The ONE big mistake that Trump acolytes on this forum keep on making....

Perfect. Use your negative number... if GDP in 2008 was $1,000,000 and in 2009 dropped by 25%,
2009 GDP would be $750,000. Sorry, I used math here.
Now in 2010, we see an awesome recovery of 10% which means 2010 GDP is $825,000. Sorry, math again.

Only a stupid twat, that's you in this example, thinks that $825,000 means that Obama grew GDP by 35%.

Idiot, my example was total distance traveled from point A to point B after starting in the negative and turning around. It was not an example of calculating the percentage of distance traveled.

You, the most stupid of all stupids on the ‘Make America Goober’s Again’ clown car concocted an example where you are already at the Dairy Queen and then walk 25 feet east because being a stupid ass you left your MAGA hat on the Clown car and you want to aggravate the black girl working behind the counter at the DQ.

After you retrieved your MAGoobersA hat you begin to walk west back to the DQ but your lazy fat ass can only get you 10 feet in that direction.

In my example you walk a total distance of 125 feet adfing the negative distance to the positive dustance and you get your ice cream cone.

In your example you end up one confused Trumpo GOOBER standing in the parking lot calculating not the total distance traveled in the right direction (GDP GROWTH from point A to point B) but rather what percentage of the distance you traveled after starting at point B without even having a point A in the first place.

Let’s try vertical distance shall we? Based upon elevation.

Suppose you are tasked with digging a hole to a depth of -10 feet below sea level from an existing grade that is 3 feet above sea level. What is the total depth of the hole.

It is 13’ not 3’. If you don’t believe just jump in, I tossed your stupid MAGoobersA hat down there.

I suggest you find a ladder.

Bush dug a very deep hole that Obama had to get us out of.

Idiot, my example was total distance traveled from point A to point B after starting in the negative

Twat, my example was GDP. Pull your head out of your ass and join the conversation.

Now, back to GDP.


Explain again how this shows Obama grew real GDP by 6.23%.
It never stops being funny. Idiot.
we love the poorly educated" [cheers].

Why....for all that is logical.....would a moron like Trump EVER say "we love the poorly educated"???

Although, appointing Betsy DoVos as Sec. of Ed.......DOES INDEED CONFIRM that the Trumpsters must "love the poorly educated."........LOL
Why....for all that is logical.....would a moron like Trump EVER say "we love the poorly educated"???

Because "poorly educated" are a demographic created by pollsters from people self-identifying when polled as having a HS diploma or GED as their highest education.
Why....for all that is logical.....would a moron like Trump EVER say "we love the poorly educated"???

Because "poorly educated" are a demographic created by pollsters from people self-identifying when polled as having a HS diploma or GED as their highest education.

Give it a rest........your head must be dizzy from all that spinning.....LMAO

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22113328
Idiot, my example was total distance traveled from point A to point B after starting in the negative

Efn fool. You have no point A and B. You are starting at the DQ.(my point B) You walk away 25 feet and then walk back 10 feet. You never get your fat ass back to the DQ. Then you calculate some irrelevant percentage about were you are standing with no clue about why you are standing there.

Refer to my second example about digging a hole below sea level.

Zero GDP is sea level. -10 GDP wouid be 10 ft below sea level. 3.0 GDP wouid be 3 feet above sea level. Total distance from top of hole to bottom of hole is 13 feet. Do you dispute that fact.

It is a rather simple calculation.
People being poorly educated is one of our biggest problems, and we need to make more affordable trade schools as well as affordable colleges.
The US has way too high of crime and far too many jobs unfilled/
Somehow (being poorly educated as Trump clearly stated about his followers).....cult members on this forum make the mistake of "thinking" that the obvious majority of right wingers on here represents ALL of America.....of course, they're clearly wrong.

If there still exists some semblance of rationale among this right wing ilk, they should ask themselves what ARE the chances that someone like Trump could get re-elected in such states as Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and a few others....where there has been more than half a million factory workers are now working part-time, menial jobs having had those industries closed???

Sure, working one or two and even three part-time jobs makes one "employed".......but reality that Trump's promises were based on demagoguery has finally materialized.

gnat, you failed to successfully complete an elementary level education. You're hardly in any position to disparage the education of your moral and intellectual superiors on the right.

Trump will be reelected in 2020 - the Mueller witch hunt guarantees it. Even the radical leftist press acknowledges the fact. You lack even rudimentary critical thinking skills, so this is impossible for you to grasp.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22113328

Explain again how this shows Obama grew real GDP by 6.23%.

