The ONE big mistake that Trump acolytes on this forum keep on making....

That’s why you clowns are giving us advice on what we need to do to win back the House.

If your reading comprehension were a bit better than a 4 years old's, you'd understand that my O/P was NOT "advice" to you cult members.......but just a simple observation......
Morons like he and Hitlery believed the polls, pundints, talking heads and everyone else who said Hitlery would be the next POTUS. Surprise.

Anyone who believes Polls ain't to bright.

Lefty loons like him never think outside the box.They remain the sheeple the Dems just love.

You can't cure a lefty loon sheeple.

Sorry sweetie but the polls in 2016 were remarkably accurate. They swung dramatically in the final days due to the Comey letter (thank you Rudy Ghouliani). but even that was picked up by late polls.

They showed her at the very end winning the popular vote by 2% and that's damn close to what she won that by.

Polls DON'T measure electoral votes.

And Trumpo won the electoral by 79,000 votes across three states. With that unusual late timing of the Comey announcement no one in their right mind wouid find fault for pollsters missing such a small margin of victory for Trumpo in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

“Nov 10, 2016 · Donald Trump owes his victory in the Electoral College to three states he won by the smallest number of votes: Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan. So it's fair to say that the 2016 presidential election was decided by about 77,000 votes out of than 136 million ballots cast.”

The States That Elected Trump Have Turned Against Him

Democrats wont make the same mistake twice in these three states having seen the damage Trump has done because they did not turn out for Hillary. Racists can when when the youth vote comes out.
/——-/ Oh we’ll get him next time #3,294
Oh we got him this time #5,498

I sincerely hope that the "we got him this time" does NOT happen; after all, we need Trump to completely wreck the corrupt and spineless GOP...........Long gone are the days of decent republicans respecting our Constitution...all who are left is a bunch of spineless sycophants (and cult members.)
That’s why you clowns are giving us advice on what we need to do to win back the House.

If your reading comprehension were a bit better than a 4 years old's, you'd understand that my O/P was NOT "advice" to you cult members.......but just a simple observation......
/——/ You guys are doing everything right by calling those who disagree racists. Keep it up. Tennessee Democratic Party chairwoman apologizes for calling state ‘racist’
Oh we got him this time #5,498

I sincerely hope that the "we got him this time" does NOT happen; after all, we need Trump to completely wreck the corrupt and spineless GOP...........Long gone are the days of decent republicans respecting our Constitution...all who are left is a bunch of spineless sycophants (and cult members.)
/——/ Oh, that’s why you’re giving us advice on how to win. Thank you. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
You guys are doing everything right by calling those who disagree racists.

Is the fact that you're bringing up "race" on this thread a bit of a Freudian slip???.................LOL
/——-/ democRATs insult voters to get them to vote democrat Tennessee Democratic Party chairwoman apologizes for calling state ‘racist’
“In the heat and the frustration of seeing and hearing the constant drumbeat of bigotry, misogyny and homophobia coming from the Republicans at the state legislature, I used a poor choice of words and vented my frustration and I apologize," Mancini said.
interesting subject since the crazy angry left thought the polls that indicated Hillary in a landslide "represented ALL of America". My guess is that crazies like James Hodgkinson and Kathy Griffin represent ALL of left wing thinking these days.

It represented the majority since she got the majority of the votes. You Trump -a- lumps seem to forget this.
/——/ You libs keep squandering your money by taking polls on the popular vote that doesn’t count - doesn’t mean squat. Moron.

It meant squat in all but 4-5 elections. Trump is in on a fluke.
/——/ Now it’s a fluke? Quick, give us more advice on how to win in 2020. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

It was a fluke and you took a record beating in the mid terms.
/——/ I think Obozo holds the record for the most mid term losses
Were last November's election results a bit of a bump to your constant "winning"???....LOL
A tiny bump, and totally in keeping with historical precedent. Far from the BLUE WAVE you counted as "inevitable". How's that crow taste?
As investigations proceed in NY state, Virginia, D.C. and the SDNY, expect the charlatan-in-chief to COMPLETELY come unglued...........and it is just a matter of time before congressional republicans and Trump staff members have to fully decide between "loyalty" to a train-wreck and saving their own sorry asses.
Blah blah blah MUELLER blah blah blah STRZOK blah blah blah NADLER blah blah blah SCHIFF blah blah blah MUELLER blah blah blah...

