The One Question No One So Far Can Answer

It's a joke and a hoax.
So Tillerson is lying along with everybody else in Washington. Your saying it is the biggest coordinated conspiracy in our nations history? That's really what you think is going on?

I don't know Tillerson's motivation, but it doesn't require a conspiracy for all of Washington to pile on Trump. They are all a bunch of lying scumbags who hate the guy.

You ridicule conspiracy, yet you and all the other snowflakes are accusing the Trump administration of that very thing.

Of course, you've never been above gross hypocrisy
Investigating a handful of bad actors is much different than saying the entire administration and congress and intel agencies are lying for unknown reasons.
well then where is the russia stuff that confirms your sides fking story? someone on your side declared it so so where is that original evidence?
Where is the classified information that proves Russia's interference and details how they did it? "I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you"

Guess you're gonna just have to be patient like the rest of us and wait for the findings of the investigation.

Just admit that at this point there is no evidence of any kind to support your sleazy accusations.
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Because I haven't found a law that would apply, I thought someone else might be able to. So far, that's not the case.


Since the scenario you described is a 100% fabrication, what's the point?

Isn't that scenario what you folks are calling treason?

P.S. I'm not calling it Treason....none of this reaches the level of Treason itself, imo....

it's more traitorous than treasonous imho, IF speculations are true.

Russia already had the material that was released, coordinating to effect the election is no more criminal than many of the dirty tricks used by people in the US. One thing you can say about Wikileaks is what they released was true. The same can't be said about US candidates and the news organizations that publicized their lies. Like what ever happened to the bimbo avalanche against Trump? They seem to have vanished as quickly as they appeared.

No, testimony came out that said that..... you DO NOT KNOW THAT about wikileaks, and that most of what was released could have been true, but there were insertions in to the leaked emails that were not true.

How would you know that? Did Podesta ever produce any emails that demonstrated the Wikileaks version was wrong? No, of course, not. You're obviously full of shit.

AND the articles that were highlighted by wikileaks did not include all emails regarding the topics they highlighted and had Russian initiated stories spread to the right wing media within hours or minutes of their releases by wiki leaks.....

Wikileaks published what they had. How would you even know what emails were missing? What "Russia initiated stories" are you talking about? Admit that you are just making this crap up.

Like they highlighted the memo where Hillary asked about Parkinson disease, and the stories regurgitated in the right wing and social media was that Hillary HAD Parkinson's disease and was sick and was dying etc etc etc....

They did not included the emails of why she was asking about Parkinson's in the first they could regurgitate their initial fake story....

they inserted an email that claimed Cain was picked as VP a year before he was picked, which was fake....

How do you know these emails exist? How do you know the email regarding Cain was fake? Do you expect anyone to believe this horseshit?
We've investigated jokes and hoaxes before.
Remember GHW Bush flying in an SR-71 to get Iran to keep the hostages until Jan 20, 1981?
Partisans will likely always make a fuss to degrade their opponents, but that's not what we are talking about here. The thing you are calling a joke is being taken very seriously by just about everybody on your side of the politics. Intel agencies, trump appointees like Tillerson, and congressional republicans. You can't dismiss this as partisan smearing and I have yet to hear a logical answer from you to justify your argument. The difference between you and all these officials that are actually acknowledging the seriousness of the Russia situation is that they are privy to the classified information and you are not. Yet you think you know it all.

Partisans will likely always make a fuss to degrade their opponents

From the October Surprise to the Russian Hack of the Election, degradation was the correct call.

You can't dismiss this as partisan smearing

I can and I do.

they are privy to the classified information and you are not.

Pssst...Russians posted fake stories on Facebook to beat Hillary....shhhh.....classified.
So you claim it is a joke and everybody who is taking the Russian interference seriously is lying and being partisan, is that right? So explain why Tillerson, Trumps outsider friend who he appointed as SOS, is taking it very seriously? I could make a list of other similar people in the Trump admin who feel the same way, but let's start simple. Please explain
So you claim it is a joke and everybody who is taking the Russian interference seriously is lying and being partisan, is that right?
why certainly. it is nothing but a joke. there is nothing of any evidence any fking place on earth. go ahead, prove me wrong.
You keep dodging. I can't prove you wrong because I havent seen the intel. Those that have seen the intel, even those who are in the Trump administration have made public statements about the accuracy and seriousness of the report. So try again to answer a simple question. Why would they contradict your claims that this is a joke?

