The One Question No One So Far Can Answer

It's a joke and a hoax.
So Tillerson is lying along with everybody else in Washington. Your saying it is the biggest coordinated conspiracy in our nations history? That's really what you think is going on?

We've investigated jokes and hoaxes before.
Remember GHW Bush flying in an SR-71 to get Iran to keep the hostages until Jan 20, 1981?
Partisans will likely always make a fuss to degrade their opponents, but that's not what we are talking about here. The thing you are calling a joke is being taken very seriously by just about everybody on your side of the politics. Intel agencies, trump appointees like Tillerson, and congressional republicans. You can't dismiss this as partisan smearing and I have yet to hear a logical answer from you to justify your argument. The difference between you and all these officials that are actually acknowledging the seriousness of the Russia situation is that they are privy to the classified information and you are not. Yet you think you know it all.

Yes the far left is good at it as you should know..

Russia conspiracy to cover the fact that Hilary was a horrible candidate and deserved to loose!

But then again to the far left, the new winning is loosing!
Thanks, that was really insightful!

Of course it was even though it went right over the heads of far left drones like you!
It's a joke and a hoax.
So Tillerson is lying along with everybody else in Washington. Your saying it is the biggest coordinated conspiracy in our nations history? That's really what you think is going on?

We've investigated jokes and hoaxes before.
Remember GHW Bush flying in an SR-71 to get Iran to keep the hostages until Jan 20, 1981?
Partisans will likely always make a fuss to degrade their opponents, but that's not what we are talking about here. The thing you are calling a joke is being taken very seriously by just about everybody on your side of the politics. Intel agencies, trump appointees like Tillerson, and congressional republicans. You can't dismiss this as partisan smearing and I have yet to hear a logical answer from you to justify your argument. The difference between you and all these officials that are actually acknowledging the seriousness of the Russia situation is that they are privy to the classified information and you are not. Yet you think you know it all.
dude, just post up the original evidence that started all of this fake shit.
You don't remember what started it? Here is a reminder... our intel agencies published a report showing that Russians interfered in our elections (see below). obama imposed sanctions. Flynn called the Russians and talked about those sanctions then lied about it, the VP and other Trump officials then lied to the American people about it. Then it was revealed that a handful of other Trump surrogates, including his son in law, spoke to the Russians after making statements that nobody had spoken to the Russians. Sessions recused himself from the investigation, it came out Flynn took money from the Russians for speaking and didn't disclose it... I could keep going but I think there is enough shadiness in the story to justify an investigation
Useless drivel and a useless report. son that has absolutely nothing in it that proves any fking thing except someone's butt hurt crying of losing an election.

what does this mean?

"We also assess Putin and the Russian Government aspired to help President-elect Trump’s
election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him. All three agencies agree with this judgment. CIA and FBI have high confidence in this judgment ; NSA has moderate confidence"
I have no idea what that means.
It's a joke and a hoax.
So Tillerson is lying along with everybody else in Washington. Your saying it is the biggest coordinated conspiracy in our nations history? That's really what you think is going on?

We've investigated jokes and hoaxes before.
Remember GHW Bush flying in an SR-71 to get Iran to keep the hostages until Jan 20, 1981?
Partisans will likely always make a fuss to degrade their opponents, but that's not what we are talking about here. The thing you are calling a joke is being taken very seriously by just about everybody on your side of the politics. Intel agencies, trump appointees like Tillerson, and congressional republicans. You can't dismiss this as partisan smearing and I have yet to hear a logical answer from you to justify your argument. The difference between you and all these officials that are actually acknowledging the seriousness of the Russia situation is that they are privy to the classified information and you are not. Yet you think you know it all.

Partisans will likely always make a fuss to degrade their opponents

From the October Surprise to the Russian Hack of the Election, degradation was the correct call.

You can't dismiss this as partisan smearing

I can and I do.

they are privy to the classified information and you are not.

Pssst...Russians posted fake stories on Facebook to beat Hillary....shhhh.....classified.
So you claim it is a joke and everybody who is taking the Russian interference seriously is lying and being partisan, is that right? So explain why Tillerson, Trumps outsider friend who he appointed as SOS, is taking it very seriously? I could make a list of other similar people in the Trump admin who feel the same way, but let's start simple. Please explain
So you claim it is a joke and everybody who is taking the Russian interference seriously is lying and being partisan, is that right?
why certainly. it is nothing but a joke. there is nothing of any evidence any fking place on earth. go ahead, prove me wrong.
It's a joke and a hoax.
So Tillerson is lying along with everybody else in Washington. Your saying it is the biggest coordinated conspiracy in our nations history? That's really what you think is going on?

