The Official Zimmerman Trial Verdict Thread

What are your Initial Thoughts on the Guilt or Innocence of George Zimmerman?

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If there was pre-meditation that is Murder 1. Pre-meditation would occur if he knew TM, planned where he would encounter him, and that none of the prior meeting was happenstance.
I don't know what Poutine is, so I looked it up and have to say, I vomited in my mouth a little. I think it was the "Cheese Curd" thing.

Anyway, there's a resturant in the Cincinnati area if you have a hankering.

Pleasant Ridge Chili - Pleasant Ridge - Cincinnati, OH

What the hell is wrong with people. Cincinnati is known for its chili, but not Fries, cheese and gravy. This is just wrong.

Skyline is not chili

Skyline and Goldstar is watered down grainuals of meat with some spices and a touch of chocolate. They are not chili! Camp Washington Chili is and it is the best in the world. Oh, and my moms too. Oh man, it's good stuff.

EDIT: Mr. Jim's Steakhouse has some damn good chili as well.
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The shooter, Mr Zimmerman, should have been held in custody and certainly should not be walking free, still having a concealed weapons carry permit. From my reading, it seems this young man was pursued and there was no probable cause to engage him, certainly not pursue and shoot him….against the direction of the 911 responder. Let’s all be appalled at this instance not because of race, but because a young American man has lost his life, seemingly, for no reason.

answer me this: Zimmerman had made multiple calls in the past regarding suspicious behavior due to the recent break ins there. Not once did he ever fire his gun before. Why, when he has already called the cops and he knows they are on their way, would he suddenly change his behavior unless he was feeling threatened?
The shooter, Mr Zimmerman, should have been held in custody and certainly should not be walking free, still having a concealed weapons carry permit. From my reading, it seems this young man was pursued and there was no probable cause to engage him, certainly not pursue and shoot him….against the direction of the 911 responder. Let’s all be appalled at this instance not because of race, but because a young American man has lost his life, seemingly, for no reason.

Zimmerman is a private citizen and does not need probable cause to engage and question Martin. He is not a police man. Civil rights protections protect you from unreasonable search FROM THE GOVERNMENT. Martin has no obligation to answer his questions or be detained. But he also has no right to take a punch at Zimmerman. Which he did.

Martin was a private citizen who had the right to walk down the street without being followed by some asshole in a truck acting like he was a LEO. If he felt that he was being threatened by zimmerman, he had every right to defend himself. If some guy was following me and I tried to avoid him and then he kept on pursuing me, to the point that he got out of his truck to do so, I like any other reasonable person would feel like there's a threat and a possible attack about to happen.
Oh, you mean Trayvon's not dead?

That rascal has been faking it this whole time?

What a scamp!

You are being a willful idiot. The charges are based on zimmerman not being in danger and defending himself. The defense is not trying to prove martin is still alive.

They are trying to prove that the State does not have the evidence to convict zimmerman of murder.

I think Zimmerman is contemptable that he's even trying to get away with it.

He murdered an unarmed child. He needs to be held to account.

Everything else is completely irrelevent.

The kid was armed.

A buddy of mine got his skull busted open with a can of spray paint some punk was carrying. Took several stitches to close the wound. Trayvan had a can of Ice-Tea. Same thing.

And I'm sure Skittles hurt like a motherfucker if you push them up someone's nose.
If there was pre-meditation that is Murder 1. Pre-meditation would occur if he knew TM, planned where he would encounter him, and that none of the prior meeting was happenstance.

No, there is pre-meditation with EVERY murder by definition.

YOU ARE STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First degree murder is any murder that is willful and premeditated. Felony murder is typically first degree.[5]

Second degree murder is a murder that is not premeditated or planned in advance.[6]

Voluntary manslaughter (often referred to as third degree murder) sometimes called a "Heat of Passion" murder, is any intentional killing that involved no prior intent to kill, and which was committed under such circumstances that would "cause a reasonable person to become emotionally or mentally disturbed." Both this and second degree murder are committed on the spot, but the two differ in the magnitude of the circumstances surrounding the crime. For example, a bar fight that results in death would ordinarily constitute second degree murder. If that same bar fight stemmed from a discovery of infidelity, however, it may be mitigated to voluntary manslaughter.[7]

Involuntary manslaughter stems from a lack of intention to cause death but involving an intentional, or negligent, act leading to death. A drunk driving-related death is typically involuntary manslaughter. Note that the "unintentional" element here refers to the lack of intent to bring about the death. All three crimes above feature an intent to kill, whereas involuntary manslaughter is "unintentional," because the killer did not intend for a death to result from their intentional actions. If there is a presence of intention it relates only to the intent to cause a violent act which brings about the death, but not an intention to bring about the death itself.[8]

Like I said before. You should stop posting. None of your statements are substantiated. Following isn't a crime, so why does it warrant consideration? Premeditation would suggest he knew where Martin was going to be on the night he shot and killed him.

