Trump has turned out to be one of the best presidents of my life just based on court rulings.

Mitch didn’t give Trump anything. He just refused to give his consent to Obama’s ideologues, elections having consequences and all.

Trump just submitted the names the Federalist Society suggested

Mitch sat on the Scalia vacancy for a year then reversed his reason for not filling a vacancy in an election year and fast tracked Barret a week before the election
Trump just submitted the names the Heritage Foundation suggested

Mitch sat on the Scalia vacancy for a year then reversed his reason for not filling a vacancy in an election year and fast tracked Barret a week before the election
You’re just not intelligent enough to understand how the process works, kid.
Trump, the best president in my life, and I was born the year Kennedy was shot.

They best, they dont come better, you could say Reagen. Except Reagen did not have the swamp in DC like it is today.

Trump's greatest accomplishment is getting all the KKK Democrats, all the NAZI democrats, all those Marxist Democrats from the news media to millions of government workers, to stick their heads out of their hole in the ground. Exposing themselves.
Trump, the best president in my life, and I was born the year Kennedy was shot.

They best, they dont come better, you could say Reagen. Except Reagen did not have the swamp in DC like it is today.

Trump's greatest accomplishment is getting all the KKK Democrats, all the NAZI democrats, all those Marxist Democrats from the news media to millions of government workers, to stick their heads out of their hole in the ground. Exposing themselves.
That’s comical when I see people putting thst mass murdering warmonger Reagan in there with patriots kennedy and trump as presidents that served the people. Let’s add biden in there as well with kennedy and trump as great presidents.:rofl:

Our resident paid shill from Langley wrongwinger kisses Reagan’s ass after all,that should be a wake-up call to the Reagan worshippers they have been brainwashed by the msm media who calls him the greatest president ever that they have indeed been brainwashed on Reagan. :rofl: If he wasn’t corrupt,wrongwinger would not kiss his ass all the time as he does.:abgg2q.jpg: Duh:uhoh3:

Beam me up Scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.
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That’s comical when I see people putting thst mass murdering warmonger Reagan in there with patriots kennedy and trump as presidents that served the people. Let’s add biden in there as well with kennedy and trump as great presidents.:rofl:

Our resident paid shill from Langley wrongwinger kisses Reagan’s ass after all,that should be a wake-up call to the Reagan worshippers they have been brainwashed by the msm media who calls him the greatest president ever that they have indeed been brainwashed on Reagan. :rofl: If he wasn’t corrupt,wrongwinger would not kiss his ass all the time as he does.:abgg2q.jpg: Duh:uhoh3:

Beam me up Scotty,there is no intelligent life forms on this planet.
Bay of Pigs, Viet-Nam, Kennedy

Reagen, another Debate another time.
From Roe v Wade to affirmative action to businesses being protected from extortion (forced contracts) by extreme groups/customers and so on.

The affirmative action ruling I hope boils down to employment as well. During the Clinton presidency I worked almost exclusively on government contracts and the REQUIREMENT that a percentage of those I employed reflected the community I was working in. Forcing me to hire asshats that were always late or didn't show up or came in stoned and on and on.

Love or hate Trump he has had a BIG IMPACT on the future of our nation.
If you were hiring asshats that were always late or didn't show up or came in stoned to be brutely honest it doesn't sound like you were a very good manager. I work in a very ethnically diverse workplace. Many non-white workers I know who are to work early, work late, don't do drugs, college educated, very skilled. I am half Cherokee Native American and I would not refer to myself as an "asshat" just because I am not fully white.... kind of a racist statement you made there. I have a Master's Degree and I work hard.
If you were hiring asshats that were always late or didn't show up or came in stoned to be brutely honest it doesn't sound like you were a very good manager. I work in a very ethnically diverse workplace. Many non-white workers I know who are to work early, work late, don't do drugs, college educated, very skilled. I am half Cherokee Native American and I would not refer to myself as an "asshat" just because I am not fully white.... kind of a racist statement you made there. I have a Master's Degree and I work hard.
You are a bit right. And at the same time you are giving credit to the idea you were not hired on your merit, intelligence. You seem to be saying all you had to be is a native American

That is how I read your post, you can't mean that, right?
Love or hate Trump he has had a BIG IMPACT on the future of our nation.
Yep. Fewer Americans will go to college so Corporate America will have to import more folks from overseas to fill needed jobs.

