The one thing I'm wondering about Hillary's health episode

I think she has Parkinson's based on the analysis by the doctor mentioned in the OP and other articles I've read on the internet.
Have you seen video of her shaking or displaying other signs?

Hillary is always holding something or clasping her hands. That appears to be a strategy to prevent people from seeing her hands shake.

Parkinson's doesn't just affect the hands, it affects the entire body. I'm not seeing that in her.

You mean you didn't see her whole body get stiff as a board right before they tossed her into the van like a frozen side of beef?

Is that what I said?

I was commenting on your comment about the strategy of holding something in her hands to prevent people from seeing her hands shake. I haven't seen her exhibit the all-over jerky Parkinsons movements that are typical with the disease. That's all.

They are typical only of cases at an advanced stage of the disease. You do understand that the onset is not instantaneous, don't you? Because up to now I have to assume your a complete dumbass about medical issues.

As for the 9/11 "episode", I don't know exactly what it was but she did NOT pass out/faint. If she had her body would have gone limp. It not only remained stiff as a board when she was standing - and I believe she was conscious because only one woman had hold of her while she was propped up against the pole, impossible if she were unconscious - her head remained completely rigid even as she was dragged forward into the car. Had she been passed out her head would have fallen forward. She has something seriously wrong with her and they are doing their best to keep it under wraps. Sooner or later the truth will come out.

I never claimed she passed out or feinted. I said she was stiff as a board, which is a clear symptom of Parkinson's
Michael J. Fox was much further along in the progression of the disease. Hillary's symptoms are just starting to show.

Quit pretending that the two should have the same exact symptoms. Stage I cancer has different symptoms than stage IV cancer, but they are both cancer.

Is that what I said??

Trying reading what I actually wrote instead of make shit up.

"Of course, if she were in the early stages of it, it could be well managed with meds."

You keep saying she doesn't display the exact same symptoms as Michael J. Fox, from which anyone can reasonably conclude that you believe the symptoms of an advanced case are the same as the symptoms of someone who is in the early phase of the disease.

So do you believe she should have the same exact symptoms as Michael J. Fox or not?
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Michael J. Fox was much further along in the progression of the disease. Hillary's symptoms are just starting to show.

Quit pretending that the two should have the same exact symptoms. Stage I cancer has different symptoms than stage IV cancer, but they are both cancer.

Is that what I said??

Trying reading what I actually wrote instead of make shit up.

"Of course, if she were in the early stages of it, it could be well managed with meds."

You keep saying she doesn't display the exact same symptoms as Michael J. Fox, from which anyone can reasonably conclude that you believe the symptoms of an advanced case are the same as the symptoms of someone who is in the early phase of the disease.

So do you believe she should have the same exact symptoms has Michael J. Fox or not?

Again, try reading what I actually wrote. I never said "she doesn't display the exact same symptoms as MJF".

You said: I think she has Parkinson's based on the analysis by the doctor mentioned in the OP and other articles I've read on the internet.

Mac: Have you seen video of her shaking or displaying other signs?

You: Hillary is always holding something or clasping her hands. That appears to be a strategy to prevent people from seeing her hands shake.

Me: Parkinson's doesn't just affect the hands, it affects the entire body. I'm not seeing that in her.

Me: Compare mrs bill to michael j fox to see what I'm talking about. *in reference to whole body movement, NOT that if she has Parkinsons she is at the same stage as MJF. YOU made that conclusion.

Me: Of course, if she were in the early stages of it, it could be well managed with meds.

That you misunderstood what I wrote isn't my problem.
Have you seen video of her shaking or displaying other signs?

Hillary is always holding something or clasping her hands. That appears to be a strategy to prevent people from seeing her hands shake.

Parkinson's doesn't just affect the hands, it affects the entire body. I'm not seeing that in her.

You mean you didn't see her whole body get stiff as a board right before they tossed her into the van like a frozen side of beef?

Is that what I said?

I was commenting on your comment about the strategy of holding something in her hands to prevent people from seeing her hands shake. I haven't seen her exhibit the all-over jerky Parkinsons movements that are typical with the disease. That's all.

They are typical only of cases at an advanced stage of the disease. You do understand that the onset is not instantaneous, don't you? Because up to now I have to assume your a complete dumbass about medical issues.

As for the 9/11 "episode", I don't know exactly what it was but she did NOT pass out/faint. If she had her body would have gone limp. It not only remained stiff as a board when she was standing - and I believe she was conscious because only one woman had hold of her while she was propped up against the pole, impossible if she were unconscious - her head remained completely rigid even as she was dragged forward into the car. Had she been passed out her head would have fallen forward. She has something seriously wrong with her and they are doing their best to keep it under wraps. Sooner or later the truth will come out.

