CDZ "The One" and his mission.


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Our GOVERNMENT POLICIES are sending this great nation into mediocrity or oblivion. I f we manage to avoid the point of no return, it will take decades to correct what Obama and his ilk have done to this nation.

Watch this video in its entirety. Post the degree with which you concur with the message. I'm at 100%.

Then forward the link to all of your adult friends.

Obama is killing the United States.
0% Disagree with your message, and I can look at the video to see if the same message is as disagreeable.

Government does not mean the same thing as organized crime. Government of the people, for the people, and by the people can never be blamed, or be responsible, or be held accurately accountable, for anything other than what all the people do collectively. So who is to blame, and who is responsible, and who can be held accountable for precisely which policies are in any way worthy of government action. What exactly is the cause of action in any case anywhere, anytime, and anyplace?

Keep on blaming abstract, fictional, false, imaginary, entities for those thoughts and actions that are accurately accountable to individual people, and you, and everyone else who decides to do the same thing, get what you invest into.

Garbage in: garbage out.

Example: "Obama is killing the United States."

Obama is a president of a foreign corporation that goes by the name United States. If Obama is killing the legal fiction that is said to employ Obama, or Barry Soetero, or whoever he really is, then why doesn't the other members of that corporation fire him, or why doesn't the other members of that corporation pay someone to murder him, as was done with John Kennedy?

Barry is doing what Barry is told to do, and he is doing a fantastic job so long as he remains alive, in power, signing papers, and telling tall tales.

The federated mutual defense association known as the United States of America is a voluntary agreement, and it was agreed upon that the voluntary agreement was perpetual, as recorded in the Articles of Confederation. Those United States of America, according to the original agreement, remains to be as perpetual as the people care to maintain it, in a voluntary form.

If you think someone ought to be held to an accurate account, then a good place to start looking for the lawful method by which accusations of wrongdoing are processed - due process - then the Bill of Rights might be one competitive starting place on that path.

I'll look at the video (because I have a moment) and as soon as I see something that appears to be demonstrably false to me, I will stop the video, and return here to comment.

Right away the video is either misdirected or willfully false, and the words are ambiguous and therefore potentially meaning anything one minute and then something else (even the opposite) the next minute.

There are plenty (probably most) people whose morals are competitively as good as anyone else at any time in the history of people. The problem is that most people (even with good morals) are misdirected to a point where they are investing in what they think is their own defense, and those transfers of earnings are spent instead on enslaving those same investors.

To suggest that a President of the United States of America is in any way capable of perpetrating a crime upon anyone, anytime, without being liable to the same moral rule of law as everyone else, is to suggest that said President of said United States of America, is a criminal leading a criminal organization under the color of law.

To suggest that anyone electing said President under those conditions (organized crime) suggests that a crime is in progress concerning said investors making said investments to empower said criminal. Either the electors (so called, and elections are most certainly fraudulent today) are willfully participating in the crime, or the electors (so called) are victims of the fraud themselves.

The actual President of the United States of America is one of the congressmen as congress forms regularly for the mutual defense of all the people in all the federated states. Where is the actual president of the actual federation of the United States of America in Congress Assembled?

Either the investors investing in a criminal version of a former voluntary federation are getting precisely what they will-to-be their benefits from said investments, or a crime of fraud is still in progress, where that crime began when the criminals struck out the slavery clause in the Declaration of Independence, and then those same criminals set about to fraudulent alter the original federal government, and even now the victims are dumbfounded concerning the accurate accounting process by which anyone, anywhere, anytime, is held to account for any crime whatsoever.
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Obama is killing this nation. Hitlery will finish the job. They are globalists, and their mission is the UN world government.
In what way is government not authorized organized crime? Admittedly the Neo-cons going back to the Clinton administration have sunk to new lows but minarchal government has not been seen in living memory.
"In what way is government not authorized organized crime?"

Deception does not work if the targets of deception wise up. The (moral, defensive, voluntary, open source, free market, effective defense) government is an idea that can work or it can not work as an idea. The alternative idea is crime. Crime works better when the targets think that their investments in their own defense are transferred to stupid people who can't seem to do the right thing ever.

Organized crime is called organized crime for a reason. The obvious reasons for calling organized crime organized crime is due to the demonstrable fact that the criminals are organized.

If you call organized crime something other than organized crime then someone else might - some strange day - understand why you do so freely.

Are you helping the criminals cover-up the demonstrable fact that the criminals are organized as you call organized crime something other than organized crime?
Well in NYC the five families do act as a branch of the government. Likewise Hells Angels in the Bay area.
Obama is killing this nation. Hitlery will finish the job. They are globalists, and their mission is the UN world government.

Good God you would think the world is coming to an end, and everyone was losing their homes and jobs. Oh wait, that was 2008.
"Well in NYC the five families do act as a branch of the government. Likewise Hells Angels in the Bay area."

Organized crime works criminally. The worst evil people claw their way to the bottom of the heap using deception, threat of violence, and violence as the tools of their trade, and everyone constitutes a target, there are no limits to the evils done by criminals as criminals organize. The leader of the criminal world will be the one that all the other criminals pay when the leader of the criminal world demands payment.

The Constitution of the United States Amendments 11-27

"The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned."

The "five families" and "Hells Angels" are allowed to perpetrate crimes upon innocent people in a specific area so long as they pay their extortion demands to the greater evil in organized crime.

If that were not true then the "five families" and the "Hells Angels" would be powerless against the combined defensive might of all the people in all the states in a federated (voluntary) union of states as each member of the "five families" and each member of the "Hells Angels" would be individually accused of each crime each individual perpetrates upon each individual victim in time and place, and a jury trial would be used to determine the facts in the case according to the common laws of free people.

The criminals Barry Soetero, George Bush, Bill Clinton, and their criminal bosses do not have any reason to destroy the "five families" or the "Hells Angels" because the work being done by all those people in all those criminal organizations are all part of the same thing. All one has to do to find the bottom of the organized crime heap is to follow the money to the source of it.

The criminals running the counterfeit money pyramid scheme known as The Dollar Hegemony require division among the competitors so as to ensure that the competitors are all weaker than the dominant criminal group. Anyone daring to take-over the dominant criminal group has to take-over the dominant criminal money supply.

Do the "five families" and the "Hells Angels" use Federal Reserve Notes when they pay each other for services rendered?

Can the "five families" and the "Hells Angels" pardon themselves for any torture or any mass murder (or worse) that they perpetrate upon any number of innocent people no matter how young and innocent those people may be at the time of the crime perpetrated by these criminals?

Can the "five families" and the "Hells Angels" increase their bank accounts to any number they wish anytime they wish merely with a computer terminal and a few keystrokes, and then use that bank account to crush any competition daring to take-over their fraudulent (communist) central banking pyramid scheme?

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