The one thing I'm wondering about Hillary's health episode

Maybe a doctor or a nurse could weigh in but once dehydrated it usually take an IV to come back so quickly.

I could believe that they move around a mobile medical facility to hide the fact that she needs real medical treatment.
It sure has been a gas reading and hearing all the various "theories" about this thing that happened with Hillary at the van. From AIDS to Parkinson's to any number of other potential maladies, I'm confident that this story has shattered all possible traffic records at WebMD™.

My guess is that she had walking pneumonia, which is plenty shitty, and between that and its associated fever and the heat of the day and the fact that she was all dressed up nice 'n stuff, it whacked her good and now she's fine.

That said, one question is bugging me.

This is a 68-year old lady. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State who has won her party's nomination and is running for freakin' President.

Wouldn't passing out have warranted a beeline to the nearest hospital, no questions asked?

Maybe. But...they tried to conceal the incident from the public and the press. They were not aware that they were being recorded. Going to the hospital would have been admitting that she was ill. At the time, that was not the plan.

She's a politician.

A sick politician. Once again caught up in a web of lies. It never ends with her.
Maybe a doctor or a nurse could weigh in but once dehydrated it usually take an IV to come back so quickly.

I could believe that they move around a mobile medical facility to hide the fact that she needs real medical treatment.

Yes that is right there is an ambulance in the motorcade. Usually that is only for presidents. She clearly could have received an IV.
How many times in your life have you passed out? I am almost as old as Hillary and I can say I have never come close let alone falling down during one of my drunk binges and gave myself a concussion.

She be da bitch. If she woke up and was told she was going to the hospital I am sure she screeched a resounding no and the SS caved because it just ain't worth it.

they bypassed the hospital to go to her kids home

because if she went to the hospital it is likely

that whats really going on would come out
It sure has been a gas reading and hearing all the various "theories" about this thing that happened with Hillary at the van. From AIDS to Parkinson's to any number of other potential maladies, I'm confident that this story has shattered all possible traffic records at WebMD™.

My guess is that she had walking pneumonia, which is plenty shitty, and between that and its associated fever and the heat of the day and the fact that she was all dressed up nice 'n stuff, it whacked her good and now she's fine.

That said, one question is bugging me.

This is a 68-year old lady. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State who has won her party's nomination and is running for freakin' President.

Wouldn't passing out have warranted a beeline to the nearest hospital, no questions asked?

Yes, she should have been taken to the ER immediately. That is the actual protocol for Secret Service whenever one of their charges has even the slightest health issue. The claim is that this passing out thing is rare for her, despite Bill Clinton's slip up saying they were frequent. If it's a rare, unexpected thing, nothing should have been assumed. Tests should have been done to ensure it wasn't serious. People do die from severe dehydration so that doesn't make sense for them to use that as a way of saying it wasn't anything to be concerned about. The weather wasn't that hot on the 11th and she wasn't moving around much or doing anything strenuous. She wasn't dressed more warmly than her staff. No one else at the event had this problem. Her camp is even minimizing the type of pneumonia she has, saying it's non-contagious bacterial pneumonia. At first, they said it was going around and most of her staff had it, indicating that she either caught it from them or vice versa. Of course, they changed that after she hugged a child shortly after collapsing.

Since they've lied so much, of course people aren't going to believe the latest statement issued by her camp. The story changes to try and explain the latest facts that are out there. And so far, none make sense.

It is possible she has medical staff with her at all times and maybe there's a mobile medical unit in the van. Hell, who knows. Hard for the average person to understand the awesomeness of the 'Rock Star' medical care that wealthy and connected people have at their disposal and it's designed to keep things convenient and secret. Needless to say, neither Obamacare or the VA offer such quality care. Those who pushed Obamacare don't have to settle for that shit. Their kind of care is something not available to the little people. If Hillary was just a citizen, Obamacare would have recommended pain killers by now.
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Wowsa, I cannot believe anyone is confused by this situation at this point. It shows the power of the MSM in powering the bullshit "overheating" story through. It was a Parkinson's freeze and she could not "power through it."

Her symptoms are not at all like Parkinson's. It's more consistent with alcoholism.

Does the fact that you can't even get many confirmed nutbags to join you in your dopey quest give you any pause?
How many times in your life have you passed out? I am almost as old as Hillary and I can say I have never come close let alone falling down during one of my drunk binges and gave myself a concussion.

She be da bitch. If she woke up and was told she was going to the hospital I am sure she screeched a resounding no and the SS caved because it just ain't worth it.
I've witnessed people passing out many times. As a boy of 8, I fainted having my hair cut, it was such a warm day. With pneumonia, it is perfectly understandable.

It was a nice day. She can't walk. It isn't the first time she had to be held up on both sides. Has she had pneumonia for a year now? Yet, oddly she has been cured of it in a few short days? huh.
If that woman had pneumonia and physically collapsed from the illness, she would have been in the ER 5 minutes later. They know why her health is declining. And voters don't care what it is, only that it is..
Maybe a doctor or a nurse could weigh in but once dehydrated it usually take an IV to come back so quickly.

