The ONE big mistake that Trump acolytes on this forum keep on making....

Meister, post: 22064446
Something for you to chew on, conrade. Yes, Obama's regulations stymied business.

Why do you keep bringing up The ACA? It was not passed during the Bush recession which was your first complaint when you falsely accused Obama of raising taxes under a recession.

You then blew it again when you falsely claimed that when the Bush tax cuts expired in 2014 they were actually taxes being raised through the ACA.

The m enjoying seeing Trumpo supporters lay themselves bare as to how they are consumed with falsehoods and weak understanding of what is going on in the world.

So now you have rummaged through the opinion pages and found a small business advocate who bitched about the ACA.

So you have given up on facts to continue your adoration of Trumpo’s flat economic record based upon real GDP by citing biased opinions by some small business owners who can’t conduct there businesses without exploiting their workers.

I have several points to refute your selected opinion of what contributed to slowing the recovery although you are trying to lead the conversation away from the original discussion.

Apparently you are acknowledging that you cannot dispute the reality that Trumpo’s record on the economy sucks compared to Obama because it has flatlined at somewhere near 2.5 GDP with recession fears looming for the rest of his term.

Obama improved GDP start to finish about 5 points.

  • The ACA impact on small business as a negative is not is not a universal opinion. I can find dozens of reports that present a positive view plus data.
The Affordable Care Act's Impact on Small Business | Commonwealth Fund Oct 1, 2018 · Since its implementation, the Affordable Care Act has provided health insurance to more than 20 million people who couldn't otherwise get coverage. Many are small-business owners, self-employed entrepreneurs, or employees of small companies.
  • Global impacts amounting to thousands of factors contributed to the pace of the recovery from the Great Bush Recession. It is so intellectually dishonest to try to pin the blame on the ACA’s regulations on small business for the pace. With the ACA not in place in Europe they lagged far and deep behind the US as far as speed and depth of recovery. The US WAS THE FASTEST NATION OUT OF THE GREAT BUSH RECESSION.
There’s more but I’m running out of time today.
It hindered the recovery, and that was my premise the whole time, comrade. Obama's economy was slow to recover because of
his stifling regulations, now go pound sand

purpose of regulation is to stay alive. No point in having a job if youre dead. Regulations dont kill employment.
Oh....BS, the fed banks had to prop up Obama's recovery with over 4 TRILLION infused into his economy.
If he knew what he was doing, that amount wouldn't have been needed and they could have started to raise the rates a lot sooner.
Who was in control of congress during Obama?
The Feds knew that GWB's horrendous economy, TAX CUTS and unpaid for TWO WARS........headed us for a depression.....
Bwahahaha! Except that none of that had anything to do with the economy, you dumb dillhole. Ask any economist and they will tell you that nothing is better for an economy than a war. Two wars should set an economy for many decades.

The bottom fell out of the economy because the housing bubble burst. And that was due to Bill Clinton, the Dumbocrats, and the 1997 Community Re-Investment Act, stupid.
Obama's regulations kept the economy weak for his entire 8 years as least you haven't denied that, comrade.

How the fuck would you then explain the unemployment rate going from 104% to 4.3% under Obama????

(Check first with Hannity for an
Obama's regulations kept the economy weak for his entire 8 years as least you haven't denied that, comrade.

How the fuck would you then explain the unemployment rate going from 104% to 4.3% under Obama????

(Check first with Hannity for an
It has already been answered. Sorry you didn't pick up on it, nat
You think Trump is at fault for globalism. LOL.

Actually, NO............I find fault for morons to have voted for him "thinking" that his false promises that he could overcome "globalism" were actually true.......Were you one of those morons?

I voted for The Fundamental Transformation of The Fundamental Transformation of America.
Many of Trumps votes were really votes against Hillary. The American people spat her out like red tide clams.
interesting subject since the crazy angry left thought the polls that indicated Hillary in a landslide

Morons like you should someday figure out that polls gauge POPULAR vote........and, indeed, Hillary won that data...........But WHY do you cult members have to constantly "defend" the orange idiot by bringing up Hillary??

How come you people never had a problem with the Electoral College until Gore? No problem with Obama taking the EC back to back. But then Hillary lost and now you have an issue with EC...again.
Somehow (being poorly educated as Trump clearly stated about his followers).....cult members on this forum make the mistake of "thinking" that the obvious majority of right wingers on here represents ALL of America.....of course, they're clearly wrong.

If there still exists some semblance of rationale among this right wing ilk, they should ask themselves what ARE the chances that someone like Trump could get re-elected in such states as Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and a few others....where there has been more than half a million factory workers are now working part-time, menial jobs having had those industries closed???

Sure, working one or two and even three part-time jobs makes one "employed".......but reality that Trump's promises were based on demagoguery has finally materialized.
View attachment 251032

Glad you brought up the Wizard of Oz...........I'm reminded of what the Wizard told the Strawman and how THAT applies to Trump University.........The wizard stated....."........I CANNOT give you a brain......but I CAN give you a diploma...."