I never claimed she passed out or feinted. I said she was stiff as a board, which is a clear symptom of Parkinson's

Once again, I haven't seen her exhibit the all over jerky movements at all. You DO understand that it starts out small and gets worse over time, right? MJF at 7 yrs from his original dx could be seen with small, erratic body (not just hands) movement that you would not know was Parkinsons because he was on meds and he covered it well. She isn't displaying any type of whole body movement, even small. If she's holding something in her hands so others won't see her hands shaking - if she has it and it is manifesting itself to the point of her needing to cover her hands shaking - then other erratic movements would be going on with her entire body, as MJF's did early in his dx. I haven't seen anything like that with her. If there's video of that, post it.

I never said that YOU claimed she passed out/fainted, I said that she didn't pass out or faint because something else was going on with her. Read the words I actually write. smh
Hillary is always holding something or clasping her hands. That appears to be a strategy to prevent people from seeing her hands shake.

Parkinson's doesn't just affect the hands, it affects the entire body. I'm not seeing that in her.

You mean you didn't see her whole body get stiff as a board right before they tossed her into the van like a frozen side of beef?

Is that what I said?

I was commenting on your comment about the strategy of holding something in her hands to prevent people from seeing her hands shake. I haven't seen her exhibit the all-over jerky Parkinsons movements that are typical with the disease. That's all.

They are typical only of cases at an advanced stage of the disease. You do understand that the onset is not instantaneous, don't you? Because up to now I have to assume your a complete dumbass about medical issues.

As for the 9/11 "episode", I don't know exactly what it was but she did NOT pass out/faint. If she had her body would have gone limp. It not only remained stiff as a board when she was standing - and I believe she was conscious because only one woman had hold of her while she was propped up against the pole, impossible if she were unconscious - her head remained completely rigid even as she was dragged forward into the car. Had she been passed out her head would have fallen forward. She has something seriously wrong with her and they are doing their best to keep it under wraps. Sooner or later the truth will come out.

I never claimed she passed out or feinted. I said she was stiff as a board, which is a clear symptom of Parkinson's

Once again, I haven't seen her exhibit the all over jerky movements at all. You DO understand that it starts out small and gets worse over time, right? MJF at 7 yrs from his original dx could be seen with small, erratic body (not just hands) movement that you would not know was Parkinsons because he was on meds and he covered it well. She isn't displaying any type of whole body movement, even small. If she's holding something in her hands so others won't see her hands shaking - if she has it and it is manifesting itself to the point of her needing to cover her hands shaking - then other erratic movements would be going on with her entire body, as MJF's did early in his dx. I haven't seen anything like that with her. If there's video of that, post it.

I never said that YOU claimed she passed out/fainted, I said that she didn't pass out or faint because something else was going on with her. Read the words I actually write. smh

The only time I have ever seen MJF's symptoms is when he testified before Congress. By that time he had it for years. He deliberately didn't take his medication so his symptoms would be exaggerated. You just admitted that his symptoms weren't noticeable at first because he was on medication. Somehow, that doesn't apply to Clinton.

Just admit that you you're in the tank for Hillary and that you are never going to concede that she has any symptoms. I'm tired of these exchanges what you refuse to admit what you just admitted.
Michael J. Fox was much further along in the progression of the disease. Hillary's symptoms are just starting to show.

Quit pretending that the two should have the same exact symptoms. Stage I cancer has different symptoms than stage IV cancer, but they are both cancer.

Is that what I said??

Trying reading what I actually wrote instead of make shit up.

"Of course, if she were in the early stages of it, it could be well managed with meds."

You keep saying she doesn't display the exact same symptoms as Michael J. Fox, from which anyone can reasonably conclude that you believe the symptoms of an advanced case are the same as the symptoms of someone who is in the early phase of the disease.

So do you believe she should have the same exact symptoms has Michael J. Fox or not?

Again, try reading what I actually wrote. I never said "she doesn't display the exact same symptoms as MJF".

You said: I think she has Parkinson's based on the analysis by the doctor mentioned in the OP and other articles I've read on the internet.

Mac: Have you seen video of her shaking or displaying other signs?

You: Hillary is always holding something or clasping her hands. That appears to be a strategy to prevent people from seeing her hands shake.

Me: Parkinson's doesn't just affect the hands, it affects the entire body. I'm not seeing that in her.

Me: Compare mrs bill to michael j fox to see what I'm talking about. *in reference to whole body movement, NOT that if she has Parkinsons she is at the same stage as MJF. YOU made that conclusion.

