The ONE big mistake that Trump acolytes on this forum keep on making....

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22105281
The period immediately after the end of a recession is usually a time of strong growth.

You must have done some calculations to explain your conclusion. Can we see them?

The Great Bush recession did not end until June 2009. You say “usually” which must mean you have more than one recession that was as deep and as long as the Great Bush recession in recent decades.

Since you have not provided a source or calculations to back your bullshit I found the most recent recession when there were negative GDP Quarters.

Obama surpasses Bill Clinton recovering from a recession.

Obama: Q3’2009 to Q3’2010. Up 6.23 real GDP from negative QTR to highest QTR before a downturn.

View attachment 253031

US Real GDP Growth Rate by Quarter

Clinton: Q3’1991 to Q4’1992. Up 4.48 real GDP.

View attachment 253032

US Real GDP Growth Rate by Quarter

So, Toddster wtf are you talking about when you say “The period immediately after the end of a recession is usually a time of strong growth”

Clinton: Q3’1991 to Q4’1992. Up 4.48 real GDP.

Hey, moron, Clinton wasn't President until Q1 1993.
Have you always been stupid, or is a recent brain injury to blame?
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22108124
Hey, moron, Clinton wasn't President until Q1 1993.

So correct my mistake to Bush. It’s even better. Obama was better than a Republican on immediate recovery following a recession.

Whoever was President was not the point. Bush’s immediate recovery from the end of the recession increased the GDP 4.48 points before the GDP went down again

Obama’s immediate recovery from the end of the Great Bush recession increased the GDP 6.23 points before the GDP went down again.

So when you said:

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22105281
The period immediately after the end of a recession is usually a time of strong growth.

You are full of shit when you claim Obama sucked.

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22086306
Wow. He really sucked when it comes to the economy, eh?

Obama's recovery didn’t suck. It was better than Bush’s in ‘92.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22108124
Hey, moron, Clinton wasn't President until Q1 1993.

So correct my mistake to Bush. It’s even better. Obama was better than a Republican on immediate recovery following a recession.

Whoever was President was not the point. Bush’s immediate recovery from the end of the recession increased the GDP 4.48 points before the GDP went down again

Obama’s immediate recovery from the end of the Great Bush recession increased the GDP 6.23 points before the GDP went down again.

So when you said:

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22105281
The period immediately after the end of a recession is usually a time of strong growth.

You are full of shit when you claim Obama sucked.

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22086306
Wow. He really sucked when it comes to the economy, eh?

Obama's recovery didn’t suck. It was better than Bush’s in ‘92.

Obama’s immediate recovery from the end of the Great Bush recession increased the GDP 6.23 points

Are you double counting again? That's hilarious!!!

You are full of shit when you claim Obama sucked.

Well, he did have the weakest recovery since WWII.
Despite massive QE and near zero rates from the Fed.
If that's your idea of awesome...…..

Obama's recovery didn’t suck. It was better than Bush’s in ‘92.


You think this ^ was worse than Obama's?


Learn how to do simple math, moron.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22110038
Learn how to do simple math, moron.

What did you erase when you posted this:


You erased the starting point at the end of each recession.

Did both recoveries start when the GDP was at zero?

What was the GDP of the last quarter of each recession. One was less than -1. The other was more than -3. You are telling me that the post-recession economy miraculously jumps from minus 3 and minus 1 to zero and it is not recovery activity (low interest rates, employment up etc) that make up the trend toward economic growth. You are stupid. Your hatred of Obama forces you to deny the obvious science and hard truth of math.

Have you learned how to add positive and negative numbers. You might want to buy a copy of this book.

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Toddsterpatriot, post: 22110038
Learn how to do simple math, moron.

What did you erase when you posted this:

View attachment 253177

You erased the starting point at the end of each recession.

Did both recoveries start when the GDP was at zero?

What was the GDP of the last quarter of each recession. One was less than -1. The other was more than -3. You are telling me that the post-recession economy miraculously jumps from minus 3 and minus 1 to zero and it is not recovery activity (low interest rates, employment up etc) that make up the trend toward economic growth. You are stupid. Your hatred of Obama forces you to deny the obvious science and hard truth of math.

