watching, and he would not have come back.

So Zimmerman decided to keep track of THIS suspicious person, so the police COULD at least interact with him. [/speculation}
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It is not illegal to get out of your vehicle and follow someone. It IS illegal to pounce on someone and beat their head in the sidewalk....then wind up getting killed themselves.
Yeah yeah..if Z would have stayed in the truck can equal if M would have gone home. It goes both ways.

And of course none of this is what actually happened. He didn't follow, he stalked and profiled. He didn't have his head beaten into the sidewalk.

But you keep saying maybe you'll believe it yourself.
It is not illegal to get out of your vehicle and follow someone. It IS illegal to pounce on someone and beat their head in the sidewalk....then wind up getting killed themselves.
Yeah yeah..if Z would have stayed in the truck can equal if M would have gone home. It goes both ways.

And of course none of this is what actually happened. He didn't follow, he stalked and profiled. He didn't have his head beaten into the sidewalk.

But you keep saying maybe you'll believe it yourself.

I believes what I believes...just as you do.

Meanwhile, the sun is out, the yard is callin'. Y'all sit in here and bicker...I will rejoin ya later. :tongue:
RKM, some go actively looking for pos rep, too, ya know. Ignore everyone, pounce down here, go play nice nice in coffee shop and tavern to get rep, then head back to their cave while leaving a trail of poo. Not all, mind you, but some. So neg and pos go both ways. And I don't consider either petty.
I neg when someone lies about me. I also neg in paybacks if neg'd first. That might be petty to you, but alas...that is what I do and I don't plan to change it. I pos rep those that say what I agree with...regardless of who it is.

So there are pros and cons on how the rep system works.

Ok. Done.

Carry on with the trial and the horrible Jane screaming from my tv. I think I will turn her off.

>>> some go actively looking for pos rep

Ick :) sounds like a mosh pit

>>> And I don't consider either petty.

Agreed not petty. Just... ick.

>>> I neg when someone lies about me. I also neg in paybacks if neg'd first.

Yeah that's what I was thinking too.. lies about you, vile disgusting rants attacking you personally outside the flame zone, ... Paybacks seems to me to be paying them some level of respect to their chosen means for loosing an argument :)

Yeah I figured pos rep is a high five and neg rep is a down low punch he he. Ok bad fight joke in a thread about a fight gone wrong.

Yeah petty was the wrong term. Hey I'm a noob here just learning the ropes.

Please see Dillo's advice. Last time you will see me agree with him this week at least.

See this picture? This is where Zimmerman said he kept his weapon. In a holster behind his back. He said Trayvon (who apparently has X-ray vision) reached for the gun. But then threw him to the ground and straddled him and started beating his face but he was able to reach behind his back (while he was laying on his back) inside of Trayvon's leg, take out the gun, release the safety and shoot the 17 year old in the chest with the gun at a perpendicular angle.


See what I mean. Remember, Zimmerman was supposedly keeping his weapon in a holster behind him.


All of this while his face was being beaten.

And Republicans say, "That sounds about right".
If King George would have committed more troops and resources to the war against The Colonies and WON, none of this would have taken place.

If Marco Polo hadn't found that land route to China, Europeans would have never had gunpowder and this would have never happened.

If only Eve didn't eat that apple, none of this would have happened.

For evolutionists, if monkeys brains didn't evolve, this would have never happened.
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