The ONE big mistake that Trump acolytes on this forum keep on making....

They aren't even the majority of the people in the nation.
The majority of the people in the nation are repulsed by trump supporters.
trump supporters are only one third of our population.
This false confidence is what stopped Clinton (in spite of her attempts to cheat), and it's going what's going to bury the Dems in 2020. Hint: CNN is lying to you.
Actually it was Comey' letter with a generous helping of Russian agitprop (targeted agitation propaganda)
You think Trump is at fault for globalism. LOL.

Actually, NO............I find fault for morons to have voted for him "thinking" that his false promises that he could overcome "globalism" were actually true.......Were you one of those morons?
From another poster
W was handed a balanced budget, cut taxes, went on a spending spree and went to war. He wiped out the surplus, and handed Obama an economy shedding 500,000 jobs per month. Obama had few choices on the deficit. You can't just cut spending in a recession. You HAVE to spend or things get worse.

What is VERY TROUBLESOME, is that Trump is running these HUGE deficits in a growing economy, when he SHOULD be cutting spending. This expansion period is not going to last forever, and the contraction is apt to be much worse than W's Great Recession BECAUSE of the low tax rates. You cannot raise taxes in a recession, and you need to increase spending. Trump is giving the president to come in to clean up the mess that is to come, even less wiggle room than W left Obama.

Trump's obsession with "undoing" all of Obama's work is nearly complete. Obama's greatest work was saving the US economy from a total economic melt-down. Trump's almost finished undoing that. Trump's tax cut gives his successor few choices. You will to cut military spending at least in half, and spending on health care. There will be no other choices. As always, the poor will pay for the tax cuts for the rich. THANK YOU REPUBS

I'm sorry but you're incorrect about raising taxes in a recession.

Our economy was on the verge of collapse in 1992 when Bill Clinton became president. The slogan then was "it's the economy stupid!" America was in a recession when Clinton took office.

One of the first things Clinton and the democratic controlled congress did was raise taxes on the rich. Not on middle class and poor and he cut spending later.

We all know the results of that tax increase and cuts to spending was a balanced budget, billions in surplus, repaying money back to social security that reagan and bush the first stole to name a few. He also left a plan to have the Reagan/bush national debt by 2010. Too bad the bush boy trashed all of that.

Raising taxes on the rich during a recession doesn't harm the economy. It helps the economy. It helps create jobs.

Recent history shows that raising taxes on the rich during a recession only helps the nation. Not harms it.

We weren't losing 500 thousand jobs a month when the bush boy left office. Estimates were between 800 and 850 thousand jobs were lost per month by the time the bush boy left office.

I'll also point out that Obama raised taxes on the rich when the democrats controlled congress which was during the Great Recession. It didn't hurt the economy.

Obama was able to save the nation from another republican Great Depression and raise taxes on the rich at the same time.

Just like Clinton did in the 90s.

Our economy was on the verge of collapse in 1992 when Bill Clinton became president.

The recession had ended in March 1991.

America was in a recession when Clinton took office.

Are you a liar, or an idiot?

One of the first things Clinton and the democratic controlled congress did was raise taxes on the rich.

He ran with a promise of a middle class tax cut. Instead he raised taxes across the board.

We all know the results of that tax increase and cuts to spending was a balanced budget, billions in surplus,

Bullshit. Without Gingrich reducing his spending wishes every year, the budget would have never even been close to balanced.

I'll also point out that Obama raised taxes on the rich when the democrats controlled congress which was during the Great Recession.

The recession ended in June 2009, when was Obama's tax hike?
They aren't even the majority of the people in the nation.
The majority of the people in the nation are repulsed by trump supporters.
trump supporters are only one third of our population.
This false confidence is what stopped Clinton (in spite of her attempts to cheat), and it's going what's going to bury the Dems in 2020. Hint: CNN is lying to you.
Actually it was Comey' letter with a generous helping of Russian agitprop (targeted agitation propaganda)

Did Russian Facebook memes get you and all your liberal friends to vote for Trump?
.....and, they're dying out.....and like cornered rats, they're angry and violent.
I love seeing these foaming-at-the-mouth statements from Dems! It shows you really believe America has gone crazy along with you. Terminal TDS!
Here's some real news for you: Americans will not tolerate leftism in America without at least trying to kill you.

You fuckers don't even hold back any more. You just flat out call for violence

Faggots just like you have pushed it to that point. No you leftist faggot, you will not get your way in America without me trying to kill you.

