The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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Questions I hope the trial will answer...

What made Zimmerman follow Martin? What did Martin do that was suspicious? Does Martin make a habit of following all persons who are alone and walking in the area?

I understand there is a list of calls Zimmerman made to the police on "suspicious persons" before. What will that list show in terms of sex, age, race or places where the "Suspicious persons" were walking and the time of day or night the call was made. Will it show a pattern that might be important to the case?

Adorable pic, Jackson. Good questions...I had the same. Here is what i found out:

What made Zimmerman follow martin? A couple of weeks before Trayvon, Zimmerman was driving down his street and as he was passing a neighbors house (that he knew well) he saw a young black male smoking a cigarette on this neighbors porch and the owner wasn't home. I don't know about any of you, but if someone is just lighting up on my porch when I'm not home, I would appreciate a call.

A couple of weeks later, Z is driving down the street again and passes the same neighbors house and this time Trayvon was just standing in the middle of the same neighbors lawn. Now it was approaching dark and the neighbor is an elderly white male with no kids living at home. This is why Z became suspicious initially...add to it that it was raining and when everyone else is in the house out of the rain, this young teen is just standing in the middle of someone's lawn that Zimmerman knew.

Add to that the several recent robberies of young black teens in the precise area and it was cause for suspicion. if I'm not home and someone is just standing in the middle of my front lawn, i would be suspicious also, as would most would want to know why this person is standing in the middle of my lawn or in the other case, burning one on my porch with no one home.

I don't believe that anyone who is casing a robbery is going to stand in the yard in daylight and do it.:cuckoo:
I also wonder if Trayvon's outer garment had a "stellate" tear in it at the point of entry of that bullet?

If present, that might well confirm virtual contact at the time of the shot.


Found it:


I am not clear that this would qualify as a "stellate" type tear. Of course, I dunno if it would take that form in such fabric, either.

The experts will reveal some interesting testimony, I expect.
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Not saying that pictures lie, what I'm saying is that they didn't handle this investigation professionally with the gravity it warranted.

As you know, Zim was very familiar with this police department. They didn't even put him in handcuffs after he just admitted TO SHOOTING A KID TO DEATH!

They walked him in the station like he was the son of a local judge!

Wait a minute..


Therefore, who's to say if proper due diligence was taken with ALL THINGS surrounding the case?

Including the autopsy?

But that's just preposterous huh?

Utterly ridiculous.

Impossible huh?
All I'm saying is that TM didn't deserve to die like that, and it could've easily been avoided, but GZ pushed the envelope, and is the catalyst in this tragic death.

Therefore, I believe he should somehow pay for his inciting the whole thing.

Was he really watching the neighborhood and concerned about crime?


Did he plan to kill TM?


But he did. And a person shouldn't be killed, and NOTHING happen.




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Not saying that pictures lie, what I'm saying is that they didn't handle this investigation professionally with the gravity it warranted.

As you know, Zim was very familiar with this police department. They didn't even put him in handcuffs after he just admitted TO SHOOTING A KID TO DEATH!

They walked him in the station like he was the son of a local judge!

Wait a minute..


Therefore, who's to say if proper due diligence was taken with ALL THINGS surrounding the case?

Including the autopsy?

But that's just preposterous huh?

Utterly ridiculous.

Impossible huh?

Son of a local judge? I didn't know that. Tell me more. Constable, I think. Same thing, though. He got special treatment. That's for sure.
Not saying that pictures lie, what I'm saying is that they didn't handle this investigation professionally with the gravity it warranted.

As you know, Zim was very familiar with this police department. They didn't even put him in handcuffs after he just admitted TO SHOOTING A KID TO DEATH!

They walked him in the station like he was the son of a local judge!

Wait a minute..


Therefore, who's to say if proper due diligence was taken with ALL THINGS surrounding the case?

Including the autopsy?

But that's just preposterous huh?

Utterly ridiculous.

Impossible huh?