I’m not saying Obama Grew real GDP 6.23. Thats your folly because you are stupid.

That is a measurement from the last qtr of negative GDP to the highest post-recession Qtr preceding the first qtr in the recovery which recorded a downturn. It is a measurement to show the degee of difficulty facing a “recession President” vs a non-recession President like Trumpo. It shows the severity of the recession that Obama inherited compared to the good shape that Trumpo was in when he started.

Obama economic hardship measurement is 6.23 based on those GDP points in time as noted.

What is Trumpi’s hardship measurement?


Trumpo inherited an economy that’s was growing so picked Q2 2017 for the low point. It gives him his highest hardship. It’s 1.06.

This is mathematical proof that Obama faced a much deeper hole to climb out of. It was necessary because you lyingly seek to compare Trumpo to Obama as apples to apples. There is no truth in that.

Trumpo only so far has a better growth record when compared to presidents who faced recession early on.

Here are some points I’m getting to:

Trump lags behind his predecessors on economic growth
  • It is commonly said that a President deserves some credit or blame for the economy’s performance only after he’s been in office about six months.
  • On those terms, let’s measure Trump’s words against the record for real GDP growth over the last three quarters (July 2017 through March 2018). Over those quarters, GDP has grown at an annual rate of 2.6 percent.
(Obama’s annual rate is 2.4 *** Trumpo ahead by 0.4 and that’s it. Do we deserve all The Trumpette hyperbole?)
  • Trump here bests the four presidents who faced recessions in their first year in office (Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon). Trump’s other five predecessors came to office, as he did, during economic expansions.
  • Among them, he’s tied for last place: Real GDP growth under Trump over the three quarters has lagged Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Lyndon Johnson and John Kennedy, and tied George H.W. Bush, as the data in the following table shows.

And we won’t know Trumpo’s final score which still may get burned by a recession before he leaves office. Another Republican gift to the world.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22113328
Idiot, my example was total distance traveled from point A to point B after starting in the negative

Efn fool. You have no point A and B. You are starting at the DQ.(my point B) You walk away 25 feet and then walk back 10 feet. You never get your fat ass back to the DQ. Then you calculate some irrelevant percentage about were you are standing with no clue about why you are standing there.

Refer to my second example about digging a hole below sea level.

Zero GDP is sea level. -10 GDP wouid be 10 ft below sea level. 3.0 GDP wouid be 3 feet above sea level. Total distance from top of hole to bottom of hole is 13 feet. Do you dispute that fact.

It is a rather simple calculation.

It is a rather simple calculation.

Yes, GDP growth is a simple calculation.

Tell me again about Obama and 6.23%. Durr…...
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22113328

Explain again how this shows Obama grew real GDP by 6.23%.

I’m not saying Obama Grew real GDP 6.23. Thats your folly because you are stupid.

That is a measurement from the last qtr of negative GDP to the highest post-recession Qtr preceding the first qtr in the recovery which recorded a downturn. It is a measurement to show the degee of difficulty facing a “recession President” vs a non-recession President like Trumpo. It shows the severity of the recession that Obama inherited compared to the good shape that Trumpo was in when he started.

Obama economic hardship measurement is 6.23 based on those GDP points in time as noted.

What is Trumpi’s hardship measurement?

View attachment 253276

Trumpo inherited an economy that’s was growing so picked Q2 2017 for the low point. It gives him his highest hardship. It’s 1.06.

This is mathematical proof that Obama faced a much deeper hole to climb out of. It was necessary because you lyingly seek to compare Trumpo to Obama as apples to apples. There is no truth in that.

Trumpo only so far has a better growth record when compared to presidents who faced recession early on.

Here are some points I’m getting to:

Trump lags behind his predecessors on economic growth
  • It is commonly said that a President deserves some credit or blame for the economy’s performance only after he’s been in office about six months.
  • On those terms, let’s measure Trump’s words against the record for real GDP growth over the last three quarters (July 2017 through March 2018). Over those quarters, GDP has grown at an annual rate of 2.6 percent.
(Obama’s annual rate is 2.4 *** Trumpo ahead by 0.4 and that’s it. Do we deserve all The Trumpette hyperbole?)
  • Trump here bests the four presidents who faced recessions in their first year in office (Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon). Trump’s other five predecessors came to office, as he did, during economic expansions.
  • Among them, he’s tied for last place: Real GDP growth under Trump over the three quarters has lagged Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Lyndon Johnson and John Kennedy, and tied George H.W. Bush, as the data in the following table shows.
And we won’t know Trumpo’s final score which still may get burned by a recession before he leaves office. Another Republican gift to the world.
I’m not saying Obama Grew real GDP 6.23.