What you said just summed up the problem with leftists who think getting a degree equals being smart.
Somehow (being poorly educated as Trump clearly stated about his followers).....cult members on this forum make the mistake of "thinking" that the obvious majority of right wingers on here represents ALL of America.....of course, they're clearly wrong.

If there still exists some semblance of rationale among this right wing ilk, they should ask themselves what ARE the chances that someone like Trump could get re-elected in such states as Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and a few others....where there has been more than half a million factory workers are now working part-time, menial jobs having had those industries closed???

Sure, working one or two and even three part-time jobs makes one "employed".......but reality that Trump's promises were based on demagoguery has finally materialized.
View attachment 251032

Glad you brought up the Wizard of Oz...........I'm reminded of what the Wizard told the Strawman and how THAT applies to Trump University.........The wizard stated....."........I CANNOT give you a brain......but I CAN give you a diploma...."

/——/ Like top tier colleges charging $100,000 for a degree in women’s studies.
Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin voters all know that if you dumb shits get in power again, that’s exactly what they will have to do for energy.
Nitwit.....Check out how Ohio, PA, and WI voted in 2018........LMAO
Don’t look now, dumb ass, but the left’s most ardent supporters are disgusted with the radicalization of the party.
The largest organization of labor unions in the U.S. slammed the Green New Deal for combating climate change by threatening the livelihoods of millions of Americans.
Keep talking shit (the most ignorant always talk the most). The rest of us will just sit back and laugh at your dumb ass as your fantasy narrative fails to align with reality.

‘Immediate Harm to Millions’: AFL-CIO Tears Apart Green New Deal
The 3 won for trump with a grand total of 72000 votes
Meister, post: 22067910,
Obama's regulations kept the economy weak for his entire 8 years as least you haven't denied that, comrade.

I denied your bogus claim that the ACA’s small business regulations slowed the economy during the recovery. You cannot verify your claim or zero in on the ACA as at fault because there are too many other factors such as the global recovery was much slower than Obama’s recovery.

You are spewing a partisan narrative that needs no denial because there is nothing you can provide to prove it is true.
Meister, post: 22068152
It has already been answered.

If it has it wouid be easier to post it again. Nobody should ever take your word for anything having been caught in so many lies.
I posted it once, comrade, that should be enough. Now go get your talking points from your masters and get rid of those knee pads
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Meister, post: 22070836
Now go get your talking points from your masters and get ride of those knee pads

Ran out of lies I see. Switching to childish insults. Didn’t take long for you to go there upon realizing ttat Trumpo has nowhere to go on his GDP record but down. Obama is set with a 5 point rise. You back a loser.
Meister, post: 22066966,
Obama's economy was slow to recover because of his stifling regulations, now go pound sand

You say Trumpo removed the stifling Obama regulations and so the economy finally took off under Trumpo. You got it all figured out, right?

U.S. GDP growth will slow to 2.1 in 2019 from 3% in 2018. It will be 1.9% in 2020, and 1.8% in 2021. That's according to the most recent forecast released at the Federal Open Market Committee meeting on March 21, 2019. The projected slowdown in 2019 and beyond is a side effect of the trade war, a key component of Trump's economic policies.

What Will the Economy Do in 2019 and Beyond?

Then how’s come Trumpo's economy will never see as good a year as 2018 ever again with respect to GDP.

3.0 2018
2.1 2019
1.9 2018

Thats a good economy but it ain’t the bullshit 4.0 and even 6.0 that your huckster promised you as a result of cutting revenue to the FED.

So your lies about Obama being so horrible on the economy and Trumpo making the economy great again are nothing but lies and the talk of brainwashed fools running propaganda mills for the Orange buffoon.

You voted for Trumpo to get conservative activist judges throwing morality and respect for America out the window.

Why don’t you explain your mistake that way. No need to lie about Obama and fake buildup Trumpo on the economy.

But for a two quarter spurt in 2018 due to Trumpo’s revenue killing tax cuts the Trumpo economy is running around the same pace as eight years under Obama.

Obama was given a much deeper hole to dig out if.

You need to thank Obama for setting stupid Trumpo up so nicely.

Some realistic examples for you.

Here is what probably slowed the economy the second half of 2012. Not healthcare regs.

Economic Growth and GDP
Economic growth, as measured by gross domestic product, grew 3.2 percent in the first quarter of 2012. It then dropped slightly to 1.7 percent in the second quarter. It was a tepid 0.5 percent in each of the third and fourth quarters. Most of these variations were due to changes in government contracts with defense. These can be volatile because they are large contracts. The third and fourth quarters' weakness was probably in response to the threat of sequestration. It eventually cut government spending by 10 percent.

What Happened in the U.S. Economy in 2012?

Ten percent cut in government spending hurt the economy last half of 2012 you bungling myopic conservative fool.
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Meister, post: 22066966,
Obama's economy was slow to recover because of his stifling regulations, now go pound sand

You say Trumpo removed the stifling Obama regulations and so the economy finally took off under Trumpo. You got it all figured out, right?