Me: Of course, if she were in the early stages of it, it could be well managed with meds.

That you misunderstood what I wrote isn't my problem.

When did I conclude that she was at the same stage as Michael J. Fox? Now you're just making stuff up. She has had episodes that affect her whole body. Just check out the video from 9/11.

I'm done arguing with you about it because you are obviously determined to avoid the obvious conclusion. You're a Hillary drone.

We're done.
Like must of us, I have really just begun learning about the terrible symptoms and she definitely seems to have Parkinson's. And there is a wide spectrum in terms of the "stages" of the specific symptoms so the actor's condition is not a benchmark. The thing that disqualifies her is that it is not only physical, but mental. In other words, the range of cognitive issues can go from forgetfulness to psychotic hallucinations.

Watching Parkinson lectures on You Tube by other doctors, then watching videos of Crooked Hillary back to 2005 confirms symptoms appear such as "cogwheel pursuit." And the Prism glasses, were they for the alleged concussion or for Parkinson's? They are commonly used to help with the eye problems associated with Parkinson's. But so is freezing and then falling, so it could have been to help after a brain injury. So it is like with her black medical secret service guy with the device in his hand. Is it an emergency shot of a drug, or is it a flashlight. Either way, they are both used for Parkinson's patients. A flashlight helps with a Parkinson's freeze because the patient can focus on the light and walk toward it. Based on Googling it was Jan 31, 2005 when her first PUBLIC Parkinson's freeze happens. As with that incident and all the others she refused to go to the hospital and blames it on a "24 hour stomach virus," "dehydration" or similar excuses that nobody who had those conditions believes. And in fact, she recovers from the freezes rapidly in a hour or so as we saw Sept 11, 2016. There are no hospital records because one or more of her doctors diagnosed her with Parkinson's and let her know the freezes happen then they pass, and going to a hospital will expose the truth because the ER crew will do their job unless the secret service talk with them, and rule out the conditions she claims.
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1. They are downplaying it, by not going to the Hospital, putting her political health ahead of her physical health.

2. She has an even more serious problem and they don't want her exposed to unvetted doctors that can't be trusted to keep their mouths shut.
Yeah, that would be my guess.

I strongly suspect it went something like this: The Secret Service people said "straight to the hospital" when they closed the van doors, and she and/or her people said "that just ain't gonna happen."

So an immediate trip to the ER must just be protocol, not a hard and fast rule. And yeah, they're putting her health beneath politics, and that's how it is in politics. What a fucked up profession.


Quick Question:
If you fainted in the same way as she has would you go to the ER? She didn't feel like going, she was probably pretty tried and just needed water and rest...
1. They are downplaying it, by not going to the Hospital, putting her political health ahead of her physical health.

2. She has an even more serious problem and they don't want her exposed to unvetted doctors that can't be trusted to keep their mouths shut.
Yeah, that would be my guess.

I strongly suspect it went something like this: The Secret Service people said "straight to the hospital" when they closed the van doors, and she and/or her people said "that just ain't gonna happen."

So an immediate trip to the ER must just be protocol, not a hard and fast rule. And yeah, they're putting her health beneath politics, and that's how it is in politics. What a fucked up profession.


Quick Question:
If you fainted in the same way as she has would you go to the ER? She didn't feel like going, she was probably pretty tried and just needed water and rest...

Yeah, because fainting is normal when feeling tired. You (and her?) have been on ObamaCare a bit too long.

If someone near me collapsed out of the blue like that, I will tell you that ambulance would be on the yard very soon. I suppose, some just don't care for health.
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1. They are downplaying it, by not going to the Hospital, putting her political health ahead of her physical health.

2. She has an even more serious problem and they don't want her exposed to unvetted doctors that can't be trusted to keep their mouths shut.
Yeah, that would be my guess.

I strongly suspect it went something like this: The Secret Service people said "straight to the hospital" when they closed the van doors, and she and/or her people said "that just ain't gonna happen."

So an immediate trip to the ER must just be protocol, not a hard and fast rule. And yeah, they're putting her health beneath politics, and that's how it is in politics. What a fucked up profession.


Quick Question:
If you fainted in the same way as she has would you go to the ER? She didn't feel like going, she was probably pretty tried and just needed water and rest...
I have no doubt whatsoever that standard protocol for a presidential candidate, a former Secretary of State, would be a straight line to the hospital.

So yes. If I were a former Secretary of State and current 68-year old presidential candidate, I'd have been taken by Secret Service to the hospital.

