The one thing I'm wondering about Hillary's health episode

It sure has been a gas reading and hearing all the various "theories" about this thing that happened with Hillary at the van. From AIDS to Parkinson's to any number of other potential maladies, I'm confident that this story has shattered all possible traffic records at WebMD™.

My guess is that she had walking pneumonia, which is plenty shitty, and between that and its associated fever and the heat of the day and the fact that she was all dressed up nice 'n stuff, it whacked her good and now she's fine.

That said, one question is bugging me.

This is a 68-year old lady. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State who has won her party's nomination and is running for freakin' President.

Wouldn't passing out have warranted a beeline to the nearest hospital, no questions asked?

Hillary Clinton has released her medical records and she did indeed come down with walking Pneumonia which is a bacterial non contagious infection that anyone at any age can get. A few days rest, lots of liquids and antibiotics are the cure. Side effects are chills, due to fever, lack of energy, coughing fits, dizziness, etc.
Clinton releases medical records

Trump has gone to the Wizard of OZ show and has refused to release his medical records, but his last colonoscopy revealed something shocking. They didn't find Sean Hannity in there.

Pneumonia will drain you for weeks, especially at her age.

And if she refuses to rest properly, she risks a relapse.

Even if her issue is "just" pneumonia, this is a HUGE deal for the campaign.
Yeah, my guess is that she's healthy overall, but that thing played right into the GOP's narrative.

Surely that's why they didn't go to the ER.

This could matter in a tight race.

And that's the best case scenario.
I thought it was funny that Bill Clinton had that little slip where he said that she passes out ALL the time. Then he tried to correct himself to "rarely." :biggrin: You can't trust a politician.

It sure has been a gas reading and hearing all the various "theories" about this thing that happened with Hillary at the van. From AIDS to Parkinson's to any number of other potential maladies, I'm confident that this story has shattered all possible traffic records at WebMD™.

My guess is that she had walking pneumonia, which is plenty shitty, and between that and its associated fever and the heat of the day and the fact that she was all dressed up nice 'n stuff, it whacked her good and now she's fine.

That said, one question is bugging me.

This is a 68-year old lady. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State who has won her party's nomination and is running for freakin' President.

Wouldn't passing out have warranted a beeline to the nearest hospital, no questions asked?

Hillary Clinton has released her medical records and she did indeed come down with walking Pneumonia which is a bacterial non contagious infection that anyone at any age can get. A few days rest, lots of liquids and antibiotics are the cure. Side effects are chills, due to fever, lack of energy, coughing fits, dizziness, etc.
Clinton releases medical records

Trump has gone to the Wizard of OZ show and has refused to release his medical records, but his last colonoscopy revealed something shocking. They didn't find Sean Hannity in there.

Pneumonia will drain you for weeks, especially at her age.

And if she refuses to rest properly, she risks a relapse.

Even if her issue is "just" pneumonia, this is a HUGE deal for the campaign.
The incredibly poor judgement she displayed in handling this situation is another very big deal.
It's kind of funny how the liberal media loses it's curiosity when a health issue involves a democrat. There were hundreds of stories about Bush's V.P. Dick Chaney's heart condition but almost no speculation about Joe Biden's two brain embolisms even when it seemed that Biden couldn't put a sentence together without some hilarious result. Today the liberal media is in the process of circling the wagons around the Hillary campaign instead of doing their jobs on behalf of the American public. Strange things happen when the media becomes the propaganda arm of a political party and they aren't pretty.
You really can't see her head or body in the video clip. What you can see are her feet, and they are limp and dragging on the ground.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt ONCE. I will assume you never watched the video. Because if you had you would see exactly what I said. Here it is again.

You can only see her head before she passes out. Her head is wobbling though.

OMG your one chance is over, you are really dishonest or not very intelligent to watch that video and then say head wobbles or moves at all. She is like a statue whose legs won't move.

She passed out. People don't move when they are passed out. You can clearly see her head wobble, and then her legs give out on her. Then, the SS moves in, and blocks her from view, except for her feet which you can see dragging on the ground. You must be hallucinating.

