The ONE big mistake that Trump acolytes on this forum keep on making....

He ran with a promise of a middle class tax cut. Instead he raised taxes across the board.

I was lower middle class at the time (92) never even noticed that tax increase. Musta been YUGE

It was bigger than the middle class tax cut he gave you.
Are you talking about the booming/roaring 90's? Best decade ever.

Know how much less I paid in taxes last year because of Trump? $1700. Was it worth it? Probably not.

Has Trump Broken His Social Security Promise? -- The Motley Fool

I told you stupid fuckers!

How many Republicans have told me over the years that my warnings that Republicans want to do away with these programs was just fear mongering? Liars just like Trump.

Are you talking about the booming/roaring 90's?

Yes, I'm talking about Bill Clinton running on the promise of a middle class tax cut and then raising taxes once in office. What an asshole.

Best decade ever.

Yes, Internet bubbles are cool!
Who cares if he raised taxes? I saved $200k in 5 years in the 1990s. I graduated in the early 90s and bush sucked. We also realized Reagan sucked. So we voted for a moderate democrat Clinton. He gave the middle class a great economy and he gave the rich nafta. The rich weren’t satisfied. Democrats didn’t give them enough but republicans promised them they would do their bidding

From 1995 to 1999 I killed it.

From 2015- 2019 I’m killing it again. That means obama put the economy back on track for the middle class. I hope trump doesn’t fuck up obamas recovery like bush fucked up clintons surplus.
He ran with a promise of a middle class tax cut. Instead he raised taxes across the board.

I was lower middle class at the time (92) never even noticed that tax increase. Musta been YUGE

It was bigger than the middle class tax cut he gave you.
Are you talking about the booming/roaring 90's? Best decade ever.

Know how much less I paid in taxes last year because of Trump? $1700. Was it worth it? Probably not.

Has Trump Broken His Social Security Promise? -- The Motley Fool

I told you stupid fuckers!

How many Republicans have told me over the years that my warnings that Republicans want to do away with these programs was just fear mongering? Liars just like Trump.

Are you talking about the booming/roaring 90's?

Yes, I'm talking about Bill Clinton running on the promise of a middle class tax cut and then raising taxes once in office. What an asshole.

Best decade ever.

Yes, Internet bubbles are cool!
Who cares if he raised taxes? I saved $200k in 5 years in the 1990s. I graduated in the early 90s and bush sucked. We also realized Reagan sucked. So we voted for a moderate democrat Clinton. He gave the middle class a great economy and he gave the rich nafta. The rich weren’t satisfied. Democrats didn’t give them enough but republicans promised them they would do their bidding

From 1995 to 1999 I killed it.

From 2015- 2019 I’m killing it again. That means obama put the economy back on track for the middle class. I hope trump doesn’t fuck up obamas recovery like bush fucked up clintons surplus.
Obama's recovery? It was Trump's dismantling Obama's regulations that were stifling the economy. The Fed Banks were infusing trillions
of dollars into Obama's anemic economy through his entire 8 years. You should be thanking, Trump....and you know it, but such a partisan
hack, you won't admit to it.
I was lower middle class at the time (92) never even noticed that tax increase. Musta been YUGE

It was bigger than the middle class tax cut he gave you.
Are you talking about the booming/roaring 90's? Best decade ever.

Know how much less I paid in taxes last year because of Trump? $1700. Was it worth it? Probably not.

Has Trump Broken His Social Security Promise? -- The Motley Fool

I told you stupid fuckers!

How many Republicans have told me over the years that my warnings that Republicans want to do away with these programs was just fear mongering? Liars just like Trump.

Are you talking about the booming/roaring 90's?

Yes, I'm talking about Bill Clinton running on the promise of a middle class tax cut and then raising taxes once in office. What an asshole.

Best decade ever.

Yes, Internet bubbles are cool!
Who cares if he raised taxes? I saved $200k in 5 years in the 1990s. I graduated in the early 90s and bush sucked. We also realized Reagan sucked. So we voted for a moderate democrat Clinton. He gave the middle class a great economy and he gave the rich nafta. The rich weren’t satisfied. Democrats didn’t give them enough but republicans promised them they would do their bidding

From 1995 to 1999 I killed it.

