The ONE big mistake that Trump acolytes on this forum keep on making....

interesting subject since the crazy angry left thought the polls that indicated Hillary in a landslide

Morons like you should someday figure out that polls gauge POPULAR vote........and, indeed, Hillary won that data...........But WHY do you cult members have to constantly "defend" the orange idiot by bringing up Hillary??
Hildabeast has zero credibility
Meister, post: 22079769
why in the hell did the feds need to keep rates AT near 0 for nearly his entire time as president?

Because the Great Bush recession was so severe.

That answers that. So where in the hell is the massive debt reduction Trumpo promised over eight years since in two years he’s added close to two trillion already. Must remind you Trumpo didn’t start with a huge unended recession to contend with and to base policy upon.
  • Candidate Trump had two strategies to reduce the U.S. debt. He promised to grow the economy 6 percent annually to increase tax revenues. But once in office, he lowered his growth estimate to 3.5 percent to 4 percent.
Trump Pledged to Eliminate the Debt. Instead He Will Add $8.3 Trillion

Where in the hell is the 6% GDP that Trumpo promised as a candidate that cutting taxes for the rich like him would bring.

Where in the hell is the 4% annual GDP that Trumpo promised when President by cutting taxes for rich people like him would bring?
  • Latest forecast: 1.3 percent — March 26, 2019 The GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the first quarter of 2019 is 1.3 percent on March 26, up from 1.2 percent on March 22
GDPNow - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

It appears you’ve been conned and now we owe an additional couple trillion in debt much of it due to lost revenue.

Why in the hell do the feds need to keep rates at 2.5 for the remainder of his term as president if he can slime his way to last into 2021?
Why the Fed Funds Rate Will Remain at 2.5 Percent

We were supposed to get 4% to 6% annual GDP from the tax cuts which would have allowed the FED to continue quantitative tightening and reducing debt.

That program has failed - the next recession will be much more difficult to deal with.

We may not get another Obama to guide us out.

Look at the annual debt history and how Trumpo Is driving it up;
  • The first thing you notice when looking at the federal deficits from fiscal 2007 (the U.S. government fiscal year ends in September) is that it increased by almost $1 trillion from fiscal 2008 (two months before Obama was elected and four months before he was sworn in) to fiscal 2009. It remained over $1 trillion per year for four years and got below Bush’s last years deficit in fiscal 2015. It continued to decrease until Obama’s last year and has increased in Trump’s first year in office.
  • Fiscal 2007: $161 billion (next to last year of Bush’s second term)
  • Fiscal 2008: $459 billion (beginning impact from the Great Recession)
  • Fiscal 2009: $1.4 trillion (Obama’s first year and in the teeth of the Recession)
  • Fiscal 2010: $1.3 trillion
  • Fiscal 2011: $1.3 trillion
  • Fiscal 2012: $1.1 trillion
  • Fiscal 2013: $680 billion
  • Fiscal 2014: $485 billion
  • Fiscal 2015: $438 billion
  • Fiscal 2016: $587 billion
  • Fiscal 2017: $666 billion (Trump’s first year of his Presidency)
Don't Blame Obama For Doubling The Federal Deficit

Where in the hell is Trumpo’s debt reduction to zero deficits in eight years,
  • WASHINGTON — The federal budget deficit swelled to $779 billion in fiscal year 2018, the Treasury Department said on Monday, driven in large part by a sharp decline in corporate tax revenues after the Trump tax cuts took effect. The deficit rose nearly 17 percent year over year, from $666 billion in 2017.Oct 15, 2018
Budget Deficit Jumps Nearly 17% in 2018

And you voted for Trumpo because you wanted someone in the Oval Office to run the country better than Obama.

Did you mean ruin the country?

Now Trumpo wants to destroy the ACA In it’s entirety and replace it with nothing.

More economic havoc to follow - a million jobs could be lost. On top of twenty million losing health insurance.

Insurers get to refuse to cover pre-existing conditions,

All over an ego. And lots of stupid people can feel tough worshipping the clown with the ego.

Because the Great Bush recession was so severe.

The recession ended in June 2009 and Obama was such a weak president he needed 8 years of almost 0% rates and still had the weakest recovery since WWII?

Wow. He really sucked when it comes to the economy, eh?