How would they even know if the report is accurate? You're asking us to trust a bunch of partisan political hacks. That's the sure sign of a douche bag.
We've investigated jokes and hoaxes before.
Remember GHW Bush flying in an SR-71 to get Iran to keep the hostages until Jan 20, 1981?
Partisans will likely always make a fuss to degrade their opponents, but that's not what we are talking about here. The thing you are calling a joke is being taken very seriously by just about everybody on your side of the politics. Intel agencies, trump appointees like Tillerson, and congressional republicans. You can't dismiss this as partisan smearing and I have yet to hear a logical answer from you to justify your argument. The difference between you and all these officials that are actually acknowledging the seriousness of the Russia situation is that they are privy to the classified information and you are not. Yet you think you know it all.

Partisans will likely always make a fuss to degrade their opponents

From the October Surprise to the Russian Hack of the Election, degradation was the correct call.

You can't dismiss this as partisan smearing

I can and I do.

they are privy to the classified information and you are not.

Pssst...Russians posted fake stories on Facebook to beat Hillary....shhhh.....classified.
So you claim it is a joke and everybody who is taking the Russian interference seriously is lying and being partisan, is that right? So explain why Tillerson, Trumps outsider friend who he appointed as SOS, is taking it very seriously? I could make a list of other similar people in the Trump admin who feel the same way, but let's start simple. Please explain

So you claim it is a joke and everybody who is taking the Russian interference seriously is lying and being partisan, is that right?

No. Some of the partisan idiots who take it seriously aren't lying.

So explain why Tillerson, Trumps outsider friend who he appointed as SOS, is taking it very seriously?

Laughing at idiots tends to trigger them.

Why don't you explain your theory of the election?

Did the Russians "hack the election"?
Did the Russians "spread fake news"?

Did any of their actions impact the election?
Which ones? How?
How about you answer my question first and then I'll answer yours. You keep dodging my question about why a guy like Tillerson would acknowledge the seriousness of the Russian interference.

Tillerson is just playing both sides of the street so he can avoid making enemies.
Fox News, the only broadcast news not in the DNC pocket. And it fking drives you all nuts. I laugh at you libturds daily. too fking funny.

There are a lot of you on this thread that clearly have no idea what's been going on over the last 2 months--and I would presume that FOX News isn't reporting on this and it is probably due to their hand of promoting of getting Trump nominated then elected.
I know exactly what's been going on for over eleven months. a hoax, a scam, a smoke and mirror I got my ass handed to me left crying out how they all lost their dignity. yep been watching it nightly. show me something different.

You have proven what I just said--LOL You clearly don't know anything.
nice smoke and mirror post. eleven months now.

Well it's going a lot faster than Watergate did--which took years. I don't expect the Comrade to remain in office for too long.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign -


It's going nowhere faster.
Well Shiff is not the co-chair, he is the ranking member of the minority party. If the intel folks hadn't stonewalled him, he wouldn't have needed to go the WH complex to view the reports. There was no ruse and if you noticed after viewing the reports the Dems went very silent on the maobama regime not having the campaign under surveillance. And I've already said he could have handled it better.

Grasslley and Feinstein both said flat out that Trump was not a target according to Comey. Like I said, they're going to keep the propaganda value as high as they can for as long as they can, it all politics.

Yeah and we don't know who she shared the information with, remember the reports of the regime spreading all kinds of raw data around the intel agencies?

I just hope they find the leaker's, they need to be locked up.

The rumor was not true about spreading the intel around according to Susan Rice, they did not spread the intel around, she GATHERED all the separate info together on the Russian interference investigation aspects in to 1 report, upon the president's request for such...

What was actually leaked? The info on Flynn Lying to the vice President?

It was the info in Flynn's call to the Russian ambassador that was leaked, which is a felony.

except no one actually leaked it, we got the shortest Reader's Digest version... at best.... it was a ''someone said'' that Fynn did discuss sanctions, no one released the classified recording, no one in the public knows what was on those recordings...or that the rumors were true....until Trump fired him for lying about discussing sanctions and telling Pence he didn't..

the classified tape of Flynn's discussions were never leaked, we've not heard them...
sure they were leaked. where you been bubba?
Really? Got a link to the leaked transcripts or leaked tapes?

