The ONE big mistake that Trump acolytes on this forum keep on making....

Meister, post: 22070836
posted it once, comrade, that should be enough.

Should be. But in your case your lack of truthfulness requires a new post. Just do it.

Thanks for proving one of my points. Business investment was on the rise nearly four months before idiot Trumpo was inaugurated.

Business investment was on the rise nearly fourteen months before idiot Trumpo got his tax cuts passed.

Obama handed Trumpo s pretty good economy,

beautress, post: 22074183
If you knew what I do about conservatives, you'd listen to them with an open heart. Many of them speak economics

I’m dealing with a conservative on this thread who is speaking economics. Trouble is he lies and distorts facts in writing over and over again. Your Husband may have been an honest man with everything else good that you said about him. I have no reason to doubt you.

But I am not dealing with him - let’s focus on one conservative in the hear and now.

Read my posts and if you can tell me where I am wrong please have at it.

I do not like liars. Trumpo is a liar. When conservatives defend that - I lose respect for all conservatives.

I heard him on tape describing what he does to women because he is a celebrity.

He paid tens of thousands to hush up a porn Star he was involved with while his wife was home mothering his new born son.

If that is your version of conservatism you can have it.

I want nothing to do with it.

We see why you didn’t post the longer trend;

View attachment 252190

Look at what Obama did. Trumpo is quite flat compared to Obama.
Slowest recovery in my lifetime because of Obama. Like I said....if he did nothing the economy would have recovered faster.
No matter what you say, it's the truth, recessions come and go, always have and always will.
Looking at the graph I posted, elections have consequences....thank God for Trump
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beautress, post: 22074183
If you knew what I do about conservatives, you'd listen to them with an open heart. Many of them speak economics

I’m dealing with a conservative on this thread who is speaking economics. Trouble is he lies and distorts facts in writing over and over again. Your Husband may have been an honest man with everything else good that you said about him. I have no reason to doubt you.

But I am not dealing with him - let’s focus on one conservative in the hear and now.

Read my posts and if you can tell me where I am wrong please have at it.

I do not like liars. Trumpo is a liar. When conservatives defend that - I lose respect for all conservatives.

I heard him on tape describing what he does to women because he is a celebrity.

He paid tens of thousands to hush up a porn Star he was involved with while his wife was home mothering his new born son.

If that is your version of conservatism you can have it.

I want nothing to do with it.
I didn't vote for trump because he was a choir boy, I voted for some one who could run a country and Trump has.
All politicians lie....even Obama and had his DOJ's run cover for the scandals in his administrations.
beautress, post: 22074183
If you knew what I do about conservatives, you'd listen to them with an open heart. Many of them speak economics

I’m dealing with a conservative on this thread who is speaking economics. Trouble is he lies and distorts facts in writing over and over again. Your Husband may have been an honest man with everything else good that you said about him. I have no reason to doubt you.

But I am not dealing with him - let’s focus on one conservative in the hear and now.

Read my posts and if you can tell me where I am wrong please have at it.

I do not like liars. Trumpo is a liar. When conservatives defend that - I lose respect for all conservatives.

I heard him on tape describing what he does to women because he is a celebrity.

He paid tens of thousands to hush up a porn Star he was involved with while his wife was home mothering his new born son.

If that is your version of conservatism you can have it.

I want nothing to do with it.
Thank God for the Federal Reserve infusing the trillions into the economy. Thanks for showing a chart
with what that kind of money can accomplish.
beautress, post: 22074183
If you knew what I do about conservatives, you'd listen to them with an open heart. Many of them speak economics

I’m dealing with a conservative on this thread who is speaking economics. Trouble is he lies and distorts facts in writing over and over again. Your Husband may have been an honest man with everything else good that you said about him. I have no reason to doubt you.

But I am not dealing with him - let’s focus on one conservative in the hear and now.

Read my posts and if you can tell me where I am wrong please have at it.

I do not like liars. Trumpo is a liar. When conservatives defend that - I lose respect for all conservatives.

I heard him on tape describing what he does to women because he is a celebrity.

He paid tens of thousands to hush up a porn Star he was involved with while his wife was home mothering his new born son.

If that is your version of conservatism you can have it.

I want nothing to do with it.
I didn't vote for trump because he was a choir boy, I voted for some one who could run a country and Trump has.
All politicians lie....even Obama and had his DOJ's run cover for the scandals in his administrations.