And you voted for Trumpo because you wanted someone in the Oval Office to run the country better than Obama.

Talk about setting the bar low.
Somehow (being poorly educated as Trump clearly stated about his followers).....cult members on this forum make the mistake of "thinking" that the obvious majority of right wingers on here represents ALL of America.....of course, they're clearly wrong.

If there still exists some semblance of rationale among this right wing ilk, they should ask themselves what ARE the chances that someone like Trump could get re-elected in such states as Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and a few others....where there has been more than half a million factory workers are now working part-time, menial jobs having had those industries closed???

Sure, working one or two and even three part-time jobs makes one "employed".......but reality that Trump's promises were based on demagoguery has finally materialized.

1) Did you vote for Trump? and 2) If the answer to 1 is "no", what qualifies you to know why the people who did did and how Trump may have changed that position during his Presidency? There aren't a lot of single issue voters out there, but you seem to have reduced the rustbelt electorate down to those who work 3 jobs instead of 1. I am skeptical.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22086306
The recession ended in June 2009 and Obama was such a weak president he needed 8 years of almost 0% rates and still had the weakest recovery since WWII?

What recession of equivalent severity since WWII are you comparing the Obama recession to? If you have nothing to compare yoi cannot in any way determine that the Obama recovery is weak.

I recall when Romney ran for President in 2011 he openly disclosed that if elected he could bring the unemployment rate below 5% in four years.

Romney lost, thank the Mormon gods, and Obama got the unemployment rate down to under 5% in two years. Twice as fast as the Republicans thought it could be done.

That is not weak by any measure.

Twice as freakin fast.

So why make shit up about Obama with nothing at all to base it on.
Last edited:
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22086306
The recession ended in June 2009 and Obama was such a weak president he needed 8 years of almost 0% rates and still had the weakest recovery since WWII?

What recession of equivalent severity since WWII are you comparing the Obama recession to? If you have nothing to compare yoi cannot in any way determine that the Obama recovery is weak.

I recall when Romney ran for President in 2011 he openly disclosed that if elected he could bring the unemployment rate below 5% in four years.

Romney lost, thank the Mormon gods, and Obama got the unemployment rate down to under 5% in two years. Twice as fast as the Republicans thought it could be done.

That is not weak by any measure.

Twice as freakin fast.

So why make shit up about Obama with nothing at all to base it on.

The recession ended in June 2009. He had 7.5 years of the weakest recovery since WWII.

I recall when Romney ran for President in 2011 he openly disclosed that if elected he could bring the unemployment rate below 5% in four years.

I recall when Romney ran for President, Obama laughed when Mitt said the Russians were our top geopolitical threat. Only 4 years later, they defeated the most qualified candidate in history.

That is not weak by any measure.

Unless you measure by GDP. Then it's the weakest since WWII.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22086306
The recession ended in June 2009 and Obama was such a weak president he needed 8 years of almost 0% rates and still had the weakest recovery since WWII?

Wow. He really sucked when it comes to the economy, eh?

Skipping right past these facts are ya?

So where in the hell is the massive debt reduction Trumpo promised over eight years since in two years he’s added close to two trillion already. Must remind you Trumpo didn’t start with a huge unended recession to contend with and to base policy upon.
  • Candidate Trump had two strategies to reduce the U.S. debt. He promised to grow the economy 6 percent annually to increase tax revenues. But once in office, he lowered his growth estimate to 3.5 percent to 4 percent.
Trump Pledged to Eliminate the Debt. Instead He Will Add $8.3 Trillion

Where in the hell is the 6% GDP that Trumpo promised as a candidate that cutting taxes for the rich like him would bring.

Where in the hell is the 4% annual GDP that Trumpo promised when President by cutting taxes for rich people like him would bring?
  • Latest forecast: 1.3 percent — March 26, 2019 The GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the first quarter of 2019 is 1.3 percent on March 26, up from 1.2 percent on March 22
GDPNow - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

It appears you’ve been conned and now we owe an additional couple trillion in debt much of it due to lost revenue.

Why in the hell do the feds need to keep rates at 2.5 for the remainder of his term as president if he can slime his way to last into 2021?
Why the Fed Funds Rate Will Remain at 2.5 Percent

We were supposed to get 4% to 6% annual GDP from the tax cuts which would have allowed the FED to continue quantitative tightening and reducing debt.