From 2015- 2019 I’m killing it again. That means obama put the economy back on track for the middle class. I hope trump doesn’t fuck up obamas recovery like bush fucked up clintons surplus.
Obama's recovery? It was Trump's dismantling Obama's regulations that were stifling the economy. The Fed Banks were infusing trillions
of dollars into Obama's anemic economy through his entire 8 years. You should be thanking, Trump....and you know it, but such a partisan
hack, you won't admit to it.

Didn’t get Mexico to pay for the wall

Didn’t put the middle class first

Didn’t repeal and replace Obamacare

Didn’t maga

Actually widened the gap between the rich and poor
I was lower middle class at the time (92) never even noticed that tax increase. Musta been YUGE

It was bigger than the middle class tax cut he gave you.
Are you talking about the booming/roaring 90's? Best decade ever.

Know how much less I paid in taxes last year because of Trump? $1700. Was it worth it? Probably not.

Has Trump Broken His Social Security Promise? -- The Motley Fool

I told you stupid fuckers!

How many Republicans have told me over the years that my warnings that Republicans want to do away with these programs was just fear mongering? Liars just like Trump.

Are you talking about the booming/roaring 90's?

Yes, I'm talking about Bill Clinton running on the promise of a middle class tax cut and then raising taxes once in office. What an asshole.

Best decade ever.

Yes, Internet bubbles are cool!
Who cares if he raised taxes? I saved $200k in 5 years in the 1990s. I graduated in the early 90s and bush sucked. We also realized Reagan sucked. So we voted for a moderate democrat Clinton. He gave the middle class a great economy and he gave the rich nafta. The rich weren’t satisfied. Democrats didn’t give them enough but republicans promised them they would do their bidding

From 1995 to 1999 I killed it.

From 2015- 2019 I’m killing it again. That means obama put the economy back on track for the middle class. I hope trump doesn’t fuck up obamas recovery like bush fucked up clintons surplus.
Obama's recovery? It was Trump's dismantling Obama's regulations that were stifling the economy. The Fed Banks were infusing trillions
of dollars into Obama's anemic economy through his entire 8 years. You should be thanking, Trump....and you know it, but such a partisan
hack, you won't admit to it.
The feds aren’t keeping interest low? Republicans told obama to take the training wheels off but trump won’t. Interesting.
It was bigger than the middle class tax cut he gave you.
Are you talking about the booming/roaring 90's? Best decade ever.

Know how much less I paid in taxes last year because of Trump? $1700. Was it worth it? Probably not.

Has Trump Broken His Social Security Promise? -- The Motley Fool

I told you stupid fuckers!

How many Republicans have told me over the years that my warnings that Republicans want to do away with these programs was just fear mongering? Liars just like Trump.

Are you talking about the booming/roaring 90's?

Yes, I'm talking about Bill Clinton running on the promise of a middle class tax cut and then raising taxes once in office. What an asshole.

Best decade ever.

Yes, Internet bubbles are cool!
Who cares if he raised taxes? I saved $200k in 5 years in the 1990s. I graduated in the early 90s and bush sucked. We also realized Reagan sucked. So we voted for a moderate democrat Clinton. He gave the middle class a great economy and he gave the rich nafta. The rich weren’t satisfied. Democrats didn’t give them enough but republicans promised them they would do their bidding

From 1995 to 1999 I killed it.

From 2015- 2019 I’m killing it again. That means obama put the economy back on track for the middle class. I hope trump doesn’t fuck up obamas recovery like bush fucked up clintons surplus.
Obama's recovery? It was Trump's dismantling Obama's regulations that were stifling the economy. The Fed Banks were infusing trillions
of dollars into Obama's anemic economy through his entire 8 years. You should be thanking, Trump....and you know it, but such a partisan
hack, you won't admit to it.

Didn’t get Mexico to pay for the wall

Didn’t put the middle class first

Didn’t repeal and replace Obamacare

Didn’t maga

Actually widened the gap between the rich and poor
He put a lot of money in your pocket as he did into mine.
That is what my post was about.
I don't went down some rabbit trail. :cool-45:
It was bigger than the middle class tax cut he gave you.
Are you talking about the booming/roaring 90's? Best decade ever.

