The Onion's editor on Trump and the press

Man oh man! The amorphous "they" has really taken over as the topic of this thread.

In the absence of facts, the right wing reverts to the intellectual safe space of simply saying "they".
isn't "the right wing" a "they" stereotype?

why yes. yes it is.

welcome to your own hate, dude. i hope you enjoy your stay. hell, i also hope one day you'll see the irony behind what you just said.

Well, you’re right of course (to an extent). However, like I’ve said before, whenever there is a rampage killing, the left (another “they” I suppose) doesn’t, as a group, blame all Muslims if the shooter happens to be Muslim. The right wing (almost all with standing on the right wing of this board) does. I don’t know the religion of the Santa Fe High School shooter but I’m guessing he wasn’t Muslim because there was no mention of his religion on the board. It’s funny how the one group (almost to a man) will condemn the entire religion in one case but not even mention it in another. I’ll agree that there was some level of hypocrisy in my post.
there is no extent and there is no "it's ok if i do it cause...."

THAT line of thought is why we're at each others throats. we take liberties on others we'd never allow done to us and wonder why there's so much hate out there.

i hate the fact that when yet another shooting happens, we instantly jump to the stats. they used this gun i told you so! they didn't use this gun, i told you so and both sides engage in stereotype rhetoric and get after it.

meanwhile we do nothing to even look at the problem with a collective common sense.

as for the religion - that goes both ways too. when it serves their point of view, use it. when it doesn't, hide it.

human nature, not right or left.
In the absence of facts, the right wing reverts to the intellectual safe space of simply saying "they".
isn't "the right wing" a "they" stereotype?

why yes. yes it is.

welcome to your own hate, dude. i hope you enjoy your stay. hell, i also hope one day you'll see the irony behind what you just said.
Funny to watch, ay?
cracks me up -


"They" don't like the thread, so "they've" been trying to derail it.

The OP mentioned Freedom of Speech, and "they" are not big fans of that.
Agreed, yet they don't know it. They think they are all about free speech.
Look at how they've behaved on this thread. Personal attacks, insults, all their regular stuff, in an effort to change the subject.

These are not liberals. They're distortions of liberalism, perversions, but they're not liberal. They're full of hate and anger and bigotry. That's not liberal.
isn't "the right wing" a "they" stereotype?

why yes. yes it is.

welcome to your own hate, dude. i hope you enjoy your stay. hell, i also hope one day you'll see the irony behind what you just said.
Funny to watch, ay?
cracks me up -


"They" don't like the thread, so "they've" been trying to derail it.

The OP mentioned Freedom of Speech, and "they" are not big fans of that.
Agreed, yet they don't know it. They think they are all about free speech.
Look at how they've behaved on this thread. Personal attacks, insults, all their regular stuff, in an effort to change the subject.

These are not liberals. They're distortions of liberalism, perversions, but they're not liberal. They're full of hate and anger and bigotry. That's not liberal.
when people do that there is nothing to win and nothing intelligent to be done except leave. they are not going to change due to either the intellectual inability to do so, or the personal desire to keep that away from them so they can keep on hating.

sometimes the only path to victory is away from them.
Thanks for the link. This is hilarious! "Vice President Mike Pence is often depicted as a repressed religious fanatic who, in one memorable article, refused to be alone with a bottle of Mrs. Butterworth maple syrup until his wife arrived." LMAO!

A lot of what they do on the Onion is cute, but the problem is, Trump and Pence are beyond parody. People like Stormy Mac seem to think that Nazis on campus are the new normal... and they shouldn't be.
This is patently false.

The Borowitz Report has had no problems skewering him, and the Babylon Bee has really put the Onion to shame since his election.

Fired Trump Staffers Hold Reunion


ATLANTA, GA"An exclusive new CNN report revealed Thursday that President Trump has kidnapped three people from the paradise of North Korea, forcing them to get on a plane and return to the United States against their wishes.

A teary-eyed CNN anchor broke the story, visibly enraged at the egregious act of international terrorism. CNN reporters had discovered that the three visitors had been in North Korea enjoying a vacation for many months before Trump unilaterally decided to have them forcibly flown back to America, even aggressively accosting them when they landed.. . . "

Donald Trump’s Ego Most Fragile Element In Known Universe, Scientists Confirm
Man oh man! The amorphous "they" has really taken over as the topic of this thread.

