The ONE big mistake that Trump acolytes on this forum keep on making....

Meister, post: 22077930
I'll be waiting for you to be honest about Obama....probably die of old age first.
He was the weakest president in my lifetime, comrade. That includes Carter

Since you cannot refute that your original claim that the Fed spent 4.9 trillion to prop up the Obama economy your post had turned to mush.

Trumpo is already proven to be weaker on the economy than Obama when your lies are removed from your arguments.

You do realize that when your arguments are proven to be lies your arguments become invalid. Obama being weak is not a valid argument from you. It cannot be.

You are mush.
Somehow (being poorly educated as Trump clearly stated about his followers).....cult members on this forum make the mistake of "thinking" that the obvious majority of right wingers on here represents ALL of America.....of course, they're clearly wrong.

If there still exists some semblance of rationale among this right wing ilk, they should ask themselves what ARE the chances that someone like Trump could get re-elected in such states as Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and a few others....where there has been more than half a million factory workers are now working part-time, menial jobs having had those industries closed???

Sure, working one or two and even three part-time jobs makes one "employed".......but reality that Trump's promises were based on demagoguery has finally materialized.

Trump Supporters are way smarter than you dumb ass know nothing Tards....

You Dumb Asses thought you had the election in the bag because

you believed your own FAKE NEWS...

We Knew Better...

Trump Kicking your asses is all the proof needed...........

You Radical left wingnut Pukes think you can win by calling for the

end of cars and airplanes with socialism for all while you promise

everything for everyone for free.....

Trump will make a FOOL of whoever you run against him....

You Tards thought 16 was bad, that’s nothing compared to

the ass kicking you are in for....

Meister, post: 22077930
I'll be waiting for you to be honest about Obama....probably die of old age first.
He was the weakest president in my lifetime, comrade. That includes Carter

Since you cannot refute that your original claim that the Fed spent 4.9 trillion to prop up the Obama economy your post had turned to mush.

Trumpo is already proven to be weaker on the economy than Obama when your lies are removed from your arguments.

You do realize that when your arguments are proven to be lies your arguments become invalid. Obama being weak is not a valid argument from you. It cannot be.

You are mush.
Now you're lying....please show where I ever said 4.9 trillion, comrade. stop your lying.
Trump is much stronger on the economy than Obama could have ever dreamed about.
The recovery could have been much shorter had it not been for your messiah's policies.
Your opinion means very little, comrade.
Sun Devil 92
You lost again.

Lost what exactly? The Mueller investigation has given us so much we never wouid have known.

Trumpo paid money to hush a porn star he was boinking while his new born son was in a cradle being rocked by his cheated on wife.

And this is what Republican fsmily values have been reduced to.

Mueller handed the Trumpo crimes over to SDNY so when they go after the Trumpo family and organization there there can be no pardon. Trumpo can’t even pardon himself.

Lanny Davis says Michael Cohen will dish dirt on Trump
By Tamar Lapin

March 25, 2019 | 10:48pm


Michael Cohen (center) and Lanny Davis Getty Images
Michael Cohen’s lawyer claimed on Monday that his client will soon dish dirt on President Trump.

Lanny Davis said in a tweet that Trump’s former fixer has plans to reveal what he told special counsel Robert Mueller during the Russia investigation.

“@MichaelCohen212 will soon share with #America what he told Mueller and #Congress,” Davis tweeted.

“For now, remember this…#collusion to lie or to influence others to lie, while threatening those who dare to tell the #truth during an investigation, is called #ObstructionOfJustice,” he added. “More to come!”
Sun Devil 92
You lost again.

Lost what exactly? The Mueller investigation has given us so much we never wouid have known.

Trumpo paid money to hush a porn star he was boinking while his new born son was in a cradle being rocked by his cheated on wife.

And this is what Republican fsmily values have been reduced to.

Mueller handed the Trumpo crimes over to SDNY so when they go after the Trumpo family and organization there there can be no pardon. Trumpo’s can’t even pardon himself.

Lanny Davis says Michael Cohen will dish dirt on Trump
By Tamar Lapin

March 25, 2019 | 10:48pm


Michael Cohen (center) and Lanny Davis Getty Images
Michael Cohen’s lawyer claimed on Monday that his client will soon dish dirt on President Trump.

Lanny Davis said in a tweet that Trump’s former fixer has plans to reveal what he told special counsel Robert Mueller during the Russia investigation.

“@MichaelCohen212 will soon share with #America what he told Mueller and #Congress,” Davis tweeted.

“For now, remember this…#collusion to lie or to influence others to lie, while threatening those who dare to tell the #truth during an investigation, is called #ObstructionOfJustice,” he added. “More to come!”

Yeah....real crushers......

After your left-wing, head-up-their-asses prognosticators kept telling us there was collusion that would get Trump impeached.

You lost, cocksucker.
Sun Devil 92, post: 22078509,
After your left-wing, head-up-their-asses prognosticators kept telling us there was collusion that would get Trump impeached.

