The one thing I'm wondering about Hillary's health episode



Always a privilege to be a part of such a thoughtful, dignified electoral process.
1. They are downplaying it, by not going to the Hospital, putting her political health ahead of her physical health.

2. She has an even more serious problem and they don't want her exposed to unvetted doctors that can't be trusted to keep their mouths shut.
Yeah, that would be my guess.

I strongly suspect it went something like this: The Secret Service people said "straight to the hospital" when they closed the van doors, and she and/or her people said "that just ain't gonna happen."

So an immediate trip to the ER must just be protocol, not a hard and fast rule. And yeah, they're putting her health beneath politics, and that's how it is in politics. What a fucked up profession.


Quick Question:
If you fainted in the same way as she has would you go to the ER? She didn't feel like going, she was probably pretty tried and just needed water and rest...

She didn't faint. She was stiff as a board.
Obama's cousin, Dr. Milton Wolf has a different and far more credible diagnosis for hiLIARY's condition:

Dr. Wolf sent The Gateway Pundit the following observations:

Some quick, indisputable facts:

◘ Hillary Clinton suffered a dural sinus thrombosis (blood clots in the brain). Very serious. Significant risk of stroke, intracranial hemorrhage and death.

◘ They blamed the clots on a concussion. Not a chance. Concussions don’t cause blood clots. It would take a skull fracture with tearing of the dural sinus.

◘ She suffered/suffers residual/recurrent neurological deficits (visual disturbance, balance, memory, mental status). Bad prognostic indicator.

◘ She is on lifelong Coumadin. This is highly significant. Dangerous drug. Blood thinner. It’s clear she has a hypercoagulable disorder despite their denials. Coumadin carries a substantial risk for patients, particularly those with fall risk. Spontaneous hemorrhage common, intracranial and elsewhere. I see it commonly, including life-threatening brain bleeds. Normal, healthy patients are NEVER, NEVER prescribed Coumadin.

My conclusions (and I’m right about these):

◘ HC clearly has an underlying hypercoagulable blood disorder. That’s the only reason to give Coumadin (other than chronic atrial fibrillation and prosthetic heart valves, which are actually themselves causes of hypercoagulable disorders).

◘ Her hypercoagulable is likely severe. There are safer blood thinners than Coumadin. They’ve tried them on her (Lovenox) and it failed. Coumadin is typically given to those who can’t afford the newer drugs or reserved for cases that are refractory to the safer drugs. Coumadin is a powerful and dangerous drug; originally developed as a rat poison (Warfarin).

And the big one:

It’s more likely than not that Hillary suffered a stroke in 2012 that they called a concussion. Stroke is extremely common following sinus thrombosis (of patients with clot in SSS: 75% stroke and 60% have intracranial hemorrhage). Overall about half the cases of sinus thrombosis resolve completely but that’s obviously not her since she exhibits and confesses to lasting neurological deficits. This is med school 101 stuff....

Dr. Milton Wolf: Hillary's Doctor Claimed Hillary Got a Perfect Score on TEST THAT DOES NOT EXIST

Something I noticed in the letter released by her doc in July, 2015:

The doc specifically said she began "anti-coagulation therapy to dissolve the clot" after her 2012 fall/concussion. Anti-cocoagulation drugs do not dissolve blood clots they help prevent them. Fibrinolytic drugs (streptokinase, urokinase, alteplase, reteplase, tenecteplase) are used to dissolve clots.

What Drugs Can Help Prevent or Treat Blood Clots?

Why would her doc say that they gave her "anti-coagulation therapy" - which is what Coumadin is - to dissolve the blood clot when dissolving blood clots isn't what that drug is listed as doing?

I never bought the "she fainted from becoming dehydrated after having a stomach virus" part from her 2012 fall and have thought since then that something was off/amiss with her health. It wouldn't surprise me in the least that they may have lied about the concussion part as well.
Hillary Clinton has released her medical records and she did indeed come down with walking Pneumonia which is a bacterial non contagious infection that anyone at any age can get. A few days rest, lots of liquids and antibiotics are the cure. Side effects are chills, due to fever, lack of energy, coughing fits, dizziness, etc.
Clinton releases medical records

Trump has gone to the Wizard of OZ show and has refused to release his medical records, but his last colonoscopy revealed something shocking. They didn't find Sean Hannity in there.

Pneumonia will drain you for weeks, especially at her age.

And if she refuses to rest properly, she risks a relapse.

Even if her issue is "just" pneumonia, this is a HUGE deal for the campaign.
The incredibly poor judgement she displayed in handling this situation is another very big deal.

She considers winning worth risking her life over.

It is a personal opinion on whether that is poor judgement or not.
If we assume there really is nothing more than pneumonia she was dealing with, not being transparent about it from the start is an example of poor judgement. It tells voters they can't believe what she says and they can't depend on her to make the best judgement in a crisis.

"NOthing more than pneumonia"?

Pneumonia is no little matter.
According to her doctor, Clinton had had both pneumonia vaccines, which makes it highly unlikely she would contract more than a very mild case of pneumonia unless her immune system had been compromised by some other condition or medication. According to the Secret Service protocol, she should have been taken to the nearest level 1 trauma center when she collapsed, but apparently her campaign refused. Why if there was noting more than pneumonia?

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