The ONE big mistake that Trump acolytes on this forum keep on making....

Obama's recovery? It was Trump's dismantling Obama's regulations that were stifling the economy. The Fed Banks were infusing trillions
of dollars into Obama's anemic economy through his entire 8 years. You should be thanking, Trump....and you know it, but such a partisan
hack, you won't admit to it.

Didn’t get Mexico to pay for the wall

Didn’t put the middle class first

Didn’t repeal and replace Obamacare

Didn’t maga

Actually widened the gap between the rich and poor
He put a lot of money in your pocket as he did into mine.
That is what my post was about.
I don't went down some rabbit trail. :cool-45:
$1700 is not a lot. And over time our tax break goes away but the tax break for the rich stays.

Trump is a liar. He said exactly what I wanted to hear when he ran for president. He lied. I almost fell for it. I didn’t. You did.

Don’t try and tell me he didn’t lie. This lie is unforgivable. I don’t care about a wall he said rich people taxes would go up and he was more worried about the middle class. That was a lie. Stop sucking trumps dick

And over time our tax break goes away but the tax break for the rich stays.

You're right. Thanks to Dem assholes, the individual tax cuts, for everyone, are set to expire.
The Dems are free, of course, to introduce a bill to make them permanent. They won't.
I wonder why?
Because we need the money?
What we need is not more money, but, less know that as well as I do.
what ARE the chances that someone like Trump could get re-elected in such states as Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and a few others....where there has been more than half a million factory workers are now working part-time, menial jobs having had those industries closed??? .......but reality that Trump's promises were based on demagoguery has finally materialized.
Snowflake...what in the fuckity-fuck are you incoherently babbling about? President Trump has shattered just about every economic record ever. Lowest African-American unemployment in history. Lowest Latino-American unemployment in history. Record manufacturing jobs. Record market highs. Wages increasing.
Wages not only grew 3.4% in the past 12 months, the fastest rate since before 2009, but the increases are benefiting low-income earners the most, according to the Council of Economic Advisers.
Since the blue collar is flourishing, I would say the chances are very good that Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin will once again reject the Dumbocrats. :laugh:

White House Report Hails Tax Cuts Spurring Economic Growth
Somehow (being poorly educated as Trump clearly stated about his followers).....cult members on this forum make the mistake of "thinking" that the obvious majority of right wingers on here represents ALL of America.....of course, they're clearly wrong.

If there still exists some semblance of rationale among this right wing ilk, they should ask themselves what ARE the chances that someone like Trump could get re-elected in such states as Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and a few others....where there has been more than half a million factory workers are now working part-time, menial jobs having had those industries closed???

Sure, working one or two and even three part-time jobs makes one "employed".......but reality that Trump's promises were based on demagoguery has finally materialized.

Sucks to be you.......all you hoped for has fallen down around you.

where there has been more than half a million factory workers are now working part-time, menial jobs having had those industries closed???.......but reality that Trump's promises were based on demagoguery has finally materialized.
You truly are a special kind of idiot. Manufacturing is flourishing under President Trump and the Republicans. I guess that’s why you haven’t posted a single link to back up your bullshit. While I’ve added two links in two posts (100% rate).


312,000 Jobs Added In December, Manufacturing Growing 714% Faster Under Trump Than Obama
Since the blue collar is flourishing, I would say the chances are very good that Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin will once again reject the Dumbocrats

Light a few candles.........LOL
Since the blue collar is flourishing, I would say the chances are very good that Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin will once again reject the Dumbocrats
Light a few candles.........LOL
Now that I’ve exposed your lies and desperation - is there any other false narrative you’d like to try or are you just going to mumble “LOL” for the rest of this thread? :laugh:
Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin voters all know that if you dumb shits get in power again, that’s exactly what they will have to do for energy.

Nitwit.....Check out how Ohio, PA, and WI voted in 2018........LMAO
Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin voters all know that if you dumb shits get in power again, that’s exactly what they will have to do for energy.
Nitwit.....Check out how Ohio, PA, and WI voted in 2018........LMAO
Dimwit...that means nothing. Same thing happened with Barack Obama and he got re-elected, you moron. And Mitt Romney was light years ahead of the jokes that you are offering right now.
Meister, post: 22064446
Something for you to chew on, conrade. Yes, Obama's regulations stymied business.

Why do you keep bringing up The ACA? It was not passed during the Bush recession which was your first complaint when you falsely accused Obama of raising taxes under a recession.

You then blew it again when you falsely claimed that when the Bush tax cuts expired in 2014 they were actually taxes being raised through the ACA.

The m enjoying seeing Trumpo supporters lay themselves bare as to how they are consumed with falsehoods and weak understanding of what is going on in the world.

So now you have rummaged through the opinion pages and found a small business advocate who bitched about the ACA.

So you have given up on facts to continue your adoration of Trumpo’s flat economic record based upon real GDP by citing biased opinions by some small business owners who can’t conduct there businesses without exploiting their workers.

I have several points to refute your selected opinion of what contributed to slowing the recovery although you are trying to lead the conversation away from the original discussion.

