The ONE big mistake that Trump acolytes on this forum keep on making....

Without a way to reach women, the GOP is unlikely to survive

Pollster: GOP base is shrinking

It doesn’t matter what poll you look at, the one thing they can all agree on is the Republican Party is shrinking. Older white ones are dying and they’re not being replaced by younger ones because nobody wants to be seen as racist and misogynist.
Y’all parrot this same shit every time. The GOP can’t get women voters, they can’t get Latino voters, they can’t get young voters, blah blah blah. And yet the Donald won the popular vote in 30 of 50 states.

He lost the national popular vote. 3/4ths of the latinos in America did not vote for Trump.

Your point? He won 30 of 50 states, and the electoral college. Get over it.

You can win 3 states and get 7 million votes and you can win 2 states and get 40 million votes. He did not get the majority of votes from American voters. And I am not going to listen to a hypocrite who would be demanding endless recounts if this had happened to Trump.
Without a way to reach women, the GOP is unlikely to survive

Pollster: GOP base is shrinking

It doesn’t matter what poll you look at, the one thing they can all agree on is the Republican Party is shrinking. Older white ones are dying and they’re not being replaced by younger ones because nobody wants to be seen as racist and misogynist.
Y’all parrot this same shit every time. The GOP can’t get women voters, they can’t get Latino voters, they can’t get young voters, blah blah blah. And yet the Donald won the popular vote in 30 of 50 states.

He lost the national popular vote. 3/4ths of the latinos in America did not vote for Trump.

Your point? He won 30 of 50 states, and the electoral college. Get over it.

You can win 3 states and get 7 million votes and you can win 2 states and get 40 million votes. He did not get the majority of votes from American voters. And I am not going to listen to a hypocrite who would be demanding endless recounts if this had happened to Trump.

The Presidency has never been a national popular vote, nor should it. The Founders thought it out quite well, they built a system that would shield the country from a few corrupt states.
Without a way to reach women, the GOP is unlikely to survive

Pollster: GOP base is shrinking

It doesn’t matter what poll you look at, the one thing they can all agree on is the Republican Party is shrinking. Older white ones are dying and they’re not being replaced by younger ones because nobody wants to be seen as racist and misogynist.
Y’all parrot this same shit every time. The GOP can’t get women voters, they can’t get Latino voters, they can’t get young voters, blah blah blah. And yet the Donald won the popular vote in 30 of 50 states.

He lost the national popular vote. 3/4ths of the latinos in America did not vote for Trump.

Your point? He won 30 of 50 states, and the electoral college. Get over it.

You can win 3 states and get 7 million votes and you can win 2 states and get 40 million votes. He did not get the majority of votes from American voters. And I am not going to listen to a hypocrite who would be demanding endless recounts if this had happened to Trump.

The Presidency has never been a national popular vote, nor should it. The Founders thought it out quite well, they built a system that would shield the country from a few corrupt states.

You can win 3 states and get 7 million votes and you can win 2 states and get 40 million votes. He did not get the majority of votes from American voters. And I am not going to listen to a hypocrite who would be demanding endless recounts if this had happened to Trump.
Handing off the baton. Republican to Democrat and Democrat to Republican

And what happened Second year in office real GDP:

Obama 2.57 six months off worst recession since Great Depression courtesy of George W Bush, a tax cut for the rich Republican. Obama faced in the month he was inaugurated, unemployment rising to 7.7% and and getting worse, and of course January 2009 – 818,000 jobs lost; February 2009 – 724,000 jobs lost; March 2009 – 799,000 jobs lost; April 2009 – 692,000 jobs lost ;

Trumpo 2.88 following seven full years of positive GDP, low inflation, steady decreasing in unemployment from 10% to 4.8% with the economy adding +227,900 jobs the month he was inaugurated.

So Trumpo beats Obama by 0.31 on Second year avg gdp and Toddster scores it Obama very weak and Trumpo very strong.

If that is not a hate based judgment call I don’t know what is.

Toddsterpatriot, post: 22092091
Trump had steadily rising rates with the balance sheet down to $4 trillion.

You claim in the most vague of terms that Trumpo had steadily rising rates. So did Obama over a first two year comparison which is all we can do since Trumpo’s third year is headed down from 2018 and perhaps will be lower than 2017.

Trumpo cultist math involving adjectives:

Trumpo raised the GDP from his first year in office to his second a whopping 0.67 %

Obama raised the GDP from his first year in office a to his second a measly 5.21 %

I gave you a picture so I know you saw the numbers:

View attachment 252665

A 5.21 increase in GDP is greater than a 0.67 increase in GDP at the same point in each presidency in case you didn’t know that.

View attachment 252666

Trumpo had a 4.85 point head start his first year thanks to the Obama recovery. Trumpo had two MAGA quarters in 2018, however falling far short of the 4.0 to 6.0 annual GDP goal he promised we’d get from his tax cuts that were mostly for rich people like him.