In the absence of facts, the right wing reverts to the intellectual safe space of simply saying "they".
isn't "the right wing" a "they" stereotype?

why yes. yes it is.

welcome to your own hate, dude. i hope you enjoy your stay. hell, i also hope one day you'll see the irony behind what you just said.

Well, you’re right of course (to an extent). However, like I’ve said before, whenever there is a rampage killing, the left (another “they” I suppose) doesn’t, as a group, blame all Muslims if the shooter happens to be Muslim. The right wing (almost all with standing on the right wing of this board) does. I don’t know the religion of the Santa Fe High School shooter but I’m guessing he wasn’t Muslim because there was no mention of his religion on the board. It’s funny how the one group (almost to a man) will condemn the entire religion in one case but not even mention it in another. I’ll agree that there was some level of hypocrisy in my post.
there is no extent and there is no "it's ok if i do it cause...."

THAT line of thought is why we're at each others throats. we take liberties on others we'd never allow done to us and wonder why there's so much hate out there.
Pfft…. I’m not at anyone’s throat.

i hate the fact that when yet another shooting happens, we instantly jump to the stats. they used this gun i told you so! they didn't use this gun, i told you so and both sides engage in stereotype rhetoric and get after it.

meanwhile we do nothing to even look at the problem with a collective common sense.

as for the religion - that goes both ways too. when it serves their point of view, use it. when it doesn't, hide it.

human nature, not right or left.

I will disagree with you to a point. Whenever it is a Muslim, I still blame the shooter. Whenever it is a Muslim, most on the right—almost all—blame Islam. If you can point out a right winger of any standing and quote him/her as saying something to the effect of “We shouldn’t blame the entire religion,”….”We shouldn’t indict everyone for the actions of a few”….”Blame the shooter, not the religion”…I’ll agree with you.

I don’t think there is some sort of conspiracy afoot to bury the religion of the Santa Fe shooter…but that nobody is asking is telling I will say that.
Man oh man! The amorphous "they" has really taken over as the topic of this thread.

In the absence of facts, the right wing reverts to the intellectual safe space of simply saying "they".
isn't "the right wing" a "they" stereotype?

why yes. yes it is.

welcome to your own hate, dude. i hope you enjoy your stay. hell, i also hope one day you'll see the irony behind what you just said.

Well, you’re right of course (to an extent). However, like I’ve said before, whenever there is a rampage killing, the left (another “they” I suppose) doesn’t, as a group, blame all Muslims if the shooter happens to be Muslim. The right wing (almost all with standing on the right wing of this board) does. I don’t know the religion of the Santa Fe High School shooter but I’m guessing he wasn’t Muslim because there was no mention of his religion on the board. It’s funny how the one group (almost to a man) will condemn the entire religion in one case but not even mention it in another. I’ll agree that there was some level of hypocrisy in my post.
there is no extent and there is no "it's ok if i do it cause...."

THAT line of thought is why we're at each others throats. we take liberties on others we'd never allow done to us and wonder why there's so much hate out there.
Pfft…. I’m not at anyone’s throat.

i hate the fact that when yet another shooting happens, we instantly jump to the stats. they used this gun i told you so! they didn't use this gun, i told you so and both sides engage in stereotype rhetoric and get after it.

meanwhile we do nothing to even look at the problem with a collective common sense.

as for the religion - that goes both ways too. when it serves their point of view, use it. when it doesn't, hide it.

human nature, not right or left.

I will disagree with you to a point. Whenever it is a Muslim, I still blame the shooter. Whenever it is a Muslim, most on the right—almost all—blame Islam. If you can point out a right winger of any standing and quote him/her as saying something to the effect of “We shouldn’t blame the entire religion,”….”We shouldn’t indict everyone for the actions of a few”….”Blame the shooter, not the religion”…I’ll agree with you.

I don’t think there is some sort of conspiracy afoot to bury the religion of the Santa Fe shooter…but that nobody is asking is telling I will say that.
you're in here insulting people from what i can see. not me, not yet. but hey - day's young, right. :)

you're right. people out there will blame a stereotype. that doesn't make it the right action and stereotyping them back certainly won't end the core issue of stereotypes.

just kicks the can down the road is all.

i don't care what his religion is. he has no value for life and has shown he is willing to take it w/o mercy.

put him through our court system and as far as i'm concerned, execute when done. while i feel the court system is a waste of time in this case - he did it, he dies - it is our system so use it.
In the absence of facts, the right wing reverts to the intellectual safe space of simply saying "they".
isn't "the right wing" a "they" stereotype?

why yes. yes it is.

welcome to your own hate, dude. i hope you enjoy your stay. hell, i also hope one day you'll see the irony behind what you just said.