If only all voters were adults, like you.

Candidates need be vetted by policy, not personality or skin color.

How can any adult American vote for these policies?
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism…
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Meister, post: 22075062,
I didn't vote for trump because he was a choir boy, I voted for some one who could run a country and Trump has.

Obama ran the country and on the economy did better than Trumpo will ever do .

If Trumpo were running the country according to what he promised you there would be 3.0+ GDP for at least a few years. And corporations would be increasing their investments for long term future growth. That’s not happening.

“The good news is that corporations are increasing their investments again after a slump in 2015 and 2016. Over the past year, real business investment has increased at a 6.1% annual rate, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis in the Commerce Department. It’s a good number, but nothing jaw-dropping.

The bad news is that net investment is very weak by historical standards. Companies have loads of cash, but little is going back into the business.

Businesses are investing more, but it’s not the tax cut

Looking at overall trends there is very little change from when Obama ran the country based on raw economic data to the current resident in the White House.

You can like the economy under Trumpo but it is forthright dishonest to declare Trumpo some kind of spectacular catalyst to a real unprecedented economic boom while at the same time trashing Obama’s record as an economic flop needing rescue by the Great White Hope.

It’s dishonest when you do what you do.

Why do you need to do it?
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Pennsylvania manufacturing jobs
Nov, 2016. 559.9
Jan 2019 570.2 (p)
Ohio Nov 2016. 685.2
Jan 2019. 704.8 (p)
Nov 2016. 464.3
Jan 2019. 478.6 (p)

Somehow (being poorly educated as Trump clearly stated about his followers).....cult members on this forum make the mistake of "thinking" that the obvious majority of right wingers on here represents ALL of America.....of course, they're clearly wrong.

If there still exists some semblance of rationale among this right wing ilk, they should ask themselves what ARE the chances that someone like Trump could get re-elected in such states as Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and a few others....where there has been more than half a million factory workers are now working part-time, menial jobs having had those industries closed???

Sure, working one or two and even three part-time jobs makes one "employed".......but reality that Trump's promises were based on demagoguery has finally materialized.
Hes created
Somehow (being poorly educated as Trump clearly stated about his followers).....cult members on this forum make the mistake of "thinking" that the obvious majority of right wingers on here represents ALL of America.....of course, they're clearly wrong.

If there still exists some semblance of rationale among this right wing ilk, they should ask themselves what ARE the chances that someone like Trump could get re-elected in such states as Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and a few others....where there has been more than half a million factory workers are now working part-time, menial jobs having had those industries closed???

Sure, working one or two and even three part-time jobs makes one "employed".......but reality that Trump's promises were based on demagoguery has finally materialized.
Well now what about the 454000 new manafacturing jobs he created numb nuts.
Do the math .also the car manafacturing jobs many were lost so chev could invest in elc cars
Meister, post: 22075062,
I didn't vote for trump because he was a choir boy, I voted for some one who could run a country and Trump has.

Obama ran the country and on the economy did better than Trumpo will ever do .

If Trumpo were running the country according to what he promised you there would be 3.0+ GDP for at least a few years. And corporations would be increasing their investments for long term future growth. That’s not happening.

“The good news is that corporations are increasing their investments again after a slump in 2015 and 2016. Over the past year, real business investment has increased at a 6.1% annual rate, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis in the Commerce Department. It’s a good number, but nothing jaw-dropping.

The bad news is that net investment is very weak by historical standards. Companies have loads of cash, but little is going back into the business.

Businesses are investing more, but it’s not the tax cut

Looking at overall trends there is very little change from when Obama ran the country based on raw economic data to the current resident in the White House.

You can like the economy under Trumpo but it is forthright dishonest to declare Trumpo some kind of spectacular catalyst to a real unprecedented economic boom while at the same time trashing Obama’s record as an economic flop needing rescue by the Great White Hope.

It’s dishonest when you do what you do.

Why do you need to do it?
Obama needed 4.4 trillion dollars infused into his economy from the Fed reserve,
and this was going on during his entire presidency. It was on life support.

How can you compare the two, and tout Obama's economy when that was going on? That is just demial
Meister, post: 2207581
Obama needed 4.4 trillion dollars infused into his economy from the Fed reserve,

That’s a are off by 2 trillion.

“The U.S. Federal Reserve undertook the most successful QE effort. It added almost $2 trillion to the money supply. That’s the largest expansion from any economic stimulus program in history. As a result, the debt on the Fed’s balance sheet doubled from $2.106 trillion in November 2008 to $4.486 trillion in October 2014.”

