The ONE big mistake that Trump acolytes on this forum keep on making....

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22096940
Poor Obama, you can't count a recession against him because......waaah, unfair.

Itā€™s not unfair it is wrong. It is distorting the facts. It is lying. There is no rational person who wouid place responsibility on Obama for the recession that lasted over a year before he took the oath of office and did not end until halfway through his first year.

Tell us why you count the Great Bush recession against Obama in 2009. It kept getting worse until Obama became president and then and only then did it start to go away.

Did you expect the GDP to jump five points on January 20 2009 and five million Americans to get back to work overnight.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22095622,
Compare a full years growth to a full years growth. I'll even let you leave out 2009.

Ok! Iā€™ll take this full yearā€™s growth.


Whatā€™s your lowlife Trumpo got?

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22095622,
You are saying we must ignore where the GDP was on Inauguration Day to give Trumpo a 3 point head start

Compare a full years growth to a full years growth. I'll even let you leave out 2009.
So you'll stop much as you normally do.

You donā€™t want to use the GDP position that was in place on Inauguration Day as a baseline to measure a president's economic performance for the duration of their term. Why not?
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average annual 2018 growth now 2.85%, slightly below the 2.88% in 2015

Itā€™s official Trumpoā€™s govt released final data on
2018. He did not beat Obama after all. And wonā€™t ever.

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22095622
Compare a full years growth to a full years growth.


Trumpo loses. Obama was President in 2015.

Q4-Q4 2018 growth now 2.97%

average annual 2018 growth now 2.85%, slightly below the 2.88% in 2015

Don Jr. falls flat on his face in economic debate ā€” after his dadā€™s government releases data contradicting him

Your Trumpo is heading in the wrong direct after his best year.

The Bureau of Economic Analysis released new numbers revealing the state of the economy.

ā€œGrowth slowed from 4.2 percent in the second quarter of 2018 to 3.4 percent in the third and then 2.2 percent in the fourth,ā€ a report from the National Review states.

Ok Toddster -Trumpo is the clear ā€˜weak oneā€ his own government says. canā€™t csll that fake news.

And Trumpo cannot even hit 3.0 average annual growth. TruMpO will never see the 4.0 annual growth the tax cuts were supposed to bring. tRUnPoā€™s 6.0 annual growth promise was fraud to put it nicely.

You want to go back to comparing first year to first year, - the only way TRuMpO can beat Obama now.

Read the link to see what a dumbass tweeter Don Jr is. Poor confused idiot on the GDP.
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Toddsterpatriot, post: 22095622,
Compare a full years growth to a full years growth. I'll even let you leave out 2009.

Ok! Iā€™ll take this full yearā€™s growth.

View attachment 252824

Whatā€™s your lowlife Trumpo got?

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22095622,
You are saying we must ignore where the GDP was on Inauguration Day to give Trumpo a 3 point head start

Compare a full years growth to a full years growth. I'll even let you leave out 2009.
So you'll stop much as you normally do.

You donā€™t want to use the GDP position that was in place on Inauguration Day as a baseline to measure a president's economic performance for the duration of their term. Why not?

You donā€™t want to use the GDP position that was in place on Inauguration Day as a baseline to measure a president's economic performance for the duration of their term. Why not?

Because some crybaby says it's no fair to Obama.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22095622,
Compare a full years growth to a full years growth. I'll even let you leave out 2009.

Ok! Iā€™ll take this full yearā€™s growth.

View attachment 252824

Whatā€™s your lowlife Trumpo got?

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22095622,
You are saying we must ignore where the GDP was on Inauguration Day to give Trumpo a 3 point head start

Compare a full years growth to a full years growth. I'll even let you leave out 2009.
So you'll stop much as you normally do.

You donā€™t want to use the GDP position that was in place on Inauguration Day as a baseline to measure a president's economic performance for the duration of their term. Why not?

Ok! Iā€™ll take this full yearā€™s growth.

Great! Where's your link to these numbers?
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22098468
Great! Where's your link to these numbers?

Like I said, loser. from TRuMpOā€™s own government.


Obama has a full year average higher than tRUMPoā€™s very best year and soon will be trUMPoā€™s ONLY good year because the US Governnent in its third estimate downgraded thecTrUMpo economy 0.4 points.