We've investigated jokes and hoaxes before.
Remember GHW Bush flying in an SR-71 to get Iran to keep the hostages until Jan 20, 1981?
Partisans will likely always make a fuss to degrade their opponents, but that's not what we are talking about here. The thing you are calling a joke is being taken very seriously by just about everybody on your side of the politics. Intel agencies, trump appointees like Tillerson, and congressional republicans. You can't dismiss this as partisan smearing and I have yet to hear a logical answer from you to justify your argument. The difference between you and all these officials that are actually acknowledging the seriousness of the Russia situation is that they are privy to the classified information and you are not. Yet you think you know it all.
dude, just post up the original evidence that started all of this fake shit.
You don't remember what started it? Here is a reminder... our intel agencies published a report showing that Russians interfered in our elections (see below). obama imposed sanctions. Flynn called the Russians and talked about those sanctions then lied about it, the VP and other Trump officials then lied to the American people about it. Then it was revealed that a handful of other Trump surrogates, including his son in law, spoke to the Russians after making statements that nobody had spoken to the Russians. Sessions recused himself from the investigation, it came out Flynn took money from the Russians for speaking and didn't disclose it... I could keep going but I think there is enough shadiness in the story to justify an investigation
I remember that there has been zip zero, nada, nothing squat juice of evidence. let's see the evidence. I don't fall for political hack.
Well it could be anyone of them--but it all started in Cleveland during the RNC Convention--and these are names we've heard before.

Kushner's involvement in a meeting was first reported by The New Yorker, and Flynn's by The New York Times.

The administration official disputed the idea that accepting a meeting with the Russian ambassador could be cause for concern in light of the discussion about Russian meddling in the US election, characterizing the meeting as merely an attempt to meet key international players during the transition to power.

Then this:

"Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today.

Gordon told CNN that along with national security advisers Carter Page and Walid Phares, Gordon stressed to the Russian envoy that he would like to improve relations with Russia.

Then at this same time--Republican Convention, Cleveland in July, 2016 and long before they were even close to winning an election they decided to write foreign policy with the Russian Ambassador.

"Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine."
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -

This information came out only (AFTER Flynn was busted and only AFTER Session's lied under to Oath to congress and only AFTER the Trump administration denied 5 times that they had contact with any Russians during the campaign season.)
Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

This sent off a tornado siren to every intelligence agency in this country, including abroad. Which is when Comey testified that the FBI started it's investigation into the Trump campaign.

Then this comes out: Shep Smith states that they have phone records of Trump surrogates being on the phone not only with the Russian ambassador, but Russian intelligence agents, including the "very day" that the DNC databases were being hacked into.

CNN confirms it

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

John McCain wants to know why the "we will not arm the Ukranians against pro-Russian separtists" was put into the Republican Platform.

Adam Schiff cochair of the House intelligence committee states there is MORE than circumstantial evidence.

Right now there are Grand Jury Subpoenas against General Michael Flynn--who has already requested immunity from prosecution, with his lawyers stating "he has a story to tell."
Michael Flynn targeted by grand jury subpoenas, sources confirm

Right now the special task force within the Treasury department is looking for money laundering and shell corporations- Paul Manafort's name is mentioned in this also--who was in charge of the Trump campaign-and they're also tracking back to see who PAID the Russian hackers.
Paul Manafort’s finances, alliance with Trump draw Treasury, Justice, FBI eyes

One of Comey's comments about 1-1/2 months ago in front of a Senate hearing--he made this comment: "It's as if they didn't even care if they got caught." That can only mean one thing--they've been caught.

This by no means is going away anytime soon.


So you believe a GOP Platform debate is treason? Is that what you're left with here? Do YOU favor arming the Ukranians? Is it DEBATABLE? Should be. Without hysteria about Russian collusion FOR WHICH (on the platform issue) you have NONE..

Just like the rest of this paranoid delusion that's wasting everybody's time...

You should be investigating the DNC ties to Russian influence because CLEARLY the Ukranian policy they ENACTED was not largely different from this GOP platform plank.

Arming Ukraine: Where the 2016 Hopefuls Stand

President Barack Obama has so far resisted appeals from the beleaguered Ukrainian military to provide lethal aid such as small arms, ammunition, and anti-tank weaponry—though he has the authority to do so under a law he signed last year. President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine, U.S. lawmakers from both parties, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and former diplomats and defense officials have all urged him to consider reversing course.

The former secretary of state and architect of the Russian "reset" policy, who has largely shunned public appearances in the last few months aside from the occasional paid speech, did comment on the Ukraine crisis last month. Clinton said she supported "putting more financial support into the Ukrainian government" during a paid speaking engagement in Winnipeg, Canada, as well as "new equipment, new training for the Ukrainians." She did not specify whether that "equipment" should include lethal arms.

A Clinton spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.

Obviously those 2 DEMS were talking with Russians CONSTANTLY. And the Uranium give away approved by Mrs WhoreHopper is a MUCH clearer conflict of interest than anything you're mentioning. PLUS her campaign manager was LOBBYING for SberBank in Russia that literally OWNS 1/3 of the Russian economy..

If you're paranoid about Russians -- Let's investigate it all. That way --- the kind of question asked in this OP is APPLIED EQUALLY to both primitive warring tribes....

What an ELECTED (already won the election and is sworn into office) President does with Foreign policy is routine.

