The one thing I'm wondering about Hillary's health episode

Look familiar? Drunk people fall (while just standing or walking) and cause themselves head injuries ALL the time.

1. They are downplaying it, by not going to the Hospital, putting her political health ahead of her physical health.

2. She has an even more serious problem and they don't want her exposed to unvetted doctors that can't be trusted to keep their mouths shut.
Yeah, that would be my guess.

I strongly suspect it went something like this: The Secret Service people said "straight to the hospital" when they closed the van doors, and she and/or her people said "that just ain't gonna happen."

So an immediate trip to the ER must just be protocol, not a hard and fast rule. And yeah, they're putting her health beneath politics, and that's how it is in politics. What a fucked up profession.
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Watch the 9/11 vid carefully. When she is leaning against the pole waiting for the van her entire body is stiff, including her head. When they try to walk her to the van, her legs are stiff then her right leg gives a bit. When they drag her to the van, as they step off the curb, watch her head. She falls forward but her body, including her head, remains stiff. That is NOT what happens when you pass out. If she were drunk or passed out from the heat or whatever, her head would have been hanging down. When they dragged her off the curb and she fell forward, her head would have NOT been perfectly upright and stiff. Something neurological is wrong with her. The whole 'dehydrated/over heated/pneumonia' crap is nothing more than lies.
You see in this video, the man is trying his best to not tremor, but he can't help it. It is involuntary.

Her symptoms are not at all like Parkinson's. It's more consistent with alcoholism.

No, she was not drunk. :p It's Parkinson's.

It's not Parkinson's. One of the hallmark symptoms of Parkinson's is an uncontrollable tremor. Hillary does not have that.

If she were in the early stages of Parkinson's with the meds doing their job you would not notice tremors.

If she were drunk you would see the effects of it, you can not hide drunk. Not saying she might not have a drinking problem but I believe it's something other than that.
Her symptoms are not at all like Parkinson's. It's more consistent with alcoholism.

No, she was not drunk. :p It's Parkinson's.

It's not Parkinson's. One of the hallmark symptoms of Parkinson's is an uncontrollable tremor. Hillary does not have that.

If she were in the early stages of Parkinson's with the meds doing their job you would not notice tremors.

If she were drunk you would see the effects of it, you can not hide drunk. Not saying she might not have a drinking problem but I believe it's something other than that.

Her symptoms are much more consistent with alcoholism than with Parkinson's disease.
1. They are downplaying it, by not going to the Hospital, putting her political health ahead of her physical health.

2. She has an even more serious problem and they don't want her exposed to unvetted doctors that can't be trusted to keep their mouths shut.
Yeah, that would be my guess.

I strongly suspect it went something like this: The Secret Service people said "straight to the hospital" when they closed the van doors, and she and/or her people said "that just ain't gonna happen."

So an immediate trip to the ER must just be protocol, not a hard and fast rule. And yeah, they're putting her health beneath politics, and that's how it is in politics. What a fucked up profession.

That is the way it is with a lot of jobs.
Symptoms of Parkinson's don't "come and go." They would be there all the time.

What Are the Motor Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease?
People are usually more familiar with the motor symptoms of PD, as these are the signs of the disease that are noticeable from the outside. These symptoms, known as the "cardinal" symptoms of PD, include:

  • Bradykinesia (slowness of movement) – slowing down and loss of spontaneous and voluntary movement
  • Rigidity – unusual stiffness in a limb or other body part
  • Resting tremor – an uncontrollable movement that affects a limb when it is at rest and stops for the duration of a voluntary movement
Here is another video of a person with Parkinson's. Notice, the constant involuntary hand tremor? This is the HALLMARK symptom of Parkinson's disease. The man in the video cannot control the tremor.

Michael J. Fox is in the more advanced stages of Parkinson's. As you can see, pretty much his entire body is affected by tremors. He has no control over these tremors.

Michael J. Fox's Parkinsons started with a small tremor in his pinky. He went for about 5-7 years successfully hiding his symptoms before he could not longer do that.

Something is seriously wrong with mrs bill and they are covering it up. It may not be Parskinsons ... but it sure isn't dehydration. Or over heating. Or over working. Or is today's story still pneumonia? smh
The conversation on Hillary's health status has predictably fallen into the hyperbole echo chamber.
Her symptoms are not at all like Parkinson's. It's more consistent with alcoholism.

No, she was not drunk. :p It's Parkinson's.

It's not Parkinson's. One of the hallmark symptoms of Parkinson's is an uncontrollable tremor. Hillary does not have that.

If she were in the early stages of Parkinson's with the meds doing their job you would not notice tremors.

If she were drunk you would see the effects of it, you can not hide drunk. Not saying she might not have a drinking problem but I believe it's something other than that.

Her symptoms are much more consistent with alcoholism than with Parkinson's disease.

She may be both an alcoholic and have something neurologically wrong with her.

The 9/11 vid is not one of a person who is drunk. The stiffness of her body suggests something else.
As far as I've witnessed, Hillary does not have involuntary tremors. She is overly dramatic, as a buzzed or drunk person would be. If this head bobbing was due to Parkinson's, it would be happening all the time and she would have no control over it.

The conversation on Hillary's health status has predictably fallen into the hyperbole echo chamber.

Damn right it has. That's what happens when you have a pol with a life long history of lying, corruption, lying, finding voters deplorable, lying.

The only way the echo chamber will shut up is if she has an independent medical evaluation and provides the results to the public.
Her symptoms are not at all like Parkinson's. It's more consistent with alcoholism.

No, she was not drunk. :p It's Parkinson's.

It's not Parkinson's. One of the hallmark symptoms of Parkinson's is an uncontrollable tremor. Hillary does not have that.

If she were in the early stages of Parkinson's with the meds doing their job you would not notice tremors.

If she were drunk you would see the effects of it, you can not hide drunk. Not saying she might not have a drinking problem but I believe it's something other than that.

Her symptoms are much more consistent with alcoholism than with Parkinson's disease.

She may be both an alcoholic and have something neurologically wrong with her.

The 9/11 vid is not one of a person who is drunk. The stiffness of her body suggests something else.

Looked like her legs gave out on her. You can clearly see her feet dragging on the ground. Watch her feet. If her weakness was due to Parkinson's disease, she would be in a wheelchair because it would be happening ALL the time.


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