How Central Banks Create Massive Amounts of Money

Why must you lie about Obama? 4. 9 trillion is a lie. $2.3 trillion is the correct amount.

It was Bush’s worst recession since the Great Depression that made the Fed’s quantitative easing necessary to avert a second Great Depression that would have been on Bush.
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Meister, post: 22075818
How can you compare the two, and tout Obama's economy when that was going on? That is just demial

Because your Trumpo has often publically denounced and opposed the Fed Policy of Qualitative Tightening. He wants some easing to go on so he can brag about a 4.0 GDP and avert a recession.

Do you want Trumpo to give you a recession and surely lose the election?
Obama needed 4.4 trillion dollars infused into his economy from the Fed reserve,
and this was going on during his entire presidency. It was on life support.

How can you compare the two, and tout Obama's economy when that was going on? That is just demial

“ The Fed has a dual mandate: to maximize employment and stabilize inflation.”

So why does your Trumpo want to fire the Fed Chair because he was doing too much quantitative tightening.

So Trumpo wants quantitative easing when there is no recession and low unemployment.

And your constant bitch is about Obama who had nothing to do with what the Fed did to prevent depression level unemployment following the Great Bush recession.

Yet you live Trumpo who wouid make the Fed do exactly what you complain they did when Bush and Ivan’s were president.

He nominated Stephen Moore to the Fed to have an ally in there to heat up the economy so he can win a second term.

Obama did nothing as aggregius as that.
Meister, post: 2207581
Obama needed 4.4 trillion dollars infused into his economy from the Fed reserve,

That’s a are off by 2 trillion.

“The U.S. Federal Reserve undertook the most successful QE effort. It added almost $2 trillion to the money supply. That’s the largest expansion from any economic stimulus program in history. As a result, the debt on the Fed’s balance sheet doubled from $2.106 trillion in November 2008 to $4.486 trillion in October 2014.”

How Central Banks Create Massive Amounts of Money

Why must you lie about Obama? 4. 9 trillion is a lie. $2.3 trillion is the correct amount.

It was Bush’s worst recession since the Great Depression that made the Fed’s quantitative easing necessary to avert a second Great Depression that would have been on Bush.

Federal Reserve quantitative easing bond purchases

  • First round: $1.75 trillion, Nov. 2008-March 2010.
  • Second round: $600 billion, Nov. 2010-June 2011.
  • Third round: $1.64 trillion, Sept. 2012-Oct. 2014.

The Fed took bold steps to boost the economy. Will undoing one of them rattle markets?
Meister, post: 22075818
How can you compare the two, and tout Obama's economy when that was going on? That is just demial

Because your Trumpo has often publically denounced and opposed the Fed Policy of Qualitative Tightening. He wants some easing to go on so he can brag about a 4.0 GDP and avert a recession.

Do you want Trumpo to give you a recession and surely lose the election?
4.0 and avert a recession is a bad thing? There isn't any drastic inflation going on, so what is the purpose of the fed reserve raising rates at the
rate they were? Slow it up and let the economy grow into it.
My opinion will be that the next recession will be from a global slowdown.....which could be closer than I would like to see.
Obama needed 4.4 trillion dollars infused into his economy from the Fed reserve,
and this was going on during his entire presidency. It was on life support.

How can you compare the two, and tout Obama's economy when that was going on? That is just demial

“ The Fed has a dual mandate: to maximize employment and stabilize inflation.”

So why does your Trumpo want to fire the Fed Chair because he was doing too much quantitative tightening.

So Trumpo wants quantitative easing when there is no recession and low unemployment.

And your constant bitch is about Obama who had nothing to do with what the Fed did to prevent depression level unemployment following the Great Bush recession.

Yet you live Trumpo who wouid make the Fed do exactly what you complain they did when Bush and Ivan’s were president.

He nominated Stephen Moore to the Fed to have an ally in there to heat up the economy so he can win a second term.

Obama did nothing as aggregius as that.
Not sure about your opinion....I haven't heard Trump wanting quantitative easing....have you?
But, it's your opinion so you can opine on it.
My opinion is that the fed does what it does, but with the policies of Obama it created an environment
of an anemic economy recovery where the fed reserve felt a need to infuse money long after the recession.
But, that's my opinion....just like you have your opinion
Meister, post: 2207581
Obama needed 4.4 trillion dollars infused into his economy from the Fed reserve,

That’s a are off by 2 trillion.