I just suspect that they were told to break protocol and take her to Chelsea's place.
If you're going to invent a serious illness for someone to have, and then completely talk yourself into it, wouldn't you choose one that doesn't have such obvious symptoms?

I'd think Parkinson's would be pretty far down the list.
Parkinson's doesn't just affect the hands, it affects the entire body. I'm not seeing that in her.

You mean you didn't see her whole body get stiff as a board right before they tossed her into the van like a frozen side of beef?

Is that what I said?

I was commenting on your comment about the strategy of holding something in her hands to prevent people from seeing her hands shake. I haven't seen her exhibit the all-over jerky Parkinsons movements that are typical with the disease. That's all.

They are typical only of cases at an advanced stage of the disease. You do understand that the onset is not instantaneous, don't you? Because up to now I have to assume your a complete dumbass about medical issues.

As for the 9/11 "episode", I don't know exactly what it was but she did NOT pass out/faint. If she had her body would have gone limp. It not only remained stiff as a board when she was standing - and I believe she was conscious because only one woman had hold of her while she was propped up against the pole, impossible if she were unconscious - her head remained completely rigid even as she was dragged forward into the car. Had she been passed out her head would have fallen forward. She has something seriously wrong with her and they are doing their best to keep it under wraps. Sooner or later the truth will come out.

I never claimed she passed out or feinted. I said she was stiff as a board, which is a clear symptom of Parkinson's

Once again, I haven't seen her exhibit the all over jerky movements at all. You DO understand that it starts out small and gets worse over time, right? MJF at 7 yrs from his original dx could be seen with small, erratic body (not just hands) movement that you would not know was Parkinsons because he was on meds and he covered it well. She isn't displaying any type of whole body movement, even small. If she's holding something in her hands so others won't see her hands shaking - if she has it and it is manifesting itself to the point of her needing to cover her hands shaking - then other erratic movements would be going on with her entire body, as MJF's did early in his dx. I haven't seen anything like that with her. If there's video of that, post it.

I never said that YOU claimed she passed out/fainted, I said that she didn't pass out or faint because something else was going on with her. Read the words I actually write. smh

The only time I have ever seen MJF's symptoms is when he testified before Congress. By that time he had it for years. He deliberately didn't take his medication so his symptoms would be exaggerated. You just admitted that his symptoms weren't noticeable at first because he was on medication. Somehow, that doesn't apply to Clinton.

Just admit that you you're in the tank for Hillary and that you are never going to concede that she has any symptoms. I'm tired of these exchanges what you refuse to admit what you just admitted.

MJF on meds, circa 1998, 7 yrs after dx. If you didn't know he had Parkinsons you would not think that he had it. KNOWING that he had Parkinsons here, you can see erratic body movement.

Once again, IF she has Parkinsons and is always holding/clenching her hands to cover them shaking - YOUR CLAIM - then one would see OTHER Parkinsons symptoms like MJF in the above video, one WOULD SEE whole body symptoms. Again, dumbass, not the the extent of MJF, but you would see more than just hands shaking. Why? Because Parkinsons doesn't just affect the hands. Even with meds, you can see it affecting the entire body, as noted above.

I'm in the tank for mrs bill?? I'm never going to concede she has any symptoms?? You fucking retard, try going back and actually reading what I"ve posted just in this thread. Moron.
If you're going to invent a serious illness for someone to have, and then completely talk yourself into it, wouldn't you choose one that doesn't have such obvious symptoms?

I'd think Parkinson's would be pretty far down the list.

No, you would note the symptoms you see her display and go from there.

She was stiff as a freaking board on 9/11, even when she fell forward when being dragged into the van. If she was passed out her head would have fallen forward. She didn't pass out because her body would have gone limp. People are suspecting Parkinsons because apparently there is something called a Parkinsons freeze, which is what it looked liked her body did on 9/11.

Does she have Parkinsons? Don't know. Was that a Parkinsons freeze? Don't know. It was something more serious than what they're peddling, imo. I've have always thought her health was questionable since she fell in 2012 and suffered that nasty concussion.
It sure has been a gas reading and hearing all the various "theories" about this thing that happened with Hillary at the van. From AIDS to Parkinson's to any number of other potential maladies, I'm confident that this story has shattered all possible traffic records at WebMD™.

My guess is that she had walking pneumonia, which is plenty shitty, and between that and its associated fever and the heat of the day and the fact that she was all dressed up nice 'n stuff, it whacked her good and now she's fine.

That said, one question is bugging me.

This is a 68-year old lady. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State who has won her party's nomination and is running for freakin' President.

