The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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He wasn't running around playing cop.
He was legally authorized to carry a gun.
Zimmerman didn't provoke anyone.
The gun saved Zimmerman's life.
He won't be convicted of manslaughter. Or anything else.

So otehr than being completely wrong and a slimy crotch jockey you've got it covered.

You missed the point. You can't do both, play cop and do it with a gun. That he had a CHL is irrelevant.

He wasn't playing cop? I mean, who doesn't know that?

You better prepare for a manslaughter conviction. It's coming soon. LOL

Repeating your failed points isn't argument, s0n.

Simple nay-saying isn't either.
why---are you claiming he's not strong enough? He shows the mechanics of the movement in your video.

Exactly. In the video he can't still be pinning the guy's hand when he reaches for the gun. Look at his arm rotate and release the pinned hand. Can't be done. You can't hold an assailants hand in your arm pit while you are drawing and firing a gun in someones chest. Simply can't be done.

Horseshit--wrists are flexible.

Wrist pull a hip gun out of a holster.. while pinning a superior assailant? That's some talent.
I just turned on the tv long enough to watch that judge berate West and FORCING Zimmerman to say whether he would testify or not. Can she do that? Override attorney client privilege on their choice of when or IF he will testify???

She's busy giving women a bad name.

But can she DO that? She was stepping inbetween the client AND the attorney who repesents can she force him to answer a question he has not discussed yet with his attorney???
This woman should be booted out as a judge. She's losing it.
TM sure as hell didn't see it happening quickly enough to stop it. Maybe he should have waved his white flag quicker ?

That's what I think happened... TM may have finally stopped wailing on him and was finally letting GZ go ( about damn time ) which would have given GZ access to the gun.
That's murder

You're slipping :rolleyes:

Nah... how could GZ have known what TM was doing? To GZ he might have thought TM was moving around to look for the gun. Remember GZ was dazed.
Exactly. In the video he can't still be pinning the guy's hand when he reaches for the gun. Look at his arm rotate and release the pinned hand. Can't be done. You can't hold an assailants hand in your arm pit while you are drawing and firing a gun in someones chest. Simply can't be done.

Horseshit--wrists are flexible.

Wrist pull a hip gun out of a holster.. while pinning a superior assailant? That's some talent.

Apparently it was the one and only talent that poor George had. Probably because he only had to do it for maybe 2 seconds
That's what I think happened... TM may have finally stopped wailing on him and was finally letting GZ go ( about damn time ) which would have given GZ access to the gun.
That's murder

You're slipping :rolleyes:

Nah... how could GZ have known what TM was doing? To GZ he might have thought TM was moving around to look for the gun. Remember GZ was dazed.


I'm done playing in your imagination. But best of luck continuing to make this somehow about you
I don't know what it is about blondes but they really piss me off just seeing one. And the people sitting in the peanut gallery all look really angry about something. Well, except one lady who looked like she had a small smile on her face. She looked pleasant, but she was blonde and I really don't like blondes.

No, give me a dark haired, brown eyed woman any day of the week. Blondes, they can go jump in a lake for all I care.
I don't know what it is about blondes but they really piss me off just seeing one. And the people sitting in the peanut gallery all look really angry about something. Well, except one lady who looked like she had a small smile on her face. She looked pleasant, but she was blonde and I really don't like blondes.

No, give me a dark haired, brown eyed woman any day of the week. Blondes, they can go jump in a lake for all I care.

How about green eyes? (blink blink)


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A cross examination by a defense attorney focuses the eyewitness on the moment of the assault (defendant accused of biting off the nose of the victim during a physical fight). After some preliminary questions which get the witness to admit that he had not been paying much attention to the incident at the time, the attorney sees an opening and pounces on it.

Defense Attorney: Would I be correct in saying that at the moment of the alleged bite, you DID NOT SEE anybody biting the nose of the complainant?

Witness: Yes sir. I did not see the defendant bite off the victim's nose.

Defense Attorney: Well, sir, if you didn't see the defendant bite off the nose of the complainant, you can't really say that the defendant did any such thing, isn't that true?

Witness: No sir. That's not true. I know the defendant bit off the victim's nose.

Defense Attorney: But you JUST said you didn't SEE IT! If you didn't see it, how could you possibly say the defendant did bite off the complainant's nose?

Witness: Because I saw the defendant spit it out.
I don't know what it is about blondes but they really piss me off just seeing one. And the people sitting in the peanut gallery all look really angry about something. Well, except one lady who looked like she had a small smile on her face. She looked pleasant, but she was blonde and I really don't like blondes.

No, give me a dark haired, brown eyed woman any day of the week. Blondes, they can go jump in a lake for all I care.

How about this one, she's there!

If you're running around playing cop which we know GZ was doing from all his complaints about people to 911, don't bring a gun with you. Anybody could do that and get away with killing people. Because it isn't hard to go up to someone like GZ did and provoke anyone. Do that with a gun and end up shooting them dead, and you'll be convicted of manslaughter.

He wasn't running around playing cop.
He was legally authorized to carry a gun.
Zimmerman didn't provoke anyone.
The gun saved Zimmerman's life.
He won't be convicted of manslaughter. Or anything else.

So otehr than being completely wrong and a slimy crotch jockey you've got it covered.

You missed the point. You can't do both, play cop and do it with a gun. That he had a CHL is irrelevant.

He wasn't playing cop? I mean, who doesn't know that?

You better prepare for a manslaughter conviction. It's coming soon. LOL

GZ will walk and inner city blacks will burn their neighborhoods and loot their neighbors stores. that'll show em :cuckoo:
Zimmerman was not "following him around." That is a mischaracterization. Als Martin was not just going to the store. In fact he attracted Zimmerman's attention for acting weird. Martin was 17yrs old so no surprise about a lack of record. Not enough time to get one. I mean beyond the graffiti and suspicions of theft.
But all of that is irrelevant. What is relevant is what happened when Zimmerman shot him. Would a reasonable person be in fear of his life at that point? The answer is of course.

How is it a mischaracterization? I listened to zimmermans 911 call. He clearly states Martin ran away. The police also tell him he doesn't need to follow him. So if he isn't following him, how does the altercation ever happen?

So it is ok to harass someone into an altercation and then shoot him?

Because Martin doubled back and confronted him. Or did you miss that part?

Well from what I have seen the shooting happened around a corner away from Zimmermans car. So certainly he did follow him. Is there evidence Martin doubled back?
I have sat in a LOT of courtrooms watching proceedings, very occasionally participating as a witness, but only one murder trial. I have NEVER seen a judge badger a defendent about whether he will or will not take the stand. Is that normal?
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