Apparently you are acknowledging that you cannot dispute the reality that Trumpo’s record on the economy sucks compared to Obama because it has flatlined at somewhere near 2.5 GDP with recession fears looming for the rest of his term.

Obama improved GDP start to finish about 5 points.

  • The ACA impact on small business as a negative is not is not a universal opinion. I can find dozens of reports that present a positive view plus data.
The Affordable Care Act's Impact on Small Business | Commonwealth Fund Oct 1, 2018 · Since its implementation, the Affordable Care Act has provided health insurance to more than 20 million people who couldn't otherwise get coverage. Many are small-business owners, self-employed entrepreneurs, or employees of small companies.
  • Global impacts amounting to thousands of factors contributed to the pace of the recovery from the Great Bush Recession. It is so intellectually dishonest to try to pin the blame on the ACA’s regulations on small business for the pace. With the ACA not in place in Europe they lagged far and deep behind the US as far as speed and depth of recovery. The US WAS THE FASTEST NATION OUT OF THE GREAT BUSH RECESSION.
There’s more but I’m running out of time today.
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Meister, post: 22064446
Something for you to chew on, conrade. Yes, Obama's regulations stymied business.

Why do you keep bringing up The ACA? It was not passed during the Bush recession which was your first complaint when you falsely accused Obama of raising taxes under a recession.

You then blew it again when you falsely claimed that when the Bush tax cuts expired in 2014 they were actually taxes being raised through the ACA.

The m enjoying seeing Trumpo supporters lay themselves bare as to how they are consumed with falsehoods and weak understanding of what is going on in the world.

So now you have rummaged through the opinion pages and found a small business advocate who bitched about the ACA.

So you have given up on facts to continue your adoration of Trumpo’s flat economic record based upon real GDP by citing biased opinions by some small business owners who can’t conduct there businesses without exploiting their workers.

I have several points to refute your selected opinion of what contributed to slowing the recovery although you are trying to lead the conversation away from the original discussion.

Apparently you are acknowledging that you cannot dispute the reality that Trumpo’s record on the economy sucks compared to Obama because it has flatlined at somewhere near 2.5 GDP with recession fears looming for the rest of his term.

Obama improved GDP start to finish about 5 points.

  • The ACA impact on small business as a negative is not is not a universal opinion. I can find dozens of reports that present a positive view plus data.
The Affordable Care Act's Impact on Small Business | Commonwealth Fund Oct 1, 2018 · Since its implementation, the Affordable Care Act has provided health insurance to more than 20 million people who couldn't otherwise get coverage. Many are small-business owners, self-employed entrepreneurs, or employees of small companies.
  • Global impacts amounting to thousands of factors contributed to the pace of the recovery from the Great Bush Recession. It is so intellectually dishonest to try to pin the blame on the ACA’s regulations on small business for the pace. With the ACA not in place in Europe they lagged far and deep behind the US as far as speed and depth of recovery. The US WAS THE FASTEST NATION OUT OF THE GREAT BUSH RECESSION.
There’s more but I’m running out of time today.
It hindered the recovery, and that was my premise the whole time, comrade. Obama's economy was slow to recover because of
his stifling regulations, now go pound sand
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It hindered the recovery, and that was my premise the whole time, comrade. Obama's economy was slow to recovery because of
his stifling regulations, now go pound sand

Your constant use of the term comrade clearly shows your "endless originality"....What a dork....LOL

(Don;y forget, its YOUR orange clown that calls for more love affairs with Mother Russia.....)
Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin voters all know that if you dumb shits get in power again, that’s exactly what they will have to do for energy.
Nitwit.....Check out how Ohio, PA, and WI voted in 2018........LMAO
Don’t look now, dumb ass, but the left’s most ardent supporters are disgusted with the radicalization of the party.
The largest organization of labor unions in the U.S. slammed the Green New Deal for combating climate change by threatening the livelihoods of millions of Americans.
Keep talking shit (the most ignorant always talk the most). The rest of us will just sit back and laugh at your dumb ass as your fantasy narrative fails to align with reality.

‘Immediate Harm to Millions’: AFL-CIO Tears Apart Green New Deal
Meister, post: 22064446
Something for you to chew on, conrade. Yes, Obama's regulations stymied business.

Why do you keep bringing up The ACA? It was not passed during the Bush recession which was your first complaint when you falsely accused Obama of raising taxes under a recession.

You then blew it again when you falsely claimed that when the Bush tax cuts expired in 2014 they were actually taxes being raised through the ACA.

The m enjoying seeing Trumpo supporters lay themselves bare as to how they are consumed with falsehoods and weak understanding of what is going on in the world.

So now you have rummaged through the opinion pages and found a small business advocate who bitched about the ACA.

So you have given up on facts to continue your adoration of Trumpo’s flat economic record based upon real GDP by citing biased opinions by some small business owners who can’t conduct there businesses without exploiting their workers.

I have several points to refute your selected opinion of what contributed to slowing the recovery although you are trying to lead the conversation away from the original discussion.