Annual 5.0 GDP would have been very impressive had Trumpo got us there and the Fed balance sheet reduced to a trillion - about what it was prior to the Great Bush recession.

But Trumpo’s stimulus has failed on many fronts to produce anything but one quarter at 3.0 and 3.08. That’s it. You are gushing over that. Now the Fed had to end its quantitative tightening.for the rest of his term.

Tell us as a Trumpo cult member if you still believe Trumpo’s bullshit 5.0 GDP with gushers of overflowing revenue into Fed coffers are still on the way, just like Mexico will pay for a big beautiful wall and he has a plan ready to go to cover everyone’s healthcare cheaper and better than the ACA,

Or are you so deeply brainwashed that you think all that bullshit has already happened?

You claim in the most vague of terms that Trumpo had steadily rising rates.

Try to follow. This involves actual numbers, so as a liberal, you probably won't understand.


Effective Federal Funds Rate | FRED | St. Louis Fed

This shows the effective Fed Funds rate from Jan 2009 - Dec 2016.
You might notice it was at or below 0.25% until Dec 2015.


This shows the effective Fed Funds rate from Jan 2017 - Dec 2018.
You may notice, instead of remaining at or below 0.25%, like they did for 7 years, these rates are steadily rising.

Effective Federal Funds Rate | FRED | St. Louis Fed

Trumpo raised the GDP from his first year in office to his second a whopping 0.67 %

It's true, Trump's average his first two years was higher than Obama's average.
Without a way to reach women, the GOP is unlikely to survive

Pollster: GOP base is shrinking

It doesn’t matter what poll you look at, the one thing they can all agree on is the Republican Party is shrinking. Older white ones are dying and they’re not being replaced by younger ones because nobody wants to be seen as racist and misogynist.
Y’all parrot this same shit every time. The GOP can’t get women voters, they can’t get Latino voters, they can’t get young voters, blah blah blah. And yet the Donald won the popular vote in 30 of 50 states.

He lost the national popular vote. 3/4ths of the latinos in America did not vote for Trump.

And he won the Electoral College vote.
The one that counts.
Somehow (being poorly educated as Trump clearly stated about his followers).....cult members on this forum make the mistake of "thinking" that the obvious majority of right wingers on here represents ALL of America.....of course, they're clearly wrong.

If there still exists some semblance of rationale among this right wing ilk, they should ask themselves what ARE the chances that someone like Trump could get re-elected in such states as Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and a few others....where there has been more than half a million factory workers are now working part-time, menial jobs having had those industries closed???

Sure, working one or two and even three part-time jobs makes one "employed".......but reality that Trump's promises were based on demagoguery has finally materialized.
Whats wrong with always being right? And beign able to do a quick Google search to find out facts (Why do lefties never do this?)
Without a way to reach women, the GOP is unlikely to survive

Pollster: GOP base is shrinking

It doesn’t matter what poll you look at, the one thing they can all agree on is the Republican Party is shrinking. Older white ones are dying and they’re not being replaced by younger ones because nobody wants to be seen as racist and misogynist.
Y’all parrot this same shit every time. The GOP can’t get women voters, they can’t get Latino voters, they can’t get young voters, blah blah blah. And yet the Donald won the popular vote in 30 of 50 states.

He lost the national popular vote. 3/4ths of the latinos in America did not vote for Trump.

Your point? He won 30 of 50 states, and the electoral college. Get over it.

You can win 3 states and get 7 million votes and you can win 2 states and get 40 million votes. He did not get the majority of votes from American voters. And I am not going to listen to a hypocrite who would be demanding endless recounts if this had happened to Trump.

You can win 3 states and get 7 million votes and you can win 2 states and get 40 million votes.

If those were the only 5 states, and every citizen voted, the guy with 40 million votes would win the electoral college by about 374-71
Here's another mistake
Hey deplorables I have noticed your Reality Detachment Syndrome has caused a great misconception. No one is attacking Trump for beating Hillary. Most Democrats do not care about that anymore. I don't. You people bring it up ten no one hundred times more than any Dems I know. Think about that. Look it up on whatever social media you use. We no longer care that Trump beat Hillary, we care about having a crook in the White House. Once you people get at least that through your partisan heads the better off everyone will be. Get over Hillary we have!
Here's another mistake
Hey deplorables I have noticed your Reality Detachment Syndrome has caused a great misconception. No one is attacking Trump for beating Hillary. Most Democrats do not care about that anymore. I don't. You people bring it up ten no one hundred times more than any Dems I know. Think about that. Look it up on whatever social media you use. We no longer care that Trump beat Hillary, we care about having a crook in the White House. Once you people get at least that through your partisan heads the better off everyone will be. Get over Hillary we have!