That is a measurement from the last qtr of negative GDP to the highest post-recession Qtr preceding the first qtr in the recovery which recorded a downturn.

So you pulled a number out of your ass like it meant anything? Cool story bro.

This is mathematical proof that Obama faced a much deeper hole to climb out of.

Poor Obama, no President ever had a recession before.

Obama’s annual rate is 2.4 *** Trumpo ahead by 0.4 and that’s it.

Trump is ahead of Obama? LOL!

Two Charts Show Trump's Job Gains Are Just A Continuation From Obama's Presidency

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22116409
Poor Obama, no President ever had a recession before.

No president since WWII faced a recession as deep as the Great Bush Recession as Obama has. You are an idiot to defend Trumpo as you do.

CHART. A Here is the unemployment curve - reality. TrUMpO has not changed the trajectory one iota. It may start a dip fairly soon:


CHART. B. This must how TRUMPO cultists, who are recession denyers, see the same chart to make Trumpo the Great White hopester who is slaying unemployment because Obama couldn’t possible have done as good as a white business man. No way.


Chart C - this must be how TruMPo cultists, who accept the recession, see the same chart:


Which Chart is real to you Toddster? A B C or D none of the above because all charts come from fake news or the deep state or Satan.
View attachment 253351
Two Charts Show Trump's Job Gains Are Just A Continuation From Obama's Presidency

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22116409
Poor Obama, no President ever had a recession before.

No president since WWII faced a recession as deep as the Great Bush Recession as Obama has. You are an idiot to defend Trumpo as you do.

CHART. A Here is the unemployment curve - reality. TrUMpO has not changed the trajectory one iota. It may start a dip fairly soon:

View attachment 253347

CHART. B. This must how TRUMPO cultists, who are recession denyers, see the same chart to make Trumpo the Great White hopester who is slaying unemployment because Obama couldn’t possible have done as good as a white business man. No way.

View attachment 253349

Chart C - this must be how TruMPo cultists, who accept the recession, see the same chart:

View attachment 253352

Which Chart is real to you Toddster? A B C or D none of the above because all charts come from fake news or the deep state or Satan.

No president since WWII faced a recession as deep as the Great Bush Recession as Obama has.

Poor Obama.....he had a recession until June 2009. Waaaah.

We need to ignore his weakest recovery since WWII...….DURR
Didn’t get Mexico to pay for the wall

Didn’t put the middle class first

Didn’t repeal and replace Obamacare

Didn’t maga

Actually widened the gap between the rich and poor
He put a lot of money in your pocket as he did into mine.
That is what my post was about.
I don't went down some rabbit trail. :cool-45:
$1700 is not a lot. And over time our tax break goes away but the tax break for the rich stays.

Trump is a liar. He said exactly what I wanted to hear when he ran for president. He lied. I almost fell for it. I didn’t. You did.

Don’t try and tell me he didn’t lie. This lie is unforgivable. I don’t care about a wall he said rich people taxes would go up and he was more worried about the middle class. That was a lie. Stop sucking trumps dick

And over time our tax break goes away but the tax break for the rich stays.

You're right. Thanks to Dem assholes, the individual tax cuts, for everyone, are set to expire.
The Dems are free, of course, to introduce a bill to make them permanent. They won't.
I wonder why?
Because we need the money?
What we need is not more money, but, less know that as well as I do.
Until you realize the public wants to fund things like the special olympics.
He put a lot of money in your pocket as he did into mine.
That is what my post was about.
I don't went down some rabbit trail. :cool-45:
$1700 is not a lot. And over time our tax break goes away but the tax break for the rich stays.

Trump is a liar. He said exactly what I wanted to hear when he ran for president. He lied. I almost fell for it. I didn’t. You did.

Don’t try and tell me he didn’t lie. This lie is unforgivable. I don’t care about a wall he said rich people taxes would go up and he was more worried about the middle class. That was a lie. Stop sucking trumps dick

And over time our tax break goes away but the tax break for the rich stays.

You're right. Thanks to Dem assholes, the individual tax cuts, for everyone, are set to expire.
The Dems are free, of course, to introduce a bill to make them permanent. They won't.
I wonder why?
Because we need the money?
What we need is not more money, but, less know that as well as I do.
Until you realize the public wants to fund things like the special olympics.
Well, go read what Trump thinks about funding the Special Olympics, son.
Less spending, Silly, less spending. It's a hard concept for any politician, and democrat socialists.

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