She didn't pass out. If she had passed out her body would have gone limp, her head would have fallen forward. It does not, it remains rigid. At the 15/16 second mark you can clearly see them drag her off the curb and she 'falls' forward ... HER HEAD REMAINS RIGID. Sorry, passed out people are spineless blobs of mass. She was like a board of wood.

Actually, stiffness or seizure-like activity can occur when someone faints, or at least when they wake up from fainting. Perhaps if she passed out for just a moment it would cause the stiffness you are talking about.

Certainly I've seen people go rigid plenty of times from being knocked out, but I don't know if that works at all the same way as when fainting.
Could board members charge for their diagnosis?
Well, I've heard everything from AIDS to MS to Advanced Parkinson's to dementia, so there clearly a LOT of money to be made.

My personal diagnosis is "ringworm".

There sure are a lot of amazing diagnosticians on USMB, able to tell a person's condition from a few pictures and short video clips on the internet. :p
Could board members charge for their diagnosis?
Well, I've heard everything from AIDS to MS to Advanced Parkinson's to dementia, so there clearly a LOT of money to be made.
My personal diagnosis is "ringworm"..
There sure are a lot of amazing diagnosticians on USMB, able to tell a person's condition from a few pictures and short video clips on the internet. :p
They heard talk radio say it and/or saw it on Breitbart, so that's that.

But I'll bet you that many believe it.
It sure has been a gas reading and hearing all the various "theories" about this thing that happened with Hillary at the van. From AIDS to Parkinson's to any number of other potential maladies, I'm confident that this story has shattered all possible traffic records at WebMD™.

My guess is that she had walking pneumonia, which is plenty shitty, and between that and its associated fever and the heat of the day and the fact that she was all dressed up nice 'n stuff, it whacked her good and now she's fine.

That said, one question is bugging me.

This is a 68-year old lady. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State who has won her party's nomination and is running for freakin' President.

Wouldn't passing out have warranted a beeline to the nearest hospital, no questions asked?

Of course it would, but that would mean the public would learn the truth about Hillary's medical condition.
She claims she was overheated. It could be that after a period in the air conditioned van it wasn't seen as serious. And hours later her physician saw her at her home. I've been so overheated I've almost passed out before. It's amazing what just seconds in front of a fan or AC can do for you.
Overheating wouldn't explain her stiff as a board posture just before they tossed her into the van like a side of beef. That's the one thing none of excuses for Hillary can get around. Parkinson's is the only thing that explains it.
Could board members charge for their diagnosis?
Well, I've heard everything from AIDS to MS to Advanced Parkinson's to dementia, so there clearly a LOT of money to be made.

My personal diagnosis is "ringworm".

There sure are a lot of amazing diagnosticians on USMB, able to tell a person's condition from a few pictures and short video clips on the internet. :p

Until Hillary comes clean about her medical condition, people are going to speculate. We have clear evidence that something isn't right with her, and the claim that you can't diagnose medical conditions from video is pure horseshit. In some cases you can't, but in some cases you can.
It sure has been a gas reading and hearing all the various "theories" about this thing that happened with Hillary at the van. From AIDS to Parkinson's to any number of other potential maladies, I'm confident that this story has shattered all possible traffic records at WebMD™.

My guess is that she had walking pneumonia, which is plenty shitty, and between that and its associated fever and the heat of the day and the fact that she was all dressed up nice 'n stuff, it whacked her good and now she's fine.

That said, one question is bugging me.

This is a 68-year old lady. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State who has won her party's nomination and is running for freakin' President.

Wouldn't passing out have warranted a beeline to the nearest hospital, no questions asked?

Hillary Clinton has released her medical records and she did indeed come down with walking Pneumonia which is a bacterial non contagious infection that anyone at any age can get. A few days rest, lots of liquids and antibiotics are the cure. Side effects are chills, due to fever, lack of energy, coughing fits, dizziness, etc.
Clinton releases medical records

Trump has gone to the Wizard of OZ show and has refused to release his medical records, but his last colonoscopy revealed something shocking. They didn't find Sean Hannity in there.

