The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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3. Guess what? Because the police department failed to investigate thoroughly ASAP, we can't get a proper analysis of TM's injuries to compare them too corroborate Zim's LIES!

How convenient!

Ummm an autospy was done which is where TM's injuries would be documented. The autopsy was performed in a timely manner.

3. Guess what? Because the police department failed to investigate thoroughly ASAP, we can't get a proper analysis of TM's injuries to compare them too corroborate Zim's LIES!

How convenient!

Okay..................... Now I have to get involved again.

There's an autopsy report that lists his injuries - that isn't even done by the PD, that's the ME's office. Have you read the police report and/or autopsy report and/or witness statements?

Let's try to stay sorta close to the facts. It's great to have an opinion, but for Pete's sake, just saying stuff that isn't even remotely true is silly.

Trayvon Martin Autopsy Report: Killed By Bullet Fired At Intermediate Range

Trayvon Martin Police Report
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She says "there were lots of demonstrations and people in town......" "....I don't know what the demonstrations were about".


Wow these people are lying trying to say all the right things.

After the MLK riots in the 60s, the police got much better at riot control. I think whatever the indignant mobs try will be met with a very disappointing result.

The sheriff here is one smart guy, he's all over this thing.
I see turtles.


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She says "there were lots of demonstrations and people in town......" "....I don't know what the demonstrations were about".


Wow these people are lying trying to say all the right things.

After the MLK riots in the 60s, the police got much better at riot control. I think whatever the indignant mobs try will be met with a very disappointing result.

The sheriff here is one smart guy, he's all over this thing.

Well, civil unrest will not rule as it did when MLK was around to fuel it. My guess is that police from all over are en route. Maybe even the National Guard. Somebody will end up getting their ass shot off, and IMO it will be at Obama's door for not staying out of it. He after all, is Zimmerman's president too.

Smh, what you are doing is taking Zim's words as FACTS!

Yes you are!

Bear with me...

1. Even if TM is responsible for the injuries on Gz, that's not a knock on TM, he was simply simply "standing his ground", as unarmed teen against a man with law enforcement training and a gun.

You got nothing there.

2. What makes you think that Zim couldn't have INJURED HIMSELF after realizing he just killed an unarmed teen?!

Some people have even shot themselves to cover up a bogus story. FACT
But you just giving him the benefit of the doubt like y'all used

You have no evidence supporting the implicit claim that Trayvon even KNEW that Zimmerman had a fucking gun.

Try to knock your own head into the ground to give yourself a self-inflicted set of injuries. Then, for good measure, break your own nose.

Do you have ANY clue how desperate and retarded you now sound?

You are a fool.

IF Zimmerman is guilty, it has nothing to do with YOUR imbecile theories and conjectures and made-up "facts."

And IF Zimmerman happens to have been telling the truth about what happened (something you have no evidence to refute -- at least not actual evidence) then what you are doing is so unprincipled and so unfair as to make the balance of your posts quite worthless.
3. Guess what? Because the police department failed to investigate thoroughly ASAP, we can't get a proper analysis of TM's injuries to compare them too corroborate Zim's LIES!

How convenient!

Okay..................... Now I have to get involved again.

There's an autopsy report that lists his injuries - that isn't even done by the PD, that's the ME's office. Have you read the police report and/or autopsy report and/or witness statements?

Let's try to stay sorta close to the facts. It's great to have an opinion, but for Pete's sake, just saying stuff that isn't even remotely true is silly.

Trayvon Martin Autopsy Report: Killed By Bullet Fired At Intermediate Range

Trayvon Martin Police Report

Both were also included in the link I referred him to yesterday. LOL It's obvious he didn't take the time to go find and read any of it. (and I thought turtles were slow)
Smh, what you are doing is taking Zim's words as FACTS!

Yes you are!

Bear with me...

1. Even if TM is responsible for the injuries on Gz, that's not a knock on TM, he was simply simply "standing his ground", as unarmed teen against a man with law enforcement training and a gun.

You got nothing there.

2. What makes you think that Zim couldn't have INJURED HIMSELF after realizing he just killed an unarmed teen?!

Some people have even shot themselves to cover up a bogus story. FACT
But you just giving him the benefit of the doubt like y'all used

You have no evidence supporting the implicit claim that Trayvon even KNEW that Zimmerman had a fucking gun.

Try to knock your own head into the ground to give yourself a self-inflicted set of injuries. Then, for good measure, break your own nose.

Do you have ANY clue how desperate and retarded you now sound?

You are a fool.

IF Zimmerman is guilty, it has nothing to do with YOUR imbecile theories and conjectures and made-up "facts."

And IF Zimmerman happens to have been telling the truth about what happened (something you have no evidence to refute -- at least not actual evidence) then what you are doing is so unprincipled and so unfair as to make the balance of your posts quite worthless.

I'm pretty sure KS is po It's sock. One of 'em.
3. Guess what? Because the police department failed to investigate thoroughly ASAP, we can't get a proper analysis of TM's injuries to compare them too corroborate Zim's LIES!

How convenient!

Okay..................... Now I have to get involved again.

There's an autopsy report that lists his injuries - that isn't even done by the PD, that's the ME's office. Have you read the police report and/or autopsy report and/or witness statements?

Let's try to stay sorta close to the facts. It's great to have an opinion, but for Pete's sake, just saying stuff that isn't even remotely true is silly.