I could believe that they move around a mobile medical facility to hide the fact that she needs real medical treatment.

Of course you could. You could believe just about anything.

Supposedly you lefties believe that if Trump wins he might start a nuclear war that would kill US all.

Would not the expense and difficulty of moving around medical facility to hide a health problem from the voters be a completely reasonable expense if you lefties really believe that?

Your attempt to ridicule me for pointing that out is just you being dishonest.
It sure has been a gas reading and hearing all the various "theories" about this thing that happened with Hillary at the van. From AIDS to Parkinson's to any number of other potential maladies, I'm confident that this story has shattered all possible traffic records at WebMD™.

My guess is that she had walking pneumonia, which is plenty shitty, and between that and its associated fever and the heat of the day and the fact that she was all dressed up nice 'n stuff, it whacked her good and now she's fine.

That said, one question is bugging me.

This is a 68-year old lady. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State who has won her party's nomination and is running for freakin' President.

Wouldn't passing out have warranted a beeline to the nearest hospital, no questions asked?

Yes, she should have been taken to the ER immediately. That is the actual protocol for Secret Service whenever one of their charges has event he slightly health issue. The claim is that this passing out thing is rare for her, despite Bill Clinton's slip up saying they were frequent. If it's a rare, unexpected thing, nothing should have been assumed. Tests should have been done to ensure it wasn't serious. People do die from severe dehydration so that doesn't make sense for them to use that as a way of saying it wasn't anything to be concerned about. The weather wasn't that hot on the 11th and she wasn't moving around much or doing anything strenuous. She wasn't dressed more warmly than her staff. No one else at the event had this problem. Her camp is even minimizing the type of pneumonia he has, saying it non-contagious bacterial pneumonia. At firse they said it was going around and most of her staff had it, indicating that she either caught it from them or vice versa. Of course, they changed that after she hugged a child shortly after collapsing.

Since they've lied so much, of course people aren't going to believe the latest statement issued by her camp. The story changes to try and explain the latest facts that are out there.

It is possible she has medical staff with her at all times and maybe there's a mobile medical unit in the van. Hell, who knows. Hard for the average person to understand the awesomeness of the 'Rock Star' medical care that wealthy and connected people have at their disposal and it's designed to keep things convenient and secret.
It sure has been a gas reading and hearing all the various "theories" about this thing that happened with Hillary at the van. From AIDS to Parkinson's to any number of other potential maladies, I'm confident that this story has shattered all possible traffic records at WebMD™.

My guess is that she had walking pneumonia, which is plenty shitty, and between that and its associated fever and the heat of the day and the fact that she was all dressed up nice 'n stuff, it whacked her good and now she's fine.

That said, one question is bugging me.

This is a 68-year old lady. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State who has won her party's nomination and is running for freakin' President.

Wouldn't passing out have warranted a beeline to the nearest hospital, no questions asked?

Two possible answers.

1. They are downplaying it, by not going to the Hospital, putting her political health ahead of her physical health.

2. She has an even more serious problem and they don't want her exposed to unvetted doctors that can't be trusted to keep their mouths shut.

3. They went to the hospital and the person who came out of the building was a body double.
A Jewish body double who has overstayed her visa by 25 years.

(cue conspiracy music)
If Trump had a heart attack tomorrow, how many of you Trump supporters would immediately switch your support to Hillary Clinton?

None, of course. YOur point?

Then why are you trying to make a political issue out of Clinton's health?

The left made a political issue out of McCain's age. Hillary has been caught on camera too many times having issues that may be serious. It's a valid concern.
Wowsa, I cannot believe anyone is confused by this situation at this point. It shows the power of the MSM in powering the bullshit "overheating" story through. It was a Parkinson's freeze and she could not "power through it."

Her symptoms are not at all like Parkinson's. It's more consistent with alcoholism.

Does the fact that you can't even get many confirmed nutbags to join you in your dopey quest give you any pause?

All of her "symptoms" are consistent with alcoholism. The falling down and tripping episodes, the extra help she requires to go up a flight of stairs, Her mysterious absences, wearing sunglasses on a cloudy day, and she is a known drinker, some have said she is a "heavy" drinker. She is hitting the bottle heavy!
Her odd exaggerated motions are also like that of a drunk person. Alcoholism wears down your immune system so that you are more prone to sickness. She had been falling before she had her blood clot.
If Trump had a heart attack tomorrow, how many of you Trump supporters would immediately switch your support to Hillary Clinton?

None, of course. YOur point?

Then why are you trying to make a political issue out of Clinton's health?

The left made a political issue out of McCain's age. Hillary has been caught on camera too many times having issues that may be serious. It's a valid concern.

And don't forget the treatment they gave Reagan. If they had any they should be ashamed.

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