“The U.S. Federal Reserve undertook the most successful QE effort. It added almost $2 trillion to the money supply. That’s the largest expansion from any economic stimulus program in history. As a result, the debt on the Fed’s balance sheet doubled from $2.106 trillion in November 2008 to $4.486 trillion in October 2014.”

How Central Banks Create Massive Amounts of Money

Why must you lie about Obama? 4. 9 trillion is a lie. $2.3 trillion is the correct amount.

It was Bush’s worst recession since the Great Depression that made the Fed’s quantitative easing necessary to avert a second Great Depression that would have been on Bush.

Federal Reserve quantitative easing bond purchases

  • First round: $1.75 trillion, Nov. 2008-March 2010.
  • Second round: $600 billion, Nov. 2010-June 2011.
  • Third round: $1.64 trillion, Sept. 2012-Oct. 2014.

The Fed took bold steps to boost the economy. Will undoing one of them rattle markets?

I see you now realize you have not been telling the truth about Obama again.

Good to see you make progress on how you go about being an honest person.
Meister, post: 2207581
Obama needed 4.4 trillion dollars infused into his economy from the Fed reserve,

That’s a are off by 2 trillion.

“The U.S. Federal Reserve undertook the most successful QE effort. It added almost $2 trillion to the money supply. That’s the largest expansion from any economic stimulus program in history. As a result, the debt on the Fed’s balance sheet doubled from $2.106 trillion in November 2008 to $4.486 trillion in October 2014.”

How Central Banks Create Massive Amounts of Money

Why must you lie about Obama? 4. 9 trillion is a lie. $2.3 trillion is the correct amount.

It was Bush’s worst recession since the Great Depression that made the Fed’s quantitative easing necessary to avert a second Great Depression that would have been on Bush.

Federal Reserve quantitative easing bond purchases

  • First round: $1.75 trillion, Nov. 2008-March 2010.
  • Second round: $600 billion, Nov. 2010-June 2011.
  • Third round: $1.64 trillion, Sept. 2012-Oct. 2014.

The Fed took bold steps to boost the economy. Will undoing one of them rattle markets?

I see you now realize you have not been telling the truth about Obama again.

Good to see you make progress on how you go about being an honest person.
I'll be waiting for you to be honest about Obama....probably die of old age first.
He was the weakest president in my lifetime, comrade. That includes Carter.
Meister, post: 2207581
Obama needed 4.4 trillion dollars infused into his economy from the Fed reserve,

That’s a are off by 2 trillion.

“The U.S. Federal Reserve undertook the most successful QE effort. It added almost $2 trillion to the money supply. That’s the largest expansion from any economic stimulus program in history. As a result, the debt on the Fed’s balance sheet doubled from $2.106 trillion in November 2008 to $4.486 trillion in October 2014.”

How Central Banks Create Massive Amounts of Money

Why must you lie about Obama? 4. 9 trillion is a lie. $2.3 trillion is the correct amount.

It was Bush’s worst recession since the Great Depression that made the Fed’s quantitative easing necessary to avert a second Great Depression that would have been on Bush.

Federal Reserve quantitative easing bond purchases

  • First round: $1.75 trillion, Nov. 2008-March 2010.
  • Second round: $600 billion, Nov. 2010-June 2011.
  • Third round: $1.64 trillion, Sept. 2012-Oct. 2014.

The Fed took bold steps to boost the economy. Will undoing one of them rattle markets?
Deficit spending gives far less in returns then when we started it. In fact to cut the deficit by cuts may imperil a lot of peoples livlihood. We are at that point. It seems only growth or a reduction of the population collecting can overcome the pure fiat currency derived deficits caused by politicians voting for the goodies. And not to many people want to be reduced.
Somehow (being poorly educated as Trump clearly stated about his followers).....cult members on this forum make the mistake of "thinking" that the obvious majority of right wingers on here represents ALL of America.....of course, they're clearly wrong.

If there still exists some semblance of rationale among this right wing ilk, they should ask themselves what ARE the chances that someone like Trump could get re-elected in such states as Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and a few others....where there has been more than half a million factory workers are now working part-time, menial jobs having had those industries closed???

Sure, working one or two and even three part-time jobs makes one "employed".......but reality that Trump's promises were based on demagoguery has finally materialized.







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