The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Another thought I have is wasn't GZ a security guard, with training and didn't he also out weigh TM? Why couldn't he subdue him and hold him down?

People have gotta understand that fat does not mean strong.

He wasn't really fat at the time though. He has since gained a lot of fat but at the time he seemed pretty fit.

You used the words "out weigh". We can't make any kind of an accurate assessment of his fighting skills by looking at him. Find some other way to pre convict him.
@Ilar, in the words of Thurgood Marshall, "Sir, you're full of it!"

We know this because you have basically denied ANY wrongdoing on Zim's part.

Were that so, we wouldn't be on comment #700, good people wasting their time to point out the obvious, or your hero's fat ass charged with murder and sitting in a Florida courtroom!

Put ya big girl panties on, and suck it up!
And by the way, why the FUCK do jury trials in Florida consist of only 6 jurors?

It's the Way It Is.

M1 gets 12 jurors.

I just did some digging. I found a web site that bitched about it (a lawyer, I believe).

He said that the State of Florida did away with the need for a Grand Jury. We've seen THAT. So the screening function performed by a body OTHER THAN the prosecutors themselves is now dispensed with.

Not a good start.

Then, instead of having to prove the crime beyond a reasonable doubt to each of 12 jurors, the State can get by with having to only prove it to 6.

Not a good thing if you are the one accused -- especially if you are (gasp) actually not guilty.

A jury is not a good idea, period. They like to convict. When I was working in the clinic of those prisons, I saw more than one poor fool who turned down a plea deal that did not involve prison time, and ended up getting convicted.
@Ilar, in the words of Thurgood Marshall, "Sir, you're full of it!"

We know this because you have basically denied ANY wrongdoing on Zim's part.

Were that so, we wouldn't be on comment #700, good people wasting their time to point out the obvious, or your hero's fat ass charged with murder and sitting in a Florida courtroom!

Put ya big girl panties on, and suck it up!

Queen.Sullied, you are the one who is full of it.

We know this because in order to pre-judge him, you have gone so far as to make shit up entirely out of whole clothe.

What I have contended, unlike you, is that it is possible that he might be guilty and it is also possible that he might be not guilty.

We know FOR SURE that YOU have not the foggiest fucking clue about what drove him to fire that gun.

Assholes like you confuse "following" with "pursuit."

You bandy about terms like "initiate contact" without having ANY hint of support for your desired suppositions. Yet you state them as though they were fact.

You cannot even see fit to acknowledge that it was Zimmerman who had the broken nose and the injuries to the back of his noggin. You can't fathom the import of the fact that Trayvon had no injuries (other than the fight ending bullet wound). (Actually, he might have had some scrape on his knuckles, but that is hardly indicative of having been on the receiving end of any physical altercation).

I have not DENIED "any" wrongdoing by Zimmerman. I just deny your made-up claims.

Not the same thing.

Your posts are of zero value to any reasonable discussion about this case because you are averse to facts, logic, reason, objectivity, fairness and honesty. The prosecutor would LOVE a tool like you on the jury, however.
It's the Way It Is.

M1 gets 12 jurors.

I just did some digging. I found a web site that bitched about it (a lawyer, I believe).

He said that the State of Florida did away with the need for a Grand Jury. We've seen THAT. So the screening function performed by a body OTHER THAN the prosecutors themselves is now dispensed with.

Not a good start.

Then, instead of having to prove the crime beyond a reasonable doubt to each of 12 jurors, the State can get by with having to only prove it to 6.

Not a good thing if you are the one accused -- especially if you are (gasp) actually not guilty.

A jury is not a good idea, period. They like to convict. When I was working in the clinic of those prisons, I saw more than one poor fool who turned down a plea deal that did not involve prison time, and ended up getting convicted.

In FL a judge can overturn M1 jury decision or dp sentence, I don't know about M2, guess I need to get my M2 info thing going.
He is also ASSuming that Trayvon wasn't "doing anything" to Zimmerman, which is clearly NOT what Zimmerman does say-- and does not appear to even be a marginally rational view based on what we have seen so far.

What have we seen from that night, other than Zimmerman's statement, that someone with a marginally rational view would use to base Martin's actions (or lack of) from that night.

The only thing that I've heard about, other than Zimmerman's story, is the video of Martin making his purchases at the 7-11 (and that seemed normal). So what other information is available on Martin's actions from that night? Video, audio, witness to the events prior to the confrontation?


