The ONE big mistake that Trump acolytes on this forum keep on making....

Who cares if he raised taxes? I saved $200k in 5 years in the 1990s. I graduated in the early 90s and bush sucked. We also realized Reagan sucked. So we voted for a moderate democrat Clinton. He gave the middle class a great economy and he gave the rich nafta. The rich weren’t satisfied. Democrats didn’t give them enough but republicans promised them they would do their bidding

From 1995 to 1999 I killed it.

From 2015- 2019 I’m killing it again. That means obama put the economy back on track for the middle class. I hope trump doesn’t fuck up obamas recovery like bush fucked up clintons surplus.
Obama's recovery? It was Trump's dismantling Obama's regulations that were stifling the economy. The Fed Banks were infusing trillions
of dollars into Obama's anemic economy through his entire 8 years. You should be thanking, Trump....and you know it, but such a partisan
hack, you won't admit to it.

Didn’t get Mexico to pay for the wall

Didn’t put the middle class first

Didn’t repeal and replace Obamacare

Didn’t maga

Actually widened the gap between the rich and poor
He put a lot of money in your pocket as he did into mine.
That is what my post was about.
I don't went down some rabbit trail. :cool-45:
$1700 is not a lot. And over time our tax break goes away but the tax break for the rich stays.

Trump is a liar. He said exactly what I wanted to hear when he ran for president. He lied. I almost fell for it. I didn’t. You did.

Don’t try and tell me he didn’t lie. This lie is unforgivable. I don’t care about a wall he said rich people taxes would go up and he was more worried about the middle class. That was a lie. Stop sucking trumps dick
My taxes went up....That's the way it is, I don't have the deductions I had last year.
Trump has got a lot done since he's been in office and what I appreciate the most
is his two Supreme Court picks, that was worth the price of admission right there, so go pound sand

Yea and I believe most Americans don’t approve of those picks. Stupid Americans voted for trump because they wanted to throw a monkey wrench into the corrupt system. They don’t want corporate right wing conservative judges. You do but most don’t.

I think democrats are doing a horrible job explaining to the American people what the differences are between the right wing judges and left.

Hillary should have explained what kind of judges would be appointed if a republican was president.

But trump pretended to be a moderate republican, then he appointed all rwnjs. Yea I bet you love his picks
Meister, post: 22060053
I kinda wished you would have addressed the Fed Reserve infusing 4+ trillion into our economy to keep it afloat during the entire 8 years your messiah was in office. Even after the recession that was going on. But, honesty and you don't cross paths, comrade.

I gave you honest numbers to be used to compare Trumpo’s 2 year record based on real GDP to Obama’s 8 year record. They include everything the Federal Reserve has done during this period.

I understand why you refuse to discuss the reality in these numbers because the economic fantasy you believe in is based entirely on Trumpo’s personality and self-promotion.

I have presented nothing dishonest or incorrect to you or anything you cannot dispute.

So it’s you that is dishonest to question my honesty in your response.

Can you provide conclusive evidence that the economy during Obama’s presidency would have produced higher GDP numbers over 7.5 years than the one that is now permanently etched in the historical data.

If you were honest you would refute or accept my facts.

As of now I interpret you silence in the facts to be your acceptance.

So if you continue to trash Obama’s record in the economy and gush all over Trumpo’s as you did, you will be lying.

Based on factual data Obama is miles ahead of Trumpo and Trumpo has no path over the next to years to do better.
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I was lower middle class at the time (92) never even noticed that tax increase. Musta been YUGE

It was bigger than the middle class tax cut he gave you.
Are you talking about the booming/roaring 90's? Best decade ever.

Know how much less I paid in taxes last year because of Trump? $1700. Was it worth it? Probably not.

Has Trump Broken His Social Security Promise? -- The Motley Fool

I told you stupid fuckers!

How many Republicans have told me over the years that my warnings that Republicans want to do away with these programs was just fear mongering? Liars just like Trump.