Trayvon Martin Autopsy Report: Killed By Bullet Fired At Intermediate Range

Trayvon Martin Police Report

Both were also included in the link I referred him to yesterday. LOL It's obvious he didn't take the time to go find and read any of it. (and I thought turtles were slow)

I'll say.

I slipped for a second - thanks for reminding me and snapping me back to reality. :)
3. Guess what? Because the police department failed to investigate thoroughly ASAP, we can't get a proper analysis of TM's injuries to compare them too corroborate Zim's LIES!

How convenient!

Okay..................... Now I have to get involved again.

There's an autopsy report that lists his injuries - that isn't even done by the PD, that's the ME's office. Have you read the police report and/or autopsy report and/or witness statements?

Let's try to stay sorta close to the facts. It's great to have an opinion, but for Pete's sake, just saying stuff that isn't even remotely true is silly.

Trayvon Martin Autopsy Report: Killed By Bullet Fired At Intermediate Range

Trayvon Martin Police Report

Soot, Ring Abrasion and Stippling? The only thing missing is a fucking muzzle impression.

It appears to me that to call it "intermediary" is misleading.

It appears to be closer to accurate to call it a (nearly) "close contact" wound.
If I were TM's family, I wouldn't trust that initial autopsy report, that's why I mentioned it.


Because the ME, Police, etc work hand in hand.

In this instance, they ALL viewed TM as basically a criminal!

You know this by the fact that they didn't even do a proper investigation, attest, interviews, etc. UNTIL MONTHS LATER!

So we are supposed to believe their obviously biased, and flawed protocol?

THEY ADMITTED THEY MESSED UP, and FIRED people for their dereliction of duty, failure to follow procedure!

Now is that the truth?

Or am I being silly?

>>>THEY ADMITTED THEY MESSED UP, and FIRED people for their dereliction of duty, failure to follow procedure!

Get your facts straight!
IOU a neg in <30 min.

You know what, fuck you and your neg rep. Okay, I was at rep power 317 when I posted this, let's see what happens after I dare to challenge the mighty Sunshine.


The "F" word to a lady? Not what is it with dudes talking to women this way? I mean have a meaningful debate, but the "F" word?

What lady? What makes you think she's a lady? She's a bitch. At least that's what she called me in a PM while neg repping me for disagreeing with her. I don't have to sneak around PMing people, I'll just say it right out in the open.

I'm a woman by the way. And your suggestion that women should be treated "differently" in a debate forum setting like this is kind of sexist, don't you think?
Questions I hope the trial will answer...

What made Zimmerman follow Martin? What did Martin do that was suspicious? Does Martin make a habit of following all persons who are alone and walking in the area?

I understand there is a list of calls Zimmerman made to the police on "suspicious persons" before. What will that list show in terms of sex, age, race or places where the "Suspicious persons" were walking and the time of day or night the call was made. Will it show a pattern that might be important to the case?

Adorable pic, Jackson. Good questions...I had the same. Here is what i found out:

What made Zimmerman follow martin? A couple of weeks before Trayvon, Zimmerman was driving down his street as he was passing a neighbors house that he knew he saw a young black male smoking a cigarette on this neighbors porch and the owner wasnt home. I dont know about any of you, but if someone is just lighting up on my porch when Im not home, I would appreciate a call.

A couple of weeks later, Z is driving down the street again and passes the same neighbors house and this time Trayvon was just standing in the middle of the same neighbors lawn. Now it was approaching dark and the neighbor is an elderly white male with no kids living at home. This is why Z became suspicious initially...add to it that it was raining and when everyone else is in the house out of the rain, this young teen is just standing in the middle of someones lawn that Zimmerman knew. Add to that the several recent robberies of young black teens in the precise area and it was cause for suspicion. if Im not home and someone is just standing in the middle of my front lawn, i would be suspicious also, as would most would want to know why this person is standing in the middle of my lawn or in the other case, burning one on my porch with no one home.

interesting info

Yeah, where did all this "interesting info" come from? The mouth of Zimmerman? Not what I'd call a very reliable source, under the circumstances.

If I were TM's family, I wouldn't trust that initial autopsy report, that's why I mentioned it.


Because the ME, Police, etc work hand in hand.

In this instance, they ALL viewed TM as basically a criminal!

You know this by the fact that they didn't even do a proper investigation, attest, interviews, etc. UNTIL MONTHS LATER!

So we are supposed to believe their obviously biased, and flawed protocol?

THEY ADMITTED THEY MESSED UP, and FIRED people for their dereliction of duty, failure to follow procedure!

Now is that the truth?

Or am I being silly?

^ you are being an utter asshole.

When the medical examiner's office does an autopsy, they tend to take pictures.

Thus, I will guess that there are pictures of the soot and the ring of abrasion and the stippling.

Science provides the evidence of how far away the gun muzzle was at the time of the shot -- at least within a set of known margins. Factor in that Trayvon Martin was wearing outer wear, and you can pretty much figure out where the muzzle was in relation to his body at the moment the gun got fired.

Although various experts might quibble the "call" of "intermediate range" seems to suggest a gun muzzle distance of 4 to 6 inches.


I would be interested to hear any reasonable theory of how Zimmerman got his nose broken, his skull evidently smacked onto the sidewalk hard enough to cause the wounds seen on the back of his head AND the gun muzzle being only maybe ~ 4 to 6 inches from Trayvon's chest at the moment the gun got fired without those facts supporting Zimmerman's account.
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