Well, you’re right of course (to an extent). However, like I’ve said before, whenever there is a rampage killing, the left (another “they” I suppose) doesn’t, as a group, blame all Muslims if the shooter happens to be Muslim. The right wing (almost all with standing on the right wing of this board) does. I don’t know the religion of the Santa Fe High School shooter but I’m guessing he wasn’t Muslim because there was no mention of his religion on the board. It’s funny how the one group (almost to a man) will condemn the entire religion in one case but not even mention it in another. I’ll agree that there was some level of hypocrisy in my post.
there is no extent and there is no "it's ok if i do it cause...."

THAT line of thought is why we're at each others throats. we take liberties on others we'd never allow done to us and wonder why there's so much hate out there.
Pfft…. I’m not at anyone’s throat.

i hate the fact that when yet another shooting happens, we instantly jump to the stats. they used this gun i told you so! they didn't use this gun, i told you so and both sides engage in stereotype rhetoric and get after it.

meanwhile we do nothing to even look at the problem with a collective common sense.

as for the religion - that goes both ways too. when it serves their point of view, use it. when it doesn't, hide it.

human nature, not right or left.

I will disagree with you to a point. Whenever it is a Muslim, I still blame the shooter. Whenever it is a Muslim, most on the right—almost all—blame Islam. If you can point out a right winger of any standing and quote him/her as saying something to the effect of “We shouldn’t blame the entire religion,”….”We shouldn’t indict everyone for the actions of a few”….”Blame the shooter, not the religion”…I’ll agree with you.

I don’t think there is some sort of conspiracy afoot to bury the religion of the Santa Fe shooter…but that nobody is asking is telling I will say that.
you're in here insulting people from what i can see. not me, not yet. but hey - day's young, right. :)

you're right. people out there will blame a stereotype. that doesn't make it the right action and stereotyping them back certainly won't end the core issue of stereotypes.

just kicks the can down the road is all.

Someone called Joe “bitter” and “miserable”

I’m sure those were meant as compliments…
isn't "the right wing" a "they" stereotype?

why yes. yes it is.

welcome to your own hate, dude. i hope you enjoy your stay. hell, i also hope one day you'll see the irony behind what you just said.

Well, you’re right of course (to an extent). However, like I’ve said before, whenever there is a rampage killing, the left (another “they” I suppose) doesn’t, as a group, blame all Muslims if the shooter happens to be Muslim. The right wing (almost all with standing on the right wing of this board) does. I don’t know the religion of the Santa Fe High School shooter but I’m guessing he wasn’t Muslim because there was no mention of his religion on the board. It’s funny how the one group (almost to a man) will condemn the entire religion in one case but not even mention it in another. I’ll agree that there was some level of hypocrisy in my post.
there is no extent and there is no "it's ok if i do it cause...."

THAT line of thought is why we're at each others throats. we take liberties on others we'd never allow done to us and wonder why there's so much hate out there.
Pfft…. I’m not at anyone’s throat.

i hate the fact that when yet another shooting happens, we instantly jump to the stats. they used this gun i told you so! they didn't use this gun, i told you so and both sides engage in stereotype rhetoric and get after it.

meanwhile we do nothing to even look at the problem with a collective common sense.

as for the religion - that goes both ways too. when it serves their point of view, use it. when it doesn't, hide it.

human nature, not right or left.

I will disagree with you to a point. Whenever it is a Muslim, I still blame the shooter. Whenever it is a Muslim, most on the right—almost all—blame Islam. If you can point out a right winger of any standing and quote him/her as saying something to the effect of “We shouldn’t blame the entire religion,”….”We shouldn’t indict everyone for the actions of a few”….”Blame the shooter, not the religion”…I’ll agree with you.

I don’t think there is some sort of conspiracy afoot to bury the religion of the Santa Fe shooter…but that nobody is asking is telling I will say that.
you're in here insulting people from what i can see. not me, not yet. but hey - day's young, right. :)

you're right. people out there will blame a stereotype. that doesn't make it the right action and stereotyping them back certainly won't end the core issue of stereotypes.

just kicks the can down the road is all.