Here is the link loser. You back a loser. Obama beats Trumpo in your own terms.

Gross Domestic Product, 4th quarter and annual 2018 (third estimate); Corporate Profits, 4th quarter and annual 2018 | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22096940
Poor Obama, you can't count a recession against him because......waaah, unfair.

Itā€™s not unfair it is wrong. It is distorting the facts. It is lying. There is no rational person who wouid place responsibility on Obama for the recession that lasted over a year before he took the oath of office and did not end until halfway through his first year.

Tell us why you count the Great Bush recession against Obama in 2009. It kept getting worse until Obama became president and then and only then did it start to go away.

Did you expect the GDP to jump five points on January 20 2009 and five million Americans to get back to work overnight.
It was not taking the housing correction when it should have and turn it into a housing crash with one of your experimental expensive agendas that affected tens of millions of people.
It was not taking the housing correction when it should have and turn it into a housing crash with one of your experimental expensive agendas that affected tens of millions of people.

Can you translate that into a specific policy action that Obama could have done as President in the first half of 2009 to prevent the recession that started in 2007?
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22098468
Great! Where's your link to these numbers?

Like I said, loser. from TRuMpOā€™s own government.

View attachment 252851

Obama has a full year average higher than tRUMPoā€™s very best year and soon will be trUMPoā€™s ONLY good year because the US Governnent in its third estimate downgraded thecTrUMpo economy 0.4 points.

Here is the link loser. You back a loser. Obama beats Trumpo in your own terms.

Gross Domestic Product, 4th quarter and annual 2018 (third estimate); Corporate Profits, 4th quarter and annual 2018 | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)

Thanks for the link.
Now I realize you're a stupid twat, but just an FYI, that link doesn't show GDP growth to two decimal places.
Maybe you could post a link to the orifice you pulled them out of...ā€¦.?

Thanks again, moron.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22101918
Thanks for the link.

The full year measurement that you agreed to is calculated on the ā€˜one decimal pointā€™ GDP per quarter for four consecutive quarters.

Iā€™ll give you a clue - just because decimals are not shown does not mean there was not any rounding going on. Do you know what rounding up a number means? Idiot.

The Trumpo Government link I provided shows that Q4ā€™2018 was just reduced from 2.6 to 2.2.

So when you add up Trumpoā€™s best 4 quarters including Q4ā€™2018 and divide by 4 (simple math) Trumpoā€™s average for the year is your result. You can carry that out as many decimal places as you want, but the fact that is determined by using only two decimal places is that.Obama has the better year on growth than TrUMPo will ever have.

So you offered ā€™full year of resultsā€™ and TruMPo loses.

And whatā€™s worse for the tRuMpo cult is that we wouid not be having this discussion if TruMPOā€™s tax cuts grew the economy to 6.0 or 4.0 as promised. The loser canā€™t even hit 3.0 and pass Obama.

Heā€™s a con artist film flam man and youā€™ll never see Trumpo get close to annual 3.0 GDP ever again.

You see a few weeks back TrumPo tweeted when the numbers for Q4ā€™2019 came out that he hit the 3.1 mark on GDP. He included a slam against Obama as a failed leader for never getting above 3.0 GDP, Obama made it to 2.9 for 2015.

So when TrumPoā€™s Fed reduced Q4ā€™2019 this past Thursday - it dropped TrumPo back down to Obamaā€™s 2.9 for 2015. Itā€™s a statistical tie.

But we can all laugh at you now because of Trumpoā€™s tweetStormies where he touts his huge 3.1 milestone and ridicules Obamaā€™s failure to never get above 3.0. We laugh because Trumpo is a failure if Obama is a failure.

But we know Trumpo was handed much better condition, cut taxes to spur economic growth to achieve nothing better than what Obama did.

Too damn funny. you Ever Trumpers. Freakin idiots.

Youā€™ve been mentally drawn and quartered by NFBW. I canā€™t believe you continue an attempted defense of your cult leader.
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Toddsterpatriot, post: 22101918
Thanks for the link.

The full year measurement that you agreed to is calculated on the ā€˜one decimal pointā€™ GDP per quarter for four consecutive quarters.

Iā€™ll give you a clue - just because decimals are not shown does not mean there was not any rounding going on. Do you know what rounding up a number means? Idiot.