Why should I substantiate them beforehand if there is no response to them?

In murder trials, the jury often agrees with the flimsiest of pre-meditation theories. Pre-meditation can begin and finish just minutes before the murder.

and pigs fly

In private jets between DC and their constituencies.
Interesting................apparently a lot of you posters have never had a bloody nose. can go down your throat, but when it does, you cough and sneeze trying to keep the blood from going down in your lungs. Sorry, but the body is wired to do that very thing.

And.....................when you sneeze, or cough, or figure out somewhere else for the blood to go, it's generally not in the closed part of the body.

Me personally? I think that Zimmerman followed TM, and was confronted by him (BTW................FL law says it doesn't matter who wins, it matters who starts the fight) and TM punched him in the nose for hassling him (that is................after GZ threw the first punch as stated by the girl he'd called when this happened), and GZ was pissed about having his ass kicked (remember, he scored low in the self defense class) and pulled the gun and shot TM.

GZ needs to go to jail. For at least 5 years.

The girl said she heard a bump then she heard wet grass. That isn't evidence that GZ threw the first munch you moron!

She also heard Martin say "Get off me".

No she didn't.
If there was pre-meditation that is Murder 1. Pre-meditation would occur if he knew TM, planned where he would encounter him, and that none of the prior meeting was happenstance.

No, there is pre-meditation with EVERY murder by definition.

YOU ARE STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First degree murder is any murder that is willful and premeditated. Felony murder is typically first degree.[5]

Second degree murder is a murder that is not premeditated or planned in advance.[6]

Voluntary manslaughter (often referred to as third degree murder) sometimes called a "Heat of Passion" murder, is any intentional killing that involved no prior intent to kill, and which was committed under such circumstances that would "cause a reasonable person to become emotionally or mentally disturbed." Both this and second degree murder are committed on the spot, but the two differ in the magnitude of the circumstances surrounding the crime. For example, a bar fight that results in death would ordinarily constitute second degree murder. If that same bar fight stemmed from a discovery of infidelity, however, it may be mitigated to voluntary manslaughter.[7]

Involuntary manslaughter stems from a lack of intention to cause death but involving an intentional, or negligent, act leading to death. A drunk driving-related death is typically involuntary manslaughter. Note that the "unintentional" element here refers to the lack of intent to bring about the death. All three crimes above feature an intent to kill, whereas involuntary manslaughter is "unintentional," because the killer did not intend for a death to result from their intentional actions. If there is a presence of intention it relates only to the intent to cause a violent act which brings about the death, but not an intention to bring about the death itself.[8]

So you can murder someone without even thinking about it or meaning to? You can find all the legalese you want, but that's what I was talking about.
All of you pro-gunners and some of the antis need to listen to the judge's instructions to the jury, because none of you understand the law on this at all. Yurt was the only one to look it up and he misapplied it immediately.

So, shut up and listen.
If there was pre-meditation that is Murder 1. Pre-meditation would occur if he knew TM, planned where he would encounter him, and that none of the prior meeting was happenstance.

No, there is pre-meditation with EVERY murder by definition.

YOU ARE STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First degree murder is any murder that is willful and premeditated. Felony murder is typically first degree.[5]

Second degree murder is a murder that is not premeditated or planned in advance.[6]

Voluntary manslaughter (often referred to as third degree murder) sometimes called a "Heat of Passion" murder, is any intentional killing that involved no prior intent to kill, and which was committed under such circumstances that would "cause a reasonable person to become emotionally or mentally disturbed." Both this and second degree murder are committed on the spot, but the two differ in the magnitude of the circumstances surrounding the crime. For example, a bar fight that results in death would ordinarily constitute second degree murder. If that same bar fight stemmed from a discovery of infidelity, however, it may be mitigated to voluntary manslaughter.[7]

Involuntary manslaughter stems from a lack of intention to cause death but involving an intentional, or negligent, act leading to death. A drunk driving-related death is typically involuntary manslaughter. Note that the "unintentional" element here refers to the lack of intent to bring about the death. All three crimes above feature an intent to kill, whereas involuntary manslaughter is "unintentional," because the killer did not intend for a death to result from their intentional actions. If there is a presence of intention it relates only to the intent to cause a violent act which brings about the death, but not an intention to bring about the death itself.[8]

Well, I warned people about this Quick guy, seems people should quit giving him the benefit of a response (including myself). He has no idea of law or court procedure. Therefore I suggest ignoring him. Ignore lists aren't bad things people.
Somehow everyone is missing the persecution and politics point.