So look on the bright side; you'll have something to bitch about for decades now; not that you couldn't/wouldn't find something on your own.
Band aids.

Forgiving the debt of a group of former college students, and being spectacularly unfair to those who have paid off their debts and loans is a band aid. Forcing a private business to serve people they don't want to serve is a band aid. Lowering standards and expectations for people based solely on their skin color is a band aid.

Each one of those issues has a deeper underlying socio-economic foundation that we just ignore when we just slap a band aid on an issue and call it good. That's all we know to do now: Slap a band aid on it and pat ourselves on the back. While the base issue continues to fester.

Let's see how this goes. I'm not convinced it will be some catastrophe. And maybe it will FORCE us to stop slapping band aids on every last fucking problem.

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If you were hiring asshats that were always late or didn't show up or came in stoned to be brutely honest it doesn't sound like you were a very good manager. I work in a very ethnically diverse workplace. Many non-white workers I know who are to work early, work late, don't do drugs, college educated, very skilled. I am half Cherokee Native American and I would not refer to myself as an "asshat" just because I am not fully white.... kind of a racist statement you made there. I have a Master's Degree and I work hard.

I worked in the projects bro. Rehabbing the kind of places you don't dare go. Where every building is identical and the police are there HOURLY. THAT is where my employees had to come from. Awful experience and you have NO IDEA what you're talking about.
From Roe v Wade to affirmative action to businesses being protected from extortion (forced contracts) by extreme groups/customers and so on.

The affirmative action ruling I hope boils down to employment as well. During the Clinton presidency I worked almost exclusively on government contracts and the REQUIREMENT that a percentage of those I employed reflected the community I was working in. Forcing me to hire asshats that were always late or didn't show up or came in stoned and on and on.

Love or hate Trump he has had a BIG IMPACT on the future of our nation.
Yup, say what you want about Trump but you could easily argue he has been the most influential president in decades, if not centuries. No matter what happens, the Supreme Court rulings will last for a long time to come. Since the left are very unhappy with our national anthem we should change it to, "God save Trump".

Trump has turned out to be one of the worst presidents of my life just based on court rulings.​

Congress chose its words carefully, opting for expansive language that focused on equal protection and rejecting “proposals that would have made the Constitution explicitly color-blind.” A. Kull, The Color-Blind Constitution 69 (1992); see also, e.g., Cong. Globe 1287 (rejecting proposed language providing that “no State . . . shall . . . recognize any distinction between citizens . . . on account of race or color”). This choice makes it clear that the Fourteenth Amendment does not impose a blanket ban on race-conscious policies.

Simultaneously with the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment, Congress enacted a number of race-conscious laws to fulfill the Amendment’s promise of equality, leav- ing no doubt that the Equal Protection Clause permits consideration of race to achieve its goal.

Ensuring there is more gun violence (Heller)..........approved.

Putting a woman's pregnancy in the hands of the state (Dobbs)...........approved.

Ensuring a return to racial discrimination in college admissions, employment, and voting laws.........approved.

Paving the way for other voter suppression techniques (Crawford)..........approved.

Ensuring discrimination based on sexual identity (Hobby Lobby).........approved.

Overturning a century of campaign finance law, sparking the growth of super PACs and dark money in politics (Citizens United).........approved.

Undermining unions by ruling public-employee unions may not collect “fair-share” fees to help pay for the costs of collective bargaining benefiting no-union employees (Janus)......approved.

Ensuring continued corruption of elections by holding that issues of partisan gerrymandering are outside the jurisdiction of the federal courts (Rucho)...........approved.

Making it much harder for consumers to file class action lawsuits against corporations (AT&T)...........approved.

In a grotesque act of cruelty, ruling the 8th A does not require that a method of execution be pain free (Glossip)..........approved.

Upheld a president’s ability to discriminate against immigrants based on their religion (Hawaii)...........approved.

Ensuring more air pollution by ruling the Clean Air Act does not give the EPA broad authority to limit carbon emissions from power plants (Kennedy)...........approved.