That program has failed - the next recession will be much more difficult to deal with.

We may not get another Obama to guide us out.

Look at the annual debt history and how Trumpo Is driving it up;
  • The first thing you notice when looking at the federal deficits from fiscal 2007 (the U.S. government fiscal year ends in September) is that it increased by almost $1 trillion from fiscal 2008 (two months before Obama was elected and four months before he was sworn in) to fiscal 2009. It remained over $1 trillion per year for four years and got below Bush’s last years deficit in fiscal 2015. It continued to decrease until Obama’s last year and has increased in Trump’s first year in office.
  • Fiscal 2007: $161 billion (next to last year of Bush’s second term)
  • Fiscal 2008: $459 billion (beginning impact from the Great Recession)
  • Fiscal 2009: $1.4 trillion (Obama’s first year and in the teeth of the Recession)
  • Fiscal 2010: $1.3 trillion
  • Fiscal 2011: $1.3 trillion
  • Fiscal 2012: $1.1 trillion
  • Fiscal 2013: $680 billion
  • Fiscal 2014: $485 billion
  • Fiscal 2015: $438 billion
  • Fiscal 2016: $587 billion
  • Fiscal 2017: $666 billion (Trump’s first year of his Presidency)
Don't Blame Obama For Doubling The Federal Deficit

Where in the hell is Trumpo’s debt reduction to zero deficits in eight years,
  • WASHINGTON — The federal budget deficit swelled to $779 billion in fiscal year 2018, the Treasury Department said on Monday, driven in large part by a sharp decline in corporate tax revenues after the Trump tax cuts took effect. The deficit rose nearly 17 percent year over year, from $666 billion in 2017.Oct 15, 2018
Budget Deficit Jumps Nearly 17% in 2018

Trumpo’s economy thus far in GDP terms and most economic indicators is almost as good as Obama's but he did not inherit a severe recession and the Fed had started quantitative tightening around the time Trumpo won the election. Lo and behold the Trumpo economy had two great GDP quarters in 2018 and now it has fizzled and the FED had to halt its tightening plan.

So I don’t know why you bring up the FED rates following the most severe recession since the Great Depression. Trumpo is not ever going to see the 6.0 GDP he promised in exchange for tax cuts for the rich and corporations. So the FED will have to pull the Orange clown’s circus wagon out of Iraq he ditch already.
How the fuck would you then explain the unemployment rate going from 104% to 4.3% under Obama????
The answer didn’t, you dimwit. It skyrocketed from 7.6% to over 10% under MaObama. It wasn’t until after the 2010 midterm ass-kicking when Republicans took control of the House and 37 of the 50 states that unemployment started to plummet.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22086306
The recession ended in June 2009 and Obama was such a weak president he needed 8 years of almost 0% rates and still had the weakest recovery since WWII?

Wow. He really sucked when it comes to the economy, eh?

Skipping right past these facts are ya?

So where in the hell is the massive debt reduction Trumpo promised over eight years since in two years he’s added close to two trillion already. Must remind you Trumpo didn’t start with a huge unended recession to contend with and to base policy upon.
  • Candidate Trump had two strategies to reduce the U.S. debt. He promised to grow the economy 6 percent annually to increase tax revenues. But once in office, he lowered his growth estimate to 3.5 percent to 4 percent.
Trump Pledged to Eliminate the Debt. Instead He Will Add $8.3 Trillion

Where in the hell is the 6% GDP that Trumpo promised as a candidate that cutting taxes for the rich like him would bring.

Where in the hell is the 4% annual GDP that Trumpo promised when President by cutting taxes for rich people like him would bring?
  • Latest forecast: 1.3 percent — March 26, 2019 The GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the first quarter of 2019 is 1.3 percent on March 26, up from 1.2 percent on March 22
GDPNow - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

It appears you’ve been conned and now we owe an additional couple trillion in debt much of it due to lost revenue.

Why in the hell do the feds need to keep rates at 2.5 for the remainder of his term as president if he can slime his way to last into 2021?
Why the Fed Funds Rate Will Remain at 2.5 Percent

We were supposed to get 4% to 6% annual GDP from the tax cuts which would have allowed the FED to continue quantitative tightening and reducing debt.