Have you learned how to add positive and negative numbers. You might want to buy a copy of this book.

View attachment 253175

You erased the starting point at the end of each recession.

You've been whining that Obama shouldn't have recession numbers in his totals.
Then you said Obama's recovery was stronger than Bush's.
Why would you include the recession when discussing recovery?

Is it because you're a moron?

You are telling me that the post-recession economy miraculously jumps from minus 3 and minus 1 to zero and it is not recovery activity

I already showed you how strong the Reagan recovery was, did you forget already?

Your hatred of Obama forces you to deny the obvious science and hard truth of math.

Pointing out your incredibly bad math means I hate Obama? LOL!
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22110038
Learn how to do simple math, moron.

What did you erase when you posted this:

View attachment 253177

You erased the starting point at the end of each recession.

Did both recoveries start when the GDP was at zero?

What was the GDP of the last quarter of each recession. One was less than -1. The other was more than -3. You are telling me that the post-recession economy miraculously jumps from minus 3 and minus 1 to zero and it is not recovery activity (low interest rates, employment up etc) that make up the trend toward economic growth. You are stupid. Your hatred of Obama forces you to deny the obvious science and hard truth of math.

Have you learned how to add positive and negative numbers. You might want to buy a copy of this book.

View attachment 253175

Which 4 of these.....


Would make Obama's recovery stronger than 4 of these...….

Meister, post: 22060872
You are having an issue with "the facts".

My facts are just fine. At least I know that the ACA was not passed in the middle of a recession or any time during a recession.

I know that the ACA had nothing to do with the Bush tax cuts expiring in 2014 for incomes over $400k.

If you go around bashing poster’s for their issues with facts you ought to straighten out your disastrous written record of pitiful factkess posts the past couple days.

Your issues a on the written record here.
Something for you to chew on, conrade. Yes, Obama's regulations stymied business.

Opinions are like assholes - everyone has one, but it doesn't mean they're right. The right has long held the opinion that regulations kill jobs, but there is absolutely NO DATA to back them off.

If regulations were stifling business, why has job creation dropped off since Trump deregulated? One would think that job creation would have taken a huge jump, not a huge drop. Not to mention, job creation was actually strengthed by the Obama regulations. Obama has his highest job creation numbers AFTER the work on modernizing the regulation began.

Bush deregulated like crazy and that didn't save any jobs in the recession, and Trump's deregulations isn't creating any jobs now. Trump completely dergulated the coal industry and they're still losing jobs.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22110705
Which 4 of these

It’s not four stupid. We are calculating the total economic growth measured in real GDP from the negative GDP of the last negative qtr of the recession because the deeper the recession the more difficult it is to come out of it. I calculate the total between the negative number and the last positive GDP qtr before a downturn.

Except in Trump world the depth of the recession does not matter. That’s because was far and away from a recession when inaugurated.

Pretend you need to walk 100 feet east from where you were to get an ice cream cone. But stupid as you are you walked 25 feet west before you figured it out and turned around.

Negative GDP is like that - the wrong way.

So now how far do you need to walk to get your fat ass an ice cream cone?

Is it 100 feet because JESUS and four angels carried you back to your starting point?

No. You have to walk 125 feet now.

Get it - dope?
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Toddsterpatriot, post: 22110705
Which 4 of these

It’s not four stupid. We are calculating the total economic growth measured in real GDP from the negative GDP of the last negative qtr of the recession because the deeper the recession the more difficult it is to come out of it. I calculate the total between the negative number and the last positive GDP qtr before a downturn.

Except in Trump world the depth of the recession does not matter. That’s because was far and away from a recession when inaugurated.

Pretend you need to walk 100 feet east from where you were to get an ice cream cone. But stupid as you are you walked 25 feet west before you figured it out and turned around.

Negative GDP is like that - the wrong way.

So now how far do you need to walk to get your fat ass an ice cream cone?

Is it 100 feet because JESUS and four angels carried you back to your starting point?

No. You have to walk 125 feet now.

Get it - dope?

