The One Question No One So Far Can Answer

Look at the dates between those 2 links.

My point was Clapper left the government on Jan 20, Feinstein has been in every briefing from Comey that Clapper would have not been privy to.
if the FBI can't tell us due to their on going investigation and not wanting to spoil their leads, why would you think Feinstein would show the FBI's hand?

Feinstein didn't go into any details, all she said is she hasn't seen any evidence of collusion to this point. She is in a position to have the most up to date info. Also both she and Grasslley have said Comey said Trump himself is not a target in the investigation.

no, she did NOT SAY to this point...

she said, NOT AT THIS TIME, which I read as, she can not tell us, at this time....

the investigation is going on still, what info she and grassly has is classified and they can not disclose it at this time....thy ARE GETTING CLASSIFIED could you even expect them to leak classified information to us?

You might want to read the question she was responding to again.

There is not too many ways she could answer it without giving away anything....

And as said, how could she possibly respond to a question where the answer is classified....she does not want the people being investigated to know, one way or the other whether they have found something or they can continue doing their sleuthing.

The best thing President Trump can do is support all of the investigation with open arms and fund them, so they can be done and over with sooner and NOT hinder or continue to fire, those who are in charge of it.

The more he tries to shut this down,or influence it, the guiltier he appears and the LONGER these investigations and new investigations in to it, will last...
Your interpretation of his words doesn't mean shit.

Her server was already bleachbit cleaned in possession of the FBI. Even if he asked them to hack it, and he did not, that wasn't possible.

That scenario doesn't help. If the Russians hacked the server, asking for the disclosure of the information was felony conspiracy to violate federal law.
Wrong, moron. It's not a crime.
If you read the scenario again you'll see that the Trump associate intercepted nothing and disclosed nothing, that was done by the other guy.


Hence the conspiracy violation 18 USC 371. Where all conspirators are guilty of the crimes performed by any one of them.

each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
Which Trump campaign member "conspired" with any hackers? Do you have any evidence of any of your sinister accusations?
Roger Stone perhaps...
You might want to read the question she was responding to again.


This is just like when they asked the head of the secret service if Obama was getting more death threats than Bush. He said the numbers were the same. Of course that was a complete lie, but one which any other answer would have compromised the integrity of their mission. He couldn't let the fact the secret service was being overwhelmed by a 400% increase become public. Feinstein couldn't admit she was shown the evidence.

There ya go, making assumptions again. You got any links to very your claims?

I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?


1. Russia is a well known adversaries of America. Putin and his government are serious threat to American civilization before ISIS.
2. Any connection -------- ANY connections of a candidates especially president with the Russians to interfere into our democracy is NOT acceptable. Those are called traitors.
3. Any specific law broken ------ That would be espionage by the Russian and treason by Trump associates.
4. How you applied your HYPOTHETICAL doesn't match the reality.

Your turn.

I'm going to switch gears for a second and ask you a question I posed to another poster in this thread in case you didn't see it.

Which is more dangerous to our elections: Appropriated truth or outright fabricated lies like Harry Reid told from the senate floor about Romney's taxes? Reid admitted it was a lie and laughed about it, saying, it worked didn't it.


Why did you switch gears? Hacking by foreign government that is hostile to this country is not acceptable.
Reid and other politicians lying is a practice of all political figures.

So why didn't you answer the question? Is truth or lies more damaging?


I asked you first then you switched gears.
My point was Clapper left the government on Jan 20, Feinstein has been in every briefing from Comey that Clapper would have not been privy to.
if the FBI can't tell us due to their on going investigation and not wanting to spoil their leads, why would you think Feinstein would show the FBI's hand?

Feinstein didn't go into any details, all she said is she hasn't seen any evidence of collusion to this point. She is in a position to have the most up to date info. Also both she and Grasslley have said Comey said Trump himself is not a target in the investigation.

no, she did NOT SAY to this point...

she said, NOT AT THIS TIME, which I read as, she can not tell us, at this time....

the investigation is going on still, what info she and grassly has is classified and they can not disclose it at this time....thy ARE GETTING CLASSIFIED could you even expect them to leak classified information to us?

You might want to read the question she was responding to again.

There is not too many ways she could answer it without giving away anything....

And as said, how could she possibly respond to a question where the answer is classified....she does not want the people being investigated to know, one way or the other whether they have found something or they can continue doing their sleuthing.

The best thing President Trump can do is support all of the investigation with open arms and fund them, so they can be done and over with sooner and NOT hinder or continue to fire, those who are in charge of it.

The more he tries to shut this down,or influence it, the guiltier he appears and the LONGER these investigations and new investigations in to it, will last...

So you're saying she lied instead of just saying she couldn't discuss specifics of the investigation? Really?

Trump has said publicly that he wants the investigation done and done properly so they can find ways to reduce any future interference. In testimony acting director said they had adequate resources, but if they need more it would be up to congress to provide the additional funds, not Trump. Also the actual people conducting the investigation, the field supervisors and their teams were not effected by Comeys dismissal, their work continues unimpeded. It is improper to imply otherwise and a disservice to those actually doing the work.

I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?