That program has failed - the next recession will be much more difficult to deal with.

We may not get another Obama to guide us out.

Look at the annual debt history and how Trumpo Is driving it up;
  • The first thing you notice when looking at the federal deficits from fiscal 2007 (the U.S. government fiscal year ends in September) is that it increased by almost $1 trillion from fiscal 2008 (two months before Obama was elected and four months before he was sworn in) to fiscal 2009. It remained over $1 trillion per year for four years and got below Bush’s last years deficit in fiscal 2015. It continued to decrease until Obama’s last year and has increased in Trump’s first year in office.
  • Fiscal 2007: $161 billion (next to last year of Bush’s second term)
  • Fiscal 2008: $459 billion (beginning impact from the Great Recession)
  • Fiscal 2009: $1.4 trillion (Obama’s first year and in the teeth of the Recession)
  • Fiscal 2010: $1.3 trillion
  • Fiscal 2011: $1.3 trillion
  • Fiscal 2012: $1.1 trillion
  • Fiscal 2013: $680 billion
  • Fiscal 2014: $485 billion
  • Fiscal 2015: $438 billion
  • Fiscal 2016: $587 billion
  • Fiscal 2017: $666 billion (Trump’s first year of his Presidency)
Don't Blame Obama For Doubling The Federal Deficit

Where in the hell is Trumpo’s debt reduction to zero deficits in eight years,
  • WASHINGTON — The federal budget deficit swelled to $779 billion in fiscal year 2018, the Treasury Department said on Monday, driven in large part by a sharp decline in corporate tax revenues after the Trump tax cuts took effect. The deficit rose nearly 17 percent year over year, from $666 billion in 2017.Oct 15, 2018
Budget Deficit Jumps Nearly 17% in 2018

Trumpo’s economy thus far in GDP terms and most economic indicators is almost as good as Obama's but he did not inherit a severe recession and the Fed had started quantitative tightening around the time Trumpo won the election. Lo and behold the Trumpo economy had two great GDP quarters in 2018 and now it has fizzled and the FED had to halt its tightening plan.

So I don’t know why you bring up the FED rates following the most severe recession since the Great Depression. Trumpo is not ever going to see the 6.0 GDP he promised in exchange for tax cuts for the rich and corporations. So the FED will have to pull the Orange clown’s circus wagon out of Iraq he ditch already.

Wait a minute, are you telling me a guy running for office made some predictions that didn't pan out, some promises that he didn't keep?

Stop the fucking presses!!!!

Now, about Obama's weak ass recovery......LOL!

We may not get another Obama to guide us out.

That's excellent news. The recovery should be much stronger.

Trumpo’s economy thus far in GDP terms and most economic indicators is almost as good as Obama's

Obama averaged about 1.8%. What's Trump's average again?

So I don’t know why you bring up the FED rates following the most severe recession since the Great Depression.

Because Obama was weak. His recovery was really weak. That's why.
Ask any economist and they will tell you that nothing is better for an economy than a war. Two wars should set an economy for many decades.
Hey, Mr. fuckhead........have a grown up red this article to you....there are dozens more......LOL

The Ongoing Costs of the Iraq War
Again, triggered little snowflake, any economist will tell you that nothing is better for an economy than a war. It’s not good for debt, but it’s wonderful for the economy. You’re a moron. You don’t understand basic economics. And because of that, you buried yourself with your own argument.
I recall when Romney ran for President,

So you do recall Romney saying it would take him four years to get unmemployment below 5% and Russia was our biggest geo-political
foe. And it turns out Obama got the wrong unemployment rate below five percent in two years.

So can you refocus on the US economy and pretend that Romney had no clue that Putin would use his intelligence agencies to help Trumpo become president a few years later and help Republicans put a pussy grabber in the White House to appoint two conservative Supreme Court justices. Some geo-political foe if you are a Republican.
I recall when Romney ran for President,

So you do recall Romney saying it would take him four years to get unmemployment below 5% and Russia was our biggest geo-political
foe. And it turns out Obama got the wrong unemployment rate below five percent in two years.

So can you refocus on the US economy and pretend that Romney had no clue that Putin would use his intelligence agencies to help Trumpo become president a few years later and help Republicans put a pussy grabber in the White House to appoint two conservative Supreme Court justices. Some geo-political foe if you are a Republican.