How could we even be discussing them if they weren't leaked?
So Tillerson is lying along with everybody else in Washington. Your saying it is the biggest coordinated conspiracy in our nations history? That's really what you think is going on?

We've investigated jokes and hoaxes before.
Remember GHW Bush flying in an SR-71 to get Iran to keep the hostages until Jan 20, 1981?
Partisans will likely always make a fuss to degrade their opponents, but that's not what we are talking about here. The thing you are calling a joke is being taken very seriously by just about everybody on your side of the politics. Intel agencies, trump appointees like Tillerson, and congressional republicans. You can't dismiss this as partisan smearing and I have yet to hear a logical answer from you to justify your argument. The difference between you and all these officials that are actually acknowledging the seriousness of the Russia situation is that they are privy to the classified information and you are not. Yet you think you know it all.
dude, just post up the original evidence that started all of this fake shit.
You don't remember what started it? Here is a reminder... our intel agencies published a report showing that Russians interfered in our elections (see below). obama imposed sanctions. Flynn called the Russians and talked about those sanctions then lied about it, the VP and other Trump officials then lied to the American people about it. Then it was revealed that a handful of other Trump surrogates, including his son in law, spoke to the Russians after making statements that nobody had spoken to the Russians. Sessions recused himself from the investigation, it came out Flynn took money from the Russians for speaking and didn't disclose it... I could keep going but I think there is enough shadiness in the story to justify an investigation

Wrong. The thing that started it is Hillary losing. Any other claims are propaganda.
The investigations had been going on before the election was over. The election may have turned the focus of the left wing partisans towards the issue but it had been going on long before November 2016.
So Tillerson is lying along with everybody else in Washington. Your saying it is the biggest coordinated conspiracy in our nations history? That's really what you think is going on?

I don't know Tillerson's motivation, but it doesn't require a conspiracy for all of Washington to pile on Trump. They are all a bunch of lying scumbags who hate the guy.

You ridicule conspiracy, yet you and all the other snowflakes are accusing the Trump administration of that very thing.

Of course, you've never been above gross hypocrisy
Investigating a handful of bad actors is much different than saying the entire administration and congress and intel agencies are lying for unknown reasons.
well then where is the russia stuff that confirms your sides fking story? someone on your side declared it so so where is that original evidence?
Where is the classified information that proves Russia's interference and details how they did it? "I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you"

Guess you're gonna just have to be patient like the rest of us and wait for the findings of the investigation.

Just admit that at this point there is no evidence of any kind to support your sleazy accusations.
What are my sleazy accusations?
Partisans will likely always make a fuss to degrade their opponents, but that's not what we are talking about here. The thing you are calling a joke is being taken very seriously by just about everybody on your side of the politics. Intel agencies, trump appointees like Tillerson, and congressional republicans. You can't dismiss this as partisan smearing and I have yet to hear a logical answer from you to justify your argument. The difference between you and all these officials that are actually acknowledging the seriousness of the Russia situation is that they are privy to the classified information and you are not. Yet you think you know it all.

Partisans will likely always make a fuss to degrade their opponents

From the October Surprise to the Russian Hack of the Election, degradation was the correct call.

You can't dismiss this as partisan smearing

I can and I do.

they are privy to the classified information and you are not.

Pssst...Russians posted fake stories on Facebook to beat Hillary....shhhh.....classified.
So you claim it is a joke and everybody who is taking the Russian interference seriously is lying and being partisan, is that right? So explain why Tillerson, Trumps outsider friend who he appointed as SOS, is taking it very seriously? I could make a list of other similar people in the Trump admin who feel the same way, but let's start simple. Please explain
So you claim it is a joke and everybody who is taking the Russian interference seriously is lying and being partisan, is that right?
why certainly. it is nothing but a joke. there is nothing of any evidence any fking place on earth. go ahead, prove me wrong.
You keep dodging. I can't prove you wrong because I havent seen the intel. Those that have seen the intel, even those who are in the Trump administration have made public statements about the accuracy and seriousness of the report. So try again to answer a simple question. Why would they contradict your claims that this is a joke?