Are you talking about the booming/roaring 90's?

Yes, I'm talking about Bill Clinton running on the promise of a middle class tax cut and then raising taxes once in office. What an asshole.

Best decade ever.

Yes, Internet bubbles are cool!
Internet bubble is your go to explanation of why Clinton was a great potus?
/——/ Proven liar, Slick Willie, was too busy porking interns his daughter’s age to grab OBL. He had three chances.
Trumps a proven liar too.

Actually, it was Clinton who started this. We re elected him because he was a great president. You can’t take that away from him f u and your internet bubble bullshit. Reagan spent his way out of a recession and bush caused the greatest recession since the Great Depression.

But you guys see everything with your gop goggles on.
Meister, post: 22060069
Comrade, recessions are a natural cycle, they come and they go....if Obama did nothing the recession wouldn't have lasted as long as it did.

How in the hell can you honestly write

“If Obama did nothing the recession wouldn't have lasted as long as it did”

Is a fact.

Can you deal with facts?
Meister, post: 22060069
Comrade, recessions are a natural cycle, they come and they go....if Obama did nothing the recession wouldn't have lasted as long as it did.

How in the hell can you honestly write

“If Obama did nothing the recession wouldn't have lasted as long as it did”

Is a fact.

Can you deal with facts?
All he’s telling you is republican opinion. And if a Republican President did the same thing they’d have a completely different opinion on the subject.

Of course giving everyone tax breaks would cause a very temporary and tiny bump to the economy. The question is what cuts will now come from those tax breaks? And of course the d word. Republicans never talk about the d word when they’re in charge. The d word doesn’t matter when they’re in charge.

You know what the d word is right? Debt.
Meister, post: 22060069
Comrade, recessions are a natural cycle, they come and they go....if Obama did nothing the recession wouldn't have lasted as long as it did.

How in the hell can you honestly write

“If Obama did nothing the recession wouldn't have lasted as long as it did”

Is a fact.

Can you deal with facts?
Don’t forget clintons projected surplus that bush ate up in Iraq and by giving rich a tax break. Bush is on tape talking about the surplus. He said it should be returned to the people. Then he lied us into Iraq.

And republicans can’t deny it because trump is on tape saying it. Was he lying as usual? That’ll be the one lie republicans will admit to. Lol
You seem to have deluded yourself into thinking that you are more intelligent than the rest of us.

This is a very common notion among the radical left. They suffer under the misapprehension that all it takes to show their intellectual superiority is to be a member of the leftist hive mind and all buzz away with one voice.

……..which is an awfully stupid notion.
Are you talking about the booming/roaring 90's?

Yes, I'm talking about Bill Clinton running on the promise of a middle class tax cut and then raising taxes once in office. What an asshole.

Best decade ever.

Yes, Internet bubbles are cool!
Who cares if he raised taxes? I saved $200k in 5 years in the 1990s. I graduated in the early 90s and bush sucked. We also realized Reagan sucked. So we voted for a moderate democrat Clinton. He gave the middle class a great economy and he gave the rich nafta. The rich weren’t satisfied. Democrats didn’t give them enough but republicans promised them they would do their bidding

From 1995 to 1999 I killed it.

From 2015- 2019 I’m killing it again. That means obama put the economy back on track for the middle class. I hope trump doesn’t fuck up obamas recovery like bush fucked up clintons surplus.
Obama's recovery? It was Trump's dismantling Obama's regulations that were stifling the economy. The Fed Banks were infusing trillions
of dollars into Obama's anemic economy through his entire 8 years. You should be thanking, Trump....and you know it, but such a partisan
hack, you won't admit to it.

Didn’t get Mexico to pay for the wall

Didn’t put the middle class first

Didn’t repeal and replace Obamacare

Didn’t maga

Actually widened the gap between the rich and poor
He put a lot of money in your pocket as he did into mine.
That is what my post was about.
I don't went down some rabbit trail. :cool-45:
$1700 is not a lot. And over time our tax break goes away but the tax break for the rich stays.