The Trumpo Government link I provided shows that Q4ā€™2018 was just reduced from 2.6 to 2.2.

So when you add up Trumpoā€™s best 4 quarters including Q4ā€™2018 and divide by 4 (simple math) Trumpoā€™s average for the year is your result. You can carry that out as many decimal places as you want, but the fact that is determined by using only two decimal places is that.Obama has the better year on growth than TrUMPo will ever have.

So you offered full year results and TruMPo loses.

And whatā€™s worse for tRuMpo cult is that we wouid not be having this discussion if TruMPOā€™s tax cuts grew the economy to 6.0 or 4.0 as promised.

Heā€™s a con artist film flam man and youā€™ll never see Trumpo get close to annual 3.0 GDP was ever again.

You see a few weeks back TrumPo tweeted when the numbers for Q4ā€™2019 came out that he hit the 3.1 mark on GDP. He included a slam against Obama as a failed leader for never getting above 3.0 GDP, Obama made it to 2.9 for 2015.

So when TrumPoā€™s Fed reduced Q4ā€™2019 this past Thursday - it dropped TrumPo back down to Obamaā€™s 2.9 for 2015. Itā€™s a statistical tie.

But we can all laugh at you now because of Trumpoā€™s tweetStormies where he touts his huge 3.1 milestone and ridicules Obamaā€™s failure to never get above 3.0. We laugh because Trumpo is a failure if Obama is a failure.

But we know Trumpo was handed much better condition, cut taxes to spur economic growth to achieve nothing better than what Obama did.

Too damn funny. you Ever Trumpers. Freakin idiots.

Iā€™ll give you a clue - just because decimals are not shown does not mean there was not any rounding going on.

I'll give you a clue, if you post data with 2 decimal places and your source only has one, either you didn't post the real source, or you're a liar. Take your pick.

So when you add up Trumpoā€™s best 4 quarters including Q4ā€™2018 and divide by 4 (simple math)

Your simple, incorrect math makes me laugh.

So you offered full year results and TruMPo loses.

I offered to compare 2010 and 2011 versus 2017 and 2018. Because 2009 makes you whine.
That's when you started pulling more numbers out of your ass.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22102805
I'll give you a clue, if you post data with 2 decimal places and your source only has one, either you didn't post the real source, or you're a liar. Take your pick.

Some people are capable of pulling data from a source and doing a calculation based on factual data.

On the other hand:

You are an efn idiot. No wonder you are an ever trumper. If you donā€™t know how math works it is not my problem.

The official government source provided the data to make the calculations that have been explained to you.

Do you dispute the source that indicates Trumpo!s Q4 2018 was reduced .4 from the previous report?
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22102805
I'll give you a clue, if you post data with 2 decimal places and your source only has one, either you didn't post the real source, or you're a liar. Take your pick.

Some people are capable of pulling data from a source and doing a calculation based on factual data.

On the other hand:

You are an efn idiot. No wonder you are an ever trumper. If you donā€™t know how math works it is not my problem.

The official government source provided the data to make the calculations that have been explained to you.

Do you dispute the source that indicates Trumpo!s Q4 2018 was reduced .4 from the previous report?

Some people are capable of pulling data from a source and doing a calculation based on factual data.

Yeah, you're awesome!!
So post the source you got your data from and then show how you changed it to get 2 decimal places.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22102805
I offered to compare 2010 and 2011 versus 2017 and 2018.

You Lying sack of dog dirt!

Here is what you offered:

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22095622
Look, if you don't want to honestly compare Obama's years of 2010 and 2011 to Trump's years of 2017 and 2018, just say so. Then you can run away without admitting Trump had better growth.

You are saying we must ignore where the GDP was on Inauguration Day to give Trumpo a 3 point head start

Compare a full years growth to a full years growth. I'll even let you leave out 2009.

You said, and I quote:

ā€œCompare a ā€œfull yearsā€ growth to a ā€œfull yearsā€ growth.ā€

That is an exact copy of your offer.

So I chose a ā€œfull yearā€ that beats any ā€œfull yearā€ Trumpo has produced.

A ā€œfull yearā€ I learned in grade school consists of 12 months or 365 days except in leap year. When a ā€œfull yearā€ is divided by four you get whatā€™s called four quarters. (not coins).

