The one thing I'm wondering about Hillary's health episode

As far as I've witnessed, Hillary does not have involuntary tremors. She is overly dramatic, as a buzzed or drunk person would be. If this head bobbing was due to Parkinson's, it would be happening all the time and she would have no control over it.

Some say it was a seizure or something. I don't believe it was anything other than her just joking around.

The 9/11 vid .... watch it. Carefully. She is stiff as a board the entire time, they cannot 'walk' her to the van because her body is not cooperating. Her head remains perfectly stiff even as she is dragged forward into the van. That is not drunk, that is something else.
No, she was not drunk. :p It's Parkinson's.

It's not Parkinson's. One of the hallmark symptoms of Parkinson's is an uncontrollable tremor. Hillary does not have that.

If she were in the early stages of Parkinson's with the meds doing their job you would not notice tremors.

If she were drunk you would see the effects of it, you can not hide drunk. Not saying she might not have a drinking problem but I believe it's something other than that.

Her symptoms are much more consistent with alcoholism than with Parkinson's disease.

She may be both an alcoholic and have something neurologically wrong with her.

The 9/11 vid is not one of a person who is drunk. The stiffness of her body suggests something else.

Looked like her legs gave out on her. You can clearly see her feet dragging on the ground. Watch her feet. If her weakness was due to Parkinson's disease, she would be in a wheelchair because it would be happening ALL the time.

Her legs are stiff and 'give' for a moment. Watch her head. Watch her upper body. Stiff as a board the entire time, even when bald guy drags her off the curb and she falls forward.

She would not be in a wheelchair at all if she were in the early stages and her meds were carefully monitored.
Michael J. Fox's Parkinsons started with a small tremor in his pinky. He went for about 5-7 years successfully hiding his symptoms before he could not longer do that.

Something is seriously wrong with mrs bill and they are covering it up. It may not be Parskinsons ... but it sure isn't dehydration. Or over heating. Or over working. Or is today's story still pneumonia? smh

Her symptoms, to me, seem to be consistent with an old lady having a bad hangover, which also causes dehydration, poor regulation of body temperature, vitamin deficiencies, etc., etc., etc.
It's not Parkinson's. One of the hallmark symptoms of Parkinson's is an uncontrollable tremor. Hillary does not have that.

If she were in the early stages of Parkinson's with the meds doing their job you would not notice tremors.

If she were drunk you would see the effects of it, you can not hide drunk. Not saying she might not have a drinking problem but I believe it's something other than that.

Her symptoms are much more consistent with alcoholism than with Parkinson's disease.

She may be both an alcoholic and have something neurologically wrong with her.

The 9/11 vid is not one of a person who is drunk. The stiffness of her body suggests something else.

Looked like her legs gave out on her. You can clearly see her feet dragging on the ground. Watch her feet. If her weakness was due to Parkinson's disease, she would be in a wheelchair because it would be happening ALL the time.

Her legs are stiff and 'give' for a moment. Watch her head. Watch her upper body. Stiff as a board the entire time, even when bald guy drags her off the curb and she falls forward.

She would not be in a wheelchair at all if she were in the early stages and her meds were carefully monitored.

No way is this Parkinson's disease. If she was sick enough to pass out from it, then she would have a SEVERE case of Parkinson's disease.
Michael J. Fox's Parkinsons started with a small tremor in his pinky. He went for about 5-7 years successfully hiding his symptoms before he could not longer do that.

Something is seriously wrong with mrs bill and they are covering it up. It may not be Parskinsons ... but it sure isn't dehydration. Or over heating. Or over working. Or is today's story still pneumonia? smh

Her symptoms, to me, seem to be consistent with an old lady having a bad hangover, which also causes dehydration, poor regulation of body temperature, vitamin deficiencies, etc., etc., etc.

Could be that in addition to something else, as hangovers do not cause full body stiffness.
If she were in the early stages of Parkinson's with the meds doing their job you would not notice tremors.

If she were drunk you would see the effects of it, you can not hide drunk. Not saying she might not have a drinking problem but I believe it's something other than that.

Her symptoms are much more consistent with alcoholism than with Parkinson's disease.

She may be both an alcoholic and have something neurologically wrong with her.

The 9/11 vid is not one of a person who is drunk. The stiffness of her body suggests something else.

Looked like her legs gave out on her. You can clearly see her feet dragging on the ground. Watch her feet. If her weakness was due to Parkinson's disease, she would be in a wheelchair because it would be happening ALL the time.