Someone called Joe “bitter” and “miserable”

I’m sure those were meant as compliments…
heh - dunno to be honest. i'm only reading partially into it cause it looks more personal than discussion. if i'm wrong, apologies. in our discussion we disagree but it's been civil and i appreciate that.
Well, you’re right of course (to an extent). However, like I’ve said before, whenever there is a rampage killing, the left (another “they” I suppose) doesn’t, as a group, blame all Muslims if the shooter happens to be Muslim. The right wing (almost all with standing on the right wing of this board) does. I don’t know the religion of the Santa Fe High School shooter but I’m guessing he wasn’t Muslim because there was no mention of his religion on the board. It’s funny how the one group (almost to a man) will condemn the entire religion in one case but not even mention it in another. I’ll agree that there was some level of hypocrisy in my post.
there is no extent and there is no "it's ok if i do it cause...."

THAT line of thought is why we're at each others throats. we take liberties on others we'd never allow done to us and wonder why there's so much hate out there.
Pfft…. I’m not at anyone’s throat.

i hate the fact that when yet another shooting happens, we instantly jump to the stats. they used this gun i told you so! they didn't use this gun, i told you so and both sides engage in stereotype rhetoric and get after it.

meanwhile we do nothing to even look at the problem with a collective common sense.

as for the religion - that goes both ways too. when it serves their point of view, use it. when it doesn't, hide it.

human nature, not right or left.

I will disagree with you to a point. Whenever it is a Muslim, I still blame the shooter. Whenever it is a Muslim, most on the right—almost all—blame Islam. If you can point out a right winger of any standing and quote him/her as saying something to the effect of “We shouldn’t blame the entire religion,”….”We shouldn’t indict everyone for the actions of a few”….”Blame the shooter, not the religion”…I’ll agree with you.

I don’t think there is some sort of conspiracy afoot to bury the religion of the Santa Fe shooter…but that nobody is asking is telling I will say that.
you're in here insulting people from what i can see. not me, not yet. but hey - day's young, right. :)

you're right. people out there will blame a stereotype. that doesn't make it the right action and stereotyping them back certainly won't end the core issue of stereotypes.

just kicks the can down the road is all.

Someone called Joe “bitter” and “miserable”

I’m sure those were meant as compliments…
heh - dunno to be honest. i'm only reading partially into it cause it looks more personal than discussion. if i'm wrong, apologies. in our discussion we disagree but it's been civil and i appreciate that.

As do I appreciate the civility. It’s classic MAC, insult people then feign outrage when you’re insulted in return.
there is no extent and there is no "it's ok if i do it cause...."

THAT line of thought is why we're at each others throats. we take liberties on others we'd never allow done to us and wonder why there's so much hate out there.
Pfft…. I’m not at anyone’s throat.

i hate the fact that when yet another shooting happens, we instantly jump to the stats. they used this gun i told you so! they didn't use this gun, i told you so and both sides engage in stereotype rhetoric and get after it.

meanwhile we do nothing to even look at the problem with a collective common sense.

as for the religion - that goes both ways too. when it serves their point of view, use it. when it doesn't, hide it.

human nature, not right or left.

I will disagree with you to a point. Whenever it is a Muslim, I still blame the shooter. Whenever it is a Muslim, most on the right—almost all—blame Islam. If you can point out a right winger of any standing and quote him/her as saying something to the effect of “We shouldn’t blame the entire religion,”….”We shouldn’t indict everyone for the actions of a few”….”Blame the shooter, not the religion”…I’ll agree with you.

I don’t think there is some sort of conspiracy afoot to bury the religion of the Santa Fe shooter…but that nobody is asking is telling I will say that.
you're in here insulting people from what i can see. not me, not yet. but hey - day's young, right. :)

you're right. people out there will blame a stereotype. that doesn't make it the right action and stereotyping them back certainly won't end the core issue of stereotypes.

just kicks the can down the road is all.

Someone called Joe “bitter” and “miserable”

I’m sure those were meant as compliments…
heh - dunno to be honest. i'm only reading partially into it cause it looks more personal than discussion. if i'm wrong, apologies. in our discussion we disagree but it's been civil and i appreciate that.

As do I appreciate the civility. It’s classic MAC, insult people then feign outrage when you’re insulted in return.

Mac never insults anyone. He's a mature adult.
Pfft…. I’m not at anyone’s throat.

I will disagree with you to a point. Whenever it is a Muslim, I still blame the shooter. Whenever it is a Muslim, most on the right—almost all—blame Islam. If you can point out a right winger of any standing and quote him/her as saying something to the effect of “We shouldn’t blame the entire religion,”….”We shouldn’t indict everyone for the actions of a few”….”Blame the shooter, not the religion”…I’ll agree with you.