We are calculating the total economic growth measured in real GDP from the negative GDP of the last negative qtr of the recession

So you're double counting. Because you're a moron.

I calculate the total between the negative number and the last positive GDP qtr before a downturn.

That is an excellent number to use, as long as you're pulling useless numbers out of your ass.

Pretend you need to walk 100 feet east from where you were to get an ice cream cone. But stupid as you are you walked 25 feet west before you figured it out and turned around.

Perfect. Use your negative number... if GDP in 2008 was $1,000,000 and in 2009 dropped by 25%,
2009 GDP would be $750,000. Sorry, I used math here.
Now in 2010, we see an awesome recovery of 10% which means 2010 GDP is $825,000. Sorry, math again.

Only a stupid twat, that's you in this example, thinks that $825,000 means that Obama grew GDP by 35%.
Somehow (being poorly educated as Trump clearly stated about his followers).....cult members on this forum make the mistake of "thinking" that the obvious majority of right wingers on here represents ALL of America.....of course, they're clearly wrong.

If there still exists some semblance of rationale among this right wing ilk, they should ask themselves what ARE the chances that someone like Trump could get re-elected in such states as Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and a few others....where there has been more than half a million factory workers are now working part-time, menial jobs having had those industries closed???

Sure, working one or two and even three part-time jobs makes one "employed".......but reality that Trump's promises were based on demagoguery has finally materialized.

You lost, remember? No one cares. This still really bothers you. Seek MH treatment.

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Somehow (being poorly educated as Trump clearly stated about his followers).....cult members on this forum make the mistake of "thinking" that the obvious majority of right wingers on here represents ALL of America.....of course, they're clearly wrong.

If there still exists some semblance of rationale among this right wing ilk, they should ask themselves what ARE the chances that someone like Trump could get re-elected in such states as Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and a few others....where there has been more than half a million factory workers are now working part-time, menial jobs having had those industries closed???

Sure, working one or two and even three part-time jobs makes one "employed".......but reality that Trump's promises were based on demagoguery has finally materialized.

Do you “think” you and your cast of left wing clowns on this forum represents ALL left in this country?
Do you “think” you and your cast of left wing clowns on this forum represents ALL left in this country?
Do you "think" you and your like minded fellow compartmentalized "thinkers" of the binary persuasion believe your "compartment" is the only one in the car hooked on to the the single engine on the track to the American Dream? With that "thinking" the result would likely resemble a bloody nightmare in the end if another WWII came around the bend!

Poorly educated was the reference for dims. You are too poorly educated to understand.

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interesting subject since the crazy angry left thought the polls that indicated Hillary in a landslide

Morons like you should someday figure out that polls gauge POPULAR vote........and, indeed, Hillary won that data...........But WHY do you cult members have to constantly "defend" the orange idiot by bringing up Hillary??


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Somehow (being poorly educated as Trump clearly stated about his followers).....cult members on this forum make the mistake of "thinking" that the obvious majority of right wingers on here represents ALL of America.....of course, they're clearly wrong.

If there still exists some semblance of rationale among this right wing ilk, they should ask themselves what ARE the chances that someone like Trump could get re-elected in such states as Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and a few others....where there has been more than half a million factory workers are now working part-time, menial jobs having had those industries closed???

Sure, working one or two and even three part-time jobs makes one "employed".......but reality that Trump's promises were based on demagoguery has finally materialized.

Do you “think” you and your cast of left wing clowns on this forum represents ALL left in this country?
Do you “think” you and your cast of left wing clowns on this forum represents ALL left in this country?
Do you "think" you and your like minded fellow compartmentalized "thinkers" of the binary persuasion believe your "compartment" is the only one in the car hooked on to the the single engine on the track to the American Dream? With that "thinking" the result would likely resemble a bloody nightmare in the end if another WWII came around the bend!

Poorly educated was the reference for dims. You are too poorly educated to understand.

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Trump says he 'loves the poorly educated' after claiming 3rd straight ...
Somehow (being poorly educated as Trump clearly stated about his followers).....cult members on this forum make the mistake of "thinking" that the obvious majority of right wingers on here represents ALL of America.....of course, they're clearly wrong.