How would they even know if the report is accurate? You're asking us to trust a bunch of partisan political hacks. That's the sure sign of a douche bag.
If you could read and understand my statements you would see that my whole point is that you don't have to believe your partisan opponents . I haven't heard anybody from the Right, including Trump officials like Rex Tillerson, deny the validity and seriousness of the Russian interference. The only ones calling it false are jokers like yourself on this forum.
Partisans will likely always make a fuss to degrade their opponents, but that's not what we are talking about here. The thing you are calling a joke is being taken very seriously by just about everybody on your side of the politics. Intel agencies, trump appointees like Tillerson, and congressional republicans. You can't dismiss this as partisan smearing and I have yet to hear a logical answer from you to justify your argument. The difference between you and all these officials that are actually acknowledging the seriousness of the Russia situation is that they are privy to the classified information and you are not. Yet you think you know it all.

Partisans will likely always make a fuss to degrade their opponents

From the October Surprise to the Russian Hack of the Election, degradation was the correct call.

You can't dismiss this as partisan smearing

I can and I do.

they are privy to the classified information and you are not.

Pssst...Russians posted fake stories on Facebook to beat Hillary....shhhh.....classified.
So you claim it is a joke and everybody who is taking the Russian interference seriously is lying and being partisan, is that right? So explain why Tillerson, Trumps outsider friend who he appointed as SOS, is taking it very seriously? I could make a list of other similar people in the Trump admin who feel the same way, but let's start simple. Please explain

So you claim it is a joke and everybody who is taking the Russian interference seriously is lying and being partisan, is that right?

No. Some of the partisan idiots who take it seriously aren't lying.

So explain why Tillerson, Trumps outsider friend who he appointed as SOS, is taking it very seriously?

Laughing at idiots tends to trigger them.

Why don't you explain your theory of the election?

Did the Russians "hack the election"?
Did the Russians "spread fake news"?

Did any of their actions impact the election?
Which ones? How?
How about you answer my question first and then I'll answer yours. You keep dodging my question about why a guy like Tillerson would acknowledge the seriousness of the Russian interference.

Tillerson is just playing both sides of the street so he can avoid making enemies.
Thats really what you think? Tillerson is acknowledging a false partisan attack story, validating it and speaking out about the seriousness of it just he is scared of making enemies? Same for all the heads of our intel agencies including those appointed by Trump. All these guys don't have the balls to speak the truth because why? They are scared to make enemies of the minority party? Come on dude, Turn your brain on and think before you make idiotic statements like that. They make no sense.
We've investigated jokes and hoaxes before.
Remember GHW Bush flying in an SR-71 to get Iran to keep the hostages until Jan 20, 1981?
Partisans will likely always make a fuss to degrade their opponents, but that's not what we are talking about here. The thing you are calling a joke is being taken very seriously by just about everybody on your side of the politics. Intel agencies, trump appointees like Tillerson, and congressional republicans. You can't dismiss this as partisan smearing and I have yet to hear a logical answer from you to justify your argument. The difference between you and all these officials that are actually acknowledging the seriousness of the Russia situation is that they are privy to the classified information and you are not. Yet you think you know it all.

Partisans will likely always make a fuss to degrade their opponents

From the October Surprise to the Russian Hack of the Election, degradation was the correct call.

You can't dismiss this as partisan smearing

I can and I do.

they are privy to the classified information and you are not.

Pssst...Russians posted fake stories on Facebook to beat Hillary....shhhh.....classified.
So you claim it is a joke and everybody who is taking the Russian interference seriously is lying and being partisan, is that right? So explain why Tillerson, Trumps outsider friend who he appointed as SOS, is taking it very seriously? I could make a list of other similar people in the Trump admin who feel the same way, but let's start simple. Please explain

So you claim it is a joke and everybody who is taking the Russian interference seriously is lying and being partisan, is that right?

No. Some of the partisan idiots who take it seriously aren't lying.

So explain why Tillerson, Trumps outsider friend who he appointed as SOS, is taking it very seriously?

Laughing at idiots tends to trigger them.

Why don't you explain your theory of the election?

Did the Russians "hack the election"?
Did the Russians "spread fake news"?

Did any of their actions impact the election?
Which ones? How?
How about you answer my question first and then I'll answer yours. You keep dodging my question about why a guy like Tillerson would acknowledge the seriousness of the Russian interference.