1. Russia is a well known adversaries of America. Putin and his government are serious threat to American civilization before ISIS.
2. Any connection -------- ANY connections of a candidates especially president with the Russians to interfere into our democracy is NOT acceptable. Those are called traitors.
3. Any specific law broken ------ That would be espionage by the Russian and treason by Trump associates.
4. How you applied your HYPOTHETICAL doesn't match the reality.

Your turn.

I'm going to switch gears for a second and ask you a question I posed to another poster in this thread in case you didn't see it.

Which is more dangerous to our elections: Appropriated truth or outright fabricated lies like Harry Reid told from the senate floor about Romney's taxes? Reid admitted it was a lie and laughed about it, saying, it worked didn't it.


Why did you switch gears? Hacking by foreign government that is hostile to this country is not acceptable.
Reid and other politicians lying is a practice of all political figures.

So why didn't you answer the question? Is truth or lies more damaging?


I asked you first then you switched gears.

Actually if you read the series of statements you made in the post before I switched gears, no where is there a question mark. So no, you asked nothing, it was a series of claims, some unsupported.

If you read the scenario again you'll see that the Trump associate intercepted nothing and disclosed nothing, that was done by the other guy.


Hence the conspiracy violation 18 USC 371. Where all conspirators are guilty of the crimes performed by any one of them.

each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
Which Trump campaign member "conspired" with any hackers? Do you have any evidence of any of your sinister accusations?
Roger Stone perhaps...

Where's the proof of that?
So you're saying she lied instead of just saying she couldn't discuss specifics of the investigation? Really?

A lot of information can be gleaned from someones answers, or non-answers. Have you ever played poker?
“It’s about as amazing a double standard as you can get,” says Eric Boehlert, who works with the pro-Clinton group Media Matters. “If you look at the Bush emails, he was a sitting president, and 95 percent of his chief advisers’ emails were on a private email system set up by the RNC.
so what happened to obummer's investigation of it?

Obama said he had a country to save from Bush's recession, and financial collapse, 700,000 jobs lost a month, and a $1.5 trillion deficit. Obama didn't go after many of Bush's crimes because he had bigger more important problems.
Right, because Obama had no one around him who could help do that, and he can only do one thing at a time. Foolish.
n testimony acting director said they had adequate resources, but if they need more it would be up to congress to provide the additional funds, not Trump. Also the actual people conducting the investigation, the field supervisors and their teams were not effected by Comeys dismissal, their work continues unimpeded. It is improper to imply otherwise and a disservice to those actually doing the work.


Actually the nature of the request by Comey to the DOJ, suggests that they need additional agents with "top secret" security clearances, in order to access more FISA and NSA intercepts. That again could be something that they didn't want to publicly disclose.
Right, because Obama had no one around him who could help do that, and he can only do one thing at a time. Foolish.

Even the government has finite resources. Obama used them to go after Osmaa BinLaden, instead of going after Bush.
The question is will The Donald administration commence prosecution of the Obama/Crooked Hillary corruption scandals. Who is appointed as new FBI director might actually fulfill The Donald's campaign promise to LOCK HER UP! Of course the democrat senator scumbags will do everything to block the new FBI director from being appointed.

What part of there are NO HILLARY CORRUPTION SCANDALS. These were lies Republicans made up and you believed.
Right, because Obama had no one around him who could help do that, and he can only do one thing at a time. Foolish.

Even the government has finite resources. Obama used them to go after Osmaa BinLaden, instead of going after Bush.
Try again. Military resources are separate from administrative resources. You can't seriously believe that excuse is going to work.
Try again. Military resources are separate from administrative resources. You can't seriously believe that excuse is going to work.

Waterboarding and black sites are military, so was going after Bin Laden. Same limited resources would have been used.
Your interpretation of his words doesn't mean shit.

Her server was already bleachbit cleaned in possession of the FBI. Even if he asked them to hack it, and he did not, that wasn't possible.

That scenario doesn't help. If the Russians hacked the server, asking for the disclosure of the information was felony conspiracy to violate federal law.

If. Have they?

Beside, Clinton claim is that her server was never hacked.
So you're saying she lied instead of just saying she couldn't discuss specifics of the investigation? Really?

A lot of information can be gleaned from someones answers, or non-answers. Have you ever played poker?

I guess if you like making assumptions, think I take her at her word till I find out differently.

I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?

In your scenario, probably no law is being broken. If they were complicit in spreading false Informstion to influence an election then they are probably flirting with treason. If they told the Russians not to react to sanctions because the new administration will be more forgiving then I'm guessing that's a violation... not sure which exact law it's breaking though. Perhaps treason as well. Undermining our government

If they were complicit in spreading false Informstion to influence an election then they are probably flirting with treason.

Spreading false information about Hillary is treason?

What'd they say, "She's the most qualified candidate for President, ever"?

Talk about false info.
Now lefties want special prosecutor, so the question is... on exactly what basis should special prosecutor be appointed?

Can they, meaning Democrats, their media, and some Republicans tell us exactly what the criminal issue is and which criminal statute we can look up and read to know what it is to be investigated as a crime? Can any of you lefties here tell us that?

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