U.S. GDP growth will slow to 2.1 in 2019 from 3% in 2018. It will be 1.9% in 2020, and 1.8% in 2021. That's according to the most recent forecast released at the Federal Open Market Committee meeting on March 21, 2019. The projected slowdown in 2019 and beyond is a side effect of the trade war, a key component of Trump's economic policies.

What Will the Economy Do in 2019 and Beyond?

Then how’s come Trumpo's economy will never see as good a year as 2018 ever again with respect to GDP.

3.0 2018
2.1 2019
1.9 2018

Thats a good economy but it ain’t the bullshit 4.0 and even 6.0 that your huckster promised you as a result of cutting revenue to the FED.

So your lies about Obama being so horrible on the economy and Trumpo making the economy great again are nothing but lies and the talk of brainwashed fools running propaganda mills for the Orange buffoon.

You voted for Trumpo to get conservative activist judges throwing morality and respect for America out the window.

Why don’t you explain your mistake that way. No need to lie about Obama and fake buildup Trumpo on the economy.

But for a two quarter spurt in 2018 due to Trumpo’s revenue killing tax cuts the Trumpo economy is running around the same pace as eight years under Obama.

Obama was given a much deeper hole to dig out if.

You need to thank Obama for setting stupid Trumpo up so nicely.

Some realistic examples for you.

Here is what probably slowed the economy the second half of 2012. Not healthcare regs.

Economic Growth and GDP
Economic growth, as measured by gross domestic product, grew 3.2 percent in the first quarter of 2012. It then dropped slightly to 1.7 percent in the second quarter. It was a tepid 0.5 percent in each of the third and fourth quarters. Most of these variations were due to changes in government contracts with defense. These can be volatile because they are large contracts. The third and fourth quarters' weakness was probably in response to the threat of sequestration. It eventually cut government spending by 10 percent.

What Happened in the U.S. Economy in 2012?

Ten percent cut in government spending hurt the economy last half of 2012 you bungling myopic conservative fool.

Ten percent cut in government spending hurt the economy last half of 2012

You twats weren't satisfied with Obama adding $9.3 trillion to the debt, you wanted him to add even more? LOL!
Do you “think” you and your cast of left wing clowns on this forum represents ALL left in this country?

Go watch some more FOX and Friends.....drink some more kool-aid....and go back to bed.
I've watched you call a lot of conservative posters "fool" on this thread and others, calling them all kinds of mean names. Many of my friends here are not Republicans but I have been one since my marriage to a conservative Republican in 1971. I grew to love the Republicans because of the good person my husband was. He was unflappable in his gifts to the poor, to the church, to his company's causes, to the community, and to his family, lucky me. I watched him survive the Nixon debacle with gravest disappointment and still understand that his life's plan of saving and conservatism would enable him to take care of us in our senior years. I watched his best friend, a devout Democrat and him enjoy each other's company while honoring each other's politics without judgment--lot of joking, but no sign of anger, and never a slight or sorry word to one another.

So if you're going to play whack-a-mole, go after me, not my libertarian friends. I'll never not love the truth, the sincerity, the joy, and honor of being married to the last man in generations of Republicans from Illinois, whose first presidential pull was for Abraham Lincoln, who at the time of his Inauguration, was a down-home country lawyer practicing in the state of Illinois, and loved for his wit and sense of humor. Republicans have a built-in code of honor, a sense of thanks to God, a love for community support and to step back and let others go first.

If you knew what I do about conservatives, you'd listen to them with an open heart. Many of them speak economics so you will learn by their example to save back for future necessities, know when to conserve and when to let go, and serving your country in whatever way you can prosper it. Many of you may be like my husband was during his lifetime, it's hard to tell when you're jumping all over an innocent man like President Trump like ugly on an ape.

President Trump became a Republican over a number of years, when he finally came to the conclusion we believe in serving our communities in one way or another.

And he was excoriated not because he did anything wrong, because he didn't. He is being punished because he knew he was the right man for the job, and he is. But Hillary, accustomed to her War Room tactics of hamstringing her opposition, went after a sitting President for revenge, and her party that never disciplines its own went along with her façade of projecting her practices onto President Trump, made a huge mistake.

Your party is so into competition that it fails to see itself as others see it. Right now, Americans are reeling at the Mueller's Report acknowledging there is not (and never has been any kind of) collusion with Russia.

Please try and get over it. Let it go about President Trump's truthfulness throughout his long trial. He did tell the truth that he did not collude, and he's telling you the truth when he says he is innocent of obstruction.

I am telling you this: President Trump is innocent of obstruction of justice, because he frequently takes advice from lawyers who know their stuff about what the law requires him to do, and President Trump takes a disciplined approach to upholding the laws of the country he is president of. That's enough of this Republican for now.

I pray that God forgives those of you who called me a liar, a traitor, etc., because I have supported President Trump. I have always told you the truth.

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