Know how much less I paid in taxes last year because of Trump? $1700. Was it worth it? Probably not.

Has Trump Broken His Social Security Promise? -- The Motley Fool

I told you stupid fuckers!

How many Republicans have told me over the years that my warnings that Republicans want to do away with these programs was just fear mongering? Liars just like Trump.

Are you talking about the booming/roaring 90's?

Yes, I'm talking about Bill Clinton running on the promise of a middle class tax cut and then raising taxes once in office. What an asshole.

Best decade ever.

Yes, Internet bubbles are cool!
Who cares if he raised taxes? I saved $200k in 5 years in the 1990s. I graduated in the early 90s and bush sucked. We also realized Reagan sucked. So we voted for a moderate democrat Clinton. He gave the middle class a great economy and he gave the rich nafta. The rich weren’t satisfied. Democrats didn’t give them enough but republicans promised them they would do their bidding

From 1995 to 1999 I killed it.

From 2015- 2019 I’m killing it again. That means obama put the economy back on track for the middle class. I hope trump doesn’t fuck up obamas recovery like bush fucked up clintons surplus.
Obama's recovery? It was Trump's dismantling Obama's regulations that were stifling the economy. The Fed Banks were infusing trillions
of dollars into Obama's anemic economy through his entire 8 years. You should be thanking, Trump....and you know it, but such a partisan
hack, you won't admit to it.
The feds aren’t keeping interest low? Republicans told obama to take the training wheels off but trump won’t. Interesting.
They were raising them for the last two years like clock can't just bump them a percent at a time.
Are you talking about the booming/roaring 90's? Best decade ever.

Know how much less I paid in taxes last year because of Trump? $1700. Was it worth it? Probably not.

Has Trump Broken His Social Security Promise? -- The Motley Fool

I told you stupid fuckers!

How many Republicans have told me over the years that my warnings that Republicans want to do away with these programs was just fear mongering? Liars just like Trump.

Are you talking about the booming/roaring 90's?

Yes, I'm talking about Bill Clinton running on the promise of a middle class tax cut and then raising taxes once in office. What an asshole.

Best decade ever.

Yes, Internet bubbles are cool!
Who cares if he raised taxes? I saved $200k in 5 years in the 1990s. I graduated in the early 90s and bush sucked. We also realized Reagan sucked. So we voted for a moderate democrat Clinton. He gave the middle class a great economy and he gave the rich nafta. The rich weren’t satisfied. Democrats didn’t give them enough but republicans promised them they would do their bidding

From 1995 to 1999 I killed it.

From 2015- 2019 I’m killing it again. That means obama put the economy back on track for the middle class. I hope trump doesn’t fuck up obamas recovery like bush fucked up clintons surplus.
Obama's recovery? It was Trump's dismantling Obama's regulations that were stifling the economy. The Fed Banks were infusing trillions
of dollars into Obama's anemic economy through his entire 8 years. You should be thanking, Trump....and you know it, but such a partisan
hack, you won't admit to it.

Didn’t get Mexico to pay for the wall

Didn’t put the middle class first

Didn’t repeal and replace Obamacare

Didn’t maga

Actually widened the gap between the rich and poor
He put a lot of money in your pocket as he did into mine.
That is what my post was about.
I don't went down some rabbit trail. :cool-45:
$1700 is not a lot. And over time our tax break goes away but the tax break for the rich stays.

Trump is a liar. He said exactly what I wanted to hear when he ran for president. He lied. I almost fell for it. I didn’t. You did.

Don’t try and tell me he didn’t lie. This lie is unforgivable. I don’t care about a wall he said rich people taxes would go up and he was more worried about the middle class. That was a lie. Stop sucking trumps dick
He ran with a promise of a middle class tax cut. Instead he raised taxes across the board.

I was lower middle class at the time (92) never even noticed that tax increase. Musta been YUGE

It was bigger than the middle class tax cut he gave you.
Are you talking about the booming/roaring 90's? Best decade ever.

Know how much less I paid in taxes last year because of Trump? $1700. Was it worth it? Probably not.

Has Trump Broken His Social Security Promise? -- The Motley Fool

I told you stupid fuckers!

How many Republicans have told me over the years that my warnings that Republicans want to do away with these programs was just fear mongering? Liars just like Trump.