Keep in mind I know how to hunt, have hunted for 20+ years, can hit a 50c piece at 200 yards, and am fed up to the brim with your bullshit!

Please oh please break bad, motherfucker! I am so fucking waiting it's not even funny.

Here's some real news for you: Americans will not tolerate leftism in America without at least trying to kill you.

PS: Right now, they're a majority. Take your chances if you wanna, but I don't think you'll survive.

Wow- ain't pulling any punches now, are we big fella?

Promoting the use of violent and savage force to quell other people's opinions. Very civilized. Very much a "conservative" ideal, right? LOL

Here's some real news for you: Americans will not tolerate leftism in America without at least trying to kill you.

PS: Right now, they're a majority. Take your chances if you wanna, but I don't think you'll survive.

Wow- ain't pulling any punches now, are we big fella?

Promoting the use of violent and savage force to quell other people's opinions. Very civilized. Very much a "conservative" ideal, right? LOL

C'mere boy, lemme show you something. ;)

Leftism is not an opinion, it's an ideology hellbent on fucking up the fantastic country I grew up in, so yeah, I will fight it tooth and nail. I may be the one you're interacting with right now, but I damn sure ain't alone, punk. Doesn't matter if I was, I'd still fight just as hard. How much are you dedicated to pushing that leftist agenda on America, faggot?
You willing to get your ass beat for it?

You willing to die for it? I am fully prepared to die for the American ideals that I grew up with, just so maybe some of the youngers might take notice and keep the freedom alive.

And I mean that.

Viva La' America!
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Somehow (being poorly educated as Trump clearly stated about his followers).....cult members on this forum make the mistake of "thinking" that the obvious majority of right wingers on here represents ALL of America.....of course, they're clearly wrong.

If there still exists some semblance of rationale among this right wing ilk, they should ask themselves what ARE the chances that someone like Trump could get re-elected in such states as Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and a few others....where there has been more than half a million factory workers are now working part-time, menial jobs having had those industries closed???

Sure, working one or two and even three part-time jobs makes one "employed".......but reality that Trump's promises were based on demagoguery has finally materialized.

The disrespect from this post is mind boggling. What a loser you are. Honestly. Election happened. If you want him out then do so in 2020. Until then shut your antisemtic mouth up.

Here's some real news for you: Americans will not tolerate leftism in America without at least trying to kill you.

PS: Right now, they're a majority. Take your chances if you wanna, but I don't think you'll survive.

Wow- ain't pulling any punches now, are we big fella?

Promoting the use of violent and savage force to quell other people's opinions. Very civilized. Very much a "conservative" ideal, right? LOL

C'mere boy, lemme show you something. ;)

Whoa- talk about eager. What are you, Catholic?

Here's some real news for you: Americans will not tolerate leftism in America without at least trying to kill you.

PS: Right now, they're a majority. Take your chances if you wanna, but I don't think you'll survive.

Wow- ain't pulling any punches now, are we big fella?

Promoting the use of violent and savage force to quell other people's opinions. Very civilized. Very much a "conservative" ideal, right? LOL

C'mere boy, lemme show you something. ;)

Whoa- talk about eager. What are you, Catholic?

You may refer to me as "Owner sir" otherwise, fuck off.

Here's some real news for you: Americans will not tolerate leftism in America without at least trying to kill you.

PS: Right now, they're a majority. Take your chances if you wanna, but I don't think you'll survive.

Wow- ain't pulling any punches now, are we big fella?

Promoting the use of violent and savage force to quell other people's opinions. Very civilized. Very much a "conservative" ideal, right? LOL

C'mere boy, lemme show you something. ;)

Whoa- talk about eager. What are you, Catholic?

You may refer to me as "Owner sir" otherwise, fuck off.

Speaks volumes of your mental and intellectual deficits. Congrats, bruh.
Here's some real news for you: Americans will not tolerate leftism in America without at least trying to kill you.

PS: Right now, they're a majority. Take your chances if you wanna, but I don't think you'll survive.

Wow- ain't pulling any punches now, are we big fella?

Promoting the use of violent and savage force to quell other people's opinions. Very civilized. Very much a "conservative" ideal, right? LOL

C'mere boy, lemme show you something. ;)

Whoa- talk about eager. What are you, Catholic?

You may refer to me as "Owner sir" otherwise, fuck off.

Speaks volumes of your mental and intellectual deficits. Congrats, bruh.

I have no deficits, nice projecting, leftist faggot.

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