The one thing I'm wondering about Hillary's health episode

No. I was just asking. You are exhibiting all the signs of a recovering alcoholic.

What an absolute loser you are. Shame on you.

Yes. Shame on me. I know you as well or better than you know Hillary Clinton. To me, you have shown the personality traits of an alcoholic. I could be wrong, but the evidence is strong.

Lol! Go on personal attacks to protect your leader. :D You are scum. Scum of the earth. That's why nobody likes you and you have no friends. :D

If you are not an alcoholic, I apologize for upsetting you. You sure do get upset easily, though. Maybe you should get that checked out.

You aren't smart enough to upset me. You are just a loser internut. :D

Oh! You aren't upset? Good. I wouldn't want to upset you. I'm so relieved.
If Trump had a heart attack tomorrow, how many of you Trump supporters would immediately switch your support to Hillary Clinton?

None, of course. YOur point?

Then why are you trying to make a political issue out of Clinton's health?

The left made a political issue out of McCain's age. Hillary has been caught on camera too many times having issues that may be serious. It's a valid concern.

If it was "the left" that made McCain's health an issue, why did he release his medical records in 2000?
She claims she was overheated. It could be that after a period in the air conditioned van it wasn't seen as serious. And hours later her physician saw her at her home. I've been so overheated I've almost passed out before. It's amazing what just seconds in front of a fan or AC can do for you.

Hours later, she had slept off her hangover.

Make crazy faces all you want, her symptoms on 9/11 were consistent with a bad hangover, same with all her other "falling" episodes. Drunks fall down and hurt themselves.

So that's what happened to George W Bush when he "choked on a pretzel". He was really drunk and fell. Good to know.
What an absolute loser you are. Shame on you.

Yes. Shame on me. I know you as well or better than you know Hillary Clinton. To me, you have shown the personality traits of an alcoholic. I could be wrong, but the evidence is strong.

Lol! Go on personal attacks to protect your leader. :D You are scum. Scum of the earth. That's why nobody likes you and you have no friends. :D

If you are not an alcoholic, I apologize for upsetting you. You sure do get upset easily, though. Maybe you should get that checked out.

You aren't smart enough to upset me. You are just a loser internut. :D

Oh! You aren't upset? Good. I wouldn't want to upset you. I'm so relieved.

Go get a life, would you? :ahole-1: You are the one who is obviously "upset" here.
She claims she was overheated. It could be that after a period in the air conditioned van it wasn't seen as serious. And hours later her physician saw her at her home. I've been so overheated I've almost passed out before. It's amazing what just seconds in front of a fan or AC can do for you.

Hours later, she had slept off her hangover.

Make crazy faces all you want, her symptoms on 9/11 were consistent with a bad hangover, same with all her other "falling" episodes. Drunks fall down and hurt themselves.

So that's what happened to George W Bush when he "choked on a pretzel". He was really drunk and fell. Good to know.

There have been MULTIPLE incidents with Hillary over a several year period now. Not just one thing, not just two things.
She claims she was overheated. It could be that after a period in the air conditioned van it wasn't seen as serious. And hours later her physician saw her at her home. I've been so overheated I've almost passed out before. It's amazing what just seconds in front of a fan or AC can do for you.

Hours later, she had slept off her hangover.

Make crazy faces all you want, her symptoms on 9/11 were consistent with a bad hangover, same with all her other "falling" episodes. Drunks fall down and hurt themselves.

So that's what happened to George W Bush when he "choked on a pretzel". He was really drunk and fell. Good to know.

There have been MULTIPLE incidents with Hillary over a several year period now. Not just one thing, not just two things.

Multiple? She fainted a few years ago and got a concussion and she fainted last Sunday. List these "multiple" incidents of which you, speak.

George W Bush fell off his bike too. He was drunk that whole time he said he was sober. I'm so glad you cleared that up for us.
Yes. Shame on me. I know you as well or better than you know Hillary Clinton. To me, you have shown the personality traits of an alcoholic. I could be wrong, but the evidence is strong.

Lol! Go on personal attacks to protect your leader. :D You are scum. Scum of the earth. That's why nobody likes you and you have no friends. :D

If you are not an alcoholic, I apologize for upsetting you. You sure do get upset easily, though. Maybe you should get that checked out.