Don't you ever feel foolish doing this? I swear, Dems must have a memory like a goldfish.
and then take a really good nat.

Yet another example of why Trump stated that he "loves the poorly educated and they love him back"....LMAO
You mean the folks the Democrats called members and represented proudly for years? They only started using that slur when they started losing voters to Trump and began courting the "enlightened" dregs of society thinking they could cobble together some sort of alliance from a bunch of groups who had nothing in common. How did that work out for you?

Go back to bed.......LMAO
Interesting article about who is the most intolerant politically. Those educated urban white folks.

'The Most Politically Intolerant Americans' | RealClearPolitics
...hahahahhahhahah-----????!! exhausted?? really? I don't think so...
Methinks the lady doth protest too much. people...
What 'people' would that be? Perhaps you meant vast numbers of your fellow citizens?

...are deranged...
We're not the ones slavishly following a foul-mouthed amoral Creature.

... and surely have run out of ammo...
Now it's YOUR turn to "kid"... Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ... your boy is an Endless Fountain of Vile Material.

Righteous Folk, opposing such vile-ness, can NEVER run out of ammunition.'re right --it's been TWO years and you people are still crying--trying to get a fairly/legally elected POTUS out
No... just trying to ensure the wheels don't come off the Republic before The Creature has to step-down.
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...hahahahhahhahah-----????!! exhausted?? really? I don't think so...
Methinks the lady doth protest too much. people...
What 'people' would that be? Perhaps you meant vast numbers of your fellow citizens?

...are deranged...
We're not the ones slavishly following a foul-mouthed amoral Creature.

... and surely have run out of ammo...
Now it's YOUR turn to "kid"... Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ... your boy is an Endless Fountain of Vile Material.

Righteous Folk, opposing such vile-ness, can NEVER run out of ammunition.'re right --it's been TWO years and you people are still crying--trying to get a fairly/legally elected POTUS out
No... just trying to ensure the wheels don't come off the Republic before The Creature has to step-down.
/——/ Buttsore loser. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
They aren't even the majority of the people in the nation.
The majority of the people in the nation are repulsed by trump supporters.
trump supporters are only one third of our population.
This false confidence is what stopped Clinton (in spite of her attempts to cheat), and it's going what's going to bury the Dems in 2020. Hint: CNN is lying to you.
Actually it was Comey' letter with a generous helping of Russian agitprop (targeted agitation propaganda)

Did Russian Facebook memes get you and all your liberal friends to vote for Trump?
No but this lie suckered a lot of dummies into voting for him

He told 60 minutes and US news channel NBC "For the wealthy, I think frankly it is going to go up and, you know what, it really should go up." He added "when it comes time to negotiate, I feel less concerned with the rich than I do with the middle class."

I remember I almost fell for it too. How many dummies fell for this lie? These people won't vote for him again.
He ran with a promise of a middle class tax cut. Instead he raised taxes across the board.

I was lower middle class at the time (92) never even noticed that tax increase. Musta been YUGE

It was bigger than the middle class tax cut he gave you.
Are you talking about the booming/roaring 90's? Best decade ever.

Know how much less I paid in taxes last year because of Trump? $1700. Was it worth it? Probably not.

Has Trump Broken His Social Security Promise? -- The Motley Fool

I told you stupid fuckers!

How many Republicans have told me over the years that my warnings that Republicans want to do away with these programs was just fear mongering? Liars just like Trump.
They aren't even the majority of the people in the nation.
The majority of the people in the nation are repulsed by trump supporters.
trump supporters are only one third of our population.
This false confidence is what stopped Clinton (in spite of her attempts to cheat), and it's going what's going to bury the Dems in 2020. Hint: CNN is lying to you.
Actually it was Comey' letter with a generous helping of Russian agitprop (targeted agitation propaganda)

Did Russian Facebook memes get you and all your liberal friends to vote for Trump?
No but this lie suckered a lot of dummies into voting for him

He told 60 minutes and US news channel NBC "For the wealthy, I think frankly it is going to go up and, you know what, it really should go up." He added "when it comes time to negotiate, I feel less concerned with the rich than I do with the middle class."

I remember I almost fell for it too. How many dummies fell for this lie? These people won't vote for him again.
/——/ Blue States cut a tax hike when the real estate tax deduction was reduced to $10k. Screwing the rich should make you giddy.

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