I am not sure what your post even means. Editing seems to be a lost art.

Anyway, what ELSE we "know" is largely found in the realm of the physical.

For example, I have seen the evidence of the injuries to Zimmerman's nose. Haven't you? I have seen evidence of the injuries to the back of Zimmerman's noggin. Haven't you? I have yet to see any evidence of injuries to Trayvon OTHER THAN, of course, the tragic bullet wound. Have you?

I have yet to see any evidence of injuries to Trayvon OTHER THAN, of course, the tragic bullet wound. Have you?

You are a funny guy.:lol:
Rut-Roh Puerto Rican guy on the witness stand with poor English not getting what they're putting down.

West: "do you not agree this is an important matter we're talking about?"
PRG: "no." "I pray every night and God knows everything, I know nothing and it makes my head hurt"

Here we go with the race thing again. LOL

Maybe Puerto Rican guy is just very intelligent and doesn't want to serve on the jury, thus his responses. : )
Just in case I get a wild hair and shoot/stab29times/slitneck of my bf or someone is hitting my head and I slam them with my big rock, would y'all remind me to not shoot/stab29times/slitneck and/or just take the beating?

I don't want any of these people deciding my fate.
@Ilar, in the words of Thurgood Marshall, "Sir, you're full of it!"

We know this because you have basically denied ANY wrongdoing on Zim's part.

Were that so, we wouldn't be on comment #700, good people wasting their time to point out the obvious, or your hero's fat ass charged with murder and sitting in a Florida courtroom!

Put ya big girl panties on, and suck it up!

Queen.Sullied, you are the one who is full of it.

We know this because in order to pre-judge him, you have gone so far as to make shit up entirely out of whole clothe.

What I have contended, unlike you, is that it is possible that he might be guilty and it is also possible that he might be not guilty.

We know FOR SURE that YOU have not the foggiest fucking clue about what drove him to fire that gun.

Assholes like you confuse "following" with "pursuit."

You bandy about terms like "initiate contact" without having ANY hint of support for your desired suppositions. Yet you state them as though they were fact.

You cannot even see fit to acknowledge that it was Zimmerman who had the broken nose and the injuries to the back of his noggin. You can't fathom the import of the fact that Trayvon had no injuries (other than the fight ending bullet wound). (Actually, he might have had some scrape on his knuckles, but that is hardly indicative of having been on the receiving end of any physical altercation).

I have not DENIED "any" wrongdoing by Zimmerman. I just deny your made-up claims.

Not the same thing.

Your posts are of zero value to any reasonable discussion about this case because you are averse to facts, logic, reason, objectivity, fairness and honesty. The prosecutor would LOVE a tool like you on the jury, however.

I think the po It has a new pair of socks! Just sayin'.
@Ilar, in the words of Thurgood Marshall, "Sir, you're full of it!"

We know this because you have basically denied ANY wrongdoing on Zim's part.

Were that so, we wouldn't be on comment #700, good people wasting their time to point out the obvious, or your hero's fat ass charged with murder and sitting in a Florida courtroom!

Put ya big girl panties on, and suck it up!

Queen.Sullied, you are the one who is full of it.

We know this because in order to pre-judge him, you have gone so far as to make shit up entirely out of whole clothe.

What I have contended, unlike you, is that it is possible that he might be guilty and it is also possible that he might be not guilty.

We know FOR SURE that YOU have not the foggiest fucking clue about what drove him to fire that gun.

Assholes like you confuse "following" with "pursuit."

You bandy about terms like "initiate contact" without having ANY hint of support for your desired suppositions. Yet you state them as though they were fact.

You cannot even see fit to acknowledge that it was Zimmerman who had the broken nose and the injuries to the back of his noggin. You can't fathom the import of the fact that Trayvon had no injuries (other than the fight ending bullet wound). (Actually, he might have had some scrape on his knuckles, but that is hardly indicative of having been on the receiving end of any physical altercation).

I have not DENIED "any" wrongdoing by Zimmerman. I just deny your made-up claims.

Not the same thing.

Your posts are of zero value to any reasonable discussion about this case because you are averse to facts, logic, reason, objectivity, fairness and honesty. The prosecutor would LOVE a tool like you on the jury, however.