Are you talking about the booming/roaring 90's?

Yes, I'm talking about Bill Clinton running on the promise of a middle class tax cut and then raising taxes once in office. What an asshole.

Best decade ever.

Yes, Internet bubbles are cool!
Internet bubble is your go to explanation of why Clinton was a great potus?

Internet bubble was why the economy was so good.
Clinton had nothing to do with the internet bubble.
He ran with a promise of a middle class tax cut. Instead he raised taxes across the board.

I was lower middle class at the time (92) never even noticed that tax increase. Musta been YUGE

It was bigger than the middle class tax cut he gave you.
Are you talking about the booming/roaring 90's? Best decade ever.

Know how much less I paid in taxes last year because of Trump? $1700. Was it worth it? Probably not.

Has Trump Broken His Social Security Promise? -- The Motley Fool

I told you stupid fuckers!

How many Republicans have told me over the years that my warnings that Republicans want to do away with these programs was just fear mongering? Liars just like Trump.

Are you talking about the booming/roaring 90's?

Yes, I'm talking about Bill Clinton running on the promise of a middle class tax cut and then raising taxes once in office. What an asshole.

Best decade ever.

Yes, Internet bubbles are cool!
Who cares if he raised taxes? I saved $200k in 5 years in the 1990s. I graduated in the early 90s and bush sucked. We also realized Reagan sucked. So we voted for a moderate democrat Clinton. He gave the middle class a great economy and he gave the rich nafta. The rich weren’t satisfied. Democrats didn’t give them enough but republicans promised them they would do their bidding

From 1995 to 1999 I killed it.

From 2015- 2019 I’m killing it again. That means obama put the economy back on track for the middle class. I hope trump doesn’t fuck up obamas recovery like bush fucked up clintons surplus.

Who cares if he raised taxes?

He said he'd cut them. He raised them instead. What an asshole.

I hope trump doesn’t fuck up obamas recovery

Yes, Obama's weak ass recovery was awesome.
Are you talking about the booming/roaring 90's?

Yes, I'm talking about Bill Clinton running on the promise of a middle class tax cut and then raising taxes once in office. What an asshole.

Best decade ever.

Yes, Internet bubbles are cool!
Who cares if he raised taxes? I saved $200k in 5 years in the 1990s. I graduated in the early 90s and bush sucked. We also realized Reagan sucked. So we voted for a moderate democrat Clinton. He gave the middle class a great economy and he gave the rich nafta. The rich weren’t satisfied. Democrats didn’t give them enough but republicans promised them they would do their bidding

From 1995 to 1999 I killed it.

From 2015- 2019 I’m killing it again. That means obama put the economy back on track for the middle class. I hope trump doesn’t fuck up obamas recovery like bush fucked up clintons surplus.
Obama's recovery? It was Trump's dismantling Obama's regulations that were stifling the economy. The Fed Banks were infusing trillions
of dollars into Obama's anemic economy through his entire 8 years. You should be thanking, Trump....and you know it, but such a partisan
hack, you won't admit to it.

Didn’t get Mexico to pay for the wall

Didn’t put the middle class first

Didn’t repeal and replace Obamacare

Didn’t maga

Actually widened the gap between the rich and poor
He put a lot of money in your pocket as he did into mine.
That is what my post was about.
I don't went down some rabbit trail. :cool-45:
$1700 is not a lot. And over time our tax break goes away but the tax break for the rich stays.

Trump is a liar. He said exactly what I wanted to hear when he ran for president. He lied. I almost fell for it. I didn’t. You did.

Don’t try and tell me he didn’t lie. This lie is unforgivable. I don’t care about a wall he said rich people taxes would go up and he was more worried about the middle class. That was a lie. Stop sucking trumps dick
My taxes went up....That's the way it is, I don't have the deductions I had last year.
Trump has got a lot done since he's been in office and what I appreciate the most
is his two Supreme Court picks, that was worth the price of admission right there, so go pound sand
Somehow (being poorly educated as Trump clearly stated about his followers).....cult members on this forum make the mistake of "thinking" that the obvious majority of right wingers on here represents ALL of America.....of course, they're clearly wrong.