You aren't smart enough to upset me. You are just a loser internut. :D

Oh! You aren't upset? Good. I wouldn't want to upset you. I'm so relieved.

Go get a life, would you? :ahole-1: You are the one who is obviously "upset" here.

Lonelaugher is a pure Troll.

I strongly suspect that he is a sociopath.

He doesn't get upset because no one else in the world is real to him.
It sure has been a gas reading and hearing all the various "theories" about this thing that happened with Hillary at the van. From AIDS to Parkinson's to any number of other potential maladies, I'm confident that this story has shattered all possible traffic records at WebMD™.

My guess is that she had walking pneumonia, which is plenty shitty, and between that and its associated fever and the heat of the day and the fact that she was all dressed up nice 'n stuff, it whacked her good and now she's fine.

That said, one question is bugging me.

This is a 68-year old lady. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State who has won her party's nomination and is running for freakin' President.

Wouldn't passing out have warranted a beeline to the nearest hospital, no questions asked?

Two possible answers.

1. They are downplaying it, by not going to the Hospital, putting her political health ahead of her physical health.

2. She has an even more serious problem and they don't want her exposed to unvetted doctors that can't be trusted to keep their mouths shut.

3. They went to the hospital and the person who came out of the building was a body double.
She didn't pass out last Sunday. Watch the video. People who pass out or who are in the 'woozy' gray area right before they pass out exhibit a loose body, can not hold their head up. She does not do that, she does the exact opposite. Her head and upper body are stiff the entire time, even when she is being dragged off the curb and 'falls' forward .... her freaking head is rigid, as is her body. That does not happen when you pass out. Passing out is a lie. Something else was going on with her.
Hours later, she had slept off her hangover.

Make crazy faces all you want, her symptoms on 9/11 were consistent with a bad hangover, same with all her other "falling" episodes. Drunks fall down and hurt themselves.

So that's what happened to George W Bush when he "choked on a pretzel". He was really drunk and fell. Good to know.

There have been MULTIPLE incidents with Hillary over a several year period now. Not just one thing, not just two things.

Multiple? She fainted a few years ago and got a concussion and she fainted last Sunday. List these "multiple" incidents of which you, speak.

George W Bush fell off his bike too. He was drunk that whole time he said he was sober. I'm so glad you cleared that up for us.
President George H.W. Bush fell ill and collapsed during a state dinner in Japan.

People get sick and they keep going and then it gets worse.

Notice how in all the pics being posted of past presidents falling, none of them are stiff bodied, stiff headed. They collapse in on themselves because that's what you do when you fall and pass out. She did not collapse in on herself, she did not fall down, she did not pass out. Something else is going on with her.
Her odd exaggerated motions are also like that of a drunk person. Alcoholism wears down your immune system so that you are more prone to sickness. She had been falling before she had her blood clot.
Her personal staff at her mansion must literally drive a hundred miles to buy cases of Bombay gin and tonic water.
All paid for with cash. NO paper trail.
Her SS detail is required to literally go through every piece of garbage that leaved the mansion.
The number of 'empties' the SS record is staggering.
Gerald Ford was a clumsy individual. He was a left handed person having a hard time in a right handed world.
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Notice how in all the pics being posted of past presidents falling, none of them are stiff bodied, stiff headed. They collapse in on themselves because that's what you do when you fall and pass out. She did not collapse in on herself, she did not fall down, she did not pass out. Something else is going on with her.
Notice how in all the pics being posted of past presidents falling, none of them are stiff bodied, stiff headed. They collapse in on themselves because that's what you do when you fall and pass out. She did not collapse in on herself, she did not fall down, she did not pass out. Something else is going on with her.

It's crazy that when people pass out, they actually collapse and fall down? :lol:
68 year old is diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday and has a fainting episode on Sunday and she does not go to the hospital?

Weird as hell.
68 year old is diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday and has a fainting episode on Sunday and she does not go to the hospital?

Weird as hell.

She didn't faint, she didn't pass out, she didn't lose consciousness. When you do any of those things your body goes limp. Her body remained rigid the entire time, her head remained rigid the entire time, even when she was dragged forward off the curb into the van .... her head never changed position, it never fell forward the way a person's would if they were passed out. They are lying.

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