....AND, to add to these cultists' Reality Detachment.......let's always remind them of just how much of beating they took in the House last November........The "times they are a-changing."
Here's another mistake
Hey deplorables I have noticed your Reality Detachment Syndrome has caused a great misconception. No one is attacking Trump for beating Hillary. Most Democrats do not care about that anymore. I don't. You people bring it up ten no one hundred times more than any Dems I know. Think about that. Look it up on whatever social media you use. We no longer care that Trump beat Hillary, we care about having a crook in the White House. Once you people get at least that through your partisan heads the better off everyone will be. Get over Hillary we have!

A crook? What crimes did he commit?
A crook? What crimes did he commit?

The "crime" of hiring and surrounding himself with a half dozen CROOKS who are going to prison.......

Here's YOUR chance of openly stating that Trump hires only the very "best" of treasonous criminals.
A crook? What crimes did he commit?

The "crime" of hiring and surrounding himself with a half dozen CROOKS who are going to prison.......

Here's YOUR chance of openly stating that Trump hires only the very "best" of treasonous criminals.

So he’s guilty of a “crime” even though you can’t name one, just because others around him committed a crime before he was President and without his knowledge.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22094578
Trumpo raised the GDP from his first year in office to his second a whopping 0.67 %

It's true, Trump's average his first two years was higher than Obama's average.

Obama raised the GDP from his first year in office a to his second year in office nine times more whopping than Trumpo at 5.21 %.

The two didn’t start at the same rate on Inauguration. If they did you could go by average over first two years .

But since they didn’t the only valid comparison is how much they improved the economy from where it was on Inauguration Day.

Obama slaughters your big dumbass orange faced goon in real numbers when looking at improvement measured by GDP.
A crook? What crimes did he commit?

The "crime" of hiring and surrounding himself with a half dozen CROOKS who are going to prison.......

Here's YOUR chance of openly stating that Trump hires only the very "best" of treasonous criminals.

So he’s guilty of a “crime” even though you can’t name one, just because others around him committed a crime before he was President and without his knowledge.

The proverbial BUCK stops at Trump's fat asshole........LOL
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22094578
Trumpo raised the GDP from his first year in office to his second a whopping 0.67 %

It's true, Trump's average his first two years was higher than Obama's average.

Obama raised the GDP from his first year in office a to his second year in office nine times more whopping than Trumpo at 5.21 %.

The two didn’t start at the same rate on Inauguration. If they did you could go by average over first two years .

But since they didn’t the only valid comparison is how much they improved the economy from where it was on Inauguration Day.

Obama slaughters your big dumbass orange faced goon in real numbers when looking at improvement measured by GDP.

Obama raised the GDP from his first year in office a to his second year in office nine times more whopping than Trumpo at 5.21 %.

We're not supposed to count the drop in GDP during the first year Obama was in office, but we're supposed to count the increase over that drop? You're double counting.

I'll give you an example, but it involves math, I don't expect you to understand.
Pretend GDP in 2008 was $1000. That's a number.....are you still with me?

Now, in 2009, GDP shrinks by 2.64%. That's a number.....are you still with me?
That means GDP is $973.60. That's a number.....are you still with me?

Now, in 2010, GDP grows by 2.57%. That's a number.....are you still with me?
That means GDP is $998.62. That's a number.....are you still with me?

Obama didn't grow GDP by 5.21%. Moron.

Just count the actual growth, you idiot.
What did Obama have for GDP growth in 2010 and 2011?
What did Trump have for GDP growth in 2017 and 2018?
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22094578
Trumpo raised the GDP from his first year in office to his second a whopping 0.67 %

It's true, Trump's average his first two years was higher than Obama's average.

Obama raised the GDP from his first year in office a to his second year in office nine times more whopping than Trumpo at 5.21 %.

The two didn’t start at the same rate on Inauguration. If they did you could go by average over first two years .

But since they didn’t the only valid comparison is how much they improved the economy from where it was on Inauguration Day.

Obama slaughters your big dumbass orange faced goon in real numbers when looking at improvement measured by GDP.

Obama raised the GDP from his first year in office a to his second year in office nine times more whopping than Trumpo at 5.21 %.

We're not supposed to count the drop in GDP during the first year Obama was in office, but we're supposed to count the increase over that drop? You're double counting.

I'll give you an example, but it involves math, I don't expect you to understand.
Pretend GDP in 2008 was $1000. That's a number.....are you still with me?

Now, in 2009, GDP shrinks by 2.64%. That's a number.....are you still with me?
That means GDP is $973.60. That's a number.....are you still with me?

Now, in 2010, GDP grows by 2.57%. That's a number.....are you still with me?
That means GDP is $998.62. That's a number.....are you still with me?

Obama didn't grow GDP by 5.21%. Moron.