Ruling a violation of the Miranda rule does not provide a basis for a civil rights lawsuit for police abuse (Vega)..........approved.

No Court has ever done more damage to personal freedom, election law, individual rights, the environment, and democracy.
Bay of Pigs, Viet-Nam, Kennedy

Reagen, another Debate another time.
Bay Of Pigs, Vietnam seriously?:auiqs.jpg: Bay of Pigs disaster was entirely the blame of the CIA every serious researcher knows that.:auiqs.jpg:.They lied to JFK about the invasion assuring him there would be no need for military support knowing full well it was going to fail without it,Kennedy inherited the bay of pigs from Eisenhower.that was planned way before he became president under Eisenhower,that wasnt his doing. The plan that was orginally presented to Eisenhower was VASTLY different than the one they presented to kennedy he INHERITED.

The CIA they thought their buddy warmonger Nixon was going to get elected so the original plan they had was for the invasion to succeed. Kennedy got in and screwed up their plans so the plan was changed and designed to fail so the government could say-YOU ALL GOT THE WRONG GUY IN THERE.

They tried to trick kennedy into ordering a full out invasion and to use air support but he refused and that pissed them off,That was the beginning of when he started making enemies with the deep state.He really made enemies with them even more so by doing the unthinkable,they figured he would go to the press and deny any knowledge of the invasion and let them continue their covert operations that Nixon as Vice president ran for them under Ike, instead he did the unthinkable and he came out and took responsibility for it and then went on and fired allen dulles,that was UNPRECEDENTED for a president.

and then Allen dulles somehow after that winds up on the warren commssion? how conveninet for the CIA. talk about the fox guarding the henhouse. Thank god we had the bay of pigs disaster because after that happened when the cuban missile crisis happend "that he ALSO inherited because we had missiles in turkey pointed at Russia which provoked the Russians to put missiles in cuba," Kennedy learned from the bay of pigs and this time he wisely did not listen to what the military told him when they tried to get him to go out and bomb cuba to smitherings.

Instead,he got wise and listened to his aides and leaned heavily on Bobby for advise which was the smartest thing he did as POTUS by listening to his adies,he diverted a nuclear war. Thank god Kennedy got elected president because had the CIA had their way and their boy Nixon been elected,HE would have done what the military wanted kennedy to do and HE would have gone out and bombed them and got us into a nuclear war.he was a YES man for the military. Kennedy and Kruchev did behind the scenes back channels communicating with each other because they both knew their governments wanted war,their back channel communications was crucial in avoiding a nuclear war which again cannot be debated would have happened had Nixon been president.He never would have done any back channeel communications to try and avoid conflict.that cant be debated.

and VIETNAM seriously? are you really THAT ignorant? no need to answer that.:auiqs.jpg: Every serious JFK researcher knows that Kennedy INHERITED vietnam as well from Truman same as he inherited the bay of pigs. Every serious researcher also knows that under Kennedy,there were very few casultys during his time in office,less than a 100.How is 58,000 casultys Kennedys doing when there were less than a 100 under his watch?:auiqs.jpg:

The military under Eisenhower started making plans for an esculation of the war making plans to have combat troops deployed which Kennedy resisted time and time again. Kennedy never sent in combat troops,only ADVISORS.Johnson sent in the combat troops.even the mainstream media admits this. documents were also released under the ARRB act clinton signed that what researchers suspected for decades,that kennedy was going to pull us out of vietnam completely by 1965 are indeed true. every serious reseacher knows that Johnson REVERSED kennedys policys on vietnam,seriously are you this ignorant on the presedency of JFK? every serious researcher knows all this. Everybody knows it was johnson and his pal Nixon that murdered those 58,000 Americans and had JFK lived there never would have been a vietnam war and less than a 100 soldiers would have died.:auiqs.jpg:

this is ALL documented in the excellent documented extensively researched book by Newman JFK AND VIETNAM.get with the program.

JFK and Vietnam uses incontrovertible documentary evidence to prove the reversal of Kennedy’s withdrawal plan by President Johnson, who ordered key changes be made to a National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM 273) two days after the assassination. Those changes opened the door to the direct use of conventional American military forces in Vietnam.
Amazon product ASIN 153047793X
this is WHY the CIA killed him.