So you can look up on your own source as to what the real quarterly GDP was for Obamaā€™s full year (I used Q1 & Q2 of 2014 and Q3 & Q4 of 2015)

For Trumpo I used Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 of 2018. But you can choose whatever full year you want.

Now take the data from your source (making sure you have the most recent update on W4ā€™2018) and simply add the four quarters and then divide the sum by 4. Do this for both presidents. That will be a comparison of average full year GDP. Then you tell us which President scores higher.

You need to do the exercise so you canā€™t call me a liar. Now if you are too stupid or too lazy to do that - just let me know or STFU.

  • update from Commerce Deptā€™s Bureau of Economic Analysis today: Q4-Q4 2018 growth now 2.97% average annual 2018 growth now 2.85%, slightly below the 2.88% in 2015
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Toddsterpatriot, post: 22102805
I offered to compare 2010 and 2011 versus 2017 and 2018.

You Lying sack of dog dirt!

Here is what you offered:

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22095622
Look, if you don't want to honestly compare Obama's years of 2010 and 2011 to Trump's years of 2017 and 2018, just say so. Then you can run away without admitting Trump had better growth.

You are saying we must ignore where the GDP was on Inauguration Day to give Trumpo a 3 point head start

Compare a full years growth to a full years growth. I'll even let you leave out 2009.

You said, and I quote:

ā€œCompare a ā€œfull yearsā€ growth to a ā€œfull yearsā€ growth.ā€

That is an exact copy of your offer.

So I chose a ā€œfull yearā€ that beats any ā€œfull yearā€ Trumpo has produced.

A ā€œfull yearā€ I learned in grade school consists of 12 months or 365 days except in leap year. When a ā€œfull yearā€ is divided by four you get whatā€™s called four quarters. (not coins).

So you can look up on your own source as to what the real quarterly GDP was for Obamaā€™s full year (I used Q1 & Q2 of 2014 and Q3 & Q4 of 2015)

For Trumpo I used Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 of 2018. But you can choose whatever full year you want.

Now take the data from your source (making sure you have the most recent update on W4ā€™2018) and simply add the four quarters and then divide the sum by 4. Do this for both presidents. That will be a comparison of average full year GDP. Then you tell us which President scores higher.

You need to do the exercise so you canā€™t call me a liar. Now if you are too stupid or too lazy to do that - just let me know or STFU.

  • update from Commerce Deptā€™s Bureau of Economic Analysis today: Q4-Q4 2018 growth now 2.97% average annual 2018 growth now 2.85%, slightly below the 2.88% in 2015

Here is what you offered:

Look, if you don't want to honestly compare Obama's years of 2010 and 2011 to Trump's years of 2017 and 2018

And there it is, you bozo, the first sentence.
Here's a picture even...ā€¦..


Are you really this stupid, or is it an act?

So you can look up on your own source

You can't provide the source of your manufactured numbers? Hilarious!!!

and simply add the four quarters and then divide the sum by 4.

Why would I use your inaccurate suggestion?

You need to do the exercise so you canā€™t call me a liar.

But you are a liar. You provided data to 2 decimal places and then posted a link to data to one decimal place.
Because you're a liar.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22104602
Look, if you don't want to honestly compare Obama's years of 2010 and 2011 to Trump's years of 2017 and 2018

And there it is, you bozo, the first sentence.

So you know that was a ā€œfirst sentenceā€ and you choose to hide the following:

Your First Sentence is on the record:

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22095622
Look, if you don't want to honestly compare Obama's years of 2010 and 2011 to Trump's years of 2017 and 2018, just say so.

Iā€™m saying so you moron. Those two years either included or were close to the Q1 & Q2 Recession in 2009.

What I do agree with was this completely separate sentence that you offered:

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22095622
Compare a full years growth to a full years growth.

Just exactly as you asked, I have compared ā€œa full years growth to a full years growthā€ and Obama has the highest average GDP for the full year when compared to Trumpoā€™s average GDP.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22104602
Look, if you don't want to honestly compare Obama's years of 2010 and 2011 to Trump's years of 2017 and 2018

And there it is, you bozo, the first sentence.