She hasn't release shit other then a press release from a doctor on her payroll.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt ONCE. I will assume you never watched the video. Because if you had you would see exactly what I said. Here it is again.

You can only see her head before she passes out. Her head is wobbling though.

OMG your one chance is over, you are really dishonest or not very intelligent to watch that video and then say head wobbles or moves at all. She is like a statue whose legs won't move.

She passed out. People don't move when they are passed out. You can clearly see her head wobble, and then her legs give out on her. Then, the SS moves in, and blocks her from view, except for her feet which you can see dragging on the ground. You must be hallucinating.

She didn't pass out. If she had passed out her body would have gone limp, her head would have fallen forward. It does not, it remains rigid. At the 15/16 second mark you can clearly see them drag her off the curb and she 'falls' forward ... HER HEAD REMAINS RIGID. Sorry, passed out people are spineless blobs of mass. She was like a board of wood.

Actually, stiffness or seizure-like activity can occur when someone faints, or at least when they wake up from fainting. Perhaps if she passed out for just a moment it would cause the stiffness you are talking about.

Certainly I've seen people go rigid plenty of times from being knocked out, but I don't know if that works at all the same way as when fainting.

According to your link, seizures may be a cause of fainting: "Neurologic Syncope - Seizures may be a cause of syncope.There is stiffness and jerking."

I don't believe she passed out at all. If she did and the stiffness was a result of that, the 'fainting' was a result of a seizure, not dehydration/heat.
It sure has been a gas reading and hearing all the various "theories" about this thing that happened with Hillary at the van. From AIDS to Parkinson's to any number of other potential maladies, I'm confident that this story has shattered all possible traffic records at WebMD™.

My guess is that she had walking pneumonia, which is plenty shitty, and between that and its associated fever and the heat of the day and the fact that she was all dressed up nice 'n stuff, it whacked her good and now she's fine.

That said, one question is bugging me.

This is a 68-year old lady. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State who has won her party's nomination and is running for freakin' President.

Wouldn't passing out have warranted a beeline to the nearest hospital, no questions asked?

Of course it would, but that would mean the public would learn the truth about Hillary's medical condition.
Okay, specifically what is your opinion of her medical condition, and on what are you basing that opinion?
It sure has been a gas reading and hearing all the various "theories" about this thing that happened with Hillary at the van. From AIDS to Parkinson's to any number of other potential maladies, I'm confident that this story has shattered all possible traffic records at WebMD™.

My guess is that she had walking pneumonia, which is plenty shitty, and between that and its associated fever and the heat of the day and the fact that she was all dressed up nice 'n stuff, it whacked her good and now she's fine.

That said, one question is bugging me.

This is a 68-year old lady. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State who has won her party's nomination and is running for freakin' President.

Wouldn't passing out have warranted a beeline to the nearest hospital, no questions asked?

Hillary Clinton has released her medical records and she did indeed come down with walking Pneumonia which is a bacterial non contagious infection that anyone at any age can get. A few days rest, lots of liquids and antibiotics are the cure. Side effects are chills, due to fever, lack of energy, coughing fits, dizziness, etc.
Clinton releases medical records

Trump has gone to the Wizard of OZ show and has refused to release his medical records, but his last colonoscopy revealed something shocking. They didn't find Sean Hannity in there.

The type of pneumonia, which primarily people with Parkinson's get...

4 million views, before long the whole America knows the truth. And let's be clear, the truth is her worst enemy.
It sure has been a gas reading and hearing all the various "theories" about this thing that happened with Hillary at the van. From AIDS to Parkinson's to any number of other potential maladies, I'm confident that this story has shattered all possible traffic records at WebMD™.

My guess is that she had walking pneumonia, which is plenty shitty, and between that and its associated fever and the heat of the day and the fact that she was all dressed up nice 'n stuff, it whacked her good and now she's fine.

That said, one question is bugging me.

This is a 68-year old lady. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State who has won her party's nomination and is running for freakin' President.

Wouldn't passing out have warranted a beeline to the nearest hospital, no questions asked?