I told you. Triggering snowflakes while satisfying, makes them harder to work with, later.
Partisans will likely always make a fuss to degrade their opponents, but that's not what we are talking about here. The thing you are calling a joke is being taken very seriously by just about everybody on your side of the politics. Intel agencies, trump appointees like Tillerson, and congressional republicans. You can't dismiss this as partisan smearing and I have yet to hear a logical answer from you to justify your argument. The difference between you and all these officials that are actually acknowledging the seriousness of the Russia situation is that they are privy to the classified information and you are not. Yet you think you know it all.

Partisans will likely always make a fuss to degrade their opponents

From the October Surprise to the Russian Hack of the Election, degradation was the correct call.

You can't dismiss this as partisan smearing

I can and I do.

they are privy to the classified information and you are not.

Pssst...Russians posted fake stories on Facebook to beat Hillary....shhhh.....classified.
So you claim it is a joke and everybody who is taking the Russian interference seriously is lying and being partisan, is that right? So explain why Tillerson, Trumps outsider friend who he appointed as SOS, is taking it very seriously? I could make a list of other similar people in the Trump admin who feel the same way, but let's start simple. Please explain

So you claim it is a joke and everybody who is taking the Russian interference seriously is lying and being partisan, is that right?

No. Some of the partisan idiots who take it seriously aren't lying.

So explain why Tillerson, Trumps outsider friend who he appointed as SOS, is taking it very seriously?

Laughing at idiots tends to trigger them.

Why don't you explain your theory of the election?

Did the Russians "hack the election"?
Did the Russians "spread fake news"?

Did any of their actions impact the election?
Which ones? How?
How about you answer my question first and then I'll answer yours. You keep dodging my question about why a guy like Tillerson would acknowledge the seriousness of the Russian interference.

I told you. Triggering snowflakes while satisfying, makes them harder to work with, later.
So your serious answer is that Tillerson and the heads of our Intel agencies, including ex generals, are all playing along with a false story to trigger snowflakes?

Even though their narrative doesn't trigger or go against the snowflake narrative... it actually is in agreement with the seriousness and validity of the situation.

You're really showing off your intellect. Nice work!
I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?

It's called treason but you DEPLORABLES are fine with that.
We're going to get to the bottom of this Russian scandal no matter how many roadblocks and obstruction of justice this thin skinned whiny little bitch tries.

Amazing you think Russia subverting our democracy is just fine and dandy.
Partisans will likely always make a fuss to degrade their opponents

From the October Surprise to the Russian Hack of the Election, degradation was the correct call.

You can't dismiss this as partisan smearing

I can and I do.

they are privy to the classified information and you are not.

Pssst...Russians posted fake stories on Facebook to beat Hillary....shhhh.....classified.
So you claim it is a joke and everybody who is taking the Russian interference seriously is lying and being partisan, is that right? So explain why Tillerson, Trumps outsider friend who he appointed as SOS, is taking it very seriously? I could make a list of other similar people in the Trump admin who feel the same way, but let's start simple. Please explain

So you claim it is a joke and everybody who is taking the Russian interference seriously is lying and being partisan, is that right?

No. Some of the partisan idiots who take it seriously aren't lying.

So explain why Tillerson, Trumps outsider friend who he appointed as SOS, is taking it very seriously?

Laughing at idiots tends to trigger them.

Why don't you explain your theory of the election?

Did the Russians "hack the election"?
Did the Russians "spread fake news"?

Did any of their actions impact the election?
Which ones? How?
How about you answer my question first and then I'll answer yours. You keep dodging my question about why a guy like Tillerson would acknowledge the seriousness of the Russian interference.

I told you. Triggering snowflakes while satisfying, makes them harder to work with, later.
So your serious answer is that Tillerson and the heads of our Intel agencies, including ex generals, are all playing along with a false story to trigger snowflakes?

Even though their narrative doesn't trigger or go against the snowflake narrative... it actually is in agreement with the seriousness and validity of the situation.

You're really showing off your intellect. Nice work!

So your serious answer is that Tillerson and the heads of our Intel agencies, including ex generals, are all playing along with a false story to trigger snowflakes?

No, silly, they're playing along so they don't trigger the snowflakes.
I'd just point and laugh.
I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?