Hey, the 1980s called, they want their foreign policy back!
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22091038
Obama averaged about 1.8%. What's Trump's average again?

Are you calculating your overall average for Obama by including the first two quarters of 2009 which were at an average of -3.2. It is dishonest if you are.

Trumpo is halfway through his Presidency. We wont know Trumpo’s average until he’s gone.

Here are the relevant facts based upon where each president stood at the start of their terms in office.

Obama initiated what by June 2019 will the longest economic recovery in US history?

That recovery began June 2009 following an average GDP of -3.2 during the tail end of the most horrific recession since the Great Depression.

Let’s compare presidents by first two years because that’s all we got for Trumpo.

View attachment 252641

Obama starts in 2009 with avg GDP at 2.22

Obama’s first policy year 2010 at GDP 2.57

That’s 5.21 up for Obama. (Impressive)

Trumpo starts in 2017 with avg GDP at -2.6

Trumpo first policy year 2018 at GDP 2.88

That’s 9.67 up for Trumpo . (Not much )


Bad news for Trumpo. Nowhere to go but down:
  • Latest forecast: 1.5 percent — March 27, 2019 The GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the first quarter of 2019 is 1.5 percent on March 27,
GDPNow - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Obama has a better record since Trumpo won’t ever see his 4.0 annual GDP cutting revenue the Government needs to reduce debt.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22091111
Hey, the 1980s called, they want their foreign policy back!

You can’t disagree Trumpo’s economy falls short of Obama’s. I understand. The numbers dont lie so you have no use for them.

Russia is not your geopolitical foe, you are a Trumpo Republican. Trumpo believes Putin - Trumpo says Romney is wrong . You are getting outside of Trumpo cult-speak.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22091038
Obama averaged about 1.8%. What's Trump's average again?

Are you calculating your overall average for Obama by including the first two quarters of 2009 which were at an average of -3.2. It is dishonest if you are.

Trumpo is halfway through his Presidency. We wont know Trumpo’s average until he’s gone.

Here are the relevant facts based upon where each president stood at the start of their terms in office.

Obama initiated what by June 2019 will the longest economic recovery in US history?

That recovery began June 2009 following an average GDP of -3.2 during the tail end of the most horrific recession since the Great Depression.

Let’s compare presidents by first two years because that’s all we got for Trumpo.

View attachment 252641

Obama starts in 2009 with avg GDP at 2.22

Obama’s first policy year 2010 at GDP 2.57

That’s 5.21 up for Obama. (Impressive)

Trumpo starts in 2017 with avg GDP at -2.6

Trumpo first policy year 2018 at GDP 2.88

That’s 9.67 up for Trumpo . (Not much )

View attachment 252649

Bad news for Trumpo. Nowhere to go but down:
  • Latest forecast: 1.5 percent — March 27, 2019 The GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the first quarter of 2019 is 1.5 percent on March 27,
GDPNow - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Obama has a better record since Trumpo won’t ever see his 4.0 annual GDP cutting revenue the Government needs to reduce debt.

We wont know Trumpo’s average until he’s gone.

But you said....."Trumpo’s economy thus far in GDP terms and most economic indicators is almost as good as Obama's"

So, thus far, what's Trump's average?

Trumpo starts in 2017 with avg GDP at -2.6

GDP was positive in 2017.

Obama starts in 2009 with avg GDP at 2.22
Obama’s first policy year 2010 at GDP 2.57
That’s 5.21 up for Obama.

Your bad math is confusing. Try harder.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22091111
Hey, the 1980s called, they want their foreign policy back!

You can’t disagree Trumpo’s economy falls short of Obama’s. I understand. The numbers dont lie so you have no use for them.

Russia is not your geopolitical foe, you are a Trumpo Republican. Trumpo believes Putin - Trumpo says Romney is wrong . You are getting outside of Trumpo cult-speak.

You can’t disagree Trumpo’s economy falls short of Obama’s.

I'm laughing at your bad math. Obama had the weakest recovery since WWII.

Argue with that math. And he only added $9.3 trillion to the debt. With the Fed's balance sheet up from $2.1 trillion to $4.5 trillion and rates near zero.

Trump had steadily rising rates with the balance sheet down to $4 trillion.