Trump is a liar. He said exactly what I wanted to hear when he ran for president. He lied. I almost fell for it. I didn’t. You did.

Don’t try and tell me he didn’t lie. This lie is unforgivable. I don’t care about a wall he said rich people taxes would go up and he was more worried about the middle class. That was a lie. Stop sucking trumps dick

And over time our tax break goes away but the tax break for the rich stays.

You're right. Thanks to Dem assholes, the individual tax cuts, for everyone, are set to expire.
The Dems are free, of course, to introduce a bill to make them permanent. They won't.
I wonder why?
Meister, post: 22060069
Comrade, recessions are a natural cycle, they come and they go....if Obama did nothing the recession wouldn't have lasted as long as it did.

How in the hell can you honestly write

“If Obama did nothing the recession wouldn't have lasted as long as it did”

Is a fact.

Can you deal with facts?
Don’t forget clintons projected surplus that bush ate up in Iraq and by giving rich a tax break. Bush is on tape talking about the surplus. He said it should be returned to the people. Then he lied us into Iraq.

And republicans can’t deny it because trump is on tape saying it. Was he lying as usual? That’ll be the one lie republicans will admit to. Lol

Don’t forget clintons projected surplus

Projected surpluses based on bubbles continuing forever are cool!!!

If the real estate bubble had continued for two more years, there would have been a "Bush surplus" too.
So what?
Meister, post: 22060069
Comrade, recessions are a natural cycle, they come and they go....if Obama did nothing the recession wouldn't have lasted as long as it did.

How in the hell can you honestly write

“If Obama did nothing the recession wouldn't have lasted as long as it did”

Is a fact.

Can you deal with facts?
Because that's what recessions, do.
What you don't do is raise taxes in the middle of a recession, that makes it last longer, Comrade.
You are having an issue with "the facts".
Meister, post: 22060872
What you don't do is raise taxes in the middle of a recession, that makes it last longer, Comrade.

The Great Bush recession ended in June 2009 as I pointed out to you.

Obama did not raise taxes in the middle of a recession. He cut payroll taxes by $288 billion immediately. Congress approved the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) in February 2009.

Apparently you are either absolutely uniformed or lying when you wrote this:

“If Obama did nothing the recession wouldn't have lasted as long as it did”

Even so. My point was that when you wrote this....

“If Obama did nothing the recession wouldn't have lasted as long as it did”

..... you are being dishonest when you present it as a fact. You have no way to prove and now we know you mistakenly were under the impression that Obama raised taxes during the middle of a recession that ended five months after taking office.

Are you always this uninformed and mistaken?
Meister, post: 22060872
What you don't do is raise taxes in the middle of a recession, that makes it last longer, Comrade.

The Great Bush recession ended in June 2009 as I pointed out to you.

Obama did not raise taxes in the middle of a recession. He cut payroll taxes by $288 billion immediately. Congress approved the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) in February 2009.

Apparently you are either absolutely uniformed or lying when you wrote this:

“If Obama did nothing the recession wouldn't have lasted as long as it did”

Even so. My point was that when you wrote this....

“If Obama did nothing the recession wouldn't have lasted as long as it did”

..... you are being dishonest when you present it as a fact. You have no way to prove and now we know you mistakenly were under the impression that Obama raised taxes during the middle of a recession that ended five months after taking office.

Are you always this uninformed and mistaken?
My, my, my
Can you even spell 'OBAMACARE'?
The taxes to the individual AND the business. Staggering during a time when it couldn't be afforded,
and yes, it did slow the recovery.
Meister, post: 22062380
Meister, post: 22060872
What you don't do is raise taxes in the middle of a recession, that makes it last longer, Comrade.

The Great Bush recession ended in June 2009 as I pointed out to you.

Obama did not raise taxes in the middle of a recession. He cut payroll taxes by $288 billion immediately. Congress approved the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) in February 2009.