You right wing buffoons can’t get anything right.

All I heard was that collusion is not a crime and unless there is solid evidence of a conspiracy there will not be sufficient reason to impeach.

The investigation was necessary because so many in Trumpo’s campaign orbit were connected to Russian agents and lied about contacts with them.

I always figured Mueller wouid be honorable and fair.

And the Orange Buffoon is finally on board.

“Trump was just asked if he thinks Robert Mueller acted honorably and the president replied, "Yes he did." 12:17 PM - Mar 25, 2019

Flippin’ Cohen was fair according to Trumpo.

I’m gonna laugh myself to sleep.

So now that your cult leader has spoken you can follow his lead and respect the investigation.

You didn’t win anything.
Somehow (being poorly educated as Trump clearly stated about his followers).....cult members on this forum make the mistake of "thinking" that the obvious majority of right wingers on here represents ALL of America.....of course, they're clearly wrong.

If there still exists some semblance of rationale among this right wing ilk, they should ask themselves what ARE the chances that someone like Trump could get re-elected in such states as Ohio, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and a few others....where there has been more than half a million factory workers are now working part-time, menial jobs having had those industries closed???

Sure, working one or two and even three part-time jobs makes one "employed".......but reality that Trump's promises were based on demagoguery has finally materialized.

Yeah that Russia thing really sucked for you to huh?
His conclusion was honorable and fair. The process that required there to be a conclusion was very flawed. Learn how to distinguish differences

Lying about what Trumpo said is not honorable.

Asked by reporters at the White House if Mueller acted honorably, Trump responded, "Yes, he did."

Trump: Mueller acted honorably

That Mueller “acted honorabl” is about process. How is a “conclusion” an actor?

Of course I’m not a TrUmpO Cult member so dont get when your master speaks to you in code. But I expect it happens.
Now you're lying....please show where I ever said 4.9 trillion, comrade.

Well it was 4.4 +/- So you lied by a couple trillion no matter what.

They needed to infuse +/- 4.4 trillion into the anemic economy to keep it afloat, comrade.

Trumpo wants and is keeping the nearly the same low interest infusion too to continue to boost his GDP a point or two, but when unemployment is low. And that is stupid.

At least when the Fed did it for Obama they were fighting unemployment caused by the Great Bush recession.
Now you're lying....please show where I ever said 4.9 trillion, comrade.

Well it was 4.4 +/- So you lied by a couple trillion no matter what.

They needed to infuse +/- 4.4 trillion into the anemic economy to keep it afloat, comrade.

Trumpo wants and is keeping the nearly the same low interest infusion too to continue to boost his GDP a point or two, but when unemployment is low. And that is stupid.

At least when the Fed did it for Obama they were fighting unemployment caused by the Great Bush recession.
But you lied and said Trump wanted the fed to ease the rates, he didn't say you lied.
He just wanted them to slow down the hikes.
You tout Opie's economy so much.....why in the hell did the feds need to keep rates AT near 0 for
nearly his entire time as president? I mean....if it was doing so well like you boast....why?
Thank God for Trump, MAGA. Nice talking to you comrade.
Meister, post: 22079769
But you lied and said Trump wanted the fed to ease the rates, he didn't say you lied.

Calling for canceling scheduled tightening is calling for easing the rates. So I didn’t lie. Trumpo wants lower rates than the Fed was giving him.

Trumpo shoots down your argument.

The Fed stopped tightening for this year even though unemployment is so low, so Trumpo’s economy is a continuance of the Fed’s work to regulate the economy to stabilize inflation.

Do you have any instances where Obama tried to tell the Fed what to do?

You keep forgetting that based on GDP Trumpo’s economy is no better than Obama’s and the FED is keeping rates low as Trumpo wishes.
Meister, post: 22079769
You tout Opie's economy so much.....why in the hell did the feds need to keep rates AT near 0 for nearly his entire time as president?

More lies. I am not touting Obama’s economy as something that was significantly better than the one Trumpo inherited from him. I’m saying based on the starting point to finishing point measured in real GDP Trumpo has done nothing toutable by you other than s couple of quarters with a GDP spike over 3.0. Obama had thise quarters too.

If you want to rave and celebrate and tout two Trumpo good quarters have at it. Knock yourself out.

What I’m calling you out for is your comparison to Obama where you malign his good record that was accomplished under much more dire circumstances that he did not create. Just about all your claims about Obama have been lies.

It’s your dishonesty being called out. I’m not touting Obama’s economy it was what it was. You need to stop lying that it was so much worse than Trumpo’s so far or that Trumpo’s is on fire.

If in any shape to run again Trump would be wise to blow off the 2020 election let and the Dems win and blame the recession on them.

If he’s smart he’ll take credit for two good quarters in 2018 and git out while the gitten is good.