If there still exists some semblance of rationale among this right wing ilk, they should ask themselves what ARE the chances that someone like Trump could get re-elected in such states as Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and a few others....where there has been more than half a million factory workers are now working part-time, menial jobs having had those industries closed???

Sure, working one or two and even three part-time jobs makes one "employed".......but reality that Trump's promises were based on demagoguery has finally materialized.
Wait. That’s the mistake? LoL
Somehow (being poorly educated as Trump clearly stated about his followers).....cult members on this forum make the mistake of "thinking" that the obvious majority of right wingers on here represents ALL of America.....of course, they're clearly wrong.

If there still exists some semblance of rationale among this right wing ilk, they should ask themselves what ARE the chances that someone like Trump could get re-elected in such states as Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and a few others....where there has been more than half a million factory workers are now working part-time, menial jobs having had those industries closed???

Sure, working one or two and even three part-time jobs makes one "employed".......but reality that Trump's promises were based on demagoguery has finally materialized.

it's the lefties that think most people want black muslim tranny socialists running the countty...that's hilarious
He ran with a promise of a middle class tax cut. Instead he raised taxes across the board.

I was lower middle class at the time (92) never even noticed that tax increase. Musta been YUGE

It was bigger than the middle class tax cut he gave you.
Are you talking about the booming/roaring 90's? Best decade ever.

Know how much less I paid in taxes last year because of Trump? $1700. Was it worth it? Probably not.

Has Trump Broken His Social Security Promise? -- The Motley Fool

I told you stupid fuckers!

How many Republicans have told me over the years that my warnings that Republicans want to do away with these programs was just fear mongering? Liars just like Trump.

Are you talking about the booming/roaring 90's?

Yes, I'm talking about Bill Clinton running on the promise of a middle class tax cut and then raising taxes once in office. What an asshole.

Best decade ever.

Yes, Internet bubbles are cool!
Internet bubble is your go to explanation of why Clinton was a great potus?
/——/ Proven liar, Slick Willie, was too busy porking interns his daughter’s age to grab OBL. He had three chances.
Obama's recovery? It was Trump's dismantling Obama's regulations that were stifling the economy
The economy wasn't "stifling". It was on the same track as during the last two years
The Fed Banks were infusing trillions
of dollars into Obama's anemic economy through his entire 8 years.

Have been through Trump's first two years and consider to do so

and you know it, but such a partisan
hack, you won't admit to it.

Look at the above. It sure looks like you are the partisan. The exact same economy during the Obama years is a "disaster". but during the Trump years it's "amazing"

My taxes went up....That's the way it is, I don't have the deductions I had last year.

As did mine. Just had them done. Cost me $2500. Unlike yourself it doesn't make me happy to finance tax cuts for the rich
Meister, post: 22058589
Obama's recovery?

Are you denying that Obama initiated what by June 2019 will the longest economic recovery in US history? It began June 2009 following an average GDP of -3.2 during the tail end of the most horrific recession since the Great Depression. The first six months of Obama’s first term had an average GDP at negative -3.2, The final six months of Obama’s presidency gave Trumpo a 2.3 average GDP to. Work with.

Going by six months at start and end:

Obama starts at -3.2 and ends 2.3.

Trumpo starts at 1.9 and is expected to end first quarter this year at 1.5 and 2018 ended at 2.6 for a six month average of 1.6. Your businessman is now at negative GDP in his record and no forecast had the GDP ever going over 3.0 for the remainder of his term

Trumpo peaked on GDP a couple quarters and he is done. You want us to thank him for that.


You trash Obama for advancing GDP in a positve direction upwards 5.5 points over a seven year period and then want us to praise, thank and worship Trumpo for what? Are you insane?

Trumpo’s first six months GDP avg was 1.9 GDP. He’ll be at 1.6 at the end of this month. Trumpo sucks and added to the deficit to get there.

You best thank Obama for giving Trumpo such a solid start because it is starting to suck at what Trumpo did with it.

I forecast you will run away from the cold hard numbers you see right here.
It was bigger than the middle class tax cut he gave you.
Are you talking about the booming/roaring 90's? Best decade ever.

Know how much less I paid in taxes last year because of Trump? $1700. Was it worth it? Probably not.