Apparently you are either absolutely uniformed or lying when you wrote this:

“If Obama did nothing the recession wouldn't have lasted as long as it did”

Even so. My point was that when you wrote this....

“If Obama did nothing the recession wouldn't have lasted as long as it did”

..... you are being dishonest when you present it as a fact. You have no way to prove and now we know you mistakenly were under the impression that Obama raised taxes during the middle of a recession that ended five months after taking office.

Are you always this uninformed and mistaken?
My, my, my
Can you even spell 'OBAMACARE'?
The taxes to the individual AND the business. Staggering during a time when it couldn't be afforded,
and yes, it did slow the recovery.

Obamacare was not passed in the middle of a recession. This will be the third time I’ve told you that the recession was over in June 2009.

When do you start discussing the fact that Obama based upon GDP has a better record is on the economy than Trumpo and a record that Trumpo is not likely to beat.

Why do you continue to base your Obama bashing and Trumpo praising on conjecture and partisan opinion. You said Obamacare slowed the recovery because of the taxes it raised.

You are the victim of a viral email that went around in 2014 which was chock full of lies

Did you ever hear of fact checking?

False Tax Claims

By Brooks Jackson

Posted on April 15, 2014

Q: Did Democrats increase federal income tax rates in 2014 under Obamacare?
No. Tax increases mentioned in a viral email went into effect a year earlier, as part of a budget deal supported by many Republicans as well as most Democrats.

False Tax Claims -

Here is a paragraph from that link:


Obama in Feb 2009 cut $280 Billion in taxes for people making less than $400k which is what you do in a recession.

So you mistakenly cite the 2003 Bush tax cuts for higher income individuals that expired in 2013 and based on a fake email you blamed Obamacare for raising taxes.

The Bush tax cuts expired. That’s not raising taxes. Bush didn’t make them permanent.

You owe Obama and the ACA an apology for bearing false witness for all these years,

Which all reminds my why did the Bush tax cuts that did not expire until 2014 give us the worst recession since the Great Depression in 2008 -2009?
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Meister, post: 22060872
You are having an issue with "the facts".

My facts are just fine. At least I know that the ACA was not passed in the middle of a recession or any time during a recession.

I know that the ACA had nothing to do with the Bush tax cuts expiring in 2014 for incomes over $400k.

If you go around bashing poster’s for their issues with facts you ought to straighten out your disastrous written record of pitiful factkess posts the past couple days.

Your issues a on the written record here.
Who cares if he raised taxes? I saved $200k in 5 years in the 1990s. I graduated in the early 90s and bush sucked. We also realized Reagan sucked. So we voted for a moderate democrat Clinton. He gave the middle class a great economy and he gave the rich nafta. The rich weren’t satisfied. Democrats didn’t give them enough but republicans promised them they would do their bidding

From 1995 to 1999 I killed it.

From 2015- 2019 I’m killing it again. That means obama put the economy back on track for the middle class. I hope trump doesn’t fuck up obamas recovery like bush fucked up clintons surplus.
Obama's recovery? It was Trump's dismantling Obama's regulations that were stifling the economy. The Fed Banks were infusing trillions
of dollars into Obama's anemic economy through his entire 8 years. You should be thanking, Trump....and you know it, but such a partisan
hack, you won't admit to it.

Didn’t get Mexico to pay for the wall

Didn’t put the middle class first

Didn’t repeal and replace Obamacare

Didn’t maga

Actually widened the gap between the rich and poor
He put a lot of money in your pocket as he did into mine.
That is what my post was about.
I don't went down some rabbit trail. :cool-45:
$1700 is not a lot. And over time our tax break goes away but the tax break for the rich stays.

Trump is a liar. He said exactly what I wanted to hear when he ran for president. He lied. I almost fell for it. I didn’t. You did.

Don’t try and tell me he didn’t lie. This lie is unforgivable. I don’t care about a wall he said rich people taxes would go up and he was more worried about the middle class. That was a lie. Stop sucking trumps dick

And over time our tax break goes away but the tax break for the rich stays.