But no campaign in the middle of a campaign season has ever sat across the table from a Foreign adversary to write foreign policy. (Russians can't vote, nor can they make campaign donations.) Meaning there is absolutely no reason to meet or talk with them at that time.

It is the REASON that sent up the red flags to every intelligence agency in this country & Russian phone lines were wire tapped. Where anyone they were calling and anyone who was calling them was being wiretaped. Clearly they have a lot of contact with Trump surrogates & Russians during the campaign season.

Furthermore the Trump administration DENIED 5 TIMES that they had any contact with Russians during the campaign season.
Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

According to Shep Smith's video--they were on the phone not only the Russian Ambassador but Russian intelligence agents, including the very day that DNC databases were getting hacked into.

Wrong. Hillary losing and the resulting mass hysteria of the snowflakes is the only reason that occurred.

The Trump administration denied it? You mean a couple of people denied it. The contacts were totally benign. There's no "there" there.

You're a fucking retard.

Like they say trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to teach Algebra to a Chimpanzee.

This is not really a partisan political issue--it's an American issue--and we will not tolerate someone who colluded with Russians to interfere into ANY of our elections, much less occupy the Oval office. Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON.
I'm talking about the election. You honestly believed at the time that the wikileaks revelations would do NO HARM WHATSOEVER to Hillary's chances of winning?

Most Americans had made up their minds, snowflakes were going to vote Democrat no matter what. There wasn't much revealed that people did not already know or did not surprise them about democrats.

Hillary was the worst candidate in US history...that's the real problem with Hillary, not what was released about her.

To begin with, her name should never have been allowed on the ballot on election day anyway for being under MULTIPLE FBI investigations for crimes to conclude ESPIONAGE just days before the election.

As has been since revealed, Trump was also under investigation.

I really have no idea what news station you people are watching (if any) but I imagine it's FOX News and if they're not reporting on the ongoing Senate hearings right now--it's probably time to turn the channel.

"FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Monday that his agency has been investigating possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian officials since last July.

The newly revealed timeline — which Comey detailed in a much-anticipated House Intelligence Committee hearing — means the FBI probe was occurring during the peak of an alleged Russian campaign to destabilize the presidential race and eventually help elect President Donald Trump."
Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July

This news is over 3 weeks old now.


It all started at the RNC Convention in Cleveland when the Russian Ambassador met with Trump Surrogates and they started writing foreign policy together.

Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today.

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful.
But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -


Fox News, the only broadcast news not in the DNC pocket. And it fking drives you all nuts. I laugh at you libturds daily. too fking funny.

There are a lot of you on this thread that clearly have no idea what's been going on over the last 2 months--and I would presume that FOX News isn't reporting on this and it is probably due to their hand in giving Trump an unprecedented 2 billion in free news coverage, (while ignoring all other GOP candidates) & thereby promoting Trump's nomination & then elected.
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings?

So you believe a GOP Platform debate is treason? Is that what you're left with here? Do YOU favor arming the Ukranians? Is it DEBATABLE? Should be. Without hysteria about Russian collusion FOR WHICH (on the platform issue) you have NONE..

Just like the rest of this paranoid delusion that's wasting everybody's time...

You should be investigating the DNC ties to Russian influence because CLEARLY the Ukranian policy they ENACTED was not largely different from this GOP platform plank.

Arming Ukraine: Where the 2016 Hopefuls Stand

President Barack Obama has so far resisted appeals from the beleaguered Ukrainian military to provide lethal aid such as small arms, ammunition, and anti-tank weaponry—though he has the authority to do so under a law he signed last year. President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine, U.S. lawmakers from both parties, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and former diplomats and defense officials have all urged him to consider reversing course.

The former secretary of state and architect of the Russian "reset" policy, who has largely shunned public appearances in the last few months aside from the occasional paid speech, did comment on the Ukraine crisis last month. Clinton said she supported "putting more financial support into the Ukrainian government" during a paid speaking engagement in Winnipeg, Canada, as well as "new equipment, new training for the Ukrainians." She did not specify whether that "equipment" should include lethal arms.

A Clinton spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.

Obviously those 2 DEMS were talking with Russians CONSTANTLY. And the Uranium give away approved by Mrs WhoreHopper is a MUCH clearer conflict of interest than anything you're mentioning. PLUS her campaign manager was LOBBYING for SberBank in Russia that literally OWNS 1/3 of the Russian economy..

If you're paranoid about Russians -- Let's investigate it all. That way --- the kind of question asked in this OP is APPLIED EQUALLY to both primitive warring tribes....

What an ELECTED (already won the election and is sworn into office) President does with Foreign policy is routine.

But no campaign in the middle of a campaign season has ever sat across the table from a Foreign adversary to write foreign policy. (Russians can't vote, nor can they make campaign donations.) Meaning there is absolutely no reason to meet or talk with them at that time.

It is the REASON that sent up the red flags to every intelligence agency in this country & Russian phone lines were wire tapped. Where anyone they were calling and anyone who was calling them was being wiretaped. Clearly they have a lot of contact with Trump surrogates & Russians during the campaign season.