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and Yes,the traiterous activites of mass murdering war monger Reagan are for another thread here where i have taken EVERY SINGLE Reagan apologist to school checkmating them that at the time,he was the most corrupt president ever and got the ball ROLLING for the destruction of America that each president all the way up to Obama expanded on. obama in his inaguration speech said he wanted to be like Reagan,boy did he accomplish that. Ronnie would be proud of Barry for the mass murderer he was.

that is for THIS thread here where i checkmated the reagan apologists and took them to school in every post i made here and when back up against the wall unable to refute my facts,they just stooped to childish name calling in frustration they could counter my facts.

Reagan genius was the president that appointed mass murderer Fauchi to a position of authority, Hitler and stalin look like choir boys compared to the mass murders fauchi have accomplished.they would be PROUD of what Reagan did and envy him. the sheep who put Reagan on a pedastal which includes half of Americans,are clearly incapable of critical thinking and refuse to turn off the idiot box in the living room and that our corrupt school system lied to them.:cuckoo: same as the media still lies on who killed kennedy BEAM ME UP SCOTTY,THERE IS NO INTELLIGENT LIFE FORMS ON THIS PLANET.
Ronald Reagan, Enabler of Atrocities

Yet, even as the United States celebrates Reagan’s centennial birthday and lavishes praise on his supposed accomplishments, very little time has been spent reflecting on the unnecessary bloodbaths that Reagan enabled in many parts of the world.

Yet, Reagan’s Cold War obsessions helped unleash right-wing “death squads” and murderous militaries on the common people in many parts of the Third World, but nowhere worse than in Latin America.

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Trump has turned out to be one of the worst presidents of my life just based on court rulings.​

Congress chose its words carefully, opting for expansive language that focused on equal protection and rejecting “proposals that would have made the Constitution explicitly color-blind.” A. Kull, The Color-Blind Constitution 69 (1992); see also, e.g., Cong. Globe 1287 (rejecting proposed language providing that “no State . . . shall . . . recognize any distinction between citizens . . . on account of race or color”). This choice makes it clear that the Fourteenth Amendment does not impose a blanket ban on race-conscious policies.

Simultaneously with the passage of the Fourteenth Amendment, Congress enacted a number of race-conscious laws to fulfill the Amendment’s promise of equality, leav- ing no doubt that the Equal Protection Clause permits consideration of race to achieve its goal.

Ensuring there is more gun violence (Heller)..........approved.

Putting a woman's pregnancy in the hands of the state (Dobbs)...........approved.

Ensuring a return to racial discrimination in college admissions, employment, and voting laws.........approved.

Paving the way for other voter suppression techniques (Crawford)..........approved.

Ensuring discrimination based on sexual identity (Hobby Lobby).........approved.

Overturning a century of campaign finance law, sparking the growth of super PACs and dark money in politics (Citizens United).........approved.

Undermining unions by ruling public-employee unions may not collect “fair-share” fees to help pay for the costs of collective bargaining benefiting no-union employees (Janus)......approved.

Ensuring continued corruption of elections by holding that issues of partisan gerrymandering are outside the jurisdiction of the federal courts (Rucho)...........approved.

Making it much harder for consumers to file class action lawsuits against corporations (AT&T)...........approved.

In a grotesque act of cruelty, ruling the 8th A does not require that a method of execution be pain free (Glossip)..........approved.

Upheld a president’s ability to discriminate against immigrants based on their religion (Hawaii)...........approved.

Ensuring more air pollution by ruling the Clean Air Act does not give the EPA broad authority to limit carbon emissions from power plants (Kennedy)...........approved.

Ruling a violation of the Miranda rule does not provide a basis for a civil rights lawsuit for police abuse (Vega)..........approved.

No Court has ever done more damage to personal freedom, election law, individual rights, the environment, and democracy.
Cry me a fucking river. We had to deal with your sorry ass shitter in Chief, trying to usurp the will of the people, thinking his was some king, then got his ass handed to him because no one like the ugly old coon.