When you have nothing, goobers like you always go for the conspiracy theory shit.

Like being the son of a judge would make a doctor performing a routine autopsy alter evidence.



And, oh yeah, Mr. Accurate. His pop is a FORMER judge. Now THERE'S a compelling reason for a scientist to alter evidence. :eusa_hand:
Not saying that pictures lie, what I'm saying is that they didn't handle this investigation professionally with the gravity it warranted.

As you know, Zim was very familiar with this police department. They didn't even put him in handcuffs after he just admitted TO SHOOTING A KID TO DEATH!

They walked him in the station like he was the son of a local judge!

Wait a minute..


Therefore, who's to say if proper due diligence was taken with ALL THINGS surrounding the case?

Including the autopsy?

But that's just preposterous huh?

Utterly ridiculous.

Impossible huh?

Fact check:

“Robert J. Zimmerman served as a full-time magistrate from 2000-2006. Please be advised that in Virginia magistrates are judicial officers, but they are not considered "judges" and do not possess trial jurisdiction. More detailed information on the role of the magistrate in Virginia is available on Virginia's Judicial System Website .”
I would be interested to hear any reasonable theory of how Zimmerman got his nose broken, his skull evidently smacked onto the sidewalk hard enough to cause the wounds seen on the back of his head AND the gun muzzle being only maybe ~ 4 to 6 inches from Trayvon's chest at the moment the gun got fired without those facts supporting Zimmerman's account.

Zimmerman's account from multiple examples (written, audio, and video reenactment) is that Martin was on top of him in the process and they were in a close proximity struggle at the time Zimmerman pulled and fired his weapon:

1. Bullet Trajectory: See image below. Zimmerman described the struggle occurring in this type of configuration. Martin on top of and straddling Martin. Zimmerman's firearm was holstered on the right side, back of his body. Zimmerman said that Martin grabbed for the gun in the holster. First of all how would Martin have known the gun was there under Zimmerman's jacket. Secondly Zimmerman would have had to get his arm under Martin's leg. Finally, take a moment and close your eyes and think of the articulation of a persons shoulder, elbow, and wrist. Now, the autopsy report shows that the bullet travel was straight into Martins chest (in other words perpendicular to the plane of the chest and not at an angle either up/down or left/right). Pulling a weapon from a hip holstered weapon, the most natural movement would result in the weapons being placed against the attackers side shooting up. Having to manipulate the weapon between the bodies, lift it to be level with the chest, and then bending the wrists "down" (i.e. toward your own feet) is a very unnatural position for the arm.


2. Gun Shot Residue (GSR): When a weapon is discharge chemically laden smoke, partially burned gunpowder, microscopic lead particles are ejected down the barrel and out through the ejection port (for semi-automatics) or around the cylinders (revolvers). Now if Zimmerman was below Martin and their chests were in close proximity then discharging a firearm between then is going to provide a fairly close proximity of Zimmerman's cloths to the source of of GSR (in other words the fired gun). Forensic examination of Zimmerman's clothing showed no GSR on Zimmerman's jacket front or on the front of the sleeves. There was GSR on Zimmerman's hands. Not having GSR on the clothing indicates Zimmerman's arm was extended at the time the shot was fired.​

Such an evaluation of forensic evidence in the case, remember discovery says "this and this" is reported, it does not require information on what expert witnesses are going to testify to, could undermine Zimmerman's story. The two items above could be indicative of Zimmerman having pushed Martin off, establishing separation between the two (even with both are on the ground) and the weapon being fired with full arm extension (lack of GSR) and the reasonable trajectory to achieve penetration perpendicular to the plane of the Martin's chest. **IF** the prosecution were to make such a case, then in addition to portraying Zimmerman as the creator of the events that night, they would be making a case that his self-defense claim ended when he generated separation because Martin couldn't be beating his head at that point. But Zimmerman drew and fired anyway.

It's been awhile since I read all the witness statements, but I don't think there was one that had a clear view at the time the weapon was discharged.