Furthermore the Trump administration DENIED 5 TIMES that they had any contact with Russians during the campaign season.
Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

According to Shep Smith's video--they were on the phone not only the Russian Ambassador but Russian intelligence agents, including the very day that DNC databases were getting hacked into.

Wrong. Hillary losing and the resulting mass hysteria of the snowflakes is the only reason that occurred.

The Trump administration denied it? You mean a couple of people denied it. The contacts were totally benign. There's no "there" there.

You're a fucking retard.

Like they say trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to teach Algebra to a Chimpanzee.

This is not really a partisan political issue--it's an American issue--and we will not tolerate someone who colluded with Russians to interfere into ANY of our elections, much less occupy the Oval office. Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON.
I'm talking about the election. You honestly believed at the time that the wikileaks revelations would do NO HARM WHATSOEVER to Hillary's chances of winning?

Most Americans had made up their minds, snowflakes were going to vote Democrat no matter what. There wasn't much revealed that people did not already know or did not surprise them about democrats.

Hillary was the worst candidate in US history...that's the real problem with Hillary, not what was released about her.

To begin with, her name should never have been allowed on the ballot on election day anyway for being under MULTIPLE FBI investigations for crimes to conclude ESPIONAGE just days before the election.

As has been since revealed, Trump was also under investigation.

I really have no idea what news station you people are watching (if any) but I imagine it's FOX News and if they're not reporting on the ongoing Senate hearings right now--it's probably time to turn the channel.

"FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Monday that his agency has been investigating possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian officials since last July.

The newly revealed timeline — which Comey detailed in a much-anticipated House Intelligence Committee hearing — means the FBI probe was occurring during the peak of an alleged Russian campaign to destabilize the presidential race and eventually help elect President Donald Trump."
Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July

This news is over 3 weeks old now.


It all started at the RNC Convention in Cleveland when the Russian Ambassador met with Trump Surrogates and they started writing foreign policy together.

Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today.

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful.
But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -


Fox News, the only broadcast news not in the DNC pocket. And it fking drives you all nuts. I laugh at you libturds daily. too fking funny.

There are a lot of you on this thread that clearly have no idea what's been going on over the last 2 months--and I would presume that FOX News isn't reporting on this and it is probably due to their hand of promoting of getting Trump nominated then elected.

I know exactly what's been going on for over eleven months. a hoax, a scam, a smoke and mirror I got my ass handed to me left crying out how they all lost their dignity. yep been watching it nightly. show me something different.
There are a lot of you on this thread that clearly have no idea what's been going on over the last 2 months--and I would presume that FOX News isn't reporting on this and it is probably due to their hand in giving Trump an unprecedented 2 billion in free news coverage, (while ignoring all other GOP candidates) & thereby promoting Trump's nomination & then elected.
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings?


MEANWHILE we now KNOW, thanks to FBI Director Comey's testimony under oath before Congress days ago NOT ONLY should Hillary's name NOT been on the ballot on election day due to being under multiple FBI investigations just days out from the election, we also know she should have been wearing a prison-orange jumpsuit for having broken so many laws.
What an ELECTED (already won the election and is sworn into office) President does with Foreign policy is routine.

But no campaign in the middle of a campaign season has ever sat across the table from a Foreign adversary to write foreign policy. (Russians can't vote, nor can they make campaign donations.) Meaning there is absolutely no reason to meet or talk with them at that time.

It is the REASON that sent up the red flags to every intelligence agency in this country & Russian phone lines were wire tapped. Where anyone they were calling and anyone who was calling them was being wiretaped. Clearly they have a lot of contact with Trump surrogates & Russians during the campaign season.

Furthermore the Trump administration DENIED 5 TIMES that they had any contact with Russians during the campaign season.
Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

According to Shep Smith's video--they were on the phone not only the Russian Ambassador but Russian intelligence agents, including the very day that DNC databases were getting hacked into.

Wrong. Hillary losing and the resulting mass hysteria of the snowflakes is the only reason that occurred.

The Trump administration denied it? You mean a couple of people denied it. The contacts were totally benign. There's no "there" there.

You're a fucking retard.

Like they say trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to teach Algebra to a Chimpanzee.

This is not really a partisan political issue--it's an American issue--and we will not tolerate someone who colluded with Russians to interfere into ANY of our elections, much less occupy the Oval office. Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON.
Most Americans had made up their minds, snowflakes were going to vote Democrat no matter what. There wasn't much revealed that people did not already know or did not surprise them about democrats.

Hillary was the worst candidate in US history...that's the real problem with Hillary, not what was released about her.

To begin with, her name should never have been allowed on the ballot on election day anyway for being under MULTIPLE FBI investigations for crimes to conclude ESPIONAGE just days before the election.

As has been since revealed, Trump was also under investigation.

I really have no idea what news station you people are watching (if any) but I imagine it's FOX News and if they're not reporting on the ongoing Senate hearings right now--it's probably time to turn the channel.

"FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Monday that his agency has been investigating possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian officials since last July.