Her legs are stiff and 'give' for a moment. Watch her head. Watch her upper body. Stiff as a board the entire time, even when bald guy drags her off the curb and she falls forward.

She would not be in a wheelchair at all if she were in the early stages and her meds were carefully monitored.

No way is this Parkinson's disease. If she was sick enough to pass out from it, then she would have a SEVERE case of Parkinson's disease.

She didn't pass out, that's a lie. If she had passed out her body would have gone limp. It never goes limp it remains stiff/rigid the entire time, even as she falls forward being dragged into the van. It's there on the video.
It sure has been a gas reading and hearing all the various "theories" about this thing that happened with Hillary at the van. From AIDS to Parkinson's to any number of other potential maladies, I'm confident that this story has shattered all possible traffic records at WebMD™.

My guess is that she had walking pneumonia, which is plenty shitty, and between that and its associated fever and the heat of the day and the fact that she was all dressed up nice 'n stuff, it whacked her good and now she's fine.

That said, one question is bugging me.

This is a 68-year old lady. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State who has won her party's nomination and is running for freakin' President.

Wouldn't passing out have warranted a beeline to the nearest hospital, no questions asked?


The passing out was from dehydration, the same as people get on a warm day during a run... You see them pass out all the time...
There was a doctor on hand and they had already done the scans on Friday....

I am sure they are taking blood and various other checks with her... A hospital can't do much more...

But it is a fair question...
It sure has been a gas reading and hearing all the various "theories" about this thing that happened with Hillary at the van. From AIDS to Parkinson's to any number of other potential maladies, I'm confident that this story has shattered all possible traffic records at WebMD™.

My guess is that she had walking pneumonia, which is plenty shitty, and between that and its associated fever and the heat of the day and the fact that she was all dressed up nice 'n stuff, it whacked her good and now she's fine.

That said, one question is bugging me.

This is a 68-year old lady. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State who has won her party's nomination and is running for freakin' President.

Wouldn't passing out have warranted a beeline to the nearest hospital, no questions asked?


The passing out was from dehydration, the same as people get on a warm day during a run... You see them pass out all the time...
There was a doctor on hand and they had already done the scans on Friday....

I am sure they are taking blood and various other checks with her... A hospital can't do much more...

But it is a fair question...

She didn't pass out. Watch the vid. If she passed out her body would go limp. It didn't, it remained stiff as a board.
Michael J. Fox's Parkinsons started with a small tremor in his pinky. He went for about 5-7 years successfully hiding his symptoms before he could not longer do that.

Something is seriously wrong with mrs bill and they are covering it up. It may not be Parskinsons ... but it sure isn't dehydration. Or over heating. Or over working. Or is today's story still pneumonia? smh

Her symptoms, to me, seem to be consistent with an old lady having a bad hangover, which also causes dehydration, poor regulation of body temperature, vitamin deficiencies, etc., etc., etc.

Could be that in addition to something else, as hangovers do not cause full body stiffness.

I didn't notice any body stiffness in the video. The reason why her upper body is not noticeably flaccid is because she is being supported by several people at that point.
Michael J. Fox's Parkinsons started with a small tremor in his pinky. He went for about 5-7 years successfully hiding his symptoms before he could not longer do that.

Something is seriously wrong with mrs bill and they are covering it up. It may not be Parskinsons ... but it sure isn't dehydration. Or over heating. Or over working. Or is today's story still pneumonia? smh

Her symptoms, to me, seem to be consistent with an old lady having a bad hangover, which also causes dehydration, poor regulation of body temperature, vitamin deficiencies, etc., etc., etc.

Could be that in addition to something else, as hangovers do not cause full body stiffness.

I didn't notice any body stiffness in the video. The reason why her upper body is not noticeably flaccid is because she is being supported by several people at that point.

Nope. When she is leaning against the pole, in the beginning, with the one woman on her left, she is stiff as a board. You can see it, she is leaning back into the pole, her arms are behind her touching the pole. Watch at the 15/16 second mark, as bald guy grabs her arm and steps off the curb. clinton falls forward but watch her head ... it remains just as rigid as it was when she was leaning against the pole. If she were passed out, her body would go limp. It does not. It remains rigid.
When her leg 'gives' a bit, her entire body moves side to side like a board, stiff. Watch her head, it does not 'wobble' her body is not 'limp'. This is not normal movement.
Sorry, I just really, really doubt that her symptoms are related to Parkinson's disease. She doesn't have any of the hallmark symptoms that would be noticeable. Her symptoms seem more consistent with a person who drinks too much, IMO. :dunno:
It sure has been a gas reading and hearing all the various "theories" about this thing that happened with Hillary at the van. From AIDS to Parkinson's to any number of other potential maladies, I'm confident that this story has shattered all possible traffic records at WebMD™.