It's called treason but you DEPLORABLES are fine with that.
We're going to get to the bottom of this Russian scandal no matter how many roadblocks and obstruction of justice this thin skinned whiny little bitch tries.

Amazing you think Russia subverting our democracy is just fine and dandy.

It's called treason

What's called treason?

We're going to get to the bottom of this Russian scandal

What's the crime involved?

Amazing you think Russia subverting our democracy

You think Russia subverted our democracy?

How? By putting out fake stories about Hillary? Or real ones?
So you claim it is a joke and everybody who is taking the Russian interference seriously is lying and being partisan, is that right? So explain why Tillerson, Trumps outsider friend who he appointed as SOS, is taking it very seriously? I could make a list of other similar people in the Trump admin who feel the same way, but let's start simple. Please explain

So you claim it is a joke and everybody who is taking the Russian interference seriously is lying and being partisan, is that right?

No. Some of the partisan idiots who take it seriously aren't lying.

So explain why Tillerson, Trumps outsider friend who he appointed as SOS, is taking it very seriously?

Laughing at idiots tends to trigger them.

Why don't you explain your theory of the election?

Did the Russians "hack the election"?
Did the Russians "spread fake news"?

Did any of their actions impact the election?
Which ones? How?
How about you answer my question first and then I'll answer yours. You keep dodging my question about why a guy like Tillerson would acknowledge the seriousness of the Russian interference.

I told you. Triggering snowflakes while satisfying, makes them harder to work with, later.
So your serious answer is that Tillerson and the heads of our Intel agencies, including ex generals, are all playing along with a false story to trigger snowflakes?

Even though their narrative doesn't trigger or go against the snowflake narrative... it actually is in agreement with the seriousness and validity of the situation.

You're really showing off your intellect. Nice work!

So your serious answer is that Tillerson and the heads of our Intel agencies, including ex generals, are all playing along with a false story to trigger snowflakes?

No, silly, they're playing along so they don't trigger the snowflakes.
I'd just point and laugh.
So Tillerson and the Generals that run our intelligence agencies are scared of triggering snowflakes... so scared that they will go along with a lie? And they do all this despite having a majority in the Senate, house and owning the executive branch of government.... Thats really your theory? Jesus man, wake up
So you claim it is a joke and everybody who is taking the Russian interference seriously is lying and being partisan, is that right?

No. Some of the partisan idiots who take it seriously aren't lying.

So explain why Tillerson, Trumps outsider friend who he appointed as SOS, is taking it very seriously?

Laughing at idiots tends to trigger them.

Why don't you explain your theory of the election?

Did the Russians "hack the election"?
Did the Russians "spread fake news"?

Did any of their actions impact the election?
Which ones? How?
How about you answer my question first and then I'll answer yours. You keep dodging my question about why a guy like Tillerson would acknowledge the seriousness of the Russian interference.

I told you. Triggering snowflakes while satisfying, makes them harder to work with, later.
So your serious answer is that Tillerson and the heads of our Intel agencies, including ex generals, are all playing along with a false story to trigger snowflakes?

Even though their narrative doesn't trigger or go against the snowflake narrative... it actually is in agreement with the seriousness and validity of the situation.

You're really showing off your intellect. Nice work!

So your serious answer is that Tillerson and the heads of our Intel agencies, including ex generals, are all playing along with a false story to trigger snowflakes?

No, silly, they're playing along so they don't trigger the snowflakes.
I'd just point and laugh.
So Tillerson and the Generals that run our intelligence agencies are scared of triggering snowflakes... so scared that they will go along with a lie? And they do all this despite having a majority in the Senate, house and owning the executive branch of government.... Thats really your theory? Jesus man, wake up

So Tillerson and the Generals that run our intelligence agencies are scared of triggering snowflakes...

They aren't scared of triggering snowflakes, they're trying to be diplomatic.

so scared that they will go along with a lie?

Is it a lie if the snowflake idiots believe it?

And they do all this despite having a majority in the Senate, house and owning the executive branch of government

Look at all the liberal whining currently.
If we all just pointed and laughed, because that's what they deserve, their whining would be least.

On the plus side, if we could harvest the energy of those whines, we could power the planet for decades.
I've posed this hypothetical question to a couple of members and so far no one seems up to the task of providing an answer. So now I'm posing it the whole board.