The newly revealed timeline — which Comey detailed in a much-anticipated House Intelligence Committee hearing — means the FBI probe was occurring during the peak of an alleged Russian campaign to destabilize the presidential race and eventually help elect President Donald Trump."
Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July

This news is over 3 weeks old now.


It all started at the RNC Convention in Cleveland when the Russian Ambassador met with Trump Surrogates and they started writing foreign policy together.

Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today.

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful.
But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -


Fox News, the only broadcast news not in the DNC pocket. And it fking drives you all nuts. I laugh at you libturds daily. too fking funny.

There are a lot of you on this thread that clearly have no idea what's been going on over the last 2 months--and I would presume that FOX News isn't reporting on this and it is probably due to their hand of promoting of getting Trump nominated then elected.

I know exactly what's been going on for over eleven months. a hoax, a scam, a smoke and mirror I got my ass handed to me left crying out how they all lost their dignity. yep been watching it nightly. show me something different.

You have proven what I just said--LOL You clearly don't know anything.
Wrong. Hillary losing and the resulting mass hysteria of the snowflakes is the only reason that occurred.

The Trump administration denied it? You mean a couple of people denied it. The contacts were totally benign. There's no "there" there.

You're a fucking retard.

Like they say trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to teach Algebra to a Chimpanzee.

This is not really a partisan political issue--it's an American issue--and we will not tolerate someone who colluded with Russians to interfere into ANY of our elections, much less occupy the Oval office. Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON.
As has been since revealed, Trump was also under investigation.

I really have no idea what news station you people are watching (if any) but I imagine it's FOX News and if they're not reporting on the ongoing Senate hearings right now--it's probably time to turn the channel.

"FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Monday that his agency has been investigating possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian officials since last July.

The newly revealed timeline — which Comey detailed in a much-anticipated House Intelligence Committee hearing — means the FBI probe was occurring during the peak of an alleged Russian campaign to destabilize the presidential race and eventually help elect President Donald Trump."
Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July

This news is over 3 weeks old now.


It all started at the RNC Convention in Cleveland when the Russian Ambassador met with Trump Surrogates and they started writing foreign policy together.

Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today.

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful.
But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -


Fox News, the only broadcast news not in the DNC pocket. And it fking drives you all nuts. I laugh at you libturds daily. too fking funny.

There are a lot of you on this thread that clearly have no idea what's been going on over the last 2 months--and I would presume that FOX News isn't reporting on this and it is probably due to their hand of promoting of getting Trump nominated then elected.
I know exactly what's been going on for over eleven months. a hoax, a scam, a smoke and mirror I got my ass handed to me left crying out how they all lost their dignity. yep been watching it nightly. show me something different.

You have proven what I just said--LOL You clearly don't know anything.
nice smoke and mirror post. eleven months now.
Like they say trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to teach Algebra to a Chimpanzee.

This is not really a partisan political issue--it's an American issue--and we will not tolerate someone who colluded with Russians to interfere into ANY of our elections, much less occupy the Oval office. Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON.
I really have no idea what news station you people are watching (if any) but I imagine it's FOX News and if they're not reporting on the ongoing Senate hearings right now--it's probably time to turn the channel.

"FBI Director James Comey told lawmakers Monday that his agency has been investigating possible coordination between the Trump campaign and Russian officials since last July.

The newly revealed timeline — which Comey detailed in a much-anticipated House Intelligence Committee hearing — means the FBI probe was occurring during the peak of an alleged Russian campaign to destabilize the presidential race and eventually help elect President Donald Trump."
Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July

This news is over 3 weeks old now.


It all started at the RNC Convention in Cleveland when the Russian Ambassador met with Trump Surrogates and they started writing foreign policy together.

Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today.

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful.
But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador -


Fox News, the only broadcast news not in the DNC pocket. And it fking drives you all nuts. I laugh at you libturds daily. too fking funny.

There are a lot of you on this thread that clearly have no idea what's been going on over the last 2 months--and I would presume that FOX News isn't reporting on this and it is probably due to their hand of promoting of getting Trump nominated then elected.
I know exactly what's been going on for over eleven months. a hoax, a scam, a smoke and mirror I got my ass handed to me left crying out how they all lost their dignity. yep been watching it nightly. show me something different.

You have proven what I just said--LOL You clearly don't know anything.
nice smoke and mirror post. eleven months now.

Well it's going a lot faster than Watergate did--which took years. I don't expect the Comrade to remain in office for too long.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -

So Tillerson is lying along with everybody else in Washington. Your saying it is the biggest coordinated conspiracy in our nations history? That's really what you think is going on?

