The OLDER Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate

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Abraham our father PBUH, was one of the last remnants of the Hebrews, he was born in diaspora.
The language everyone spoke in the holy land during his time and the following millenia
was still Hebrew, not Arabic, why is that?

How come the only language in which the word "Palestine" has actual meaning, is Hebrew and not Arabic?
Holly land is not your native then how every one will speak hebrew. I am sure the lost village in iraq not every one spoke hebrew either but may be ancient Persian.

So how come they all spoke Hebrew in the land?
There's no meaning in Arabic for the word "Palestine", only in Hebrew.
You tell me how come? while its Arab land and Arab are Native from there.
Second there was only a holly land before british and french invaded Holly land for 900 years. But they divided the holly land into four countries so they can accommodate Israel and no one claim holly land and keep Syria out of it too.

Arabs can't even pronounce the first letter in the word "Palestine",
how did they appear in a land which name they can't even pronounce?
Because they are there from ancient time its jew invade their land.
Are you telling me that Arabs are not indigenous from the Arabian Peninsula?

And that at the time of Abraham, Ancient Canaan was already populated by Arabs?

Which ancient history book did you get this idea from?
Do you know the meaning of indigenous?
I tell you, meaning, have no links to other part of the world, ...

In fact, NOT the meaning of indigenous. (Not to mention it defeats your own argument concerning the Arab Palestinians).
Jew can not be native because Abraham PBUH came from Iraq also a Arab land.

Do You think that Africa and Spain are also "Arab lands"?
Jew are not native in holly land.

I think you'll find that's entirely not true.

Please don't run long falls propaganda. Just tell me are you native from palestine holly land.
1).Do you know the meaning of NATIVE, Indigenous, Ancient?
2).You don't want UN because don't have numbers.
3).Under Saladin+Ottoman holly land were in peace for 900 years. Israel destroyed that lasting peace.
4). Who kicked jew out? Roman.

We ARE telling you. The Jewish people, and ONLY the Jewish people are indigenous to the territory you are labeling the "holy land". The Jewish people and ONLY the Jewish people are native, indigenous and ancient.

Arguing that the Jewish people are NOT indigenous is just plain silly and blatantly contrary to known reality. Now, you COULD make an argument that the Arab Palestinians are ALSO indigenous (its a stretch, but can be done -- Ryan Bellerose does it effectively). But arguing that the Jewish people are not indigenous is just silly.
Ask to your teacher he will tell you that if you migrated from some where, you can not be native.
Its is you and yours propagandist gang don't accepting the truth that jew are not indigenous of holly land but Arab are.

Where's holly land?

Have you heard of this place, btw?

Invaded by Israel is called holly land and Arab are native.


The word "Palestine" has no meaning in Arabic, only in Hebrew.
Arabs can't even pronounce the word properly.
Guess why?
Because this name given by the invader as I said before invasion it was known holly land for 900 years with peace.
The only peace Muslims know from Jews and Christians, is if they are at the Muslim's feet being treated like dogs.

Which is what happened again and again, during the 1300 years before the recreation of the Nation of Israel .

Many attacks on Jews. For any reason. Many Jewish lives lost.
For any reason.

You live in a fantasy of a 900 years of peace which never existed.
jew are not native and you can change the history by making falls propaganda.
Please don't run long falls propaganda. Just tell me are you native from palestine holly land.
1).Do you know the meaning of NATIVE, Indigenous, Ancient?
2).You don't want UN because don't have numbers.
3).Under Saladin+Ottoman holly land were in peace for 900 years. Israel destroyed that lasting peace.
4). Who kicked jew out? Roman.

We ARE telling you. The Jewish people, and ONLY the Jewish people are indigenous to the territory you are labeling the "holy land". The Jewish people and ONLY the Jewish people are native, indigenous and ancient.

Arguing that the Jewish people are NOT indigenous is just plain silly and blatantly contrary to known reality. Now, you COULD make an argument that the Arab Palestinians are ALSO indigenous (its a stretch, but can be done -- Ryan Bellerose does it effectively). But arguing that the Jewish people are not indigenous is just silly.
Ask to your teacher he will tell you that if you migrated from some where, you can not be native.
Ok, your logic......since ALL ARABS migrated from the Arabian Peninsula to the areas of Iran, Lebanon, Mesopotamia, Ancient Canaan, Israel, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Spain, etc.......after the 7th century C. E.........

Then they are definitely NOT native of any of those places.

Where's holly land?

Have you heard of this place, btw?

Invaded by Israel is called holly land and Arab are native.


The word "Palestine" has no meaning in Arabic, only in Hebrew.
Arabs can't even pronounce the word properly.
Guess why?
Because this name given by the invader as I said before invasion it was known holly land for 900 years with peace.
The only peace Muslims know from Jews and Christians, is if they are at the Muslim's feet being treated like dogs.

