The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Only idiots and people who have an agenda ever mention stand your ground in reference to this case.

I will leave it to history to judge the fact that having an agenda actually requires intelligence.

In other words, you can't backup your frivolous statements...

No. No other words required. You ARE the idiot who imagines that this case has ANYthing to do with "stand your ground."

It does not.

But, let's give you a golden moment to show how brilliant you are.

Define (with reference to Florida statutes and case law) what "stand your ground" means.

Then, tell the class exactly HOW you imagine that the notion of "stand your ground" has ANY connection at all to a situation where a guy is pinned on the ground on his back, getting pummeled and manages to get to his gun before having his skull cracked open.
I asked YOU to answer a series of questions FIRST! Answer those before asking me ANYTHING! Don't try to trick me into doing your research FOR YOU! Asswipe, YOU are a joke! Come on, show us how dull you are!
The force is strong with this witness. His verbal judo skills are awesome. They can't crack him and even when the prosecution "wins" a point her has a way of making it look insignificant. Great choice by the defense.
Why is the Zimmerman case devided so sharply along partisan lines? With only a very few exceptions the lefties here believe GZ is guilty and the conservatives wait until the trial is over. I couldn't understand why, since GZ isn't white, the lefties were so ready to string him up.

Moments ago, it hit me.

It's only partially about race. True, if TM was white or hispanic, no one would care, but race isn't the real reason they want GZ to fry. It's guns.

GZ defended himself with a gun and a black man is dead. They cannot stand the thought that GZ might have legally used a gun to defend himself. It's about guns, and self-defense and even Stand-Your-Ground.

If GZ is convicted, they can use this case to revive their efforts to take away our rights and that is THE issue.

The left never ever cares about right and wrong, they only care about winning.

No I would't care if Zimmerman would have used his hands to kill that child. Murder is the same if you use a gun or your hands.
A cross examination by a defense attorney focuses the eyewitness on the moment of the assault (defendant accused of biting off the nose of the victim during a physical fight). After some preliminary questions which get the witness to admit that he had not been paying much attention to the incident at the time, the attorney sees an opening and pounces on it.

Defense Attorney: Would I be correct in saying that at the moment of the alleged bite, you DID NOT SEE anybody biting the nose of the complainant?

Witness: Yes sir. I did not see the defendant bite off the victim's nose.

Defense Attorney: Well, sir, if you didn't see the defendant bite off the nose of the complainant, you can't really say that the defendant did any such thing, isn't that true?

Witness: No sir. That's not true. I know the defendant bit off the victim's nose.

Defense Attorney: But you JUST said you didn't SEE IT! If you didn't see it, how could you possibly say the defendant did bite off the complainant's nose?

Witness: Because I saw the defendant spit it out.

I always liked this lawyer joke we were told our first year of law school:

An attorney, cross-examining the local coroner, queried, "Before you signed the death certificate had you taken the man's pulse?"

"No," the coroner replied.

"Well, then, did you listen for a heart beat?"

The coroner answered, "No."

"Did you check for respiration? Breathing?", asked the attorney.

Again the coroner replied, "No."

"Ah," the attorney said, "So when you signed the death certificate you had not taken any steps to make sure the man was dead, had you?"

The coroner rolled his eyes, and shot back "Counselor, at the time I signed the death certificate the man's brain was sitting in a jar on my desk. But I can see your point. For all I know he could be out there practicing law somewhere."

Lawyer Jokes - Was He Dead
He wasn't running around playing cop.
He was legally authorized to carry a gun.
Zimmerman didn't provoke anyone.
The gun saved Zimmerman's life.
He won't be convicted of manslaughter. Or anything else.

So otehr than being completely wrong and a slimy crotch jockey you've got it covered.

You missed the point. You can't do both, play cop and do it with a gun. That he had a CHL is irrelevant.

He wasn't playing cop? I mean, who doesn't know that?

You better prepare for a manslaughter conviction. It's coming soon. LOL

GZ will walk and inner city blacks will burn their neighborhoods and loot their neighbors stores. that'll show em :cuckoo:

There's a lot of discontent out there, i.e. OWS. I don't think we can lay it all on the ghettos this time. idk
I think the media has behaved abominably. I have never seen such a lynch mob as CNN and MSNBC. They want a guilty verdict worse than anyone I have ever seen in my life.

I have no respect for the media in this country.

These media outlets are heavily invested in a guilty verdict. Their lies have caused rioting mobs who have beaten people in Trayvons name, caused property damage & defamation of GZ, police, whites, Hispanics, & neighborhood watch people.

They are the subject of many lawsuits & a guilty verdict will most certainly cause them to lose.
How about green eyes? (blink blink)

Green eyes are nice, especially on Asian women like that girl in "Big Trouble in Little China", the one who was kidnapped at the airport in the beginning. Beautiful woman she is. Also, green eyes on any woman gives a sort of mystery for me, I can't explain it, but as long as she has dark hair, LOOK OUT, IM INFATUATED! And maybe, just maybe, if she is smart I might fall in love, but I don't think my wife would let me have a girlfriend, lol.

Oh, my wife is 5'1", 107 lbs. has Dark Brown hair and Big Brown Eyes. The first time I saw her, I turned to the guy sitting next to me the first day of class in 12th grade and said, "I'm marrying that girl". And here we are, 24 and a half years later.

How about this one, she's there!


Give me some credit, please, I beg you.
You missed the point. You can't do both, play cop and do it with a gun. That he had a CHL is irrelevant.

He wasn't playing cop? I mean, who doesn't know that?

You better prepare for a manslaughter conviction. It's coming soon. LOL

GZ will walk and inner city blacks will burn their neighborhoods and loot their neighbors stores. that'll show em :cuckoo:

There's a lot of discontent out there, i.e. OWS. I don't think we can lay it all on the ghettos this time. idk
You mean those retarded rapists the occupy thugs???? Of course scumbags are gonna act like scumbags.
When the judge asked Zimmerman if he wanted to testify and he said he wasn't sure, West, was ballistic and vehemently objected to the question. Judge quickly over ruled him and he objected again, and she quickly over ruled him again. lol.

Judge then asked Z when he would know if he wanted to testify and he said at the end of the day and West objected to the questioning and the judge hotly objected to him again. Don't think they will be having drinks together.

West has to slap Z around some more. Had more respect for Z.
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