Will the US fall into a recession by the end of 2020? Half of business economists think so.

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Meister, post: 22078382
Trump is much stronger on the economy than Obama could have ever dreamed about.

Why? What’s he done? Stick to GDP as a common means to compare.

That’s how Trumpo rates himself.

Trumpo passed tax cuts which were supposed to produce yearly GDP above 4% even up to 6%.

“We're bringing it (the GDP) from 1 percent up to 4 percent. And I actually think we can go higher than 4 percent. I think you can go to 5 percent or 6 percent.”

Are you rating Trumpo based upon actual results or just the bullshit words that get past the con man’s lying teeth.
Meister, post: 22079769
why in the hell did the feds need to keep rates AT near 0 for nearly his entire time as president?

Trumpo has only been in office for two years and his economic boom lasted two quarters and now is long gone.

That ain’t saying much.

Obama and the Feds were incubating the economy out of the Great Bush recession.

What they did was good for jobs and preventing inflation.

Trumpo has a decent economy but the Fed has to suspend quantitative tightening already in Trumpo’s nothing spectacular economy going forward in 2019 and 2020.

If signs of recession begin to appear and the Fed dies some QE what will you say then.

Blame Obama?
Meister, post: 22079769
why in the hell did the feds need to keep rates AT near 0 for nearly his entire time as president?

Because the Great Bush recession was so severe.

That answers that. So where in the hell is the massive debt reduction Trumpo promised over eight years since in two years he’s added close to two trillion already. Must remind you Trumpo didn’t start with a huge unended recession to contend with and to base policy upon.
  • Candidate Trump had two strategies to reduce the U.S. debt. He promised to grow the economy 6 percent annually to increase tax revenues. But once in office, he lowered his growth estimate to 3.5 percent to 4 percent.
Trump Pledged to Eliminate the Debt. Instead He Will Add $8.3 Trillion

Where in the hell is the 6% GDP that Trumpo promised as a candidate that cutting taxes for the rich like him would bring.

Where in the hell is the 4% annual GDP that Trumpo promised when President by cutting taxes for rich people like him would bring?
  • Latest forecast: 1.3 percent — March 26, 2019 The GDPNow model estimate for real GDP growth (seasonally adjusted annual rate) in the first quarter of 2019 is 1.3 percent on March 26, up from 1.2 percent on March 22
GDPNow - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

It appears you’ve been conned and now we owe an additional couple trillion in debt much of it due to lost revenue.

Why in the hell do the feds need to keep rates at 2.5 for the remainder of his term as president if he can slime his way to last into 2021?
Why the Fed Funds Rate Will Remain at 2.5 Percent

We were supposed to get 4% to 6% annual GDP from the tax cuts which would have allowed the FED to continue quantitative tightening and reducing debt.

That program has failed - the next recession will be much more difficult to deal with.

We may not get another Obama to guide us out.

Look at the annual debt history and how Trumpo Is driving it up;
  • The first thing you notice when looking at the federal deficits from fiscal 2007 (the U.S. government fiscal year ends in September) is that it increased by almost $1 trillion from fiscal 2008 (two months before Obama was elected and four months before he was sworn in) to fiscal 2009. It remained over $1 trillion per year for four years and got below Bush’s last years deficit in fiscal 2015. It continued to decrease until Obama’s last year and has increased in Trump’s first year in office.
  • Fiscal 2007: $161 billion (next to last year of Bush’s second term)
  • Fiscal 2008: $459 billion (beginning impact from the Great Recession)
  • Fiscal 2009: $1.4 trillion (Obama’s first year and in the teeth of the Recession)
  • Fiscal 2010: $1.3 trillion
  • Fiscal 2011: $1.3 trillion
  • Fiscal 2012: $1.1 trillion
  • Fiscal 2013: $680 billion
  • Fiscal 2014: $485 billion
  • Fiscal 2015: $438 billion
  • Fiscal 2016: $587 billion
  • Fiscal 2017: $666 billion (Trump’s first year of his Presidency)
Don't Blame Obama For Doubling The Federal Deficit

Where in the hell is Trumpo’s debt reduction to zero deficits in eight years,
  • WASHINGTON — The federal budget deficit swelled to $779 billion in fiscal year 2018, the Treasury Department said on Monday, driven in large part by a sharp decline in corporate tax revenues after the Trump tax cuts took effect. The deficit rose nearly 17 percent year over year, from $666 billion in 2017.Oct 15, 2018
Budget Deficit Jumps Nearly 17% in 2018

And you voted for Trumpo because you wanted someone in the Oval Office to run the country better than Obama.

Did you mean ruin the country?

Now Trumpo wants to destroy the ACA In it’s entirety and replace it with nothing.

More economic havoc to follow - a million jobs could be lost. On top of twenty million losing health insurance.

Insurers get to refuse to cover pre-existing conditions,

All over an ego. And lots of stupid people can feel tough worshipping the clown with the ego.
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