Has Trump Broken His Social Security Promise? -- The Motley Fool

I told you stupid fuckers!

How many Republicans have told me over the years that my warnings that Republicans want to do away with these programs was just fear mongering? Liars just like Trump.

Are you talking about the booming/roaring 90's?

Yes, I'm talking about Bill Clinton running on the promise of a middle class tax cut and then raising taxes once in office. What an asshole.

Best decade ever.

Yes, Internet bubbles are cool!
Who cares if he raised taxes? I saved $200k in 5 years in the 1990s. I graduated in the early 90s and bush sucked. We also realized Reagan sucked. So we voted for a moderate democrat Clinton. He gave the middle class a great economy and he gave the rich nafta. The rich weren’t satisfied. Democrats didn’t give them enough but republicans promised them they would do their bidding

From 1995 to 1999 I killed it.

From 2015- 2019 I’m killing it again. That means obama put the economy back on track for the middle class. I hope trump doesn’t fuck up obamas recovery like bush fucked up clintons surplus.
Obama's recovery? It was Trump's dismantling Obama's regulations that were stifling the economy. The Fed Banks were infusing trillions
of dollars into Obama's anemic economy through his entire 8 years. You should be thanking, Trump....and you know it, but such a partisan
hack, you won't admit to it.

Didn’t get Mexico to pay for the wall

Didn’t put the middle class first

Didn’t repeal and replace Obamacare

Didn’t maga

Actually widened the gap between the rich and poor
Actually widened the gap eh. Just like Obama did
Despite the last few years of “recovery,” the share of wealth held by the bottom 50% of the U.S. population declined from 1.15% in 2010 to 1.05% in 2013. This is less than half of where it stood in 2007, before the great recession, when the share of the country’s wealth held by the poorest 50% of the population was at 2.5%.

As of 2014, some six years after the beginning of the recession and during a period of “recovery,” the rate of poverty remains high at 14.8%. In fact, according to these government statistics, the rate of poverty for every year Obama has been president is higher than it was for every year during George W. Bush’s presidency.

The percent of people below 125% of the official poverty rate has also been higher every year under Obama than during Bush’s presidency, and has been over 19% every year from 2010 through 2014. The highest level it reached under Bush was during the start of the recession in 2008 when it was at 17.9%.

What is most disturbing is the percent of the population living in extreme poverty, or having an income at 50% or lower than the poverty level.5 Every year that Obama has been president, the percent of the population at that level of income has been over 6% and, as of 2014, consisted of over 20 million people. When George W. Bush was president, the percent was always under 6%. The last time it was over 6% was during the first year of the Clinton presidency. 6

Even the record during Reagan’s presidency may be viewed as more favorable than Obama’s. During the time Reagan was president, the official rate of poverty peaked at 15.2% in 1983. Thereafter, it gradually declined to 13.0% in 1988.7 By contrast, the rate of poverty during Obama’s time in office has always been more than 14.3% and was 14.8% in 2014, or almost 2% higher than it was at the end of Reagan’s presidency.
Obama's recovery? It was Trump's dismantling Obama's regulations that were stifling the economy
The economy wasn't "stifling". It was on the same track as during the last two years
The Fed Banks were infusing trillions
of dollars into Obama's anemic economy through his entire 8 years.

Have been through Trump's first two years and consider to do so

and you know it, but such a partisan
hack, you won't admit to it.

Look at the above. It sure looks like you are the partisan. The exact same economy during the Obama years is a "disaster". but during the Trump years it's "amazing"

My taxes went up....That's the way it is, I don't have the deductions I had last year.

As did mine. Just had them done. Cost me $2500. Unlike yourself it doesn't make me happy to finance tax cuts for the rich

I like your response to Meister the Obama hatemeister and Trumpo lovemeister. He’s got his economic numbers and judgement assbackwards. I want to make sure Meister sees these numbers since numbers don’t lie since they confirm what you are telling him.

Obama initiated what by June 2019 will the longest economic recovery in US history?

It began June 2009 following an average GDP of -3.2 during the tail end of the most horrific recession since the Great Depression.

The first six months of Obama’s first term had an average GDP at negative -3.2,

The final six months of Obama’s presidency gave Trumpo a 2.3 average GDP to work with.