We've investigated jokes and hoaxes before.
Remember GHW Bush flying in an SR-71 to get Iran to keep the hostages until Jan 20, 1981?
Partisans will likely always make a fuss to degrade their opponents, but that's not what we are talking about here. The thing you are calling a joke is being taken very seriously by just about everybody on your side of the politics. Intel agencies, trump appointees like Tillerson, and congressional republicans. You can't dismiss this as partisan smearing and I have yet to hear a logical answer from you to justify your argument. The difference between you and all these officials that are actually acknowledging the seriousness of the Russia situation is that they are privy to the classified information and you are not. Yet you think you know it all.
dude, just post up the original evidence that started all of this fake shit.
You don't remember what started it? Here is a reminder... our intel agencies published a report showing that Russians interfered in our elections (see below). obama imposed sanctions. Flynn called the Russians and talked about those sanctions then lied about it, the VP and other Trump officials then lied to the American people about it. Then it was revealed that a handful of other Trump surrogates, including his son in law, spoke to the Russians after making statements that nobody had spoken to the Russians. Sessions recused himself from the investigation, it came out Flynn took money from the Russians for speaking and didn't disclose it... I could keep going but I think there is enough shadiness in the story to justify an investigation
I remember that there has been zip zero, nada, nothing squat juice of evidence. let's see the evidence. I don't fall for political hack.

Since when are the investigative bodies supposed to show you the evidence, bit by bit, as they find it?
We've investigated jokes and hoaxes before.
Remember GHW Bush flying in an SR-71 to get Iran to keep the hostages until Jan 20, 1981?
Partisans will likely always make a fuss to degrade their opponents, but that's not what we are talking about here. The thing you are calling a joke is being taken very seriously by just about everybody on your side of the politics. Intel agencies, trump appointees like Tillerson, and congressional republicans. You can't dismiss this as partisan smearing and I have yet to hear a logical answer from you to justify your argument. The difference between you and all these officials that are actually acknowledging the seriousness of the Russia situation is that they are privy to the classified information and you are not. Yet you think you know it all.
dude, just post up the original evidence that started all of this fake shit.
You don't remember what started it? Here is a reminder... our intel agencies published a report showing that Russians interfered in our elections (see below). obama imposed sanctions. Flynn called the Russians and talked about those sanctions then lied about it, the VP and other Trump officials then lied to the American people about it. Then it was revealed that a handful of other Trump surrogates, including his son in law, spoke to the Russians after making statements that nobody had spoken to the Russians. Sessions recused himself from the investigation, it came out Flynn took money from the Russians for speaking and didn't disclose it... I could keep going but I think there is enough shadiness in the story to justify an investigation
I remember that there has been zip zero, nada, nothing squat juice of evidence. let's see the evidence. I don't fall for political hack.

Since when are the investigative bodies supposed to show you the evidence, bit by bit, as they find it?
me and millions of others.
Damn, can you do the reader digest version? LOL

Question, why would Nunes tell anyone about the whistle blower till he knew what he had? Especially Adam Shiff who is nothing but a partisan punk. That said I agree he could have handled it better, then there would be no ethics investigation to fool with. I do think he will be cleared.

So Rice was the only one to see the unmasked info, so I guess we know who leaked it, RIGHT? Grey bar hotel time for her. LMAO

As for the Dems, hell no they're not going to say a flat out no, they would lose all the propaganda value. Everything has been available for months, do you seriously think there's anything new to find?

And I'm not even going into the prosecutors, it's SOP for every president, nothing to see there.

No Trump didn't threaten anyone, you folks crack me up.

Now can we get back to the topic of the thread?


I am a female! We don't do Reader's Digest versions! :D

WHY would Nunes NOT advise his co chair of what's going on and yet run to the press with his cockamamie convoluted innuendos BEFORE even advising his committee on it? Looks to me like he either let himself be used and abused by the Admin or he was part of the ruse from the get go?

The republicans investigating won't say a flat out NO always has a quantifier too...the investigation is simply not over and is on going...they just are not done yet....I don't know why and you don't know why, but THEY DO, just stop interfering and let them get their jobs done...these are not politicos investigating, these are dedicated career counter intelligence investigators. It very well could be they can't come out and clear the Trump team right now simply because they don't want to show that hand to the Russians who interfered yet....

oh and Rice asked for the unmasking for herself....we DO NOT KNOW who else asked for the unmasking in other areas of security within the gvt.

Well Shiff is not the co-chair, he is the ranking member of the minority party. If the intel folks hadn't stonewalled him, he wouldn't have needed to go the WH complex to view the reports. There was no ruse and if you noticed after viewing the reports the Dems went very silent on the maobama regime not having the campaign under surveillance. And I've already said he could have handled it better.

Grasslley and Feinstein both said flat out that Trump was not a target according to Comey. Like I said, they're going to keep the propaganda value as high as they can for as long as they can, it all politics.

Yeah and we don't know who she shared the information with, remember the reports of the regime spreading all kinds of raw data around the intel agencies?

I just hope they find the leaker's, they need to be locked up.

The rumor was not true about spreading the intel around according to Susan Rice, they did not spread the intel around, she GATHERED all the separate info together on the Russian interference investigation aspects in to 1 report, upon the president's request for such...

What was actually leaked? The info on Flynn Lying to the vice President?