Which is what happened again and again, during the 1300 years before the recreation of the Nation of Israel .

Many attacks on Jews. For any reason. Many Jewish lives lost.
For any reason.

You live in a fantasy of a 900 years of peace which never existed.
jew are not native and you can change the history by making falls propaganda.
To you it is false propaganda. To the real world it is history which actually happened.

For Real. To real people.

And there are documents and history books to prove it.
Its is you and yours propagandist gang don't accepting the truth that jew are not indigenous of holly land but Arab are.

Where's holly land?

Have you heard of this place, btw?

Invaded by Israel is called holly land and Arab are native.


The word "Palestine" has no meaning in Arabic, only in Hebrew.
Arabs can't even pronounce the word properly.
Guess why?
Because this name given by the invader as I said before invasion it was known holly land for 900 years with peace.

And ironically Arabs call themselves invaders when they identify as "Palestinians".
That's exactly what the word means, they would know it if they spoke the native language.
This name given by you to holly land to accommodate Israel.
Its is you and yours propagandist gang don't accepting the truth that jew are not indigenous of holly land but Arab are.

Where's holly land?

Have you heard of this place, btw?

Invaded by Israel is called holly land and Arab are native.

Lesson in geography:

This is the Arabian Peninsula, and NO, it has not been "invaded" by Israel, and NO it is NOT the Holy Land, and never was.

But YES, the Arabs ARE indigenous and native of that ancient Arabian Land.
Iraq syria jordan lebnon palestine israel all the way to Yamen, Arab peninsula is known Arab land.
In the 21st Century, yes.

In the time of Abraham, NO.
In the time of Moses, NO.
In the time of King David, NO.
In the time of the Philistine invasion. NO.
In the time of the Greek invasion, NO.
In the time of the Roman Invasion, NO.
In the time of the Byzantine Invasion, NO.
In the time of the Kurdish Muslim invasion, NO.
In the time of the Arab Muslim invasion, NO.

It is only from the 7th Century CE on, with slow invasion into some parts of Asia, Africa and Europe, that some of those land became populated by Arabs and Arabic became the spoken language.

The Indigenous people still speak their indigenous language in many if not ALL of these lands. They still live there, Arab majority or not.

The Copts, Yazidis, Kurds, Assyrians, etc
What ever you said Jew can not be indigenous of holly land but Arab are Indigenous.
Do you know the meaning of indigenous?
I tell you, meaning, have no links to other part of the world, ...

In fact, NOT the meaning of indigenous. (Not to mention it defeats your own argument concerning the Arab Palestinians).
Jew can not be native because Abraham PBUH came from Iraq also a Arab land.

Do You think that Africa and Spain are also "Arab lands"?
Jew are not native in holly land.
Jews, being descendants of the Hebrews and Israelites ARE most definitely NATIVE to the Holy Land. You like it or not.

And NO, Jews are not from "Europe".
Whole world knows jew came from Iraq but you can not find single jew in Iraq.
Do you know the meaning of indigenous?
I tell you, meaning, have no links to other part of the world, ...

In fact, NOT the meaning of indigenous. (Not to mention it defeats your own argument concerning the Arab Palestinians).
Jew can not be native because Abraham PBUH came from Iraq also a Arab land.
As I posted a few times for your education, the Jewish People are formed of ALL the tribes which lived in Ancient Canaan, which you do not seem to know where it is.

Abraham's family married with the people of Ancient Canaan, so YES, their descendants AND what became the Nation of Israel are
Indigenous, native of the Land of Canaan, Israel, the Holy Land.
But you don't know that jew race run by the mother while science said otherwise.
Something else you do not understand, but you want to make an issue of.

There is NO Jewish race.

Jews are an ethnicity.

Find out what that means.
Jew are racist.
Where's holly land?

Have you heard of this place, btw?

Invaded by Israel is called holly land and Arab are native.


The word "Palestine" has no meaning in Arabic, only in Hebrew.
Arabs can't even pronounce the word properly.
Guess why?
Because this name given by the invader as I said before invasion it was known holly land for 900 years with peace.

And ironically Arabs call themselves invaders when they identify as "Palestinians".
That's exactly what the word means, they would know it if they spoke the native language.
This name given by you to holly land to accommodate Israel.
The Invading Romans named the Holy land :

Syria Palaestina - Wikipedia

But you do not know that.

As I said before, they did it to humiliate the JEWS, indigenous of the land, who had been creating revolutions against the Roman conquest of the land.

They also closed Jerusalem to the Jews, as it was the capital of their Nation.

But you do not know that.

The word Philistine means Invaders.

The word Palestinians means Invaders.