Going by six months at start and end:

Obama starts at -3.2 and ends 2.3.

Trumpo starts at 1.9 and will end at 1.6 (projecting 1st qtr (2019) comes in at 1.5.)

Trumpo has reduced GDP his first two years and no forecast has the GDP ever going over 3.0 for the remainder of his first term. Likely recession in 2020 - he will be horrific on the economy as the man who kill the longest economic expansion in US hIstiry that Obama gave us.

Trumpo peaked on GDP a couple quarters and he is done.



Trumpo’s first six months GDP avg was 1.9 GDP. He’ll be at 1.6 at the end of this month. Trumpo sucks and added to the deficit to get there.
Last edited:
Obama's recovery? It was Trump's dismantling Obama's regulations that were stifling the economy
The economy wasn't "stifling". It was on the same track as during the last two years
The Fed Banks were infusing trillions
of dollars into Obama's anemic economy through his entire 8 years.

Have been through Trump's first two years and consider to do so

and you know it, but such a partisan
hack, you won't admit to it.

Look at the above. It sure looks like you are the partisan. The exact same economy during the Obama years is a "disaster". but during the Trump years it's "amazing"

My taxes went up....That's the way it is, I don't have the deductions I had last year.

As did mine. Just had them done. Cost me $2500. Unlike yourself it doesn't make me happy to finance tax cuts for the rich

I like your response to Meister the Obama hatemeister and Trumpo lovemeister. He’s got his economic numbers and judgement assbackwards. I want to make sure Meister sees these numbers since numbers don’t lie since they confirm what you are telling him.

Obama initiated what by June 2019 will the longest economic recovery in US history?

It began June 2009 following an average GDP of -3.2 during the tail end of the most horrific recession since the Great Depression.

The first six months of Obama’s first term had an average GDP at negative -3.2,

The final six months of Obama’s presidency gave Trumpo a 2.3 average GDP to work with.

Going by six months at start and end:

Obama starts at -3.2 and ends 2.3.

Trumpo starts at 1.9 and will end at 1.6 (projecting 1st qtr (2019) comes in at 1.5.)

Trumpo has reduced GDP his first two years and no forecast has the GDP ever going over 3.0 for the remainder of his first term. Likely recession in 2020 - he will be horrific on the economy as the man who kill the longest economic expansion in US hIstiry that Obama gave us.

Trumpo peaked on GDP a couple quarters and he is done.

View attachment 251768


Trumpo’s first six months GDP avg was 1.9 GDP. He’ll be at 1.6 at the end of this month. Trumpo sucks and added to the deficit to get there.
I kinda wished you would have addressed the Fed Reserve infusing 4+ trillion into our economy to keep it afloat during
the entire 8 years your messiah was in office. Even after the recession that was going on. But, honesty and you don't cross paths, comrade.
Meister, post: 22058589
Obama's recovery?

Are you denying that Obama initiated what by June 2019 will the longest economic recovery in US history? It began June 2009 following an average GDP of -3.2 during the tail end of the most horrific recession since the Great Depression. The first six months of Obama’s first term had an average GDP at negative -3.2, The final six months of Obama’s presidency gave Trumpo a 2.3 average GDP to. Work with.

Going by six months at start and end:

Obama starts at -3.2 and ends 2.3.

Trumpo starts at 1.9 and is expected to end first quarter this year at 1.5 and 2018 ended at 2.6 for a six month average of 1.6. Your businessman is now at negative GDP in his record and no forecast had the GDP ever going over 3.0 for the remainder of his term

Trumpo peaked on GDP a couple quarters and he is done. You want us to thank him for that.

View attachment 251754

You trash Obama for advancing GDP in a positve direction upwards 5.5 points over a seven year period and then want us to praise, thank and worship Trumpo for what? Are you insane?

Trumpo’s first six months GDP avg was 1.9 GDP. He’ll be at 1.6 at the end of this month. Trumpo sucks and added to the deficit to get there.

You best thank Obama for giving Trumpo such a solid start because it is starting to suck at what Trumpo did with it.

I forecast you will run away from the cold hard numbers you see right here.
Comrade, recessions are a natural cycle, they come and they go....if Obama did nothing the recession wouldn't have lasted as long as it did.

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