I think the po It has a new pair of socks! Just sayin'.

They do share "stupid" down to the DNA level.
Rut-Roh Puerto Rican guy on the witness stand with poor English not getting what they're putting down.

West: "do you not agree this is an important matter we're talking about?"
PRG: "no." "I pray every night and God knows everything, I know nothing and it makes my head hurt"

Here we go with the race thing again. LOL

Maybe Puerto Rican guy is just very intelligent and doesn't want to serve on the jury, thus his responses. : )

Um... yeah, no, that wasn't it.

Nice thought though.
Smh, what you are doing is taking Zim's words as FACTS!

Yes you are!

Bear with me...

1. Even if TM is responsible for the injuries on Gz, that's not a knock on TM, he was simply simply "standing his ground", as unarmed teen against a man with law enforcement training and a gun.

You got nothing there.

2. What makes you think that Zim couldn't have INJURED HIMSELF after realizing he just killed an unarmed teen?!

Some people have even shot themselves to cover up a bogus story. FACT
But you just giving him the benefit of the doubt like y'all used
What have we seen from that night, other than Zimmerman's statement, that someone with a marginally rational view would use to base Martin's actions (or lack of) from that night.

The only thing that I've heard about, other than Zimmerman's story, is the video of Martin making his purchases at the 7-11 (and that seemed normal). So what other information is available on Martin's actions from that night? Video, audio, witness to the events prior to the confrontation?


I am not sure what your post even means. Editing seems to be a lost art.

Anyway, what ELSE we "know" is largely found in the realm of the physical.

For example, I have seen the evidence of the injuries to Zimmerman's nose. Haven't you? I have seen evidence of the injuries to the back of Zimmerman's noggin. Haven't you? I have yet to see any evidence of injuries to Trayvon OTHER THAN, of course, the tragic bullet wound. Have you?

I have yet to see any evidence of injuries to Trayvon OTHER THAN, of course, the tragic bullet wound. Have you?

You are a funny guy.:lol:

Not at all. Well, at least not in this regard.

If there was a fight that caused Zimmerman to feel (reasonably feel) in fear for his life, that fight must have left some evidence behind. And lo and behold, we see Zimmerman's face, he has a broken nose, the back of his head (consistent with his account) has injuries to it. But there are no injuries to the guy Zimmerman said was beating him up (except maybe some knuckle scrapes which actually kind of support Zimmerman's account a bit further).

I cannot say that Trayvon got "no injury" since he died by bullet wound. But that is the thing that ENDED the fight.

The physical evidence supports Zimmerman's account and is consistent with that account.

Such matters as that have actual weight in the minds of jurors who DO try to be fair and reasonable.
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What have we seen from that night, other than Zimmerman's statement, that someone with a marginally rational view would use to base Martin's actions (or lack of) from that night.

The only thing that I've heard about, other than Zimmerman's story, is the video of Martin making his purchases at the 7-11 (and that seemed normal). So what other information is available on Martin's actions from that night? Video, audio, witness to the events prior to the confrontation?


I am not sure what your post even means. Editing seems to be a lost art.

Anyway, what ELSE we "know" is largely found in the realm of the physical.

For example, I have seen the evidence of the injuries to Zimmerman's nose. Haven't you? I have seen evidence of the injuries to the back of Zimmerman's noggin. Haven't you? I have yet to see any evidence of injuries to Trayvon OTHER THAN, of course, the tragic bullet wound. Have you?

I have yet to see any evidence of injuries to Trayvon OTHER THAN, of course, the tragic bullet wound. Have you?

You are a funny guy.:lol:

Quarter inch cut on finger/knuckle.
3. Guess what? Because the police department failed to investigate thoroughly ASAP, we can't get a proper analysis of TM's injuries to compare them too corroborate Zim's LIES!

How convenient!
3. Guess what? Because the police department failed to investigate thoroughly ASAP, we can't get a proper analysis of TM's injuries to compare them too corroborate Zim's LIES!

How convenient!

They can dig him up, po It. Now run along and write us a riddle or a rhyme about it.

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She says "there were lots of demonstrations and people in town......" "....I don't know what the demonstrations were about".


Wow these people are lying trying to say all the right things.

After the MLK riots in the 60s, the police got much better at riot control. I think whatever the indignant mobs try will be met with a very disappointing result.
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