'The One' Vacations Again While Paul Ryan & John Boehner Try To Save Our Country...


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
Yea does The One really need another Vacation? Maybe he should put his Vacation off and help solve this Budget Nightmare? Just a thought anyway. I have to say i'm very proud of Paul Ryan & John Boehner's leadership and bravery on this issue. Especially since this President and the Democrats have been no help at all. We have to solve our massive Debt problem. We owe that to our nation's future generations. Ignoring this problem will not make it go away. I haven't given many compliments to Republicans in recent years but Ryan & Boehner really do deserve much praise for their strong leadership on this. So go ahead and enjoy your Vacation Mr. President. We'll save our Country without you.
I think it shameful that hes taking another vacation while 800,000+ Federal workers will probably have to go without their next paycheck, including our Military.
I think it shameful that hes taking another vacation while 800,000+ Federal workers will probably have to go without their next paycheck, including our Military.

Yea he's been AWOL for a long time now. He just seems disinterested. Let him enjoy his Golf though. Others are working hard to save our Nation's future generations.
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I think it shameful that hes taking another vacation while 800,000+ Federal workers will probably have to go without their next paycheck, including our Military.

Yea he' been AWOL for a long time now. He just seems disinterested. Let him enjoy his Golf though. Others are working hard to save our Nation's future generations.

Man it would suck to be serving in Afghanistan putting your life on the line, on top of having to worry about if your paycheck is going to come through.:(
I think it shameful that hes taking another vacation while 800,000+ Federal workers will probably have to go without their next paycheck, including our Military.

This? Yup.

Typical Barry m.o. He removes himself, he distances himself, he runs away. Teflon Barry, ain't no shit on him.
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I think it shameful that hes taking another vacation while 800,000+ Federal workers will probably have to go without their next paycheck, including our Military.

This? Yup.

Typical Barry m.o. He removes himself, he distances himself. Teflon Barry, ain't no shit on him.

If the job is too hard maybe he needs to stand aside and let a real man take the reigns.
I've read if the shut down happens he will cancel.

Imagine that, work actually might interfere with his good times
I've read if the shut down happens he will cancel.

Imagine that, work actually might interfere with his good times

Just the fact that a vacation even comes up with all the shit going on astounds me.:doubt:
I've read if the shut down happens he will cancel.

Imagine that, work actually might interfere with his good times

Just the fact that a vacation even comes up with all the shit going on astounds me.:doubt:

This has been in the works for a while. Which initself is astounding. Most of us citizens must plan ahead for our yearly vacation (if we be lucky enough to get one) and he's plans ahead for his monthlies. It's good to be king
How many Vacations does The One need for God's sake? Seems like he takes one every Month. I guess he thinks he can Golf the Debt down. What a scam.
We can do it without you Mr. President. And we're doing it. Have fun on your Vacation.
Umm, last night he spoke from Washington somewhere around 11:30 PM.
'The One' Vacations Again While Paul Ryan & John Boehner Try To Save Our Country...

That's a joke, right? Throwing 750,000 Americans out of work won't save our country. Worse, the 5 trillion Ryan wants to save is not being "saved". Not when he wants to give 4 trillion in tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans.

The country is slowly catching on.

It's kind of like Florida. Education and other important programs being slashed by 1.7 billion. Then they turn around and give a 1.5 billion dollar tax break to corporations and millionaires.

What the fuck is with the Republican Party? Do they hate this country that much?
They have to throw a bone to the people who live in the imaginative linear world where Government Entitlement programs are what is driving the Economy down, and hefty taxes (while actually the lowest almost ever) are stifling businesses. It's nice to think that it all works as 2+2 = 4, but it's sad that you can tell people that it does...day after day on the radio, and they believe you.
I hate to break this to you guys, but the President still works about a 100 hours a week, even when he's on "vacation".
Yea does The One really need another Vacation? Maybe he should put his Vacation off and help solve this Budget Nightmare? Just a thought anyway. I have to say i'm very proud of Paul Ryan & John Boehner's leadership and bravery on this issue.
.....Just stay AWAY from any-and-all History Books!!!


"The quote above best exemplifies Boehner’s philosophy: Taxes are off the table, and cuts in government spending will lead to “real” economic growth. His statement would seem to ignore the experience of the Clinton years, when taxes were raised and yet economic growth (and spending restraint) led to a balanced budget and even some drawdown of the debt.

In fact, Boehner avoided any mention in his speech of the Clinton tax hike while blaming (incorrectly) a tax increase by President George H.W. Bush for a recession.

During the debate over President Bill Clinton’s budget plan in 1993, Boehner was a fierce opponent. He delivered the Saturday radio response on June 12, 1993, warning that Clinton’s budget would only increase the deficit. Then, as now, he called for a plan with “no tax increases and true cuts in government spending.”

"Here’s what conservative politicians said about the 1993 deficit reduction legislation that raised taxes on the top 1.2% of our wealthiest citizens:

"Clearly, this is a job-killer in the short-run. The impact on job creation is going to be devastating." — Rep. Dick Armey, (Republican, Texas)

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Being Prez is a tough job so I really don't care how many vacations the Prez takes. If he or any other Prez needs to unwind then let em.

Bush took quite a few as well as I'm sure Clinton, Bush I and Regean did before him.

Not a problem in my book.

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