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Magistrate, Constable, Judge.

When you're a truck driver like TM's dad, and a young kid from a minority... those are men in power compared to you.

And then the son of one of these powerful men kills your child and is not even attested.

Come on.

Something was fishy about this case.
Magistrate, Constable, Judge.

When you're a truck driver like TM's dad, and a young kid from a minority... those are men in power compared to you.

And then the son of one of these powerful men kills your child and is not even attested.

Come on.

Something was fishy about this case.

Not saying that pictures lie, what I'm saying is that they didn't handle this investigation professionally with the gravity it warranted.

As you know, Zim was very familiar with this police department. They didn't even put him in handcuffs after he just admitted TO SHOOTING A KID TO DEATH!

They walked him in the station like he was the son of a local judge!

Wait a minute..


Therefore, who's to say if proper due diligence was taken with ALL THINGS surrounding the case?

Including the autopsy?

But that's just preposterous huh?

Utterly ridiculous.

Impossible huh?

Fact check:

“Robert J. Zimmerman served as a full-time magistrate from 2000-2006. Please be advised that in Virginia magistrates are judicial officers, but they are not considered "judges" and do not possess trial jurisdiction. More detailed information on the role of the magistrate in Virginia is available on Virginia's Judicial System Website .”

They are part of the good ole boy network.
Not saying that pictures lie, what I'm saying is that they didn't handle this investigation professionally with the gravity it warranted.

As you know, Zim was very familiar with this police department. They didn't even put him in handcuffs after he just admitted TO SHOOTING A KID TO DEATH!

They walked him in the station like he was the son of a local judge!

Wait a minute..


Therefore, who's to say if proper due diligence was taken with ALL THINGS surrounding the case?

Including the autopsy?

But that's just preposterous huh?

Utterly ridiculous.

Impossible huh?

Fact check:

“Robert J. Zimmerman served as a full-time magistrate from 2000-2006. Please be advised that in Virginia magistrates are judicial officers, but they are not considered "judges" and do not possess trial jurisdiction. More detailed information on the role of the magistrate in Virginia is available on Virginia's Judicial System Website .”

They are part of the good ole boy network.

Not saying that pictures lie, what I'm saying is that they didn't handle this investigation professionally with the gravity it warranted.

As you know, Zim was very familiar with this police department. They didn't even put him in handcuffs after he just admitted TO SHOOTING A KID TO DEATH!

They walked him in the station like he was the son of a local judge!

Wait a minute..


Therefore, who's to say if proper due diligence was taken with ALL THINGS surrounding the case?

Including the autopsy?

But that's just preposterous huh?

Utterly ridiculous.

Impossible huh?
I thought his dad was a judge in VA that's not local.
Does anyone else see it as odd that a teenager would charge and tr when her was a stone's throw from his house and unarmed?

When is the last time you charged someone that was packing?

y to fight a man with a gun
Not saying that pictures lie, what I'm saying is that they didn't handle this investigation professionally with the gravity it warranted.

As you know, Zim was very familiar with this police department. They didn't even put him in handcuffs after he just admitted TO SHOOTING A KID TO DEATH!

They walked him in the station like he was the son of a local judge!

Wait a minute..


Therefore, who's to say if proper due diligence was taken with ALL THINGS surrounding the case?

Including the autopsy?

But that's just preposterous huh?

Utterly ridiculous.

Impossible huh?
I thought his dad was a judge in VA that's not local.

:eusa_shhh: Shhhhh! :eusa_shhh: Someone on here might say his dad flew down here at the very minute all this happened to try and validate the turtleshit he/she is dumping on the forum. Oh wait! It might also be claimed that the authorities were paid to write and say everything they did. (Damn! How are they going to come up with a slop story for the witness corroboration of the events?)
While y'all acting like I'm crazy...


A kid was killed.

No arrest was made.



The D.A. filed MURDER charges.


King Solomon is crazy.

Well.... please explain this monumental reversal of judgement.

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