Ok, here's a hypothetical scenario. Let's say a Trump associate spoke to a Russian representative. The Russian told him we have some really bad shit on the hildabitch and the representative said wow, it would sure help us if you released it on Tuesday and they did exactly that.

Tell me, what specific law would have been broken? Don't give me an opinion, quote the law.

Any takers?

It's called treason but you DEPLORABLES are fine with that.
We're going to get to the bottom of this Russian scandal no matter how many roadblocks and obstruction of justice this thin skinned whiny little bitch tries.

Amazing you think Russia subverting our democracy is just fine and dandy.

Campaign lies subvert our democracy, how do treason laws apply to campaigns? There was nothing alleged that would apply to the US Government itself, just the bitches campaign. The bitch and her associates told many lies and fabricated many stories, they tried to subvert our democracy, I don't see you calling her a traitor.

How about you answer my question first and then I'll answer yours. You keep dodging my question about why a guy like Tillerson would acknowledge the seriousness of the Russian interference.

I told you. Triggering snowflakes while satisfying, makes them harder to work with, later.
So your serious answer is that Tillerson and the heads of our Intel agencies, including ex generals, are all playing along with a false story to trigger snowflakes?

Even though their narrative doesn't trigger or go against the snowflake narrative... it actually is in agreement with the seriousness and validity of the situation.

You're really showing off your intellect. Nice work!

So your serious answer is that Tillerson and the heads of our Intel agencies, including ex generals, are all playing along with a false story to trigger snowflakes?

No, silly, they're playing along so they don't trigger the snowflakes.
I'd just point and laugh.
So Tillerson and the Generals that run our intelligence agencies are scared of triggering snowflakes... so scared that they will go along with a lie? And they do all this despite having a majority in the Senate, house and owning the executive branch of government.... Thats really your theory? Jesus man, wake up

So Tillerson and the Generals that run our intelligence agencies are scared of triggering snowflakes...

They aren't scared of triggering snowflakes, they're trying to be diplomatic.

so scared that they will go along with a lie?

Is it a lie if the snowflake idiots believe it?

And they do all this despite having a majority in the Senate, house and owning the executive branch of government

Look at all the liberal whining currently.
If we all just pointed and laughed, because that's what they deserve, their whining would be least.

On the plus side, if we could harvest the energy of those whines, we could power the planet for decades.
Yeah man, your true colors are shown... Nice try answering those questions but when you are trying to stand behind idiotic arguments you just make yourself sound like even more of an idiot. Try a different narrative next time. This one just makes you look like a fool
I told you. Triggering snowflakes while satisfying, makes them harder to work with, later.
So your serious answer is that Tillerson and the heads of our Intel agencies, including ex generals, are all playing along with a false story to trigger snowflakes?

Even though their narrative doesn't trigger or go against the snowflake narrative... it actually is in agreement with the seriousness and validity of the situation.

You're really showing off your intellect. Nice work!

So your serious answer is that Tillerson and the heads of our Intel agencies, including ex generals, are all playing along with a false story to trigger snowflakes?

No, silly, they're playing along so they don't trigger the snowflakes.
I'd just point and laugh.
So Tillerson and the Generals that run our intelligence agencies are scared of triggering snowflakes... so scared that they will go along with a lie? And they do all this despite having a majority in the Senate, house and owning the executive branch of government.... Thats really your theory? Jesus man, wake up

So Tillerson and the Generals that run our intelligence agencies are scared of triggering snowflakes...

They aren't scared of triggering snowflakes, they're trying to be diplomatic.

so scared that they will go along with a lie?

Is it a lie if the snowflake idiots believe it?

And they do all this despite having a majority in the Senate, house and owning the executive branch of government

Look at all the liberal whining currently.
If we all just pointed and laughed, because that's what they deserve, their whining would be least.

On the plus side, if we could harvest the energy of those whines, we could power the planet for decades.
Yeah man, your true colors are shown... Nice try answering those questions but when you are trying to stand behind idiotic arguments you just make yourself sound like even more of an idiot. Try a different narrative next time. This one just makes you look like a fool

when you are trying to stand behind idiotic arguments you just make yourself sound like even more of an idiot.

I agree, the idiotic "Russian collusion" stories are idiotic.
That's why I point and laugh.

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