So you know that was a ā€œfirst sentenceā€ and you choose to hide the following:

Your First Sentence is on the record:

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22095622
Look, if you don't want to honestly compare Obama's years of 2010 and 2011 to Trump's years of 2017 and 2018, just say so.

Iā€™m saying so you moron. Those two years either included or were close to the Q1 & Q2 Recession in 2009.

What I do agree with was this completely separate sentence that you offered:

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22095622
Compare a full years growth to a full years growth.

Just exactly as you asked, I have compared ā€œa full years growth to a full years growthā€ and Obama has the highest average GDP for the full year when compared to Trumpoā€™s average GDP.

Those two years either included or were close to the Q1 & Q2 Recession in 2009.

The period immediately after the end of a recession is usually a time of strong growth.
But Obama sucked so bad that his weak recovery dragged and dragged.

You whined like a little girl that it was unfair to include 2009, so I was willing to compare 2010 and 2011 to Trump's first two years.

You're going to continue to whine? LOL!

Now, back to your fake GDP numbers....where's your source again? Liar.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22105281
The period immediately after the end of a recession is usually a time of strong growth.

You must have done some calculations to explain your conclusion. Can we see them?

The Great Bush recession did not end until June 2009. You say ā€œusuallyā€ which must mean you have more than one recession that was as deep and as long as the Great Bush recession in recent decades.

Since you have not provided a source or calculations to back your bullshit I found the most recent recession when there were negative GDP Quarters.

Obama surpasses Bill Clinton recovering from a recession.

Obama: Q3ā€™2009 to Q3ā€™2010. Up 6.23 real GDP from negative QTR to highest QTR before a downturn.


US Real GDP Growth Rate by Quarter

Clinton: Q3ā€™1991 to Q4ā€™1992. Up 4.48 real GDP.


US Real GDP Growth Rate by Quarter

So, Toddster wtf are you talking about when you say ā€œThe period immediately after the end of a recession is usually a time of strong growthā€

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22105281
Now, back to your fake GDP numbers....where's your source again?

Why do you doubt the numbers given to you.

Many sources show that Trumpo no longer surpassed Obamaā€™s 2.9 GDP from 2015 after downward revision of Q4 2018 last Thursday.

Says here that TRUmpOā€™s best performance merely matches what you call the horrible Obama.

That makes tRumPO just as horrible.

  • Even after the downward revision, however, GDP for all of 2018 was left at 2.9%. That matched 2015 for the best performance since the Great Recession a decade ago.
U.S. economy grew a slower 2.2% in the fourth quarter, new GDP figures show

So why do you rate TRuMPo as great and Obama as horrible on the economy when Trumpo has done nothing different to improve economic growth than what Obama did. And Trumpo had no terrible recession to contend with?
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22105281
The period immediately after the end of a recession is usually a time of strong growth.

You must have done some calculations to explain your conclusion. Can we see them?

The Great Bush recession did not end until June 2009. You say ā€œusuallyā€ which must mean you have more than one recession that was as deep and as long as the Great Bush recession in recent decades.

Since you have not provided a source or calculations to back your bullshit I found the most recent recession when there were negative GDP Quarters.

Obama surpasses Bill Clinton recovering from a recession.

Obama: Q3ā€™2009 to Q3ā€™2010. Up 6.23 real GDP from negative QTR to highest QTR before a downturn.

View attachment 253031

US Real GDP Growth Rate by Quarter

Clinton: Q3ā€™1991 to Q4ā€™1992. Up 4.48 real GDP.

View attachment 253032

US Real GDP Growth Rate by Quarter

So, Toddster wtf are you talking about when you say ā€œThe period immediately after the end of a recession is usually a time of strong growthā€

Thanks for the source of your fake numbers.

Did you notice that their source only goes to one decimal place? LOL!

So, Toddster wtf are you talking about when you say ā€œThe period immediately after the end of a recession is usually a time of strong growthā€

You know when I said Obama had the weakest recovery since WWII?
That's because typically, after a recession, there is a strong recovery.


Real Gross Domestic Product

Look at Reagan's recovery.
Q1 83 5.4%
Q2 83 9.4%
Q3 83 8.2%
Q4 83 8.6%
Q1 84 8.1%

Now look at Obama's.

Real Gross Domestic Product

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