My guess is that she had walking pneumonia, which is plenty shitty, and between that and its associated fever and the heat of the day and the fact that she was all dressed up nice 'n stuff, it whacked her good and now she's fine.

That said, one question is bugging me.

This is a 68-year old lady. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State who has won her party's nomination and is running for freakin' President.

Wouldn't passing out have warranted a beeline to the nearest hospital, no questions asked?


The passing out was from dehydration, the same as people get on a warm day during a run... You see them pass out all the time...
There was a doctor on hand and they had already done the scans on Friday....

I am sure they are taking blood and various other checks with her... A hospital can't do much more...

But it is a fair question...
What, you mean, she doesn't have AIDS and Muscular Dystrophy and Parkinson's and ringworm?

She claims she was overheated. It could be that after a period in the air conditioned van it wasn't seen as serious. And hours later her physician saw her at her home. I've been so overheated I've almost passed out before. It's amazing what just seconds in front of a fan or AC can do for you.

I got very weak and wobbly hiking one time. I had to stop in the middle of a canyon and lie down. I never felt like that before, but I was close to heat stroke. The heat can get you. While I lay on a bench near the trail, for some time, I was nearly unconscious. They brought in a donkey for me to finish the trail on. I was in my mid-50s and healthy and strong, had been doing practice hikes to prepare for this long one and had no problems. This was in Greece.

To say you have reached the same age as her and never fainted is silly. It depends on how far you push yourself. It doesn’t matter how healthy one normally is, if you push yourself too far, you will get ill.

I can see how someone with walking pneumonia who does not stay home and in bed can be overcome like she was.

Lots of people get pneumonia, of every age. I think she just wore herself out campaigning, developed pneumonia, and did not stay home in bed like she should have as soon as it was diagnosed. She pushed herself too far. She didn't want to look weak because, as you can see, it is very damaging to image when campaigning, but it turned out worse, the perception of her.

Actually, she is a woman with normally good health and certainly normal health for a woman of her age. Possibly better as she does not have any chronic conditions.
She claims she was overheated. It could be that after a period in the air conditioned van it wasn't seen as serious. And hours later her physician saw her at her home. I've been so overheated I've almost passed out before. It's amazing what just seconds in front of a fan or AC can do for you.

Hours later, she had slept off her hangover.
She claims she was overheated. It could be that after a period in the air conditioned van it wasn't seen as serious. And hours later her physician saw her at her home. I've been so overheated I've almost passed out before. It's amazing what just seconds in front of a fan or AC can do for you.

Hours later, she had slept off her hangover.

Make crazy faces all you want, her symptoms on 9/11 were consistent with a bad hangover, same with all her other "falling" episodes. Drunks fall down and hurt themselves.
If Trump had a heart attack tomorrow, how many of you Trump supporters would immediately switch your support to Hillary Clinton?
~The thing is, he is a perfect candidate for stroke or heart attack. He lives on junk food or high fat food. He doesn't exercise at all. He over does the things that cause stress. He seems okay but could have a stroke or heart attack at any many men do who seem to be okay.
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She claims she was overheated. It could be that after a period in the air conditioned van it wasn't seen as serious. And hours later her physician saw her at her home. I've been so overheated I've almost passed out before. It's amazing what just seconds in front of a fan or AC can do for you.

Hours later, she had slept off her hangover.

Make crazy faces all you want, her symptoms on 9/11 were consistent with a bad hangover, same with all her other "falling" episodes. Drunks fall down and hurt themselves.
If Trump had a heart attack tomorrow, how many of you Trump supporters would immediately switch your support to Hillary Clinton?
~The thing is, he is a perfect candidate for stroke or heart attack. He lives on junk food or high fat food. He overdoes it, that's clear. He seems okay but could have a stroke or heart attack at any many men do who seem to be okay.

Hillary is fat too. :D
Some signs of alcoholism . . .

Acute symptoms: - Sudden onset of weakness - may be acute pain in skeletal muscles; - Follows drinking bout; - Involves proximal muscles, extremities, pelvic and shoulder girdle, muscles of the thoracic cage. Chronic symptoms: - Muscle weakness involving muscle groups as listed above, but without pain or tenderness; - Enzymes on blood test are not elevated, making it difficult to diagnose the problem, especially if the person denies drinking.

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