The word Palestinians comes from the word Philistines, and both mean Invaders.

There is not letter P in Arabic, so there is no way the Arabs could EVER have named themselves or the region Palestinians or Palestine.
In fact, NOT the meaning of indigenous. (Not to mention it defeats your own argument concerning the Arab Palestinians).
Jew can not be native because Abraham PBUH came from Iraq also a Arab land.

Do You think that Africa and Spain are also "Arab lands"?
Jew are not native in holly land.
Jews, being descendants of the Hebrews and Israelites ARE most definitely NATIVE to the Holy Land. You like it or not.

And NO, Jews are not from "Europe".
Whole world knows jew came from Iraq but you can not find single jew in Iraq.

Why's that, do you think?
Jew can not be native because Abraham PBUH came from Iraq also a Arab land.

Translation: Jewish, as a culture, can't exist because there is only Arab.

Gee, thanks for erasing an entire culture. Its especially cool that you erased an entire culture that PRE-EXISTED the Arab culture which you claim is the only "true culture" TM in the area. Neat trick. Ugly. But neat trick.
well then you should tell me where are all these jews have gone means undercover of 100 million.
Explain this sentence.
As you said I erased a culture.
I am asking you then you should tell me where they all disappear if didn't erase them.
Where's holly land?

Have you heard of this place, btw?

Invaded by Israel is called holly land and Arab are native.

Lesson in geography:

This is the Arabian Peninsula, and NO, it has not been "invaded" by Israel, and NO it is NOT the Holy Land, and never was.

But YES, the Arabs ARE indigenous and native of that ancient Arabian Land.
Iraq syria jordan lebnon palestine israel all the way to Yamen, Arab peninsula is known Arab land.
In the 21st Century, yes.

In the time of Abraham, NO.
In the time of Moses, NO.
In the time of King David, NO.
In the time of the Philistine invasion. NO.
In the time of the Greek invasion, NO.
In the time of the Roman Invasion, NO.
In the time of the Byzantine Invasion, NO.
In the time of the Kurdish Muslim invasion, NO.
In the time of the Arab Muslim invasion, NO.

It is only from the 7th Century CE on, with slow invasion into some parts of Asia, Africa and Europe, that some of those land became populated by Arabs and Arabic became the spoken language.

The Indigenous people still speak their indigenous language in many if not ALL of these lands. They still live there, Arab majority or not.

The Copts, Yazidis, Kurds, Assyrians, etc
What ever you said Jew can not be indigenous of holly land but Arab are Indigenous.

Jewish claims to their heritage in the land of Israel are supported by abundant archaeological artifacts and historical records.

I've visited those digs, and seen it for myself.

Nevertheless, I think you're a bot.
In fact, NOT the meaning of indigenous. (Not to mention it defeats your own argument concerning the Arab Palestinians).
Jew can not be native because Abraham PBUH came from Iraq also a Arab land.
As I posted a few times for your education, the Jewish People are formed of ALL the tribes which lived in Ancient Canaan, which you do not seem to know where it is.

Abraham's family married with the people of Ancient Canaan, so YES, their descendants AND what became the Nation of Israel are
Indigenous, native of the Land of Canaan, Israel, the Holy Land.
But you don't know that jew race run by the mother while science said otherwise.
Something else you do not understand, but you want to make an issue of.

There is NO Jewish race.

Jews are an ethnicity.

Find out what that means.
Jew are racist.
You are ignorant and you do not want to learn.


You keep wiping the Jews out of existence and you call the Jews racist.

YOU are the one being racist by putting the Arab people on the land when even the Arabs know belonged to the Jews before they invaded it in the 7th Century CE.

All you need to do is read the Muslim Holy Book. It clear says that when the Muslim Arabs invaded the Holy Land, they met the indigenous Jews there, and opened the city of Jerusalem to them out of respect.

You have no respect for the Jewish people.
You have no respect for the truth, any truth.
Jew can not be native because Abraham PBUH came from Iraq also a Arab land.

Translation: Jewish, as a culture, can't exist because there is only Arab.

Gee, thanks for erasing an entire culture. Its especially cool that you erased an entire culture that PRE-EXISTED the Arab culture which you claim is the only "true culture" TM in the area. Neat trick. Ugly. But neat trick.
well then you should tell me where are all these jews have gone means undercover of 100 million.
Explain this sentence.
As you said I erased a culture.
I am asking you then you should tell me where they all disappear if didn't erase them.
She means that YOU are trying to erase the Jewish people and culture from their ancient homeland.

The Jews did not disappear, they did not go anywhere.

And like most other people, if they lived away from their homeland, and all people do that, the holy land is still and always will be their ancient homeland for them to return to. Which is what they always did, and continue to do to this day.
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