If there still exists some semblance of rationale among this right wing ilk, they should ask themselves what ARE the chances that someone like Trump could get re-elected in such states as Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and a few others....where there has been more than half a million factory workers are now working part-time, menial jobs having had those industries closed???

Sure, working one or two and even three part-time jobs makes one "employed".......but reality that Trump's promises were based on demagoguery has finally materialized.

Do you “think” you and your cast of left wing clowns on this forum represents ALL left in this country?
Do you “think” you and your cast of left wing clowns on this forum represents ALL left in this country?
Do you "think" you and your like minded fellow compartmentalized "thinkers" of the binary persuasion believe your "compartment" is the only one in the car hooked on to the the single engine on the track to the American Dream? With that "thinking" the result would likely resemble a bloody nightmare in the end if another WWII came around the bend!

Poorly educated was the reference for dims. You are too poorly educated to understand.

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Trump says he 'loves the poorly educated' after claiming 3rd straight ...

He’s in your head. It’s all you can think about. Whenever you wake up tomorrow, he’ll still be in there.

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View attachment 253038

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22105281
Now, back to your fake GDP numbers....where's your source again?

Why do you doubt the numbers given to you.

Many sources show that Trumpo no longer surpassed Obama’s 2.9 GDP from 2015 after downward revision of Q4 2018 last Thursday.

Says here that TRUmpO’s best performance merely matches what you call the horrible Obama.

That makes tRumPO just as horrible.

  • Even after the downward revision, however, GDP for all of 2018 was left at 2.9%. That matched 2015 for the best performance since the Great Recession a decade ago.
U.S. economy grew a slower 2.2% in the fourth quarter, new GDP figures show

So why do you rate TRuMPo as great and Obama as horrible on the economy when Trumpo has done nothing different to improve economic growth than what Obama did. And Trumpo had no terrible recession to contend with?
Economy slowing from 2.6 percent to 2.2 percent?
Looks like our country is headed to the same fate as Trump casino, or Trump steaks or Trump wine or Trump University, or golf courses, hotels etc.

Now i'm waiting for the redcaps to blame it on the "border crisis".
Perfect. Use your negative number... if GDP in 2008 was $1,000,000 and in 2009 dropped by 25%,
2009 GDP would be $750,000. Sorry, I used math here.
Now in 2010, we see an awesome recovery of 10% which means 2010 GDP is $825,000. Sorry, math again.

Only a stupid twat, that's you in this example, thinks that $825,000 means that Obama grew GDP by 35%.

Idiot, my example was total distance traveled from point A to point B after starting in the negative and turning around. It was not an example of calculating the percentage of distance traveled.

You, the most stupid of all stupids on the ‘Make America Goober’s Again’ clown car concocted an example where you are already at the Dairy Queen and then walk 25 feet east because being a stupid ass you left your MAGA hat on the Clown car and you want to aggravate the black girl working behind the counter at the DQ.

After you retrieved your MAGoobersA hat you begin to walk west back to the DQ but your lazy fat ass can only get you 10 feet in that direction.

In my example you walk a total distance of 125 feet adfing the negative distance to the positive dustance and you get your ice cream cone.

In your example you end up one confused Trumpo GOOBER standing in the parking lot calculating not the total distance traveled in the right direction (GDP GROWTH from point A to point B) but rather what percentage of the distance you traveled after starting at point B without even having a point A in the first place.

Let’s try vertical distance shall we? Based upon elevation.

Suppose you are tasked with digging a hole to a depth of -10 feet below sea level from an existing grade that is 3 feet above sea level. What is the total depth of the hole.

It is 13’ not 3’. If you don’t believe just jump in, I tossed your stupid MAGoobersA hat down there.

I suggest you find a ladder.

Bush dug a very deep hole that Obama had to get us out of.

He was referring to the list of various polling groups created by pollsters....he won them all.

And then he won the election.


Watch the video at your provided link.

Poorly educated is one of the polling categories he listed right after winning with highly educated.

"We won with evangelicals, we won with young, we won with old, we won with highly educated, we won with poorly educated...we love the poorly educated" [cheers].

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