Apparently you are acknowledging that you cannot dispute the reality that Trumpo’s record on the economy sucks compared to Obama because it has flatlined at somewhere near 2.5 GDP with recession fears looming for the rest of his term.

Obama improved GDP start to finish about 5 points.

  • The ACA impact on small business as a negative is not is not a universal opinion. I can find dozens of reports that present a positive view plus data.
The Affordable Care Act's Impact on Small Business | Commonwealth Fund Oct 1, 2018 · Since its implementation, the Affordable Care Act has provided health insurance to more than 20 million people who couldn't otherwise get coverage. Many are small-business owners, self-employed entrepreneurs, or employees of small companies.
  • Global impacts amounting to thousands of factors contributed to the pace of the recovery from the Great Bush Recession. It is so intellectually dishonest to try to pin the blame on the ACA’s regulations on small business for the pace. With the ACA not in place in Europe they lagged far and deep behind the US as far as speed and depth of recovery. The US WAS THE FASTEST NATION OUT OF THE GREAT BUSH RECESSION.
There’s more but I’m running out of time today.
It hindered the recovery, and that was my premise the whole time, comrade. Obama's economy was slow to recover because of
his stifling regulations, now go pound sand

purpose of regulation is to stay alive. No point in having a job if youre dead. Regulations dont kill employment.
Meister, post: 22064446
Something for you to chew on, conrade. Yes, Obama's regulations stymied business.

Why do you keep bringing up The ACA? It was not passed during the Bush recession which was your first complaint when you falsely accused Obama of raising taxes under a recession.

You then blew it again when you falsely claimed that when the Bush tax cuts expired in 2014 they were actually taxes being raised through the ACA.

The m enjoying seeing Trumpo supporters lay themselves bare as to how they are consumed with falsehoods and weak understanding of what is going on in the world.

So now you have rummaged through the opinion pages and found a small business advocate who bitched about the ACA.

So you have given up on facts to continue your adoration of Trumpo’s flat economic record based upon real GDP by citing biased opinions by some small business owners who can’t conduct there businesses without exploiting their workers.

I have several points to refute your selected opinion of what contributed to slowing the recovery although you are trying to lead the conversation away from the original discussion.

Apparently you are acknowledging that you cannot dispute the reality that Trumpo’s record on the economy sucks compared to Obama because it has flatlined at somewhere near 2.5 GDP with recession fears looming for the rest of his term.

Obama improved GDP start to finish about 5 points.

  • The ACA impact on small business as a negative is not is not a universal opinion. I can find dozens of reports that present a positive view plus data.
The Affordable Care Act's Impact on Small Business | Commonwealth Fund Oct 1, 2018 · Since its implementation, the Affordable Care Act has provided health insurance to more than 20 million people who couldn't otherwise get coverage. Many are small-business owners, self-employed entrepreneurs, or employees of small companies.
  • Global impacts amounting to thousands of factors contributed to the pace of the recovery from the Great Bush Recession. It is so intellectually dishonest to try to pin the blame on the ACA’s regulations on small business for the pace. With the ACA not in place in Europe they lagged far and deep behind the US as far as speed and depth of recovery. The US WAS THE FASTEST NATION OUT OF THE GREAT BUSH RECESSION.
There’s more but I’m running out of time today.
It hindered the recovery, and that was my premise the whole time, comrade. Obama's economy was slow to recover because of
his stifling regulations, now go pound sand

purpose of regulation is to stay alive. No point in having a job if youre dead. Regulations dont kill employment.
Oh....BS, the fed banks had to prop up Obama's recovery with over 4 TRILLION infused into his economy.
If he knew what he was doing, that amount wouldn't have been needed and they could have started to raise the rates a lot sooner.
Oh....BS, the fed banks had to prop up Obama's recovery with over 4 TRILLION infused into his economy.

What a fucked up moron you must be.......

The Feds knew that GWB's horrendous economy, TAX CUTS and unpaid for TWO WARS........headed us for a depression............Why do idiots like you blame Obama????...................Too dark-skinned for you?
Meister, post: 22066966,
It hindered the recovery, and that was my premise the whole time, comrade.

I’m not your comrade. I don’t associate with untruthful Trumpo robots. Your original premise was that Obama raised taxes in the middle of a recession. I proved that was not true and you have not told a truth since.
Meister, post: 22066966,
It hindered the recovery, and that was my premise the whole time, comrade.

I’m not your comrade. I don’t associate with untruthful Trumpo robots. Your original premise was that Obama raised taxes in the middle of a recession. I proved that was not true and you have not told a truth since.
Obama's regulations kept the economy weak for his entire 8 years as least you haven't denied that, comrade.
There is no denying that the Fed Reserve had to keep interest rates at historic lows his entire tenure, comrade.
They needed to infuse +/- 4.4 trillion into the anemic economy to keep it afloat, comrade.
Thank God Trump came around. MAGA

Funny thing, I only voted for Trump so he could nominate the Supreme Court Justice, everything since then has been icing on the cake.
Ahahahahahaha! The news just broke in to announce the Mueller report found that President Trump did not collude with the Russians.

We all know that Hitlery did though!

:dance: :dance: :dance:

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