You're right. Thanks to Dem assholes, the individual tax cuts, for everyone, are set to expire.
The Dems are free, of course, to introduce a bill to make them permanent. They won't.
I wonder why?
Because we need the money?
Meister, post: 22060069
Comrade, recessions are a natural cycle, they come and they go....if Obama did nothing the recession wouldn't have lasted as long as it did.

How in the hell can you honestly write

“If Obama did nothing the recession wouldn't have lasted as long as it did”

Is a fact.

Can you deal with facts?
Don’t forget clintons projected surplus that bush ate up in Iraq and by giving rich a tax break. Bush is on tape talking about the surplus. He said it should be returned to the people. Then he lied us into Iraq.

And republicans can’t deny it because trump is on tape saying it. Was he lying as usual? That’ll be the one lie republicans will admit to. Lol

Don’t forget clintons projected surplus

Projected surpluses based on bubbles continuing forever are cool!!!

If the real estate bubble had continued for two more years, there would have been a "Bush surplus" too.
So what?
No there wouldn’t have been you just made that up.

If if if
Obama's recovery? It was Trump's dismantling Obama's regulations that were stifling the economy. The Fed Banks were infusing trillions
of dollars into Obama's anemic economy through his entire 8 years. You should be thanking, Trump....and you know it, but such a partisan
hack, you won't admit to it.

Didn’t get Mexico to pay for the wall

Didn’t put the middle class first

Didn’t repeal and replace Obamacare

Didn’t maga

Actually widened the gap between the rich and poor
He put a lot of money in your pocket as he did into mine.
That is what my post was about.
I don't went down some rabbit trail. :cool-45:
$1700 is not a lot. And over time our tax break goes away but the tax break for the rich stays.

Trump is a liar. He said exactly what I wanted to hear when he ran for president. He lied. I almost fell for it. I didn’t. You did.

Don’t try and tell me he didn’t lie. This lie is unforgivable. I don’t care about a wall he said rich people taxes would go up and he was more worried about the middle class. That was a lie. Stop sucking trumps dick

And over time our tax break goes away but the tax break for the rich stays.

You're right. Thanks to Dem assholes, the individual tax cuts, for everyone, are set to expire.
The Dems are free, of course, to introduce a bill to make them permanent. They won't.
I wonder why?
Because we need the money?

You're free to mail the Treasury an extra check at any time.
That goes for your whiney lib friends as well.
Meister, post: 22060069
Comrade, recessions are a natural cycle, they come and they go....if Obama did nothing the recession wouldn't have lasted as long as it did.

How in the hell can you honestly write

“If Obama did nothing the recession wouldn't have lasted as long as it did”

Is a fact.

Can you deal with facts?
Don’t forget clintons projected surplus that bush ate up in Iraq and by giving rich a tax break. Bush is on tape talking about the surplus. He said it should be returned to the people. Then he lied us into Iraq.

And republicans can’t deny it because trump is on tape saying it. Was he lying as usual? That’ll be the one lie republicans will admit to. Lol

Don’t forget clintons projected surplus

Projected surpluses based on bubbles continuing forever are cool!!!

If the real estate bubble had continued for two more years, there would have been a "Bush surplus" too.
So what?
No there wouldn’t have been you just made that up.

If if if

No there wouldn’t have been you just made that up.

Just as Clinton's "projected surplus" was made up, eh?
Meister, post: 22060872
You are having an issue with "the facts".

My facts are just fine. At least I know that the ACA was not passed in the middle of a recession or any time during a recession.

I know that the ACA had nothing to do with the Bush tax cuts expiring in 2014 for incomes over $400k.

If you go around bashing poster’s for their issues with facts you ought to straighten out your disastrous written record of pitiful factkess posts the past couple days.

Your issues a on the written record here.
Something for you to chew on, conrade. Yes, Obama's regulations stymied business.

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