Just count the actual growth, you idiot.
What did Obama have for GDP growth in 2010 and 2011?
What did Trump have for GDP growth in 2017 and 2018?

No moron. You are comparing two President ms each of whom starting to enact policy under extremely different economic conditions .

The recession statrted in December 2007 and lasted through June. You are saying Obama enacted policy sometime during 2009 is what caused the recession to start in 2007.

That is absurd.

You are saying we must ignore where the GDP was on Inauguration Day to give Trumpo a 3 point head start on GDP so Trumpo need .7 rise during his second year whereas Obama needs a 6 point rise to break even.

That’s not a level playing field and you must kbow it. If you don’t know it you are a useful idiot fir Trumpo repeating the con he’s got going over his cult.
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22094578
Trumpo raised the GDP from his first year in office to his second a whopping 0.67 %

It's true, Trump's average his first two years was higher than Obama's average.

Obama raised the GDP from his first year in office a to his second year in office nine times more whopping than Trumpo at 5.21 %.

The two didn’t start at the same rate on Inauguration. If they did you could go by average over first two years .

But since they didn’t the only valid comparison is how much they improved the economy from where it was on Inauguration Day.

Obama slaughters your big dumbass orange faced goon in real numbers when looking at improvement measured by GDP.

Obama raised the GDP from his first year in office a to his second year in office nine times more whopping than Trumpo at 5.21 %.

We're not supposed to count the drop in GDP during the first year Obama was in office, but we're supposed to count the increase over that drop? You're double counting.

I'll give you an example, but it involves math, I don't expect you to understand.
Pretend GDP in 2008 was $1000. That's a number.....are you still with me?

Now, in 2009, GDP shrinks by 2.64%. That's a number.....are you still with me?
That means GDP is $973.60. That's a number.....are you still with me?

Now, in 2010, GDP grows by 2.57%. That's a number.....are you still with me?
That means GDP is $998.62. That's a number.....are you still with me?

Obama didn't grow GDP by 5.21%. Moron.

Just count the actual growth, you idiot.
What did Obama have for GDP growth in 2010 and 2011?
What did Trump have for GDP growth in 2017 and 2018?

No moron. You are comparing two President ms each of whom starting to enact policy under extremely different economic conditions .

The recession statrted in December 2007 and lasted through June. You are saying Obama enacted policy sometime during 2009 is what caused the recession to start in 2007.

That is absurd.

You are saying we must ignore where the GDP was on Inauguration Day to give Trumpo a 3 point head start on GDP so Trumpo need .7 rise during his second year whereas Obama needs a 6 point rise to break even.

That’s not a level playing field and you must kbow it. If you don’t know it you are a useful idiot fir Trumpo repeating the con he’s got going over his cult.

You are saying Obama enacted policy sometime during 2009 is what caused the recession to start in 2007.

I never said that, you moron.

Look, if you don't want to honestly compare Obama's years of 2010 and 2011 to Trump's years of 2017 and 2018, just say so. Then you can run away without admitting Trump had better growth.

You are saying we must ignore where the GDP was on Inauguration Day to give Trumpo a 3 point head start

Compare a full years growth to a full years growth. I'll even let you leave out 2009.
So you'll stop much as you normally do.
Here's another mistake
Hey deplorables I have noticed your Reality Detachment Syndrome has caused a great misconception. No one is attacking Trump for beating Hillary. Most Democrats do not care about that anymore. I don't. You people bring it up ten no one hundred times more than any Dems I know. Think about that. Look it up on whatever social media you use. We no longer care that Trump beat Hillary, we care about having a crook in the White House. Once you people get at least that through your partisan heads the better off everyone will be. Get over Hillary we have!

A crook? What crimes did he commit?
They got Al Capone for income tax evasion No wonder Scumpt won't show his
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22095622
You are saying Obama enacted policy sometime during 2009 is what caused the recession to start in 2007.

I never said that, you moron.

You are counting 6 months of the recession that began in 2007 against Obama’s record during his first year in office. By doing that you are saying that Obama is responsible for negative -3.0+ gdp as a result of that recession for 3/4 of his first year in office.

Denying you are saying that means you would not count the negative GDP against Obama until his policies had a chance to kick in .

So which is it?
Toddsterpatriot, post: 22095622
You are saying Obama enacted policy sometime during 2009 is what caused the recession to start in 2007.

I never said that, you moron.

You are counting 6 months of the recession that began in 2007 against Obama’s record during his first year in office. By doing that you are saying that Obama is responsible for negative -3.0+ gdp as a result of that recession for 3/4 of his first year in office.

Denying you are saying that means you would not count the negative GDP against Obama until his policies had a chance to kick in .

So which is it?

You are counting 6 months of the recession that began in 2007 against Obama’s record during his first year in office.

Poor Obama, you can't count a recession against him because......waaah, unfair.

So don't cry and start counting 2010. And 2011. Or keep whining.

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