I don’t think there is some sort of conspiracy afoot to bury the religion of the Santa Fe shooter…but that nobody is asking is telling I will say that.
you're in here insulting people from what i can see. not me, not yet. but hey - day's young, right. :)

you're right. people out there will blame a stereotype. that doesn't make it the right action and stereotyping them back certainly won't end the core issue of stereotypes.

just kicks the can down the road is all.

Someone called Joe “bitter” and “miserable”

I’m sure those were meant as compliments…
heh - dunno to be honest. i'm only reading partially into it cause it looks more personal than discussion. if i'm wrong, apologies. in our discussion we disagree but it's been civil and i appreciate that.

As do I appreciate the civility. It’s classic MAC, insult people then feign outrage when you’re insulted in return.

Mac never insults anyone. He's a mature adult.
You and I are a mature adults and we insult. So once again, your conclusions are wrong.
you're in here insulting people from what i can see. not me, not yet. but hey - day's young, right. :)

you're right. people out there will blame a stereotype. that doesn't make it the right action and stereotyping them back certainly won't end the core issue of stereotypes.

just kicks the can down the road is all.

Someone called Joe “bitter” and “miserable”

I’m sure those were meant as compliments…
heh - dunno to be honest. i'm only reading partially into it cause it looks more personal than discussion. if i'm wrong, apologies. in our discussion we disagree but it's been civil and i appreciate that.

As do I appreciate the civility. It’s classic MAC, insult people then feign outrage when you’re insulted in return.

Mac never insults anyone. He's a mature adult.
You and I are a mature adults and we insult. So once again, your conclusions are wrong.
thought that was more sarcasm than a conclusion. :)
Someone called Joe “bitter” and “miserable”

I’m sure those were meant as compliments…
heh - dunno to be honest. i'm only reading partially into it cause it looks more personal than discussion. if i'm wrong, apologies. in our discussion we disagree but it's been civil and i appreciate that.

As do I appreciate the civility. It’s classic MAC, insult people then feign outrage when you’re insulted in return.

Mac never insults anyone. He's a mature adult.
You and I are a mature adults and we insult. So once again, your conclusions are wrong.
thought that was more sarcasm than a conclusion. :)
I did too, but I enjoy the tit-for-tat with LL.
heh - dunno to be honest. i'm only reading partially into it cause it looks more personal than discussion. if i'm wrong, apologies. in our discussion we disagree but it's been civil and i appreciate that.

As do I appreciate the civility. It’s classic MAC, insult people then feign outrage when you’re insulted in return.

Mac never insults anyone. He's a mature adult.
You and I are a mature adults and we insult. So once again, your conclusions are wrong.
thought that was more sarcasm than a conclusion. :)
I did too, but I enjoy the tit-for-tat with LL.
yep. i think we all have posters we do that with.
The Onion and other satire websites are still good. Today, we get clickbait news online and one has to read the comments section to get the real story. Political satire is probably more spot on because we know it's satirical and pokes fun at the truth.
Thanks for the link. This is hilarious! "Vice President Mike Pence is often depicted as a repressed religious fanatic who, in one memorable article, refused to be alone with a bottle of Mrs. Butterworth maple syrup until his wife arrived." LMAO!

A lot of what they do on the Onion is cute, but the problem is, Trump and Pence are beyond parody. People like Stormy Mac seem to think that Nazis on campus are the new normal... and they shouldn't be.
Yeah be damned if someone has a different opinion than yours. Like I said how Nazi like of you.
They are what they hate.
Yet they are incapable of understanding that profound truth.
I suspect they do at some level. It's why they're so nasty and miserable.

How many pages will Stormy Mac spend whining about the people who disagree with him?
Oh my, more personal insults. Perfect, thanks as always. You folks are certainly consistent in your nastiness and hatred.

And as a gentle reminder, here's the guy who coined the term "Regressive Left". Why do you hate Muslims? I do love shoving this down your throats.

Wow, only a matter of time before Mac drags out the guy who was such a jerk, even the assholes in the Islamic Brotherhood didn't want him around.
Look at how they've behaved on this thread. Personal attacks, insults, all their regular stuff, in an effort to change the subject.

These are not liberals. They're distortions of liberalism, perversions, but they're not liberal. They're full of hate and anger and bigotry. That's not liberal.

Page 7.... Stormy Mac is still whining. Hilarious.

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