Bay Of Pigs, Vietnam seriously?:auiqs.jpg: Bay of Pigs disaster was entirely the blame of the CIA every serious researcher knows that.:auiqs.jpg:.They lied to JFK about the invasion assuring him there would be no need for military support knowing full well it was going to fail without it,Kennedy inherited the bay of pigs from Eisenhower.that was planned way before he became president under Eisenhower,that wasnt his doing. The plan that was orginally presented to Eisenhower was VASTLY different than the one they presented to kennedy he INHERITED.

The CIA they thought their buddy warmonger Nixon was going to get elected so the original plan they had was for the invasion to succeed. Kennedy got in and screwed up their plans so the plan was changed and designed to fail so the government could say-YOU ALL GOT THE WRONG GUY IN THERE.

They tried to trick kennedy into ordering a full out invasion and to use air support but he refused and that pissed them off,That was the beginning of when he started making enemies with the deep state.He really made enemies with them even more so by doing the unthinkable,they figured he would go to the press and deny any knowledge of the invasion and let them continue their covert operations that Nixon as Vice president ran for them under Ike, instead he did the unthinkable and he came out and took responsibility for it and then went on and fired allen dulles,that was UNPRECEDENTED for a president.

and then Allen dulles somehow after that winds up on the warren commssion? how conveninet for the CIA. talk about the fox guarding the henhouse. Thank god we had the bay of pigs disaster because after that happened when the cuban missile crisis happend "that he ALSO inherited because we had missiles in turkey pointed at Russia which provoked the Russians to put missiles in cuba," Kennedy learned from the bay of pigs and this time he wisely did not listen to what the military told him when they tried to get him to go out and bomb cuba to smitherings.

Instead,he got wise and listened to his aides and leaned heavily on Bobby for advise which was the smartest thing he did as POTUS by listening to his adies,he diverted a nuclear war. Thank god Kennedy got elected president because had the CIA had their way and their boy Nixon been elected,HE would have done what the military wanted kennedy to do and HE would have gone out and bombed them and got us into a nuclear war.he was a YES man for the military. Kennedy and Kruchev did behind the scenes back channels communicating with each other because they both knew their governments wanted war,their back channel communications was crucial in avoiding a nuclear war which again cannot be debated would have happened had Nixon been president.He never would have done any back channeel communications to try and avoid conflict.that cant be debated.

and VIETNAM seriously? are you really THAT ignorant? no need to answer that.:auiqs.jpg: Every serious JFK researcher knows that Kennedy INHERITED vietnam as well from Truman same as he inherited the bay of pigs. Every serious researcher also knows that under Kennedy,there were very few casultys during his time in office,less than a 100.How is 58,000 casultys Kennedys doing when there were less than a 100 under his watch?:auiqs.jpg:

The military under Eisenhower started making plans for an esculation of the war making plans to have combat troops deployed which Kennedy resisted time and time again. Kennedy never sent in combat troops,only ADVISORS.Johnson sent in the combat troops.even the mainstream media admits this. documents were also released under the ARRB act clinton signed that what researchers suspected for decades,that kennedy was going to pull us out of vietnam completely by 1965 are indeed true. every serious reseacher knows that Johnson REVERSED kennedys policys on vietnam,seriously are you this ignorant on the presedency of JFK? every serious researcher knows all this. Everybody knows it was johnson and his pal Nixon that murdered those 58,000 Americans and had JFK lived there never would have been a vietnam war and less than a 100 soldiers would have died.:auiqs.jpg:

this is ALL documented in the excellent documented extensively researched book by Newman JFK AND VIETNAM.get with the program.

JFK and Vietnam uses incontrovertible documentary evidence to prove the reversal of Kennedy’s withdrawal plan by President Johnson, who ordered key changes be made to a National Security Action Memorandum (NSAM 273) two days after the assassination. Those changes opened the door to the direct use of conventional American military forces in Vietnam.
Amazon product ASIN 153047793X
this is WHY the CIA killed him.

I will put it on my list, at the bottom.

Viet-Nam, step up demoRAT, one day you got to take responsibility for the losses on you watch.

You can't get Viet-Nam right. How about going back to the start, Truman and FDR.

CIA, I would start with Nelson.

You should actually read anything but that book you don't seem to have read.

Go ahead and zoom in, see if you can find my book on Wild Bill Donovan, go ahead and Google the name.

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