And remind me, why was Obama going to have more flexibility for Putin?
Without a way to reach women, the GOP is unlikely to survive

Pollster: GOP base is shrinking

It doesn’t matter what poll you look at, the one thing they can all agree on is the Republican Party is shrinking. Older white ones are dying and they’re not being replaced by younger ones because nobody wants to be seen as racist and misogynist.
Y’all parrot this same shit every time. The GOP can’t get women voters, they can’t get Latino voters, they can’t get young voters, blah blah blah. And yet the Donald won the popular vote in 30 of 50 states.
Handing off the baton. Republican to Democrat and Democrat to Republican

And what happened Second year in office real GDP:

Obama 2.57 six months off worst recession since Great Depression courtesy of George W Bush, a tax cut for the rich Republican. Obama faced in the month he was inaugurated, unemployment rising to 7.7% and and getting worse, and of course January 2009 – 818,000 jobs lost; February 2009 – 724,000 jobs lost; March 2009 – 799,000 jobs lost; April 2009 – 692,000 jobs lost ;

Trumpo 2.88 following seven full years of positive GDP, low inflation, steady decreasing in unemployment from 10% to 4.8% with the economy adding +227,900 jobs the month he was inaugurated.

So Trumpo beats Obama by 0.31 on Second year avg gdp and Toddster scores it Obama very weak and Trumpo very strong.

If that is not a hate based judgment call I don’t know what is.

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22092091
Trump had steadily rising rates with the balance sheet down to $4 trillion.

You claim in the most vague of terms that Trumpo had steadily rising rates. So did Obama over a first two year comparison which is all we can do since Trumpo’s third year is headed down from 2018 and perhaps will be lower than 2017.

Trumpo cultist math involving adjectives:

Trumpo raised the GDP from his first year in office to his second a whopping 0.67 %

Obama raised the GDP from his first year in office a to his second a measly 5.21 %

I gave you a picture so I know you saw the numbers:


A 5.21 increase in GDP is greater than a 0.67 increase in GDP at the same point in each presidency in case you didn’t know that.


Trumpo had a 4.85 point head start his first year thanks to the Obama recovery. Trumpo had two MAGA quarters in 2018, however falling far short of the 4.0 to 6.0 annual GDP goal he promised we’d get from his tax cuts that were mostly for rich people like him.

Annual 5.0 GDP would have been very impressive had Trumpo got us there and the Fed balance sheet reduced to a trillion - about what it was prior to the Great Bush recession.

But Trumpo’s stimulus has failed on many fronts to produce anything but one quarter at 3.0 and 3.08. That’s it. You are gushing over that. Now the Fed had to end its quantitative tightening.for the rest of his term.

Tell us as a Trumpo cult member if you still believe Trumpo’s bullshit 5.0 GDP with gushers of overflowing revenue into Fed coffers are still on the way, just like Mexico will pay for a big beautiful wall and he has a plan ready to go to cover everyone’s healthcare cheaper and better than the ACA,

Or are you so deeply brainwashed that you think all that bullshit has already happened?
Without a way to reach women, the GOP is unlikely to survive

Pollster: GOP base is shrinking

It doesn’t matter what poll you look at, the one thing they can all agree on is the Republican Party is shrinking. Older white ones are dying and they’re not being replaced by younger ones because nobody wants to be seen as racist and misogynist.
Y’all parrot this same shit every time. The GOP can’t get women voters, they can’t get Latino voters, they can’t get young voters, blah blah blah. And yet the Donald won the popular vote in 30 of 50 states.

He lost the national popular vote. 3/4ths of the latinos in America did not vote for Trump.
Without a way to reach women, the GOP is unlikely to survive

Pollster: GOP base is shrinking

It doesn’t matter what poll you look at, the one thing they can all agree on is the Republican Party is shrinking. Older white ones are dying and they’re not being replaced by younger ones because nobody wants to be seen as racist and misogynist.
Y’all parrot this same shit every time. The GOP can’t get women voters, they can’t get Latino voters, they can’t get young voters, blah blah blah. And yet the Donald won the popular vote in 30 of 50 states.

He lost the national popular vote. 3/4ths of the latinos in America did not vote for Trump.

Your point? He won 30 of 50 states, and the electoral college. Get over it.

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