It was the info in Flynn's call to the Russian ambassador that was leaked, which is a felony.

except no one actually leaked it, we got the shortest Reader's Digest version... at best.... it was a ''someone said'' that Fynn did discuss sanctions, no one released the classified recording, no one in the public knows what was on those recordings...or that the rumors were true....until Trump fired him for lying about discussing sanctions and telling Pence he didn't..

the classified tape of Flynn's discussions were never leaked, we've not heard them...

No, just the transcripts or partial transcripts, still a felony.
Damn, can you do the reader digest version? LOL

Question, why would Nunes tell anyone about the whistle blower till he knew what he had? Especially Adam Shiff who is nothing but a partisan punk. That said I agree he could have handled it better, then there would be no ethics investigation to fool with. I do think he will be cleared.

So Rice was the only one to see the unmasked info, so I guess we know who leaked it, RIGHT? Grey bar hotel time for her. LMAO

As for the Dems, hell no they're not going to say a flat out no, they would lose all the propaganda value. Everything has been available for months, do you seriously think there's anything new to find?

And I'm not even going into the prosecutors, it's SOP for every president, nothing to see there.

No Trump didn't threaten anyone, you folks crack me up.

Now can we get back to the topic of the thread?


I am a female! We don't do Reader's Digest versions! :D

WHY would Nunes NOT advise his co chair of what's going on and yet run to the press with his cockamamie convoluted innuendos BEFORE even advising his committee on it? Looks to me like he either let himself be used and abused by the Admin or he was part of the ruse from the get go?

The republicans investigating won't say a flat out NO always has a quantifier too...the investigation is simply not over and is on going...they just are not done yet....I don't know why and you don't know why, but THEY DO, just stop interfering and let them get their jobs done...these are not politicos investigating, these are dedicated career counter intelligence investigators. It very well could be they can't come out and clear the Trump team right now simply because they don't want to show that hand to the Russians who interfered yet....

oh and Rice asked for the unmasking for herself....we DO NOT KNOW who else asked for the unmasking in other areas of security within the gvt.

Well Shiff is not the co-chair, he is the ranking member of the minority party. If the intel folks hadn't stonewalled him, he wouldn't have needed to go the WH complex to view the reports. There was no ruse and if you noticed after viewing the reports the Dems went very silent on the maobama regime not having the campaign under surveillance. And I've already said he could have handled it better.

Grasslley and Feinstein both said flat out that Trump was not a target according to Comey. Like I said, they're going to keep the propaganda value as high as they can for as long as they can, it all politics.

Yeah and we don't know who she shared the information with, remember the reports of the regime spreading all kinds of raw data around the intel agencies?

I just hope they find the leaker's, they need to be locked up.

The rumor was not true about spreading the intel around according to Susan Rice, they did not spread the intel around, she GATHERED all the separate info together on the Russian interference investigation aspects in to 1 report, upon the president's request for such...

What was actually leaked? The info on Flynn Lying to the vice President?

It was the info in Flynn's call to the Russian ambassador that was leaked, which is a felony.

except no one actually leaked it, we got the shortest Reader's Digest version... at best.... it was a ''someone said'' that Fynn did discuss sanctions, no one released the classified recording, no one in the public knows what was on those recordings...or that the rumors were true....until Trump fired him for lying about discussing sanctions and telling Pence he didn't..

the classified tape of Flynn's discussions were never leaked, we've not heard them...
sure they were leaked. where you been bubba?
I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?


How is it that you don't know the answer yourself?

Because I haven't found a law that would apply, I thought someone else might be able to. So far, that's not the case.

I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?


How is it that you don't know the answer yourself?

Because I haven't found a law that would apply, I thought someone else might be able to. So far, that's not the case.


Since the scenario you described is a 100% fabrication, what's the point?

I am a female! We don't do Reader's Digest versions! :D

WHY would Nunes NOT advise his co chair of what's going on and yet run to the press with his cockamamie convoluted innuendos BEFORE even advising his committee on it? Looks to me like he either let himself be used and abused by the Admin or he was part of the ruse from the get go?

The republicans investigating won't say a flat out NO always has a quantifier too...the investigation is simply not over and is on going...they just are not done yet....I don't know why and you don't know why, but THEY DO, just stop interfering and let them get their jobs done...these are not politicos investigating, these are dedicated career counter intelligence investigators. It very well could be they can't come out and clear the Trump team right now simply because they don't want to show that hand to the Russians who interfered yet....

oh and Rice asked for the unmasking for herself....we DO NOT KNOW who else asked for the unmasking in other areas of security within the gvt.

Well Shiff is not the co-chair, he is the ranking member of the minority party. If the intel folks hadn't stonewalled him, he wouldn't have needed to go the WH complex to view the reports. There was no ruse and if you noticed after viewing the reports the Dems went very silent on the maobama regime not having the campaign under surveillance. And I've already said he could have handled it better.

Grasslley and Feinstein both said flat out that Trump was not a target according to Comey. Like I said, they're going to keep the propaganda value as high as they can for as long as they can, it all politics.

Yeah and we don't know who she shared the information with, remember the reports of the regime spreading all kinds of raw data around the intel agencies?