It's freaking annoying.

If the Feds and organizations with their own agenda can come down on you for money, elections, publicity and ratings and blow fair trial from the first week and then realize they "have the wrong guy" for that. But you've already been politically and race persecuted.

Something is very very wrong and very very scary.

Not to mention the State that's left holding the bag has zero evidence, all they have is screeching and cuss words and "possible scenarios" and the state is who's left to position themselves for the mess the media, Feds, Hollyweirds, and race agenda'ers who already got out of dodge.

I cannot believe anyone except for a few get how bad that kind of witchhunt is for citizens.

Everybody is still looking at the 12 year old and the race hater.


Grow some brains on the big picture and what it means to be persecuted in our country by the top level for their own gain.
No, there is pre-meditation with EVERY murder by definition.

YOU ARE STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First degree murder is any murder that is willful and premeditated. Felony murder is typically first degree.[5]

Second degree murder is a murder that is not premeditated or planned in advance.[6]

Voluntary manslaughter (often referred to as third degree murder) sometimes called a "Heat of Passion" murder, is any intentional killing that involved no prior intent to kill, and which was committed under such circumstances that would "cause a reasonable person to become emotionally or mentally disturbed." Both this and second degree murder are committed on the spot, but the two differ in the magnitude of the circumstances surrounding the crime. For example, a bar fight that results in death would ordinarily constitute second degree murder. If that same bar fight stemmed from a discovery of infidelity, however, it may be mitigated to voluntary manslaughter.[7]

Involuntary manslaughter stems from a lack of intention to cause death but involving an intentional, or negligent, act leading to death. A drunk driving-related death is typically involuntary manslaughter. Note that the "unintentional" element here refers to the lack of intent to bring about the death. All three crimes above feature an intent to kill, whereas involuntary manslaughter is "unintentional," because the killer did not intend for a death to result from their intentional actions. If there is a presence of intention it relates only to the intent to cause a violent act which brings about the death, but not an intention to bring about the death itself.[8]

So you can murder someone without even thinking about it or meaning to? You can find all the legalese you want, but that's what I was talking about.

You said by definition. What else could you possibly mean when you say by definition????????????????

Get a clue mouth breather
Just carrying a firearm and relentlessly following someone could signify to a juror or two a pre-meditation. The other jurors may subsequently go along with that and convict for murder.

That defies logic. Why would a person already possessing overwhelming force, premeditate to get punched in the face and his head bashed against the concrete just so he could shoot him?

Why would he continue to pursue him after he told the 911 operator that Martin had something in his hands? If he thought that Martin had something in his hands, you don't think that when he got out of the truck that he wasn't ready for some sort of confrontation?
No, there is pre-meditation with EVERY murder by definition.

YOU ARE STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First degree murder is any murder that is willful and premeditated. Felony murder is typically first degree.[5]

Second degree murder is a murder that is not premeditated or planned in advance.[6]

Voluntary manslaughter (often referred to as third degree murder) sometimes called a "Heat of Passion" murder, is any intentional killing that involved no prior intent to kill, and which was committed under such circumstances that would "cause a reasonable person to become emotionally or mentally disturbed." Both this and second degree murder are committed on the spot, but the two differ in the magnitude of the circumstances surrounding the crime. For example, a bar fight that results in death would ordinarily constitute second degree murder. If that same bar fight stemmed from a discovery of infidelity, however, it may be mitigated to voluntary manslaughter.[7]

Involuntary manslaughter stems from a lack of intention to cause death but involving an intentional, or negligent, act leading to death. A drunk driving-related death is typically involuntary manslaughter. Note that the "unintentional" element here refers to the lack of intent to bring about the death. All three crimes above feature an intent to kill, whereas involuntary manslaughter is "unintentional," because the killer did not intend for a death to result from their intentional actions. If there is a presence of intention it relates only to the intent to cause a violent act which brings about the death, but not an intention to bring about the death itself.[8]

Well, I warned people about this Quick guy, seems people should quit giving him the benefit of a response (including myself). He has no idea of law or court procedure. Therefore I suggest ignoring him. Ignore lists aren't bad things people.

Every sentence we write has to contain the law in it. Christ Almighty.
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