Of course it would, but that would mean the public would learn the truth about Hillary's medical condition.
Okay, specifically what is your opinion of her medical condition, and on what are you basing that opinion?
I think she has Parkinson's based on the analysis by the doctor mentioned in the OP and other articles I've read on the internet.
You can only see her head before she passes out. Her head is wobbling though.

OMG your one chance is over, you are really dishonest or not very intelligent to watch that video and then say head wobbles or moves at all. She is like a statue whose legs won't move.

She passed out. People don't move when they are passed out. You can clearly see her head wobble, and then her legs give out on her. Then, the SS moves in, and blocks her from view, except for her feet which you can see dragging on the ground. You must be hallucinating.

She didn't pass out. If she had passed out her body would have gone limp, her head would have fallen forward. It does not, it remains rigid. At the 15/16 second mark you can clearly see them drag her off the curb and she 'falls' forward ... HER HEAD REMAINS RIGID. Sorry, passed out people are spineless blobs of mass. She was like a board of wood.

Actually, stiffness or seizure-like activity can occur when someone faints, or at least when they wake up from fainting. Perhaps if she passed out for just a moment it would cause the stiffness you are talking about.

Certainly I've seen people go rigid plenty of times from being knocked out, but I don't know if that works at all the same way as when fainting.

According to your link, seizures may be a cause of fainting: "Neurologic Syncope - Seizures may be a cause of syncope.There is stiffness and jerking."

I don't believe she passed out at all. If she did and the stiffness was a result of that, the 'fainting' was a result of a seizure, not dehydration/heat.

I'm not saying seizures are impossible. I just pointed out that fainting can cause stiffness. In the first paragraph of the link I posted, under vasovagal syncope (fainting), "
Rarely, seizure activity (stiffness or shaking) may occur as the patient wakes up.". Even if Clinton was showing rigidity, it doesn't rule out fainting.
It sure has been a gas reading and hearing all the various "theories" about this thing that happened with Hillary at the van. From AIDS to Parkinson's to any number of other potential maladies, I'm confident that this story has shattered all possible traffic records at WebMD™.

My guess is that she had walking pneumonia, which is plenty shitty, and between that and its associated fever and the heat of the day and the fact that she was all dressed up nice 'n stuff, it whacked her good and now she's fine.

That said, one question is bugging me.

This is a 68-year old lady. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State who has won her party's nomination and is running for freakin' President.

Wouldn't passing out have warranted a beeline to the nearest hospital, no questions asked?

Hillary Clinton has released her medical records and she did indeed come down with walking Pneumonia which is a bacterial non contagious infection that anyone at any age can get. A few days rest, lots of liquids and antibiotics are the cure. Side effects are chills, due to fever, lack of energy, coughing fits, dizziness, etc.
Clinton releases medical records

Trump has gone to the Wizard of OZ show and has refused to release his medical records, but his last colonoscopy revealed something shocking. They didn't find Sean Hannity in there.

The type of pneumonia, which primarily people with Parkinson's get...

4 million views, before long the whole America knows the truth.

Well, then I assume I have Parkinson's too--LOL because I have had walking pneumonia in the past. Funny though, I am still very active hiking mountain miles at an altitude of 9000+ altitude feet 2 times a week. Does your internet health conspirator doctors think that is "normal" for my condition?

It sure has been a gas reading and hearing all the various "theories" about this thing that happened with Hillary at the van. From AIDS to Parkinson's to any number of other potential maladies, I'm confident that this story has shattered all possible traffic records at WebMD™.

My guess is that she had walking pneumonia, which is plenty shitty, and between that and its associated fever and the heat of the day and the fact that she was all dressed up nice 'n stuff, it whacked her good and now she's fine.

That said, one question is bugging me.

This is a 68-year old lady. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State. A 68-year old lady who is a former Secretary of State who has won her party's nomination and is running for freakin' President.

Wouldn't passing out have warranted a beeline to the nearest hospital, no questions asked?

Of course it would, but that would mean the public would learn the truth about Hillary's medical condition.
Okay, specifically what is your opinion of her medical condition, and on what are you basing that opinion?
I think she has Parkinson's based on the analysis by the doctor mentioned in the OP and other articles I've read on the internet.
Have you seen video of her shaking or displaying other signs?

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