I just hope they find the leaker's, they need to be locked up.

The rumor was not true about spreading the intel around according to Susan Rice, they did not spread the intel around, she GATHERED all the separate info together on the Russian interference investigation aspects in to 1 report, upon the president's request for such...

What was actually leaked? The info on Flynn Lying to the vice President?

It was the info in Flynn's call to the Russian ambassador that was leaked, which is a felony.

except no one actually leaked it, we got the shortest Reader's Digest version... at best.... it was a ''someone said'' that Fynn did discuss sanctions, no one released the classified recording, no one in the public knows what was on those recordings...or that the rumors were true....until Trump fired him for lying about discussing sanctions and telling Pence he didn't..

the classified tape of Flynn's discussions were never leaked, we've not heard them...

No, just the transcripts or partial transcripts, still a felony.
NO, the transcripts were NOT released to the public either...not even partial was just someone saying they exist.... which is still a crime, but probably not a felony imo.

I am a female! We don't do Reader's Digest versions! :D

WHY would Nunes NOT advise his co chair of what's going on and yet run to the press with his cockamamie convoluted innuendos BEFORE even advising his committee on it? Looks to me like he either let himself be used and abused by the Admin or he was part of the ruse from the get go?

The republicans investigating won't say a flat out NO always has a quantifier too...the investigation is simply not over and is on going...they just are not done yet....I don't know why and you don't know why, but THEY DO, just stop interfering and let them get their jobs done...these are not politicos investigating, these are dedicated career counter intelligence investigators. It very well could be they can't come out and clear the Trump team right now simply because they don't want to show that hand to the Russians who interfered yet....

oh and Rice asked for the unmasking for herself....we DO NOT KNOW who else asked for the unmasking in other areas of security within the gvt.

Well Shiff is not the co-chair, he is the ranking member of the minority party. If the intel folks hadn't stonewalled him, he wouldn't have needed to go the WH complex to view the reports. There was no ruse and if you noticed after viewing the reports the Dems went very silent on the maobama regime not having the campaign under surveillance. And I've already said he could have handled it better.

Grasslley and Feinstein both said flat out that Trump was not a target according to Comey. Like I said, they're going to keep the propaganda value as high as they can for as long as they can, it all politics.

Yeah and we don't know who she shared the information with, remember the reports of the regime spreading all kinds of raw data around the intel agencies?

I just hope they find the leaker's, they need to be locked up.

The rumor was not true about spreading the intel around according to Susan Rice, they did not spread the intel around, she GATHERED all the separate info together on the Russian interference investigation aspects in to 1 report, upon the president's request for such...

What was actually leaked? The info on Flynn Lying to the vice President?

It was the info in Flynn's call to the Russian ambassador that was leaked, which is a felony.

except no one actually leaked it, we got the shortest Reader's Digest version... at best.... it was a ''someone said'' that Fynn did discuss sanctions, no one released the classified recording, no one in the public knows what was on those recordings...or that the rumors were true....until Trump fired him for lying about discussing sanctions and telling Pence he didn't..

the classified tape of Flynn's discussions were never leaked, we've not heard them...
sure they were leaked. where you been bubba?
Really? Got a link to the leaked transcripts or leaked tapes?
It's a joke and a hoax.
So Tillerson is lying along with everybody else in Washington. Your saying it is the biggest coordinated conspiracy in our nations history? That's really what you think is going on?

We've investigated jokes and hoaxes before.
Remember GHW Bush flying in an SR-71 to get Iran to keep the hostages until Jan 20, 1981?
Partisans will likely always make a fuss to degrade their opponents, but that's not what we are talking about here. The thing you are calling a joke is being taken very seriously by just about everybody on your side of the politics. Intel agencies, trump appointees like Tillerson, and congressional republicans. You can't dismiss this as partisan smearing and I have yet to hear a logical answer from you to justify your argument. The difference between you and all these officials that are actually acknowledging the seriousness of the Russia situation is that they are privy to the classified information and you are not. Yet you think you know it all.

Partisans will likely always make a fuss to degrade their opponents

From the October Surprise to the Russian Hack of the Election, degradation was the correct call.

You can't dismiss this as partisan smearing

I can and I do.

they are privy to the classified information and you are not.

Pssst...Russians posted fake stories on Facebook to beat Hillary....shhhh.....classified.
So you claim it is a joke and everybody who is taking the Russian interference seriously is lying and being partisan, is that right? So explain why Tillerson, Trumps outsider friend who he appointed as SOS, is taking it very seriously? I could make a list of other similar people in the Trump admin who feel the same way, but let's start simple. Please explain

So you claim it is a joke and everybody who is taking the Russian interference seriously is lying and being partisan, is that right?

No. Some of the partisan idiots who take it seriously aren't lying.

So explain why Tillerson, Trumps outsider friend who he appointed as SOS, is taking it very seriously?

Laughing at idiots tends to trigger them.

Why don't you explain your theory of the election?

Did the Russians "hack the election"?
Did the Russians "spread fake news"?

Did any of their actions impact the election?
Which ones? How?

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