Wouldn't passing out have warranted a beeline to the nearest hospital, no questions asked?

Hillary Clinton has released her medical records and she did indeed come down with walking Pneumonia which is a bacterial non contagious infection that anyone at any age can get. A few days rest, lots of liquids and antibiotics are the cure. Side effects are chills, due to fever, lack of energy, coughing fits, dizziness, etc.
Clinton releases medical records

Trump has gone to the Wizard of OZ show and has refused to release his medical records, but his last colonoscopy revealed something shocking. They didn't find Sean Hannity in there.

Pneumonia will drain you for weeks, especially at her age.

And if she refuses to rest properly, she risks a relapse.

Even if her issue is "just" pneumonia, this is a HUGE deal for the campaign.
The incredibly poor judgement she displayed in handling this situation is another very big deal.

She considers winning worth risking her life over.

It is a personal opinion on whether that is poor judgement or not.
If we assume there really is nothing more than pneumonia she was dealing with, not being transparent about it from the start is an example of poor judgement. It tells voters they can't believe what she says and they can't depend on her to make the best judgement in a crisis.

"NOthing more than pneumonia"?

Pneumonia is no little matter.
Obama's cousin, Dr. Milton Wolf has a different and far more credible diagnosis for hiLIARY's condition:

Dr. Wolf sent The Gateway Pundit the following observations:

Some quick, indisputable facts:

◘ Hillary Clinton suffered a dural sinus thrombosis (blood clots in the brain). Very serious. Significant risk of stroke, intracranial hemorrhage and death.

◘ They blamed the clots on a concussion. Not a chance. Concussions don’t cause blood clots. It would take a skull fracture with tearing of the dural sinus.

◘ She suffered/suffers residual/recurrent neurological deficits (visual disturbance, balance, memory, mental status). Bad prognostic indicator.

◘ She is on lifelong Coumadin. This is highly significant. Dangerous drug. Blood thinner. It’s clear she has a hypercoagulable disorder despite their denials. Coumadin carries a substantial risk for patients, particularly those with fall risk. Spontaneous hemorrhage common, intracranial and elsewhere. I see it commonly, including life-threatening brain bleeds. Normal, healthy patients are NEVER, NEVER prescribed Coumadin.

My conclusions (and I’m right about these):

◘ HC clearly has an underlying hypercoagulable blood disorder. That’s the only reason to give Coumadin (other than chronic atrial fibrillation and prosthetic heart valves, which are actually themselves causes of hypercoagulable disorders).

◘ Her hypercoagulable is likely severe. There are safer blood thinners than Coumadin. They’ve tried them on her (Lovenox) and it failed. Coumadin is typically given to those who can’t afford the newer drugs or reserved for cases that are refractory to the safer drugs. Coumadin is a powerful and dangerous drug; originally developed as a rat poison (Warfarin).

And the big one:

It’s more likely than not that Hillary suffered a stroke in 2012 that they called a concussion. Stroke is extremely common following sinus thrombosis (of patients with clot in SSS: 75% stroke and 60% have intracranial hemorrhage). Overall about half the cases of sinus thrombosis resolve completely but that’s obviously not her since she exhibits and confesses to lasting neurological deficits. This is med school 101 stuff....

Dr. Milton Wolf: Hillary's Doctor Claimed Hillary Got a Perfect Score on TEST THAT DOES NOT EXIST
Hillary Clinton has released her medical records and she did indeed come down with walking Pneumonia which is a bacterial non contagious infection that anyone at any age can get. A few days rest, lots of liquids and antibiotics are the cure. Side effects are chills, due to fever, lack of energy, coughing fits, dizziness, etc.
Clinton releases medical records

Trump has gone to the Wizard of OZ show and has refused to release his medical records, but his last colonoscopy revealed something shocking. They didn't find Sean Hannity in there.

Pneumonia will drain you for weeks, especially at her age.

And if she refuses to rest properly, she risks a relapse.

Even if her issue is "just" pneumonia, this is a HUGE deal for the campaign.
The incredibly poor judgement she displayed in handling this situation is another very big deal.

She considers winning worth risking her life over.

It is a personal opinion on whether that is poor judgement or not.
If we assume there really is nothing more than pneumonia she was dealing with, not being transparent about it from the start is an example of poor judgement. It tells voters they can't believe what she says and they can't depend on her to make the best judgement in a crisis.

"NOthing more than pneumonia"?

Pneumonia is no little matter.

They said she had "non-infectious bacterial pneumonia". There is No Such Thing. There is also no such thing as a non-contrast CTA. Her doctor is making up shit to cover up hiLIARy's poor health.
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